The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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the Baptism of Fire, and of the Holy Spirit seem to me to come through prayer and hearts desire for a union with the risen Christ. Where as Kundalini Fire comes through aesthetic practices including meditation, as the soul reaches for to know God, and induces, whether knowingly or unknowingly, this power to attain its goal. This could of course be completely wrong, but until coming accross you guy's, I have tried to find my own explanations for what I experienced. Good to read your ideas. | ||||
I think that's a good insight, ashomura. Sometimes the two come together, which is as it should be. | ||||
Hello, I am new to this forum, although not new to the writings of Phillip. I am a 59 year old woman, ( an anam cara ) and I live a life of solitude. I experienced baptism of the Holy Spirit in my early thirties, and 89 years ago I experienced a spiritual emergency. I was very fortunate that I could take 18 months to literally lie down, and go with the process. Although I had huge resistance to it for most of this time. I had no-one who could accompany me. Most people were terrified of me. Some close friends would come to just hold their hands above my head to feel the energy shooting out. But I journalled, prayed, painted, and finally found a therapist who helped while all the repressed pain of my childhood was being released. I had desired union with God from the moment I experienced the baptism of the spirit, and my prayer was being answered, although I didnt recognise it for what it was. I downloaded Phillips book, and found several others, and finally found someone else who 'knew' what I was talking about. Now 7 years later, I am quiet. The powerful sexual energy lasted about 18 months, and bodily changes have been occurring all the time. I know that I am still being re-wired. I have burning feet still at night when I rest. ( hands now cool ). My intuitive sense has grown hugely. I can sense authenticity or lack of it in an instant. Some of my directees say that they must be real when they are with me, otherwise they are very uncomfortable. I have been a member of another group around kundalini, but I dont relate to the language of most of the people there, so I rarely post. I am still very much a catholic, and appreciate Jesus' teaching more than ever. Christ consciousness is like my cloak. I read, a couple of years ago, Jim Marion's two books onn Putting on the Mind of Christ, and nodded my head through most of them. What more can I say, I am happy to have found this forum, and I hope I havent taken up toomuch time wafflig (smile ) Beannacht, Clare | ||||
Hi Again, I just looked up my profile on this group, and realised that I actually registered in 2004. At that time I was in hell - and didnt know where to turn to, so glad that that I have survived, and am here for others now. All is well, all is well, all manner of things will be well. Love Clare | ||||
Greetings, Clare. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your struggles with the process of renewal and "re-wiring," as you put it. I'm happy to hear that you are doing better now. It sounds like things have come to a deep integration and that the process continues to move along. I can relate to much of what you shared. I hope your witness will be an encouragement to others who are struggling as you have. Please check in from time to time to see what support you might be able to offer. Peace. Phil | ||||
Thank you Phil for your kind welcome. I realise on reading my post that I wrote 89 years ago. This should have read 8 years ago. And I never thought then, during those moments of near death, that I would be in a position to support others on their journey a few years later. And it is good to find a christian perspective on Kunalini. What I would like to ask is "Has anyone experienced bruising while the energy is being released"? I bruised at the back of my hands, and on my shins and feet, and base of my spine for about 9 months. I would wake up each morning with fresh bruises, as a result of 'electric shocks' which happened for a greater part of the night. I also had daily bruises around the edge of my tongue. I suspect my doctor thought that I was chewing my tongue, or hurting myself, but no, I just felt electric shocks and cried every day for a long time. And in the midst of it all I wrote and re-wrote my own Magnificat to God. Clare | ||||
Hi Clare, Welcome (back). I'm glad that you joined us. I do hope we can support you wherever we can. My own experiences with k. began as a little girl (I'm now 44), so I never had the more "classic," life-n-death struggles that you, Phil, and others report. I've never had any bruising as you describe, just a bit of the electric shock activity. While there are often many patterns and symptoms which we share in experiencing k. and the Holy Spirit, our journeys are unique, aren't they? I'm starting to think our k. re-wiring is for the sake of operating more fully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the sake of His church/Body. In my experience, the sexual "energy" has completely ceased to exist. Not suppressed or repressed, just gone. It's still hard for me to believe, but I have no signs of a biological or spiritual sexual impulse/drive/wish...and I have felt sexual impulses since I was very young, maybe age 7 or so, so the absence of sexual "energy," in some form or another, is a strange thing to experience. It feels like I have a new body, in this sense, and perhaps what is the gift of celibacy, though I never asked for this, per se. When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, like you, I had the powerful wish to be with God and serve God, and I remember laying my body down and offering it as a living sacrifice (before I knew of the scripture in Romans 12:1). So, I shouldn't be surprised that He would transform my body. I'm curious, what is your Magnificat to God? much peace to you, in Christ, Shasha | ||||
Hi Clare, That is one I have never heard of that in contemporary accounts. Have you? The closest analogy I know if is the bruises sustained by St. Anthony when he was alone in the catacombs and battling demons. I don't bruise easily. Once, I was hit by a car in the leg and got a huge welt on my muscle, a "charlie horse," I guess, but no bruise. Do you bruise easily? | ||||
Hi Sasha, Thank you for your response, and for sharing your experiences with me. You ask what is my Magnificat to God. I will have to dig out my journals from that year (2001) to see what I wrote then. I know the prayer simply burst out of me within the first few days of my 'opening up'. So its good to be reminded of it again. And yes I will find it, and see if it still applies today. Beannacht Clare | ||||
Hi Ryan, Thank you too for your response to my post. I had never read of St. Anthony's account of his bruising. I must read it. He was battling demons, Of course I was battling my own demons at the time, but I was not conscious then of what they were. Later uncovered very early infancy neglect and abandonment issues and sexual abuse, which have all been integrated now. I too don't bruise easily. In fact, hardly ever. I remember at that time in 2001, my brother came to stay with me for a few days, and as he and I were talking, I was lying in my bed, because during that time, I had little or no energy, and stayed in bed for several hours each day. As he and I were talking,suddenly I felt a surge of 'electricity' going down my right leg combined with my usual need to roar, and immediately afterwards he couldnt believe what he saw; a'red' line which ran the full length of my leg, and more bruising ( The bruises always came in the form of tiny dots; hundreds of them, later appeared. This was how it manifested then. A couple of years later, I did a past life workshop with Marion Boon of the Netherlands , and she was convinced that my awakening process opened up past lives too. Thus causing the bruising. Sure enough I experienced similar 'feelings' in past life to this life. But she suggested that I simply deal with this life now. I was very skeptical at the time, but now, I just take anything as it comes, and sift it for myself. Beannacht Clare | ||||
I can only imagine your brother's response. Seeing that would have been horrifying to me. I'm so glad that you have come through that ordeal ok. | ||||
Hi Phil: In your book "Kundalini Energy & Christian Spirituality", you mention the kundalini Child; adult Child; or Cosmic state, Pgs 64/65. May i ask please, if i am understanding what you are saying correctly? Since kundalini is seen as part of a natural Enlightenment, then this Cosmic state or kundalini Child seems to be a natural state, (after a kundalini transformation), available to all regardless of beliefs. Would you say that this kundalini Child, could not come from a place to do harm in any form to another for self gain without some serious physical discomfort. Doesn't seem that they would have any reason to. Thanks Ajoy | ||||
Yes, that makes sense, Ajoy. In anyone who has awakened kundalini, the kind of constriction of mind and will that goes along with selfish actions ends up creating considerable pain. | ||||
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