The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I was trying to write something but when I read Phil's post above he left me speachless. What a wonderful and thoughtful advice. Thank you. With the above four points of Phil I wish you a nice journey, Vincent. | ||||
I agree Phil gave hearfelt advise to Vincent and I also want Vincent to know the blessed assurance that God's right arm and hand can save and redeem you no matter where you are. You are loved Vincent and trust in this promise. My deep kundalini integration and transformation did not proceed further until the blessings of the Holy Spirit came upon me and the light was birthed from deep within me. I have totally surrendered to God's Holy Spirit and allow Him to complete the transformation. Does the Lord bring us to birth and not bring forth fruit?. Of course not, whatever God starts, He does bring into completion. I entrust myself in the love and power of Jesus Christ. The kundalini must be married to ascend, otherwise she will fall over and over again being unmarried and causing severe complications. The male and female energies must merge as one and be guided through the central spinal canal by the Holy Spirit. Whatever symptoms I experience during the integration and transformation, there is no fear for the love of our Heavenly Father guides every step of the ascension process. My best to you Vincent and may love and prayers be with you. | ||||
Hello to all of you. This forum has been very interesting and helpful in the past few months that I�ve been following it. In February, in the context of a deepening spirituality and prayer life, I began to experience some very strange bodily sensations that I now identify as an aroused kundalini energy�although I still stumble over that name. I was pretty freaked out at first, but at least I am now used to it enough that I feel like I can make my presence known here and perhaps take part in the discussion. My experience has both similarities to and differences from the stories posted here, but overall it has been really reassuring to read what�s posted, especially since so much of what�s written about kundalini is either Hindu or New Age or downright strange, and I am none of the above. I'm just really average and ordinary, and this took me completely by surprise! I did just read the article by Gopi Krishna that was suggested by Freebird, and found some fascinating connections between what he wrote and some of the Christian mystics. I�ve also found Phil�s book helpful, as well as "A Farther Shore" by Yvonne Kasten, MD. This has been an amazing journey, but like some of you, I find it very lonely, so I�m glad you all are out there, and glad for this board. | ||||
Welcome, revkah, and thank you for your comments. One never knows who reads these discussions, or if they do any good at all. If you're willing, maybe you can share more about the "deepening spirituality and prayer life" you allude to, and what some of the concommitant energy phenomena have been. Even though some of us give feedback and "answers" on this forum, we are all very much learners and discerners. Phil | ||||
Hi revkah, what a great sounding name. I second Phil's welcome to you ![]() Look forward to your sharing with us, and it is true that our experiences in the awakening of kundalini are similar, but not exactly the same. I also do find differences in men and women in their integration and transformation of the kundalini energies. The integration and transformation of the kundalini energies are the merger of the subtle bodies of the feminine and masculine energies back into wholeness and oneness ascending within the central spinal canal. For the Hindus it is the merger of Shiva and Shakti. We do not just have this physical body but a subtle body as well. It is quite amazing the multitude of individuals who are having kundalini awakenings who come from all different religions and spiritual paths. I do find that the Eastern knowledge can be most helpful for all of us. In the Christian life these kundalini experiences have also happened within people in the past, but unfortunately little knowledge of the process was available then, but now we are blessed and know what is happening during an awakening like you are experiencing. No need to be lonely revkah, we are here to give and to receive as well as guide one another. Blessings, Freebird | ||||
one word to tell you that all yours advices are working quite well in me. It was so simple... and the relationship that i had with you lightened a lot of things... Now i will read all your site to be more aware about what people are living with the snake. Thanks again a thousand times. i am very glad having to meet you. life bless you. vincent | ||||
Glad to hear we've been helpful, vincent. Keep us posted on how things go for you. Phil | ||||
Greetings to all of you, and thanks for your welcome here. I still feel so self-conscious about my experience and even the word "kundalini" that my first reaction to your invitation to share more was a mixture of fear and shame. But - I do find myself helped by other people�s stories, so here goes. It began simply enough about a year ago when I found myself wanting �more� of God. I sought spiritual direction and Reiki, began to learn centering prayer, and spent more and more time just quietly sitting with God, deeply desiring to be in God�s presence. Maybe that was contemplative prayer, I don�t know. I began to read some of the Christian mystics, and yearned with all my heart for this thing called Divine Union. I spent a lot more time in Scripture, especially the Psalms, and would find myself moving from reading to praying to silent gazing upon God, many times each day. In January, I began to wake up at 4 or 5 pray. Soon after I began to have sensations like electricity coursing through me, head to toe and vice-versa, and my body began to jerk in odd ways. I would feel compelled to move into strange positions during prayer (I later found out these were asanas, yoga positions: dog, lion�a virtual menagerie!) I began to waken every night at 2:00 or 3:00 thinking "God!" and consumed with such jerking and moving about that I had to leave our bed so as not to wake my partner. There was a huge increase in sexual desire, sensations of birthing (like the �urge to push� at the end stages of labor,) spontaneous poetry nearly every day, many tears during prayer, and the incessant buzzing of cicadas in my ears. Once I saw a bright shimmering white light, like the sun coming over the horizon, and I sat bolt upright and shouted, �No, I am not doing lights!� and that was the end of that. By this time I was thoroughly scared�I�m thinking, brain tumor? psychosis? demon possession? I found that the symptoms got much stronger during prayer and following spiritual experiences like Holy Communion. I finally googled �weird bodily experiences� or some such phrase and found my way to Shalom Place and Phil�thank God! But it has taken months to begin to accept what is happening, and I still wonder, Why me? Why now? Now what? Is this really kundalini? What�s the difference between an arousal and an awakening�and how do I tell which I�m experiencing, or does it matter? Some of the symptoms I�ve experienced are quieting down now, and I�m trying to focus not on the energies but on God. It�s hard though, because during the course of al this, God seems to have withdrawn. I also find myself unaccountably exhausted at times, and pretty much useless at work. Did anybody else experience this great tiredness�it is part of it? Freebird, you speak of integraion of the kundalini energies. I'd like to hear more about this process, from you or from any one with more experience. Thanks for listening. Revkah | ||||
Dear Revkah, thank you for your heartfelt sharing, and bless you for same. I pray that the fear and shame about your experiences will leave you. Be assured that God is within you and that He has not withdrawn His love from you. Sometimes we are more aware of His presence, and at other times especially when we are apprehensive and not at peace it may appear that He has left us. God's presence is not a feeling, it is in knowing that He is our Heavenly Father who never with-holds any good thing from us, His beloved children. I will not overwhelm you at this time with entering into a discussion on the integration and transformation of the kundalini process. You have your plate full and need to sort things out within yourself, together with reading the information we have already available on this forum. I do recommend dear Revkah that you continue to stay centered within a pure mind and heart, eat healthy foods, and get more sleep, if possible, and rest more. Try going for walks with your partner or an understanding friend. The great tiredness you describe is something I also have experienced at times. I would keep your prayer life simple for now, and give all your burdens to the Lord entrusting Him to guide and lead you along this unfamiliar path of what does appear to be a kundalini awakening. I also shall pray for you. It appears that Reiki may have contributed to your arousal of these symptoms you describe in the beginning stage, which is not unheard of. Know that all things work together for those that love God. Much love and blessings. ![]() ![]() | ||||
Hi everyone! I am up late tonight trying to write all these emotions inside out on paper. Normally i keep these journal entries to myself, but for some reason - something is telling me to post it. Love to all. "Thoughts On This Journey" I sit in meditation and can feel this energy inside. I am riveted from head to toe by its awesome power. As a child in the Christian church tears would fall from my eyes in desperation to know my creator intimately. I would feel chills up and down my spine and know that the Angels were upon me in prayer. A couple of years ago I felt this wave�so blissful�fill my inner being. I would wake up vibrating internally. Ringing occurring in my ears. I was terrified, as I knew not that the Spirit of God was calling the prodigal child home. After months of prayers, I could audibly hear the words �Be still and know that I am God.� It was at this point that an internal flame was ignited and intense heat spilled from me. This had to be the fires of purification. I was dead still. I surrendered to this Spirit inside. It was beautiful. I laid down swetting and cold after it was washed away. Since then, it has calmed inside�.but still present every second. My spiritual eyes and ears hear and see things that my fellow church members cannot see�much less accept. I tried to speak of some of the wonders to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and they spoke of demon possession. I knew at this point I would have to walk the path into the spiritual realm alone. I have no doubt inside of me that this is the Holy Spirit - I can�t see anything else outside of God. Good, Bad, Beautiful, Ugly, all part of God. I can see it as a huge tapestry � every thread sewn delicately by what we term �God�. I walk into a church, and I can feel the unspoken prayers in my body. When I see someone get baptized in the service, tears fall as this Spirit moves inside and a connection is made. Each time I feel the baptism in me. I look upon someone from another religion praying to what they know to be God, and I can see nothing but Christ celebrating the Abba which he spoke of. I see this in the hindu, the Buddhist, the elderly, the child, the priest, the prostitute, the saint, and the murderer. I sense it within everyone and everything. I know that this goes against my original Christian upbringing. But I have never felt so close to Christ as I do now. My heart is torn open and exposed � and I feel like I am dancing blissfully naked in the Garden of Eden. | ||||
Dear Avlokita! Thank you for sharing your interest experience. I relate to much of your experience. Through direct experience of God we began to know him directly not through arduous interpretation of Scripture or through hard study. Through direct experience we become near to God. In this experience God become the sole actor. We recognize our limitation and we surrender to him. God purifies us in order to see him, hear him directly not through other avenues. This state is called infused contemplation in Christianity. You are in this state; God works in you and you observe everything through the eyes of Christ. I do feel the same during the process of baptism. It is the Christ within us who lead us tangibly. It is the Christ within us who hear every voice directed to him. I do feel the Christ within me moves if I�m in the proximity of somebody who is praying. I very well know other Christian�s judgmental opinion. Don�t bother by their negative comments. They have these opinions because they don�t experience Christ energetically. Sadly, this experience is mostly neglected or suppressed by most Christians. Focus only on the Christ within you. I look upon someone from another religion praying to what they know to be God, and I can see nothing but Christ celebrating the Abba which he spoke of. I see this in the hindu, the Buddhist, the elderly, the child, the priest, the prostitute, the saint, and the murderer. I sense it within everyone and everything. This is very interesting. In my experience I feel different energies from different people. With those people who are Christ-centred I feel attracted. With those people who rejected the gift of Christ I feel repelled. With those people who are neutral to Christ I also feel neutral towards them. This has nothing to do with my mind it is purely energetic experience. Behind every image there is an energetic reality. When I see the image of Christian mystics I feel closeness with them. With the mystic of East I don't feel the closeness I feel with Christian mystic but some kind of cosmic, it is not personal. I neither feel repelled nor attracted by their energies. It seems you feel the presence of Christ energy within the follower of non-Christ based religions. Would you please say more about it? Also, I feel dense/negative energies. I interact with these energies everywhere. They are manifesting through people, places etc. I wonder if you feel the same. | ||||
Hi Grace, Yes, I know the energies you speak of. When i get close to someone that has pain, i feel it. when i get close to someone who has hurt another, i feel it. What you are sensing isn't the Spirit within the are sensing the shroud of ignorance/veils of illusion that are covering the diamond within. I never discard these "feelings" i get when i get around someone that isn't on the up and up. But I can also see directly through that to the original blue print of God's creation, and it always remains untouched and beautiful. This doesn't mean people can't rile me up inside...and that i don't feel mad by someone's actions. this means that i do not hold onto this emotion for very long and forgiving is very easy. What truly goes against the christian beliefs i was brought up with, is the beauty i find in anyone celebrating God. I was always told to convert anyone and everyone to christianity that didn't know christ. But I find any path where one's heart is truly yearning for their creator to be a celebration. East, West doesn't matter. I can still hear the prayers, I can still feel God's energy around them. Church, temple, mosque, the call of the heart is the same....the acts of surrender are most humbling. My prayers are addressed to Jesus - i can feel his presence in everyone and everything. Love, Avlokita | ||||
What you are sensing isn't the Spirit within the are sensing the shroud of ignorance/veils of illusion that are covering the diamond within. You put it correctly. As you said the essence of God within us seat intact. The original image of God is wounded by original sin but not demolished. I agree. I usually feel very uncomfortable with dense energies. The level of integration to the spirit of Christ matters how we feel these energies. I believe at the level of full integration our resistance to stand these energies increased. For instance, although I still feel uncomfortable I�m much in a better position to stand those negative energies than two years ago. I feel disturbed by these energies not because I�m pure. Obviously the level of Christ energy is higher in me than I encounter but I still embody impure energies. Why I encounter these energies is because they are attracted by some impurities in me. This is why I feel uncomfortable. Through prayer and meditation I�m able to clear impurities. For this reason it is crucial for me to focus on Christ in order to strengthen my energy. You don�t seem to be attacked by these energies. The most difficult thing I encounter is entities. Once they are attached it is very difficult to get rid of them. Please share if you have experience in this area. But I find any path where one's heart is truly yearning for their creator to be a celebration. East, West doesn't matter. I can still hear the prayers, I can still feel God's energy around them. Church, temple, mosque, the call of the heart is the same....the acts of surrender are most humbling. My prayers are addressed to Jesus - i can feel his presence in everyone and everything. If one yearns God truly from the bottom of heart in some way God will lead them to Christ. Although these people belong to non-Christ based religion at one time they must have been accepted Christ. This is why you feel the presence of Christ in them. Gradually they will embarce Christ fully. So, we have to differiatiate between the individual fellow and the path. Since the spirit of Christ is the most pure energy we have available, I don't believe all paths lead to the same God. There are other energies out which can lead us to the state of Enlightenment. However, the energy of Christ supersedes everything. It is the most pure energy in the universe. What I mean here is the possibility of intrusion by other impure energies/entities is high if one is not properly guarded by the energy of Christ. This is why I don�t support the idea of all paths lead to the same God. The following link describes well how the Christ energy is unique. http://www.livingspiritfoundat...rg/eastmeetswest.htm | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by revkah: In January, I began to wake up at 4 or 5 pray. Soon after I began to have sensations like electricity coursing through me, head to toe and vice-versa, and my body began to jerk in odd ways. I would feel compelled to move into strange positions during prayer (I later found out these were asanas, yoga positions: dog, lion�a virtual menagerie!) I began to waken every night at 2:00 or 3:00 thinking "God!" and consumed with such jerking and moving about that I had to leave our bed so as not to wake my partner. There was a huge increase in sexual desire... I finally googled �weird bodily experiences� or some such phrase and found my way to Shalom Place and Phil�thank God! " Hi Revka, Thanks for sharing. My journey to Shalom Place and Phil's book on Kundalini was something like yours: Lots of spontaneous movement during meditation.... search for orientation... google... My movement phase started about a year ago. I enjoyed it while it lasted! Now my energy awareness is not leading me to outward movement. Mostly I'm aware of, and indeed cultivate, inner movements of energy between my sexual area and head via the spine. | ||||
I finally googled �weird bodily experiences� or some such phrase and found my way to Shalom Place and Phil . . . Gosh, I'm not sure what to think about that. ![]() A common theme in your story and many others is what I call "turning up the thermostat." Generally, these energy phenomena seem to happen to people who respond to a call to deeper prayer, meditation, spiritual awareness, etc. And, because everything we do as humans we do in a body, there are consequences and implications when spiritual practice deepens. Old, repressed energies come flying out of our tissues, and the nervous system (including subtle bio-energy channels -- nadis) needs to be "upgraded," as it were. Living in a higher/deeper state of consciousness entails transformations in the body, and when this is all going on rather quickly, it can be disorienting. That's how I've come to view what we call the "kundalini process." And so Freebird writes: I do recommend dear Revkah that you continue to stay centered within a pure mind and heart, eat healthy foods, and get more sleep, if possible, and rest more. Try going for walks with your partner or an understanding friend. The great tiredness you describe is something I also have experienced at times. The voice of wisdom . . . and experience. Avlokita and Grace, I always enjoy hearing from you and am touched by the depth of your sensitivity and your goodness. I believe Christ touches all lives, whether one knows it or not. It's good if people can come to know this first-hand and name the reality, for then they can more consciously cooperate in relationship with him. If they don't, however, he goes right on working. ![]() Sounds like things are going somewhat smoothly for you these days, Ryan. That's good to hear. | ||||
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