The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Thanks Grace, I have read a lot about kundalini, and I have experienced a lot of strange things and I am still confused about it all. I think that I HAVE had K awakening, or partial awakening, but not sure. I can't really relate to much of the spine stuff. Today I went to a chiropractor for the first time, and I mentioned that I may have had K. activity . She was familiar with K., but she asked me some questions about how and/or why I think I had K. exp.; that everyone has "it". So I am confused about it all right now. I also have been having a sensation/pressure in the middle to top of my head recently, which I explained to her. She recommended that I get what she called "Cranial Balancing" which would help that.. I had no idea what that is all about.. am now reading some literature about it that she gave me, and I will be looking into it. So anyway, I don't know if this (pressure & burning sensationin head) could be K. related or not. It also feels like depression, but unlike any depressions symptoms I've had in the past). I tell parts of my, what I think is, my K. story to different people, but haven't told the whole story.. just bits and pieces, and so I just get bits and pieces of "advice" about it, and so I am confused about it all and don't even know for sure if I've had K. awakening. Maybe I could tell my whole story here sometime, and see what you "all" think? Grace, I will check out the site. Thanks. Katy | ||||
Hi Katy, I want to address your chiropractor's statement saying that everyone has the kundalini energy. That is correct. A kundalini awakening takes place when this dormant creative energy is activated may it be by a spiritual guru's shaktipat, or as in Phil, Grace, myself, and some others on our forum, due to the Graces of God. It may come into activity and surface being in the presence of someone whose kundalini has already awakened and progressed. We see more and more awakenings in our society spanning different religions and beliefs. Also some have spontaneous awakenings without the above mentioned methods. Kundalini is often referred to as an evolutionary force. As mentioned to Brian in my post, under the subjection of God's love only good fruit is the result of such an awakening. One must truly fully and totally surrender into God's care. Go easy with new treatments for yourself unless you are fully informed. It is quite natural for you to feel confused at this time, so do much research and educate yourself on kundalini. Grace's website recommendation is most beneficial together with Phil's spiritual definition by Saint Thomas Aquinas. Please try to share your story, when you feel comfortable to do so, as to why you belief that you are also experiencing a kundalini awakening. We are here to help and support you. | ||||
Katy, during the awakening of kundalini it is natural to search, to find out what is happening. When my first spiritual awakening occured back in 1998 I searched for understnading for what I was experiencing. I was disappointed to find so little information. It is extremely difficult to find out ones experience in books. Because every humanbeing is unique. When I recognize the experience as a grace from God and rest on it I observed how Holy Spirit guides in totally unexpecting way. From that period on my focus turned from external to internal. I was so amazed to find out all those fragmented questions I had in my mind answered wholly. The spirit never answered my questions one by one, instead it gives me another dimension to see the question in a larger context. In this way those fragmented questions squezzed in a single form and get clarity. It is really amazing. So, my advise is simple: Rest on that sacred experience and listen your intutive. I'm sure you will get clarity. | ||||
Grace, excerpted from the above: The spirit never answered my questions one by one.......... This is so amazing and another gift we share. The spirit also teaches me like a child. When I am ready to understand answers, than, and only than, spirit shows them to me. First I see things visually over and over again in my mind, until spirit clarifies things and gives me the truth in answers. I have learned to be very patient knowing that not in my time, but in spirit's time will I be shown these answers. | ||||
Grace and Freebird, I think I will do that, tell my K story. It will probably help to clarify and sort things out in my own head, too. Also another person has asked me to write about it... someone who has also experienced K. And I will re read your replies here thus far, and will be thinking about them, and will answer any questions. Thanks! Katy | ||||
Kundalini transformation and integration is an ever changing process. I had almost forgotten the sexual bliss and ecstasy I had experienced last year until it errupted again with a greater power than before. Kundalini is creative energy and with its raw primordial power can be quite overwhelming during the integration and lifting upwards of the spiritual energies and consciousness through the central spinal canal. This experience may be more pronounced and noticed by individuals who lead a celibate life. It is extremely important during such surges of sexual energies to stay centered within the love of God, to trust and to know that everything will be guided by His graces as you keep your thoughts and heart pure. | ||||
Those are wise words, Freebird. Thanks so much for sharing. | ||||
posted July 09, 2007 08:15 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi this is my first post ihope it ends up in the right place. ihad a spiritual emergence during a time of sickness when i resorted to a form of crystal healing which i learnt to do healing on myself and other people eventually for some reason it sort of took control like a form of possesion which i thought at the time and i had many differant experiences which werent pleasant at all. i ended up in hospital with pyschosis and between trying to find healing and deliverance i ended up in hospital 4 times as i had no idea what was happening but alot of the symptoms i have experienced have been similar to kundalini and at present i have tingling around my base chakra and constant pressure on my forehead and slight tingling in my throat and mouth and i am haveing lots o dreams and a high pitch ringing in my left ear. i have been with this by myself for some time hopeing i would be totaly delivered from it after handing it up to jesus i believe i will be but i do have to be ralistic and learn to live with what is happening while i walk my path i have found some great suggestions on this sight and lots of similar things which are happening to me. i am a people person and since this has been quite isolating it will be good to join in on this forum. Many months ago figured maybe i was going through a kundalini experience but since ebecoming a Christian would not acknowledge it as i thought it was demonic but now since realizing this is what it is i want to work through it there is lots more i could write but i will interested to recieive your replys God Bless Choko | ||||
Greetings Choko. Sounds like you've been through a rough time of it. Some of what you describe sounds like it could be related to kundalini awakening, but in a very imbalanced form. Can you tell us a little more about your manner of spiritual practice, and what was going on in your life around the time this happened? | ||||
hi phil there were many things happening in my life around this time i was diagnosed with epstien barr a form of chronic fatigue and i had a stomach bug which i picked up, so i was not well and at the same time i was trying to move forward in making descions for employment it was a very confusing time. i went to so many doctors but couldnt get the relief so i started doing yoga and meditation plus the crystal healing and i change my diet then i decided to move to a bigger city to study reflexology and thats when it all started i thought i could use the crystal healing in conjunction with the reflexology, then it all started. i really can't put a finger on how my so called kundalini started but ido recall every event except when i went into hospital twice when i was knocked out with by the doctors it was very scary and confusing time but at the same time i had symptoms of grandoise and felt quite well. if any of this may helps understnd my situation be great to get some feed back. alot of things that happened to me sound like kundalini and some does'nt God Bless Choko ![]() | ||||
Choko, it might be that with all the stress you were under plus the energy work you were doing is sufficient explanation for the eruption of kundalini-like symptoms. Hard to say for sure. The main thing now is to try to calm things down, and that usually means grounding exercises. That can be as simple as taking walks, eating properly, getting enough sleep, and backing off on meditation forms that stir up the energy too much. Also, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit, and keep us posted on how it goes. | ||||
iam not quite sure Phil but iknow that God has brought me through it. But with all that has happened and with wanting for God to deliver me from it which has not happened but i do believe he could but hasnt and being told so many differant things by fellow Christians like once you recieve the holy spirit nothing can habitat the body besides the holy spirit and knowing what is happening to me isnt logical i know no one knows the mind of God. its just that i have to be realistic with what is happening before all this happened i was quite opened minded with spiritual matters but not with dogmatic or fundamentalist but it seems in my search for some kind of relief from what has been happening i have recieved a certain amount plus acertain amount of confusion as iam far from both i guess i want to work with the process and that means knowing what my beliefs are and finding peace with God. does that make sense. ![]() | ||||
Sure, that makes great sense. I think working to clarify one's religious perspective is an important part of growth, not to mention integrating the energy process. Hang in there, choko. | ||||
Choko, Hi, and welcome. I had a similiar psychotic episode in 1976 and was delusional and had symptoms of grandoise. I was confused and didn't know what was going on...very much like your description. I was hospitalized for 5 weeks... I had a lot of stress in my life then, but also was very involved in religious activities... charasmatic movement, lot of prayer meetings, Kathryn Kuhlman meetings, lot of high powered spiritual energy, including baptism in the Holy Spirit, being "prayed over" a lot, all kinds of Spirit filled services and on and on. Not too long ago someone told me it might have been a kundalini awakening.. I definately have had K symptoms since then, but really I don't know to this day what the "psychotic episode" was all about. Katy | ||||
Thanks Katy i guess its something not to be analysed to much. but to go with. when you come out of hospital did you have a feeling of what was that all about and also where do i go from here and where do i fit into the world as you become so vulnerable after such an event. i guess i seen my experience as going to hell and back i dont want to go there again. i still am geting kundalini symptoms i guess its learning to have faith in oneself and God and come to peace with God and the process of what is happening. Thanks for sharing Katy ![]() | ||||
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