The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I often see a blue dot during meditation. After it appears in focus it will then morph into fantastic shapes and insane geometrical patterns. After I had a few of these experiences I did some research on google. I found these links. | |||
I don't see a blue "dot," but I do often find that my inner visual field is deep blue to violent, and the texture is like a kind of liquid light. Difficult to explain. Look up "violet flame" on Google and you'll come to plenty of other descriptions. Watch out for the St. Germain bit, however. ![]() | ||||
Except for my painful and traumatic experiences before my kundalini awakening and followed by the blessing of the Holy Spirit in my new birth I have had a gentler opening than most. One symptom which has increased in intensity is a sexual ecstasy I have never known before. I have been celibate for 9 years so this is not happening with another, but solely within myself. When it first began a few years ago, I discussed it with a long term Buddhist practitioner friend who assured me that it was okay and that she had heard of this among some Buddhists. Now this intensity and joy has increased and it feels like the greatest lover imaginable is making love to me. The energy making love to me does not appear to come from anything externally, but feels like one side of my body (masculine) is making love to my other side of the body (feminine). I have total trust in God knowing that this gift is a blessing from Him. This union experienced on this ecstatic level went on for hours last night, and this morning I feel energetic, totally renewed, refreshed and at peace. Has anyone else in a kundalini awakening experienced this?. Since color experiences are shared here on this thread, I want to share mine. Besides the white Light emanating from my head and surrounding me at times, the other predominant colors are a rosy pinkish red, like a ruby, which I am bathed with often together with the most beautiful emerald green color and at times blue and another a golden glow. One Christian visionary saw me surrounded by flashing white and gold light with Jesus Christ standing next to me. Since my kundalini and new birth process there is also an unbelievable magnetic attraction with the sun. Friends have commented that during a hazy, overcast day, going outside the sun will break through with such intensity and shine with full strength. Often during a sunbath outside I see the ruby pinkish red like a circle around the sun and within the center a lens which at times opens and with awe and wonder I gaze upon another world and people. A world emanating such love that it is beyond all description, and I also see the appearance of individuals and can clearly see their faces. Thank you Lord for all your love and blessings to all. | ||||
Well, it's certainly nice to hear how things go on the positive end of the spectrum for kundalini awakenings. ![]() I've had some of the ecstatic kinds of experiences you're reporting, and can attest to a very definite connection between the process and sexual energy. It's a complicated topic, imo, and seems uniquely tailored to each person's situation. I've counseled with people who reported ecstatic experiences like you've shared -- some disconcertingly so, as they didn't sleep for days. Others have similar but less intense ecstacies. Numinous light seems to be characteristic of the process, but again, some experience more of this than others. I can see auras with the right kind of lighting, but nothing special, I don't think. A certain clarity of perception and ability to live in the present moment is much more to the point, in my case. It's as though the senses have been purified and participate in spiritual life. Thank you for testimony to these amazing possibilities for growth and realization. | ||||
This union experienced on this ecstatic level went on for hours last night, and this morning I feel energetic, totally renewed, refreshed and at peace. I must say congratulation, Freebird. It seems you are reaching the peak of kundalini which is enlightenment. Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience. The kundalini energy is about completing us especially if it is directed by Holy Spirit. In the process of kundalini the opposite polarities, masculine and feminine, are merged together ending our experience of seperation. It is the process of making us complete, raising us above the dualistic, denser energy of the earth and expanding us into our multidimensionality where we can perceive the oneness of all. Re. the colour you are experiencing Hindu teachings refer to the Blue Bindu, which appears in meditation as a small dot of blue, often surrounded by yellow. It comes and goes and eventually becomes steady, both in and out of meditation. Eventually one actually merges into this blue dot, as an explosion of consciousness into the unmanifest energy of God. | ||||
Yes, I know that blue bindu well, and that merging into the field of blue. In my book years ago, I called it the "shimmering" mandala, and found that simply resting in this light was energizing and transformative. I still see this blue light when I close my eyes -- very beautiful and restful, like a flowing light or fog of some kind. Christian mystics called it the "Taboric light," and considered it a deep mystical state. | ||||
Freebird, was it long time since your kundalini awakened? | ||||
Freebird, you wrote: "Now this intensity and joy has increased and it feels like the greatest lover imaginable is making love to me. The energy making love to me does not appear to come from anything externally, but feels like one side of my body (masculine) is making love to my other side of the body (feminine). I have total trust in God knowing that this gift is a blessing from Him." Again, Thanks for sharing! Thanks for your prayer that I will taste sweetness. for me, the taste is still bitterish, but minty, so I'm ok with it. If and when the sweet comes, I'll enjoy that too. I can say, in response to your story, that my inner energy is like a pure lover. I receive pleasure beyond what I thought possible and my body goes into orgasmic contractions (without ejaculation) that go on and on until I relax in a glow of energy with varying degrees of bliss. It has happened several times in the past couple of days. The inner light I see ranges from fire orange to brilliant white, no colors as yet. I'm more aware of the feeling of the light that the color. That said, I resonate with what Phil says about the blue light. Years ago, during times of "healing prayer," I often sensed a blue light in my solar plexus area. Still, was more a feeling of comfort and compassion than a color. | ||||
Ryan, I am so happy for you that you are experiencing the inner energy of your pure lover. What joy and blessings for you. All of us long and look for our beloved all over the earth and then finally find the true lover within ourselves. The sweet mystery of God, life and love. Keep me posted on your progress as we continue to share. My prayers are for all of humanity to be whole and one, in God's love and time. Since we are still in the world, yet not of it, we need, as Phil mentions, continue with clarity in our perceptions of the here and now and to live in the present moment, always staying centered. Very good sound advice Phil for all of us in our spiritual journey and quest. Hard to to when filled with bliss and ecstasy, but so true and a necessity. Blessings | ||||
I've experienced this type of thing over the past couple of years. For the most part, the energy fills my lower body, around the groin and belly, with a feeling of sexual ecstacy, but seems to stop there. Once or twice, when I first went through my K awakening, the energy rose up into my head and surrounded me with feelings of bliss so that I only had to draw my hand close to my body(around the genitals), without touching myself, for waves of sexual energy to pour through me. Recently, however, the energy only goes so far and allows for only a certain amount of sexual feeling before levelling out. The reason for this blockage probably relates to the occult ties that still hold me at times and that can open up when the K rises in any of its manifestations. Freebird, that's quite an interesting perspective you have on this - the whole lover within oneself thing. When I have these intense yet limited sexual feelings, they are sometimes accompanied by certain imagery, most of which is fairly innocent, certainly not pornographic, but stimulating in a wholesome sexual way. I've gone through the odd dilemna regarding the presence of lust in all this, but that's probably the remnant of some Calvinistic puritanism inherited from my Scottish forefathers ![]() | ||||
I want to share a prayer and desire of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus. Can everyone see the love, desire and longing for her union with God. Isn't that our desire as well in our new birth process and kundalini awakening to merge and be one with the lover and beloved God. Many saints and mystics have expressed this longing in their desire and love for God, with such rapture, intimacy, and in giving every atom of their love to the One who is worthy. After all we are brides waiting to rejoin our bridegroom. ACT OF OBLATION IN ORDER THAT MY LIFE MAY BE ONE ACT OF PERFECT LOVE, I OFFER MYSELF AS A VICTIM OF HOLOCAUST TO THY MERCIFUL LOVE IMPLORING THEE TO CONSUME ME UNCEASINGLY AND TO ALLOW THE FLOODS OF INFINITE TENDERNESS GATHERED UP IN THEE TO OVERFLOW INTO MY SOUL, SO THAT I MAY BECOME A VERY MARTYR OF THY LOVE, O MY GOD! MAY THIS MARTYRDOM AFTER HAVING PREPARED ME TO APPEAR IN THY PRESENCE FREE FROM THIS LIFE AT THE LAST, AND MAY MY SOUL TAKE ITS FLIGHT, WITHOUT DELAY, INTO THE ETERNAL EMBRACE OF THY MERCIFUL LOVE. O MY BELOVED. I DESIRE AT EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART TO RENEW THIS OBLATION AN INFINITE NUMBER OF TIMES TIL THE SHADOWS RETIRE AND EVERLASTINGLY I CAN TELL THEE MY LOVE FACE TO FACE. St. Therese | ||||
Reply to Grace: Freebird, was it long time since kundalini awakened? Grace, nine years ago I had no clue nor knowledge about kundalini, but as you read my thread on God's Healing Love, you will be aware that the kundalini had been activated without me knowing what was going on. I recall now the energy opened on my left side first, followed by my right side and then the Holy Spirit's entry within my heart. Ten years ago I would have trembled with fear hearing the word "serpent power." I still don't feel comfortable with anything occult, but trust God completely in my kundalini awakening and new birth process. God's love is the answer for all of us going through the kundalini process. | ||||
Freebird, the reason why I asked you is somewhere I read the average time for the completion of kundalini is 12 years. My kundalini awakened partially 7 years ago when I was 31 years old. I didn't know about kundalini until K awakened fully last year. | ||||
Grace, Can you or someone else tell me: How does one know if/when K has started awakening, and if/when it has awakened fully? Also I wonder what the average age is when it does begin its awakening. You said you were 31. I read a book, "Cosmic Consciousness" years ago (in the 70's) and again a couple of yrs. ago. I found it interesting that all the "masters" were in their 30's when they were awakened and/or achieved cosmic consciousness. Thanks, Katy | ||||
Katy, I'm not expert in kundalini but I will share the little I know about k. Kundalini awakening can occur in several different ways. According to my understanding partial awakening of k begins to move within the energetic body and is felt in the chakra system. This type of awakening is mild in nature and may go unidentified for some time, although it is likely the person would be aware that something was occuring. When k awakens from the root chakra and moves upward, along the spine, we can say k is fully awakened. This type of kundalini activity would be experiencied as gentle and controlled especially if it is directed by Holy Spirit. It is unlikely that one would be experiencing a kundalini awakening and not be aware of it. Even with a partial awakening, the person would undoubtedly realize that something different was happening. There are many symptoms of active kundalini. Some of them are: fluttering in the area in and around each chakra, a shooting sensation or sense of movement at the base of spine, tingling sensations throught the body, intense heat and flashes etc. You can find further information in the following website I also observed many masters has been awakened in their 30s. I don't know exactly what was the reason. | ||||
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