The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hi Avlokita! Thanks again. I really respect and appreciate your experience. No question you are a Christian mystic. I know that you go on the footsteps of Christ. Like you I don't depend on the interpretation of the gospel. It is the Christ within who teaches and guides me. I don't seek him outside me. Unlike you in my experience I don't see Christ in everything. Through discernment I'm able to identify his energy and his counter energy. This is why I became interested when you said you see Christ in everything. It may be is a matter of level. I don't know. | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Avlokita: " I can feel anger, resentment, joy, love, hate and physical pain as if it were my own. I can either take it home with me and let my mind build on it, or I can go ahead and let the emotions go by being very still within. It will subside quickly. Most people respond to others �negative energy� with fear. But didn�t Jesus say �fear not�. There is no reason to guard yourself� Because if you think there is a reason to guard yourself, then the mind will create something for you to guard against. Be childlike and trust that you are already taken care of. This isn�t easy. It sounds nuts, but open yourself to these energies and you will find that they are neutral and have no control over you." Hi Avlokita, Your point of view above speaks to me at a point of my need in a particular situation at work. I read your back posts. This day I am thankful to have met you. I will give what you say a try. I was leaning in that direction anyway. You have given me words to express my leaning. Fear not. | ||||
QUOTE]Originally posted by Phil: "For me, the drowsiness usually comes when the energy is "pushing" up into the head. It often comes during a prayer time, and I feel virtually immobilized. I'm very much aware of what's going on and could easily stand up, shake it off, and be OK in a matter of minutes. But I've learned that if I go with it, there's much benefit -- clarity, lightness of spirit, energetic feeling, third eye wide open." Dear Phil, I felt that drowsiness today as energy pushing up, and per your suggestion, I went with it during afernoon, aferwork, nap time. Hours passed, drifting in and out of sleep, energy constantly pushing up and out through my "third eye," even when I was sleeping, it seemed. Some brief, wonderful spontaneous bodily movements... the first in a long time... side to side like Revkah described. I love you guys. | ||||
Thanks for your lovely blessing Freebird, I'd like to join in with you... and the two cherubim (the ones hovering on the ark). | ||||
Correction: In my recent post above I wrote "Unlike you in my experience I don't see Christ in everything." The last word supposed to be everybody instead of everything. I agree that Christ is everywhere. His presence is universal. He invites his grace to everybody regardless religion, race etc. But we all not accept him. Some accepted, some rejected and some are neutral. It is the energy behind these choices I encounter. Hope it clarify. | ||||
Dear Ryan, Thank you for letting me see my own words in a new way. Many of my tears are indeed grateful awe, many more are sorrow at being separated from God when I long for oneness. Speaking of reading past posts, I did a lot of that today, and came across one you wrote over a year ago about using your awareness of kundalini energy as your symbol of receptivity in centering prayer. I really like that idea... could you say more about it? Are you still doing it? I have read in many different places that when the kundalini energies are troublesome, one should cool down or slow down or simplify ones prayer/meditation. But how can I do that when everything in me wants to stretch out toward God and embrace God? To Grace and Avlokita -- how interesting your dialogue has been. Thank you for sharing it here. I have only just begun to think outside of very conventional Christian theology and the Biblical witness. It was the kundalini experience that made me realize that there are whole realms of spiritual experience that I don't know anything about. God is so much more than we can ever know or think, or contain in one religion. I had a kind of vision the other day in which I saw the Bible as a chrysallis, which broke open. and a bright blue butterfly emerged and flew. Then I saw Jesus, and again, he broke open and the butterfly flew out. It felt very freeing. I know that I am firmly grounded in the Christian faith, but I also believe there is more...a lot more. How amazing God is! | ||||
W.C. - Yes, if i am understanding your question right, then you are pointing at a stillness that is found in divine surrender versus a stillness that is mind manufactured. Surrender of the "me" to God is always a part of the equation. With this surrender is a "letting go". when one "lets go" and surrenders, their cup is empty and is filled with grace. At this point stillness will be found. The other stillness you speak of is merely going to the quiet spot and witnessing emotions and drama at hand, correct?. I am aware that the Zen Buddhist do this. I often practice this a lot throughout the day when i notice that my mind is running away with things. For me though, what stills the mind is to focus on God. With this focus comes a natural surrender, which is when God's grace is felt and stillness is found. This is my daily sadhana. This is how i pray to Christ...I am quiet. God already knows the want list, and i have found that it doesn't matter what is wished for...only the best possible outcome will be given, and it will be divine. Not long ago i was laying in bed and wondered why bad things have to happen to people. In the blink of an eye i relived everything "bad" that had ever happened to me, and in the next breath i saw everything "good" that had come out of it. The things that i thought were not the will of God, were actually a blessing in disguise. It was then that i DIRECTLY experienced nothing that had ever happened to me was outside the will of God. My whole life has been in flow. There were times when the mundane mind rebeled, but it had ALL been a blessing. Whether it was a lesson learned, a life saved, or a gift received, EVERYTHING that happened was for my benefit. I believe this to be the true meaning of "God is good all the time, and all the time God is good." This being said, Grace, I would like to comment on "Christ being in Everyone". I am guessing that because all is created by God, I am sensing the spirit inside. However, the mind can be a terrible thing and i definately agree that there are many out there that have buried their spirit deep in the trenches of the mundane world. But, your encounter with them and the role that they play and you play in that encounter will always be coordinated by God. This is how i see Christ in everything and everyone. This is where things can get sticky, and it becomes not black and white anymore. For instance, i am sitting on my computer and somebody could easily come into my house and harm me. Though ugly as it may seem, this isn't outside the will of God. There will always be an unknown Higher Good that will come of it, yet i may not be privvy to the why's until later on. Because this situation would fall under the "will of God", the perpetrator would be acting divinely. Yet, in the perps mind, he will have to live out the sorrow (eventually) of the pain caused and deal with purifying his own ways, etc... Revkah- that is a beautiful vision you had. there is a lot of mystical meaning in it that God will reveal to you along the way. At the very beginning of my journey I too had a vision of Jesus shattering and light being poured out As long as you are surrendered you will find the freedom within. =) I think conveying spiritual experiences is one of the hardest things to do. I apologize if none of this makes sense. Love, Avlokita | ||||
Dear Avlokita! You not only have deep understanding of Christ you are also able to express it in human language. What you are saying makes really sense. I think you are surpassed the duality good/evil mentality. I like your holistic approach. I am guessing that because all is created by God, I am sensing the spirit inside. You are right,this morning (now the time is around 06:00 AM in Sweden) when I heared the songs of birds something deep inside me touched by it and all the movements of thought ceased. The air I breath in is not only the usual fresh air of the morning but has some kind of divine character. It has a healing quality. This is something new for me. | ||||
YES! YES! YES! to both of you guys. This is what i am talking about...this divine stillness that is full of life, creation, bliss, and is pure from the dramas of the world. It can only come from God. This is the closest thing i know to be of the Absolute - what you two are speaking of is the most intimate contact i have ever made to our loving creator. Love, Avlokita | ||||
Everything is permeated by God. This is the bottom line. We human beings are created with free will. Using our free will we have the liberty to accept or reject God. In any case the bottom ground remains permeated by God regardless of our choices. I think it is this bottom line that you sense everywhere. But in the end God will segregate (judgment in Christianity) our choices accordingly in order to establish God�s kingdom on Earth. So, I guess those different energies I mentioned earlier on are the subjects of God�s segregation. God wish we all reflect his image as he created us originally but if we choose the other way he doesn�t violate our free will. Don�t you think so, Avlokita? | ||||
What I mean by the kingdom of God on Earth is the cereation of New Earth and New Heaven at end times. | ||||
Great sharing on this thread, recently, with some important clarifications, especially differentiating between what I'd call resting in Self versus surrendering to God. w.c. and I pretty much nuanced this topic to death in a few threads on the Christian Spirituality Issues forum (Ego and Self, Letting Go, Letting In . . ., Human faculties, subsconscsious and conscious, and a few others). Since I'm in the midst of presenting an online series on Discerning God's Will, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions on how we use that term. It's one thing to say that God can bring great good out of everything that happens to us (even the evil), but quite another to say that God wills it in the sense that God actually intends it or sends it our way. We can speak of God's permissive will -- that God allows bad things to happen, inasmuch as the laws of nature do unfold as they will, and, additionally, people do have free-will and makes their own choices. What I hear being affirmed is that, even in such cases, the evil that God permits to happen and the consequences which ensuse can become an occasion for God's providential care to manifest as well -- sometimes very clearly and powerfully. This is especially true for people of faith who are surrendered to God's guidance. For many others, however, it seems that things work the other way, as they are drawn more deeply into cycles of fear, shame, violence, immorality, etc. This is surely not what God wants; in some cases, it seems these people remain trapped all their lives and never wake up from it. Often, too, they are killed while acting out the evil that has gripped them. All of this takes place within the domain of God's permissive will, but it is surely not God's intent or hope for these people. Apologies for being something of a stickler on this point, but sometimes these distinctions can help to bring more clarity to the meaning of our experiences. Re. kundalini and spiritual emergency struggles, one point we've made often on this forum is that these issues do not fall beyond the domain of God's providential care. An imbalanced energy process doesn't necessarily mean that one has "blown it" with God, nor, less, that such is an impediment in relationship with God. So far as I can tell, reason and freedom remain accessible to us, unless the brain is somehow damaged, in which case one is not culpable for any actions taken. We can only be held responsible for our choices, not our experiences. Of course, many of us sometimes wonder what choices we might have made to inadvertently awaken the energy process. . . if we took a "wrong turn" somewhere, or, like Vincent, mis-directed the energy through a mild indulgence of some kind. The Gospel clearly shows that bad choices can be forgiven and difficult experiences can be carried as crosses unto tranformation. This includes kundalini and other energy struggles; they are not a "special case" constituting some kind of exception to the rule. It's good to hear others sharing as well how fidelity to the Gospel message and relationship with Christ helps to sustain in you this wider perspective on what's going on. And, dear friends, at the end of the day, I can honestly say that I don't really know all of what's going on. There is so very much that is mystery, and hidden from view. | ||||
"Everything is permeated by God. This is the bottom line. " You hit the nail on the head. LOL- I am still a student learning, so i am not quite sure about what to think on the end times. I haven't directly experienced this part of the bible yet, so i am patiently waiting to learn. Yes, we are created in God's image. This would be our natural state of being. However, God never witholds his love from us if we choose to enter the realm of illusion. When the mind tries to play "God" we begin to feel a seperation. (This touches a little bit on the symbolism that Phil was mentioning in the Garden of Evil). The "Kundalini" descends into a sleeping position and One feels seperated from God. Jesus manifested on the earth to point the way back home. The activation of the kundalini is a purification mechanism that purifies us to once again see God. If you remember from the bible, the shoes must be removed to be on holy ground. All the garments and viels of illusion you have acquired along the way must be cast aside so that only Spirit remains. This is the return of the Prodigal Son. Yet, i don't think we ever left God's grace and will. I think that is the illusion. once the illusion is broken, you realized you never left home. God has always held you in his loving hands.... ***disclaimer: i am still a work in progress and am learning everyday. this is the truth as i know it to be (so far), but i still have a ways to go on this beautiful journey.***** =) | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by w.c.: ...during the day there are so many opportunities to allow emotion to dissolve rather than congest into dramas. WC, I love this sentence, having just emerged from yet another drama with my 18-year-old daughter. I am richly supplied with the above opportunities! I'm definitely going to try, just for today, to step back. | ||||
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