The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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What Are Some Ways to Cope with and Integrate Awakened Kundalini Energies? by Philip St. Romain� from "Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality" - those of you with additional suggestions, please add to this thread by sharing what has worked for you - 1. Don�t panic! Fear only colors the energy darkly. There is nothing to fear if you cooperate with the process (or at least don�t frustrate it too much). 2. If you have disturbing physical symptoms, get your doctor to check them out. Maybe it's not kundalini you're struggling with. 3. Find someone to talk to about what is happening to you �preferably someone who knows about kundalini or spiritual growth. 4. Accept the process as a sign of growth. Be grateful for the growth that is taking place within, painful though it may be. 5. Do not work against the process. Pay attention to what hurts, and back off on activities that seem to frustrate the process (e.g., heavy reading, drinking alcohol, using drugs, smoking, immoderate sex, even too much meditation). Learn to �go with the flow.� 6. Keep your intent of consciousness focused on BEING HERE NOW IN LOVE. 7. Let the various states of consciousness produced by kundalini come and go. Experience and explore them, but do not attach to them. The True Self is not to be found in any particular state of consciousness. 8. Surrender yourself into the care of Christ, Whose Spirit is capable of guiding your kundalini energies toward a wholesome integration. Trust that a Higher Guidance is at work in the process. Ask for this Guidance when confused; listen for the answers. 9. Accept the pains that come and willingly cooperate with asanas and compulsions to meditate. These all pass away in time. 10. Practice yogic asanas for at least fifteen minutes a day to help fadlitate the movement of the energy. Also consider using Tai Chi, massage, and/or movement therapies, especially when the energy seems to be blocked. 11. Learn to breathe abdominally. 12. Practice the mahabandha lock under the supervision of an experienced guide. Tuck the chin into the chest, drawing the navel inward and upward during exhalation while gently contracting the anal sphincter and perineal muscles. Keeping the chin tucked in, relax the muscies during inhalation drawing the navel outward to pull the diaphragm downward. Gently repeat this pattern of contracting and relaxing muscles while exhaling and inhaling deeply, attaching a spiritually focused mantra (e.g., �Come, Lord�) to the breathing pattern. 13. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet, avoiding red meat, eggs, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, and empty calorie sweets. Eat more fruit, vegetables, brown rice, grains, nutritious pastries, cheese, milk, yogurt, tofu, and nuts. These healthy foods probably do play a vital role in producing maximum nutrition and minimum pollution to a body undergoing physiological changes. 14. During times of strong energy upheavals, keep food in the stomach. A small snack such as bread and butter every three hours will help to minimize burning sensations in the stomach. 15. Avoid all forms of willful, competitive activities that generate fear and anger, for these will contaminate the energy with painful emotions. 16. Learn to deal with feelings as they arise through proper communication skills. - (note: see [i]Lessons in Loving[i/] workshop series under Internet Programs link from Shalom Place home page) 17. Males should be especially careful about sexual expression. Although the research on kundalini and sexuality is only in its infancy, the experiences of many (the author included) point up a definite relationship between kundalini energy and sexual energy. Genital sexuality should not be divorced from love, or else one�s spiritual energy and physiological responsiveness will be lowered. 18. Creative outlets of expression help to ground the energy. This was a turning point in Gopi Krishna�s experience of kundalini, and many others have noted the same. Activities such as dance, song, art, poetry, sculpture, gardening, and even long, quiet walks are helpful. 19. When you don�t know what to do to cooperate with the process, it is better to do less than too much. For example, it is better to cut back on meditation than to meditate too much. It is easier to awaken a sleeping serpent than to tame an angry one. 20. Above all, you should be careful about Egoic inflation, especially in the early stages. In certain states of consciousness, you may experience profound psychic gifts and feel like a great spiritual genius. You are still human, however. Even though it is not commonly observed, thousands of people throughout history have gone through this process. It�s just a part of our human development � that�s all! 21. Get a good night�s sleep. If the ears hurt, sleep on your side with the ear hurting most (probably the right ear) downward. 22. If symptoms become too uncomfortably strong and painful, suspend meditation, eat more food, and get more exercise. Gradually resume meditation when uncomfortable symptoms have subsided. If this does not help, seek professional guidance. | |||
Phil, I am curious as to why you mention pain in the ear, specifically the right... Reason is that I have a very sensitive right ear, but not in the sense of pain. I experience fluttering and flexing sensations in this ear all of the time. In fact, my kundalini awakening was immediately preceded by "intense" fluttering sensations is the ear that were as a small flock of birds. When centered on my being, I am acutely aware of the sensation of energy that sounds and feels as what can be likened to holding a large conche shell up to the ear. The flexing of the ear feels to me like what happens with animals that are more attuned to sound. I swear if my ears could stand up they would, as all those fine muscles surrounding the ear that we never use often start flexing on me. Which brings to mind an experience I had as I lay to sleep last week... The energy (which anymore is often accompanied by a sensation that feels as though I have little tadpoles crawling up my legs and throughout) was particularly strong this day - and for some time before I went to sleep the flexing and fluttering of my years began. As soon as I was laid comfortably on my bed, I focused on allowing the energy to exit my crown. I felt an incredible expansion of the crown area, as often I do. The flexing increased in its intensity. So, I focused on completely relaxing my senses and found myself in a most beautiful experience. Within the center of my head (not through the physical ear), I began hearing wondrously sonorous organ tones, incredibly clear and soothing. My being was washed in loving energy, my heart center was filled with clarity and lightness. And then, against this backdrop of music, I began hearing a choir, unlike anmy earthly choir, singing praise against this backdrop of music. Others have offered that what I experienced was "the music of the spheres - the angels singing their praise..." I just had to share this as your mention of pain in the right ear got me curious. I know of others in a kundalini process that have the same level of sensitivity as I, consistently in the right ear. Kristi | ||||
kristi, Thanks for sharing your experience of sensations in the ears, sounds, and the blessings that can come through this medium. The reason I mentioned that tidbit about "ears" is because it's always been such a strong feature of my own experience, and I'd come across it in several places in the literature and in experiences others shared with me. It's almost like the ears are a barometer of what's happening in the body. I, too, hear sounds all the time--mostly soothing, like katydids or crickets, sometimes like flocks of blackbirds in the distance. When the energy intensifies, the sound is high pitched--like a high note on a tuning fork. To just pause and tune in to the sound can help clear the mind and calm the spirit. I'm sure a doctor would tell me this is naught but tenitis, but . . . what is tenitis? ![]() ---------- CeCe, excellent additions to the coping list. Thanks for adding them. I especially like your prayer suggestion. Here's a simple rule of thumb: do what helps, and stop doing what hurts! ![]() OK, so I like these little emoticons! But it finally does come down to that, which means, as CeCe noted, that one must pay attention to oneself and to one's experience. Asking for guidance in a particular circumstance will almost always yield some kind of response, known in conscience or even as thoughts which come into the mind. Shalom, Phil | ||||
I would like to offer several things regarding how one integrates a kundalini experience into their every day life. Like Kristi, I, too, have strong energy in my ears. I would not describe it as painful. It is more like a sensation of swirling that feels circular, consistent, organized (in contrast to something that is constantly changing and erratic). This past spring I embarked on another layer of deep inner work and the energy intensified in my ears, building, moving up as a column exteriorly on either side of my head, interiorly through my crown chakra, and then spilling over, much like a mushroom. I felt like I was wearing a large hat for several months. Now, if I concentrate for a period of time, the experience is there again. Since my Kundalini awakening in November of 1986, I am also aware of an inner sound which changes, depending on what is currently being brought to light within me. The most consistent sound is that of a haunting, melodic oooo-ing sound that is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. On and off over the years I have heard the sound of weeping; it feels universal in its depth and breadth. In terms of integration, I think it can be helpful to explore the fears that arise from these experiences. Embracing them can help us move through them. Ways to do this include inviting God, by whatever name or image we know God, to be with us in the midst of the fear. A second way is to learn to breathe through the fear during the times when we experience it most strongly. Gerald May (Care of Mind, Care of Spirit) states that no emotion is good or bad, in and of itself. However, most humans move to the value judgement of the emotion before they even realize it. My sense is that all emotion has the capacity to reveal the divine if we allow it to run its course without acting on it. Secondly, at least in my case, my kundalini awakening precipitated what I would call a very large psychological upheaval; it feels nearly impossible to experience the flow of the kundalini energy without experiencing a corresponding flow of truth about who we most truly are. As we move more deeply and closely into the experience of our truest self, the help of a competent listener, therapist, guide can be of great benefit. Kundalini is both blessing and a gift as well as an experience that demands our patience, attention, and prayer. Peace and blessings to this little community. | ||||
Phil, Thanks for mentioning again that the kundalini process takes our patience, attention and prayer - and for the mention of "going through" the emotions. I find I need to be reminded of this from time to time, as I am still going through my emotional cleansing which started in December of last year. Initially after my awakening in late October, I had been experiencing a state of bliss pretty much through the month of February. Though my deep cries started in December, it was not until March that I entered the psychological reconditioning/restoration phase - and it was quite an upheaval. I did not know if I was going to be able to hang in there with all the clatter in my mind and the emotion which seemed to heave out of me like a powerful vomit. It was in fact a very scary experience - definitely a spiritual crises! My cleansing is more gentle at this point - and I find that I can meter the emotional release so that it is not so distrubing for me. Prayer, centering and living in the moment, as you always allude to are most beneficial. Sometimes, I think I was perhaps given that initial experience of bliss to let me know that there is light at the end of what has often seemed as a tunnel to me. During my crises, I experienced a great deal of fear - and it took me some time to disidentify from it. One of the most important things during a crises is to be able to disidentify from the mind. I did not have this skill when I first entered the process. I know my cleansing continues and will take some time, but I don't mind mentioning that I hope I have seen the worst of it. Seems my process came on with such a force and it just started dumping the buried emotional/psychological issues out of me - and it was a most unsettling experience. And Phil, yours is the first I have heard of experiencing a sound of weeping... I too am aware of the "ringing" sound that you mention. I have heard this referred to as the High EEEEE, the sound of Ohm, and the Word. This sound can always be found inside of me when I center - and at other times I get a louder ring come in from the outside. Something else I am increasingly aware of is the air glistening in the space all about me that I cannot "not see" everywhere in my peripheral sphere of vision. I have heard this described as "cosmic snow." I am thankful for this discussion board. Kristi | ||||
(Note to all: just click on the quotation marks above a post to format a bold-quoted return.) Glad you're finding this discussion area helpful, Kristi. It's something I've wanted to set up for a long time. You'll have to refresh me on my reference to weeping sounds. I had plenty of weeping during an emotional cleansing phase in the late 80's, but no weeping sounds that I can recall. It was a revelation to me when I visited Fr. Tom Santa in his office in Wichita in '88 and picked up a tuning fork on his desk. I struck it and the note was precisely what I was hearing in my "tenitis." I asked him what this was, and he said a friend gave it to him and told him it was the "Om" sound. This stunned me so much that I didn't even know what to think. There I was: hearing it all the time! And I had thought it was some kind of deep, sonorous sound like the Buddhists chant. We could break this open some by reflecting on the similarities between the Hindu notions of this sacred sound and the Christian idea of the Word, but that would be a bit off-thread. Maybe the one on Christian theology and kundalini would work better for this. Suffice it to say, for purposes of this thread, that sound can be an indication of one's inner state as well, and to simply tune in to inner sound can be a "sacred gesture" in the sense that Centering Prayer uses the term. Phil | ||||
(((((Since my Kundalini awakening in November of 1986, I am also aware of an inner sound which changes, depending on what is currently being brought to light within me. The most consistent sound is that of a haunting, melodic oooo-ing sound that is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. On and off over the years I have heard the sound of weeping; it feels universal in its depth and breadth.))))) Phil, This piece of your earlier post is where I saw your mention of a sound of weeping. I too was suprised to learn that this sound was the same as what is referred to in the chanting of Ohm. I'm definately not adept in this area, but I believe that the chanting of that word creates the same vibrational frequency of the "sound" of the Ohm. Kristinullnull | ||||
A clarification about the inner weeping sound. It was not Phil that mentioned that sound but me, Susan Jorgensen (Susan04J51), that described it on 8/15 at 9:20 a.m. In terms of the weeping, it has been of two types. One was at the cellular level, and I can best describe it as orphans weeping in my blood stream. In terms of "time," it had a clear beginning and an end, and it lasted about 6 weeks in the spring of 1992. The other felt like it originated at the base of my spine, and has been more intermittent. I don't want to elaborate here only because this thread is about integration. What I can say about integrating the inner weeping is that I simply paid attention to the sound and asked God to help me understand the invitation in the experience. | ||||
Phil: | ||||
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Hello! I'm not sure where to post this, but here I am. ![]() I'm having some awful dizziness that I believe is related to a recent Kundalini awakening. How do I counteract this? Most of my symptoms have been physical -- not much in the way of bliss yet. How do I bring the energy up into the higher centers? Thanks. | |||
<w.c.> |
Morgan: Without knowing more it is difficult to make recommendations. But when Kundalini becomes strong and disorders the psyche, or bodily functions, it is generally a good idea to reduce activity of all kinds, especially the meditation techniques you've been using. For myself, just resting on the carpeted floor, with hands to my side, and simply relaxing, helps often. I've also had good results with acupuncture in calming and integrating kundalini episodes. Most of us here at Shalom who have had ongoing struggles with Kundalini see K, the soul, and the Holy Spirit as different aspects of experience, and tend to have a rather conservative view of K as needing a nurturing inner and outer terrain in order to function well. For me, this had meant stopping all activities meant to provoke K for long periods at a time, and focus more on simple spiritual devotion and practices that generate more compassionate awareness with my emotions, such as a modified version of Buddhist mindfulness practice. K. can be quite dangerous, not because it is evil, but because to remain coherent and fairly stable it needs a strong, mature nervous system, proper diet and rest, and so on. All of us have periods of instability, and so there's no perfect ordering of it, but we do hear a lot from people seeking bliss by attempting to generate K activity, and many of them get into some trouble with that approach. When we're motivated to find some special experience out of loneliness or longing, and seek K in this way, the practices we've been using can be hard to give up, and that can put us in touch with the longing that needs both grace and our attention in a receptive way, rather than trying to exploit K. for a particular result. Without knowing more from you, I can only share my own experience. As such, I'd recommend you go easy with yourself. Phil will certainly respond, but if you give him some info on personal history, spiritual practices, he'll be able to give you a more informed response than I have. Peace | ||
Phil responding. ![]() Lots of good advice from w.c., to which I have little to add. Let's do hear more about your journey and how you've come to this experience. That could make a difference. | ||||
A few words about kundalini. 1. It's a material force. Focussing on it is about as "spiritual" as focussing on your intestines. 2. Its awakening is an effect, not a cause. 3. Kundalini has its effect because it burns away the etheric web as it rises. The higher dimensional energies can then reach the physical brain directly. 4. Raising ones kundalini is today becoming a popular fad, and about as distorted. One can force some awakening of the kundalini by mental will power, but this is not advised. 5. Being threefold, forced awakening results in the stimulation of only the lowest aspect of kundalini, often resulting in obsession, insanity or death. 6. The heart sanctuary stimulates the head sanctuary, which eventually radiates so strongly and magnetically that the kundalini is drawn up the spine to the head. There are several ways of waking the kundalini up. They are all hazardous and usually awaken only the lowest aspect. Following God is much safer and indeed, faster. One should let the energies work their way up according to God's Plan and not per human will. Service to humanity and group consciousness will do the trick much better than any hatha yoga. And I should emphasize that kundalini rising is just an effect of spiritual changes. When the spiritual changes happen, the kundalini will take care of itself, just like your heart beat does. As for the recommendation to give up alcohol, drugs etc. I find this a curious suggestion. Those who walk the path of surrender will know that all such desires are dissolved by God and hence, one simply has nothing to give up for one desires naught. Forced surrender when the desire remains is not true surrender. p | ||||
Shoedust, you sound like you have experience with this energy, or at least knowledge of its ways. Can you tell us anything about yourself in this regard. | ||||
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