The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hi Phill and everybody, my name is John Michael. My Christian ministry is to bring Jesus to yogis and those Christians who are seeking God through yoga science back to Jesus. I have spent 32 years in training and technically what I am is a Christian mystic (study through meditative prayer and love) and the yogis call people like me "a cave yogi". Yoga means "yoked to God". Yoga Science is the science of how this is done. Some yogis claim that Jesus knew yoga science and that is why you should study it. It turns out that Jesus did know yoga science, but here is where the problem is: Jesus starts you out "Yoked to God" once you accept Him as your Lord and Savior. He does this through God's Holy Spirit. No yoga technique or tradition does this. And what most of what is being called yoga and the spin offs of it today (Kundalini Yoga is one example), are teaching is "Self Realization", which means that you are God, not one of His children. If it is ok with Phil and you guys, and I am not out of line here somehow, I would like to discuss with you, based on my personal experience, exactly what "Yoked to God" is and why todays traditional yoga is not actually teaching it and Jesus does. Love, John | |||
acaveyogi, as we have already met, I greet you and welcome your point-of-view. Please proceed! ![]() caritas, mm <*))))>< | ||||
Thank you MysticalMichael9, your questions and guidance as we have a look at this is extremely welcome. Ok? And to all interested others, please feel free to participate, God speaks through all of us. Ok? So lets start here: Yoga, "Yoked to God": Rule 1: You can not experience "Yoked to God" without the guidance of a master. Rule 2: That master has to be actually physically occupied by God. Rule 3: Good luck finding a master in todays world that is actually occupied by the physical presence of God. (Jesus said in John 10:38 "The Father is in me and and I am in the Father." there is more scripture like this, but we will start with this one.) Jesus as a master is not only the Son of God, but he is also occupied by God and yes, He is God made flesh. John 14:10 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The word that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father "abiding" in Me does His works." Everybody knows that the temple of God is your body. But what is not mentioned, is what actually happens to you when God actually occupies the temple that is your body and His presence is loved, honored, and worshiped from the altar of your heart. It turns out that you can not be occupied by Perfection and not become as that Perfection is. Truly being "Yoked to God" means sharing one mind, one spirit and one body (yours) with God, through "Love". If you are not a Christian, you come under the "Law Of Karma" and your karma has got to be straightened out before you can be occupied by the perfection that is God. As a Christian you come under the "Law of Grace". Your Karma is canceled by the Sacrifice of the Son of God. You can be occupied by God from the moment that you come out of the water, if you wish. Comments about so far? Love, john | ||||
Someone like Thomas Keating or Bede Griffiths? Yes, I believe that this knowledge can be transmitted from one person to another. ![]() | ||||
I don't know about Keating MysticalMichael, I don't think that I have read any of his stuff, but I sure like Bede Griffiths. His picture made me cry ![]() MysticalMichael (I love your name ![]() ![]() So MysticalMichael the question now is, "What is my axe to grind?" ![]() I call myself a "yogi" and I call myself a "mystic" and I call myself a "Christian". Is my purpose to bring East and West together or is it to send East packing (and maybe West too ![]() ![]() So lets start here: I had no idea what Jesus was offering us until Shiva (Siva) and Yogananda's Babaji showed up in my kitchen and stepped me into "oneness with God". I love Shiva (The king of yogis) and Babaji (a Siddha immortal) they gave me the gift of Jesus. And they could not have done that if I had not been a Christian and came under the "Law of Grace". I have always been abit of a handful, dedicated yes, but also abit of a handful. My reality was based on power, I was a mighty yogi. The presence of God within me has over the last three years and some months changed my reality. A reality based on love and power has nothing to do with it. I am still new wine in a new wineskin but I have no power and I don't mind. God and His love is running around "unsupervised" in my life. I can't wait to see what He does next, this is way to much fun! The problem is that there is two realities. One: God is outside of you; and Two: God actually physically occupies you. And there is two Yogas, Yoga I, and Yoga II. Yoga I, which is traditional yoga, prepares you for Yoga II. Yoga II starts when you become "Yoked to God" and God becomes your master. When this happens Yoga I disappears and ceases to exist. I spent 29 years studing that stuff and in a heart beat it was gone. With Jesus you start out with God as your master and you are trained by God's Holy Spirit from the inside out (Yoga II). Yoga I is completely by passed. This post is getting to long! Love, John | ||||
John, It is most likely that we speak more or less the same language. Father Thomas Keating was teacher or guru for my yoga I classes. Phil has some very good yoga II teaching which has held my interest for a long time now. The philosophies of Asia are useful in the absence of much current teaching of Christianity from a mystical perspective. I ask myself what might be gained from Taoism, Vedanta, Zen or Mahayana traditions that can help my Christian understanding and practice. About a year ago I deliberately avoided looking more deeply into Father Bede, but perhaps now am ready to look once again into "interspirituality." Has Anthony DeMello been an influence for your faith journey? caritas, mm <*))))>< | ||||
Hi John, I like your comment: "As a Christian you come under the "Law of Grace". Your Karma is canceled by the Sacrifice of the Son of God." That is what I believe, also. And I believe that if people are reincarnated, it is only because they have not yet accepted the Christ Life into them, and they will have to keep on coming back until they do! Good topic. Katy | ||||
Welcome, John. You have a fascinating story to tell with a most important message. So lets start here: I had no idea what Jesus was offering us until Shiva (Siva) and Yogananda's Babaji showed up in my kitchen and stepped me into "oneness with God". I love Shiva (The king of yogis) and Babaji (a Siddha immortal) they gave me the gift of Jesus. And they could not have done that if I had not been a Christian and came under the "Law of Grace". I have always been abit of a handful, dedicated yes, but also abit of a handful. My reality was based on power, I was a mighty yogi. The presence of God within me has over the last three years and some months changed my reality. A reality based on love and power has nothing to do with it. I am still new wine in a new wineskin but I have no power and I don't mind. God and His love is running around "unsupervised" in my life. I can't wait to see what He does next, this is way to much fun. These distinctions you're making are wonderful, especially the contrast between the way of power(s)/siddhis and the way of love. Perhaps the siddhis can serve the purposes of love, but it takes a truly humble soul to keep first things first. | ||||
Thank you every body for your words. Finding a place where one can be a mystic and fellowship with other Christians at the same time is in my experience extremely difficult. So thank you for making me feel welcome, being a mystic is lonely. Katy I agree with you about reincarnation. And if I had a message about it it would be, "Reincarnation doesn't matter, because through Jesus one life time is enough." ![]() MysticalMichael I haven't read anything by Demello either. I have thousands and thousands of hours of meditation experience, but that is about all I have. For the most part I have no idea what is going on out there relative to other mystics. I see bits and pieces go by on message boards and thats about it. And most of what I know about "Yoga I" as experience, came from Shiva, as the king of yogis. And what I know about what is going on out there in the world of yoga and meditation, my good friend T.T.Bodhisattva has kindly brought to my attention, or I wouldn't know it either ![]() ![]() Thank you Phil! Sharing one's mind, body and spirit with the body of Christ and God's Holy Spirit is a humbling experience, Those Boys are really big ![]() ![]() | ||||
And what else is funny is that the Holy Spirit does all the work. He streightens out your crumby personality programming and He cleans up and streightens up and fixes up your dirty house. After awhile you start to see the hand writing on the wall and you become His guest in your own house. I love it. John, I like your description of Holy Spirit. It is so true. Everytime Holy Spirt cleares something from my body I'm always amazed and surprised. What a grace, free grase we have got from our Lord Jesus Christ. John I like that you mention Trinity in a very nice way and you said "Reincarnation doesn't matter, because through Jesus one life time is enough." I like that you put Christ above everything. | ||||
Welcome John. I like what you have to say and look forward to hearing more. Jesus is my love, my life. I am eternally grateful for His mercy and compassion. I turned away from Christianity for a time in my search, only to be brought back to Christ this year. He has graced me with a greater yearning and desire for Him. I know intellectually that I already am a guest in His house; I look forward to the day of realizing that truth in each moment, with every breath. In His Blessed Love, Tate | ||||
John, I remember you now. Are you still practicing Mountain Tai Chi? Delighted to see you are well! ![]() May you find fellowship and stimulation and freindship in here! ![]() and the backround in Yoga Science, we can look forward to some rich discussion. Another caveyogi. I'd like to see the documentary. She's really something! ![]() Say hi to Reverend Brian for me if you run into him, would you? caritas, mm <*)))))>< | ||||
Thank you Grace for your welcome! I have no world without Jesus, I want no world without Jesus. I met Him when I was five years old and He introduced me to God. I always went to bed at night with my door to the hall open a small bit so that the hall light shined in. One night my mother just closed the door and I was in darkness. I threw a fit! My mother said to me, "Pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ and He will take away your fear." So I did. There are no words to explain what happened! I have never been affraid of "Darkness" since. And I didn't know who those people were, but I really wanted to be a part of what they are doing! That one prayer set my life. My life has been filled with turbulance and has been deep in ignorance, but I have never lost the desire to be a part of what those people, I met that day, were doing. Thank you Grace for your welcome. Love, John I am sorry but I have to come back tomorrow morning. I am being abit over whelmed. John | ||||
Sorry guys I just stared crying last night and had to go compose myself. Tate if you would like to take a small step from intellectual to the physical experience. You could try this simple meditation: Feel yourself wearing the thorn crown of Christ and feel His hands as your hands and His feet as your feet. Now when you do this and you feel your heart center kick in, that is the presence of the Holy Spirit. MysticalMichael ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This post is getting to long! Love, John | ||||
Thank you, John. I will try the meditation you mention. | ||||
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