| Hello Phil,
Late in 1989 I had a experience with a nasty spirit that was, upon reflection, the beginnings of me "waking up". Prior to this moment I had had little interest in God. On and off over the next decade, I was to experience episodes of channelling about world events that proved accurate. I had many "Astral visions". I developed an interest in all things related to spirit and I began to search for God. I was dismayed at the inconsistencies of Christianity and the discussion with my fundamentalist friends who asserted that someone such as Ghandi would go to Hell because he wasn't a Christian. I read the NT and many parts of the OT, the book of Morman, parts of the Urantia Book, parts of the Gita, the Quoran and The Dead Sea Scrolls. A friend then bought me the Nag Hammadi Library and I did not understand it. Still I searched for the Truth. And a sincere search is always rewarded. Syncronicity placed a book in my hand called Servers of the Divine Plan. From this book I was drawn to read other books and through this reading I began to remember. I remembered why I came to this world and what it was I had to do. I am still remembering. This path that I now walk is the path of ascension, the path of the avatars, the path that was so perfectly demonstrated by Christ. I still have a long way to go, but I can tell you that in relation to the awakening of the Kundalini, this occurred most rapidly (over weeks) and without pain (except for the grief of my ego begining to die). This process was triggered by the sincere yearning for God to do with me as he wished, to make me a perfect instrument of His Divine will. Complete surrender with NO attachments to results. This is not about personal salvation for i matter not. I am but dust upon one's feet. This is about liberating humanity from this prison planet so that those that can, may go home to our Father. The kingdom of heaven is already here. It has always been here. Humanity, in ignorance and assisted by the Luciferic consciousness, simply vibrated down into a denser (un)reality. "Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear" Christ showed the way to it. It is not in the clouds and requires no external mediator to reach it. I have been blessed to see it twice (briefly) and felt it's presence numerous times. There are times when I can invoke the group presence at will. As the Christ Consciousness continues to build and send forth every growing waves of Divine Energy, this experience will multiply for all of humanity. Unfortunately, the vast majority of this planet will not hear The Call. They will not recognise the energy of Christ and will have to wait for another opportunity in the future. Perhaps this is enough for now. |
| Posts: 3 | Location: Australia | Registered: 20 August 2004 |  
| shoedust, Some things we have to shake off as dust from our shoes  Nice to meet someone from outside the USA. We've been getting way too American in here. My dad just got back from New Zealand. I have several albums of pictures to look over. caritas, michael <*))))>< |
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| Please don't tar all fundamentalists with the same brush. Some of them are actually quite tolerant, compassionate and understanding. Hard to believe? Read Philip Yancey's "What's so Amazing about Grace?"
Some are even trying to integrate Kundalini into their supposedly rigid belief system!
Peace out! |
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| Where I differ with my Hindu freinds is that when Jesus quoted the scripture, "ye are gods," they see that as evidence of Jesus being an Avatar, and we ourselves are capital "G" gods as much as he was. We are perhaps not as "god-realized" or connected to the "godhead" as he was, but we could be and indeed will be someday. As a Christian, I see Christ as a once in history Alpha and Omega who connects all of his brothers and sisters to the "godhead." mm <*))))>< |
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| Cheers Phil! I take shoedust's point, aware of how off putting extreme fundamentalism can be, having had to deal with types trying to "deliver" me from and "drive out" Kundalini. Peace out! |
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| Thank you. I have benefited from the testimonials of everyone on this thread, and I hope a description of my experience with this energy will be of benefit to others. I promise to do so truthfully, while being careful to avoid exaggeration and distortion.
One night, I’m practicing meditation in a yogic posture in total darkness. The meditation is Sri Ramana Maharshi’s self enquiry method. In other-words: Just being present with the feeling of being a person, while adopting the attitude “What is it that is present?” A small flickering white light is seen to appear and disappear (periodically) at the top right hand corner of the field of vision. Attention is focused upon it. After a while, the body becomes warm and then hot. The breathing pattern changes by itself to a deeper in-breath and shallower erratic out-breath. A condition similar to a fever sets in and the whole body perspires. At the same time, something is felt to move in a circular manner around the lower abdominal area. With each circumvention it moves up the body. When it reaches the chest area the head is cocked backwards and eyes are made to look up. By this time, consciousness has become withdrawn away from the external and held by this flickering light which has become much larger. Intense fear of the unknown sets in, the person wants this stop. Moments later a surrender of the will is made - with love, faith and trust - to the Higher power. With this surrender and resignation, the fear is replaced with a peaceful calm and a Presence seems to envelope the mind. When the something reaches the forehead, a rush of air is heard being blown out of the ears and there is no sensation of having a body. Later, there is no sensation of having a head and there is no feeling of being a person.. The eyes can only see a dark golden type of light everywhere. Nothing more can be described.
A lot of good advice has already been given. I can only add that being a man and single: chastity and retention of the seminal fluid has been very useful for me with regards to this energy.
God bless you. |
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| Pilgrim, welcome to the forum. The experience you describe sounds very much like a kundalini rising in a prayerful context. You describe a type of Eastern meditative practice, but mention "a surrender of the will is made -- with love, faith and trust -- to the Higher Power." I'm curious as to when this took place . . . recently? Is there still this sensation of having no head and of being in golden light? |
| Posts: 7539 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 09 August 2001 |  
| It could be that the yoga is facilitating the release of blocked energy and that your aches are a consequence of over-stimulation. Maybe in time your nervous system will acclimate. (And maybe I'm just plain wrong about this.  ). I think you need to trust your intuition about whether this is good for you. If it keeps giving you problems, I'd say lay off. |
| Posts: 7539 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 09 August 2001 |  
| I went to the chiropractor and he straightened my body out. It was a mess. Back, neck, shoulders, kidney - he said he sees this in women all the time. The emotional piece - Blocked, fear to speak my truth. Which is what I am working through. And the circle is complete or I go to the chiro and get put back in place then go home and continue to work through this issue and the body goes out again and next week (this week) I will be back at the chiro's again. I believe the Yoga is moving the energy and helping me to work through this piece of the process. I am speaking more of what I believe and I now have my own theology and am ok with it. I have never felt safe before with my own beliefs. I "see" what I believe. I am comfortable with being me, with my being different from you. I am comfortable with whom God has created me to be, not you, but me - unique, holy, and individual (not mom or dad or the pastor). Nice. Feels good. Still not easy, but that is ok. It is what it is, the process. I hear others pain, it is their pain. I can be there with them, but it is their pain not mine. I can have pain, it is my pain, others can be with me, but it is mine. I am loved and supported and it is easier.
Then I can come to a place like this and find out -I am not alone. Others today are experiencing like experiences, not just in books from the past and it is good! I can be me, you can be you and we are accepted and believed. Feels very good. I had been going to a fundamentalist church. It was not publicized as one. I was surprised to find that its core was very fundamental. I have to say, it did not feel good. I am very thankful to find other communities that do not walk in fear and control.
Thank you |
| Posts: 40 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 16 January 2005 |  
| Movements of energy. Ok, I am going where I have never gone before. So I am glad you are out there. Question: What is going on????? Here is the senario: Various times, this morning doing Yoga, during meditation, giving or receiving Healing Touch, I have my eyes closed and colors flow, spiral around in my minds eye. Under my eye lids. I get so carried away watching them I forget sometimes what is going on. A red/rose/pink and a yellow/gold, usually. I have also at other times had blue, white and a violet/lavender. I know these are Chakra colors, does this have something to do with Kundalini?
I had a totaly different experience about a week ago. I have food allergies and we went out for dinner and I must have gotten some garlic. I am allergic to garlic and before bed I took my drops because I burped and tasted garlic. Went to sleep and woke up at midnight very nausious, took some Alka Seltzer Gold and read here til about 2:30 am and went to bed. Woke up at 3:00 am nausious and too tired to open my eyes I said God help heal me, and I saw 2 shades of blue and white and woke up and it was morning and I was fine. ?? Input.? This color thing is very new to me. Is there someplace you can recommend or books that would explain it or a thread here? Once I was doing Healing Touch and had a hold of someone's feet and colors came into my mind's eye and so I thought root, sacral and as I went up the energy centers I saw the colors of those centers. That was the only time that happened. I had this world all neatly in a box - God blew up the box. |
| Posts: 40 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 16 January 2005 |  
| Diane, I see colors all the time -- usually in prayer with eyes close, but sometimes just lying in bed before sleep. Usually what I see is in the deep blue to violet range. I understand the swirling, as I see that all the time as well, and it can be captivating. You ask what it means, and all I can say is that you'll find mention of this in the kundalini literature. Associations with chakras is a possibility, but I can't say for sure in your case. What I suspect is going on is that the third eye -- pineal gland -- is stimulated and the visual centers interpret what is seen in this manner. I do believe the pineal is a real visual organ; it is such in lower animals, and we have a vestige of it in our brains. Its attunement could very well be to subtle shades of energy, and it could also provide some kind of grounding for consciousness. I have a very definite sense of "seeing" from the center of my forehead -- along with my two eyes, of course. But this third-eye seeing seems to contribute a quality of simple presence that makes it possible to just-look without any mental activity happening in response. Sometimes there is a sense of color emanating from the objects I see -- and I believe the third eye is what perceives this as well. So, all in all, I don't know how well this responds to your inquiry, but at least you know there are others who have similar experiences at times.  |
| Posts: 7539 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 09 August 2001 |  