The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Freebird and Phil, thanks for the welcome. I did have an occasion of supposedly meeting with this phenomenon, but here I was talking only about psychological patterns/energetic imprints/systemic entanglements. There are a multitude of energetic phenomenons and small physical movements involved, also of the spine, but they don�t stick out, it�s more an overall-thingy. Oh no, this is not so. It�s really been just a few times. Yesterday�s experiences showed me a new aspect regarding sexual feelings starting from different places (chakras). So I am a bit confused now, still have to collect more data (=experiences) to come to conclusions on this. ![]() | ||||
Irene, how valuable your input is to all of us on this topic. Look forward to more of your sharing with us. I cannot stress enough the importance of a pure mind and heart in going through the kundalini process. The most difficult thing for many women in this process is breaking through the first chakra, below is what I call "the grip of the dragon". Moving the energy through the first chakra means breaking the lower sexual expressions which surface in lust and for some women excessive desires almost to the point of nymphomania. Once that grip is broken, one is able to move to the higher levels and again this may not be true for all since you Irene are experiencing a new aspect regarding sexual feelings starting from different places (chakras). That is what is so challenging in our journey as we share together. I cannot speak for everyone, but I find that being celibate has given me a gentler awakening, integration and workings in the transformation. I think that it was Phil that mentioned that some women's sexual desires during this process are so overwhelming that even a delivering milkman would arouse them. I find just the opposite when it comes to sexual desires with a human male. I now can look at all males as just my father, brother, cousin, etc. without any sexual strirring in me. My only desire is to be the beloved of God as a faithful wife. I share this because it is good to see the two sides of these extremes. | ||||
All good points, w.c. I was reminded of gurus who did indeed have "high teachings" to offer, but who manipulated followers/devotees into having sex with them as "sadhanna," or spiritual practice. There are even a number of cases where "enlightened kundalini masters" were living in the grip of various addictions. Without some kind(s) of relationships requiring honest self-disclosure and feedback, it's difficult to keep one's bearings. During the early days of my struggles, I felt fortunate to have a marriage and three small children at home to help me stay in touch with reality. No matter what inner lights or sublime experiences I'd been having, someone needed to cut the grass, change the oil in the car, help put the kids to bed, etc. Freebird, it's good to hear someone speaking of celibacy as a gift. Far too often in this day and age, this option seems to be disparaged in our culture. Irene, I think what we call "sexual energy" can indeed seem to arise in numerous places. I have this idea that it's all really just one energy we're dealing with, here, but that it's refracted by various thoughts, organs, hormones, etc. and so manifests in a wide array of qualities, emotions, intensities, etc. That's partly how I understand "transmutation" as well. In loosening our attachment to experiencing (or not-experiencing) energy a certain way, we create space for it to become more diffused throughout our system. | ||||
Or the will into this direction at least, because if my mind and heart were pure already, I guess I wouldn�t need the kundalini process. Dear Freebird, as far as I can say, I don�t belong into this category. Even years before kundalini awakening I found energy work much more satisfying (and less inconvenient) than sex. It�s not that I never have sexual feelings, but my life is not dictated by them. Few weeks into the kundalini process I had the most delicious experience of orgasms in my heart chakra - which was a completely unsexual sensation, but simply overwhelming (platonic) love to my best friend - but definitely orgasmic in its course. Some time later I had slight orgasms going up into my head. These were one time events, but confirmed my preexisting feeling that there is something much better than "sex as most people understand it". Lately sexual (but not orgasmic) feelings had usually been started from the heart, e.g. from doing the "prayer of the heart", which sometimes has a wonderful sweetness; whereas yesterday�s experience was from consciously tuning into the energy of my stomach chakras, which I hadn�t done for a long time. If you didn�t already guess it from my writings: My lifestyle is also a rather hermitarian one. ![]() | ||||
W.C., excellent advice for all of us. Phil's quote: I have this idea that it's all one energy that we are dealing with here....... ------------------------- Excellent observations Phil re our giving energies these different associations when all is energy. We do same only for our own understanding in explaining as to how we experience these energies and where we are experienceng them. To Irene, my fellow hermit, I find it a good place to be. ![]() | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by w.c.: "...the grave potential of distortion and delusion that can arise as kundalini activity increases... Hi W.C., You have made some broad, wise-sounding cautionary admonitions. But it leaves me wondering, Where does this guy get this stuff? Have you had a paticularly painful, but formative experience of your spouse, therapist and/or spiritual director showing you somehow that you were deluded about something or other? Some personal examples might help me understand better where you are coming from. | ||||
What an interesting thread that has been started! I have enjoyed reading everyone�s posts and point of view. I don�t have a ton of experience in this area of the kundalini � perhaps its because I am married. However, I do have a lot of �heart orgasms�. I will feel a pierce in that area and then it is like the flood gates are swung open. Sometimes when I am sitting in church, and I start meditating on the Christ, my wrists hurt along with my heart. In the beginning of the journey my ego became inflated because I figured I must be very close to Christ to start feeling stigmata pain. This bubble was soon burst when my spiritual teacher advised that it was just phenomena, it meant nothing. (**sniffles with wounded pride**) I had to learn that to advance on the path, I had to let this go. Pain, pleasure, visions, bliss, terror, all had to be experienced and released. Nothing could be held onto and nothing could be pushed away. Her words were �Be still�. If my mind could comprehend what was happening � then it wasn�t the Spirit, but it was of the ego (no matter how noble it seemed). It was hard for me to understand this, until I started having experiences of Truth that I couldn�t explain, and my mind couldn�t wrap around and grasp it. And even though I have begun tapping into higher truths, I am still advised to still the mind until �all else falls away and the Truth will be known�. In Christ, Avlokita | ||||
"all else falls away and the Truth will be known". ------------------ How beautiful to gaze with the innocence and purity of a baby as we embrace our new birth knowing all is one within the Light of the One God. Thank you Avlokita. | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Avlokita: " In the beginning of the journey my ego became inflated because I figured I must be very close to Christ to start feeling stigmata pain. This bubble was soon burst when my spiritual teacher advised that it was just phenomena, it meant nothing. (**sniffles with wounded pride**) I had to learn that to advance on the path, I had to let this go. " Thanks, Avlokita, I bet that is the sort of experience WC was talking about. | ||||
quote: I can somewhat relate to your description of how satisfying non-genital touch is......... ----------------------------------- Touch is one of the great gifts of God, and to be touched by the hands where spirit flows is being lifted higher and higher. From my own love experiences How I treasured the flowing from my hands into a beloved and have same returned to me in a perfect circle of giving, receiving and sharing. Now, of course, without a loving partner, I put the hands upon myself and experience this flowing bliss for hours. The joy of same surpasses any sexual experience with another from the past, the few have all faded away in my memory. | ||||
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by w.c.: "As for a spouse, I'd simply like to become less selfish, and be able to give and receive with another person in an ongoing way that is deeper than merely a friendship." wc: I had a dream and "you" were in it, an image of you that likely has a lot to do with me. But anyway, the dream made me curious about how money plays into your experience of "giving and recieving" with women/a woman you are seeing. Bottom line: How wealthy are you? Are you more wealthy than the woman you seek? | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Freebird: [QB] quote: "Touch is one of the great gifts of God..." Freebird, Thanks so much for sharing. You share more than words, you share life energy. Excellent link. I read it with great interest. How long have you known about that particular teaching. Are there particular parts that struck you this time around and that led you to post the link? | ||||
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