The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Absolutely right, Shasha, I agree with you. It would be more accurate to speak in terms of simply ending the oppression rather than full blown reconciliation. And sending beams of love out can have a counter effect, as you suggest. I tried it a few times and met with a nasty reply. It's more about coming to a place of forgiveness and acceptance and wishing no ill will. A kind of benevolent detachment. This all refers to human energy linkage rather than demonic oppression, of course. There are perhaps in general two forms here. One where the subject connects with a guru or healer and the energy is somehow dark or contaminated causing a perceived disturbance; the other where the attack is willed and intentional for whatever reason. The later seems more difficult to break from because of the personal motivation of the attacker and is why I suggest a karmic cycle has to be resolved or divine purpose worked through. This is likely the case with me. Certainly breaking from a victim mentality is important. As far as using another's energy to help this awful situation, I'd just throw in a note of caution. I can't speak for individual healers or practitioners, but whenever I've gone to someone for energy help it's only exacerbated the situation. A patient, calm accumulation of spiritual energy, perhaps using these techniques described over a period of time, but certainly with prayer and meditation and simple surrender to God and saying, "Thy will be done", seems to work. But it requires real patience and conviction. | ||||
Hi Phil I have worked with clients who are exactly how you describe those three persons who opened up to shaktipat and felt invaded afterwards. One of these clients kindly offered this testimonial and I thought I let her speak for herself of how she perceived her process. It's the last testimonial at the bottom of the page (Barbara, 45 years) When we 'send love' to an adversary it is not to effect a reconciliation or to change the other person. We simply have compassion for the suffering of the other person that has let them to act in these evil/bad ways. In that way we can let go of our anger and resentment and it is this letting go that will free us from this unhealthy relationship. It is always anger that ties us to the other person and sending love will end this anger and set us free. If the other person continues to send evil wishes to us these negativities will dissolve like snow flakes that comes near a fire. There is no fight, no effort and not even attention involved. The conflict will simply be over. I have seen this working in hundreds of cases and in my own life it has never ever once failed to work. Tara KundaliniTherapist | ||||
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That's a marvelous testimony from Barbara, Tara. Love and forgiveness are indeed very trustworthy practices for dealing with these kinds of issues. The three people I mentioned above have not been in counseling with me so much as in communication. I do not hold myself out as a kundalini therapist, but hundreds of people through the years have corresponded with me, mostly to have someone to talk to who would understand. My usual recommendation is to not try to manipulate the energy but to let it find its way by cultivating a love relationship with God and other people. I encourage them to see a spiritual director for support on the journey, hopefully one with knowledge kundalini (not too many of these around). But some of these cases I've run across have been complicated; I've even wondered if there isn't some kind of damage done to nadis or the subtle body sheaths described by the Hindus. Do you think this is possible? How could one know one way or another? I generally assume that healing is possible, but, as we know, there are wounds to the physical body that are permanent, so I wonder about whether that's possible for subtle levels as well. | |||
Thanks, Phil, I am posting it here to give people courage to believe that there is hope of healing. And maybe also a hint in which direction the healing lies, even though everyone is different. About permanent damage: I think that the human body has a remarkable capacity for self-healing once the pathogen is removed and the person gets adequate rest, has a positive attitude and loving relationship. This is true for physical healing, psychological healing and also for the healing of our energy system. Everyone who is traumatised or harbours toxic emotions experiences damage to their energy system. It's just more obvious and pronounced with kundalini going. For example, people suffering from panic attacks feel this churning energy you mention and strong anger can feel like flashes of lightning in our body. What I find with my kundalini clients is that in some way they have adopted a habit that keeps their symptoms going. Obviously, they don't know this, otherwise they would stop. Typical examples are wrong breathing exercises, all forms of energy healing (they usually do more harm than good once kundalini is awakened), submissive behaviour towards spiritual teachers (in contrast to healthy devotion) and generally trying too hard to advance on the spiritual path and thereby suppressing themselves too much. Once these area of damaging habits have been pin-pointed and removed the energy system can start to self-heal. Tara KundaliniTherapist | ||||
I learned this from direct experience too. In those days I was living with the pleasant notion that the deities of Buddhism and Hinduism were benign manifestations of a loving God, a God who is big enough to encompass and communicate through all religions. I never would have imagined or believed in a million years that those who worship deities who preach 'love' and 'compassion' would have such a vicious hatred of Christ. But that was my experience of sending Christ's love to a group of three such folks, self-professed to be one with the goddess. These beam of love I sent were instantly flung back at me like three distinct boomerangs. I could see/feel my loving intention move out, and then a force of energy struck my body causing excruciating pain. I was struck three times in rapid succession, once for each of my prayer targets. It hurt so bad, I actually screamed after each blow. I was shocked and puzzled. It was not quite a physical pain that struck me; it was a kind of agony. It was an inexplicable agony, something I don't think I'd ever felt before. I didn't understand that agony then. But now, about 8 years later, I see this agony as a glimpse of Christ's passion for those who hate and reject Him. It's important to note that these were NICE and LOVING people. But they had given themselves over to this deity, and it is this deity who hates Christ. Remember, the God of Moses and Jesus worked hard to separate His people from a legion of false gods/goddesses. Despite all the miralces and blessings the Israelites had seen, God's people repeatedly fell for the enticements of their pagan gods. What is different today? God is still endeavoring to free us from the worship of these destructive beings who are promising and delivering all the same benefits. Time for Shasha's semi-annual warning about false gods appearing as 'angels of light.' This is one more reason I strongly urge people to avoid any form of deity visualizations (alluded to above). They are real beings who are all too happy to merge with you. They will provide you with bliss, a myriad of ecstasies, sexual union, and energy highs that feel like love. But is it love or a kind of spiritual heroine feed? When energy expands, with the help of deities, our constricted sense of "me" or "mine" falls apart. Boundaries dissolve and you lose that tight, self-centered view of reality. That's a good thing, but now what? Expanded energy 'love' must still be directed through a willful, fallen creature. In other words, what feels like 'love' can be a straight-forward energy phenomenon. In my experience, it's a different kind of love that Christ is forming in us through a New Creation, unlike anything seen or known to mankind before. Growing in Christ's love is often about redemptive suffering, as Stephen says. Let's face it: It was because mankind could NOT rescue itself from destruction, even through tapping into kundalini power, our Higher Consciousness, and with the aide of charming deities, etc. that the Father reached down to us through the Incarnation.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Shasha, | ||||
i could not agree more.. after having this sort of thing happen to me. i was not going to post this very LONG post.. but have decided in good conscience to do so.. it is NOT aimed at anyone in particular here.. i am speaking out of my own experience and feel led to share it..having first hand knowledge of this kind of negative energy... never in a million years did i ever think i would see things the way i do now..but by God's great mercy i am here to share... The only one i have addressed personally in this post is Phil and Tara . i am addressing 'healing' in a much broader sense..the underlying cause of these attachments and how to be free of them as have experienced it...... quote: It seems unjust that another's energy/consciousness could become so enmeshed with one's own, but in all three cases they willingly opened themselves up to this, hoping to experience higher states of consciousness and healing from various inner struggles. Honestly, the key to liberation from such energies is complete obedience to Christ Jesus with 100% trust in His mercy.. in Him nothing, nothing can touch us. Jesus wants to brand us as His with His Name, to make us and claim us as His Own. Freedom is the yoke of Christ and in binding ourselves to Him and throwing away the key.. clinging to Jesus by giving Him control of our lives... anything else is illusion that leads to darker energies and .. ultimately death. We can be free of these darker energies by completely giving ourselves over to full obedience to the teaching of His most Holy Church and in believing and living the Word....... not our ideas about it, rejecting the parts of it we 'think' do not apply to us or is no longer relevant in this day and age... 'our' generation. This is where many have gotten into trouble. We do our own thing in the name of His love... rejecting the Truth given to us from His Word and the Authority of His church. We then Rationalize that the Word of God was written by mere 'men' thus it is invalid and weak in 'pure' Truth, and undependable. Not all of it of course, but the parts of it that does not make much sense to us in the light of the 'new movement of God' on the planet. Indirectly, this way of thinking, my ideas concerning the Word of God appealed to my sense of false sovereignty that placed my own inner guidance and self direction ( will) above the Word of God and the Authority of the Church. How do these dark energies enter? They enter thru our unwillingness to totally submit ourselves to God in the ways He has provided for us to know Him and love Him and others deeply. .. thru His Church and thru His Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. i shared a while back about my complete and utter aversion to the idea of repentance after reading a book about it. I was really put off. I felt an aversion to be functioning out of old energy..( the church) Just like i had gradually been turned off to participating actively in the Life of the Church. By the grace of God i was able to see this, even though dimly at first. Grace given was the beginning of my waking up to begin to see i had willfully, yet inadvertently, brought myself to a kind of humanistic Christianity where i was bait for the demons within my new age thinking and experimenting. Seeing this, then taking full responsibility for my rebellion then asking and receiving God's mercy was key to awakening from such darkness that had dulled my heart to the things of God and caused me pain... energetically and otherwise. To To be clear here, it did not feel like i was living in darkness. i sincerely believed i was walking in the light of Christ. I was well entrenched in the ways i saw things spiritually and this gave me a sense of being, belonging, purpose. i had great resistance to anyone who challenged me.. writing them off as of the old energy and not living .. 'love.' this fed my ego even more. I shared about the attacks when i returned to the Church.. my shock in all this was that i sincerely believed i was fully walking in Christ... i loved Him in my heart and considered myself living for Him completely. However, I was walking to my own tune calling it His. I prided myself in being a new age christian... cutting myself off further from the Church. One of the core conflicts of this generation is .. love. Do we love God on His terms or do we love in the terms of this humanistic culture that has no reference to obedience when it comes to our spiritual walk? Putting oneself at the helm of own ship, captain of his own destiny believing that this is the 'will of God' in this New and Great Age, without adherence to His Word under the Authority of His most Holy Church. Oh such great deception! We cannot minimize His church and Word and stand much less walk in His Truth. We are called to love Jesus with the intention to keep His commandments because Scripture and His Church is our pathway to Him and the standard that we will be evaluated. presently and when we end this earthly life. For quite some time i saw this obedience and adherence to Christ thru His church and Word as a straight jacket... i saw His church as hardly anything i could spiritually grow in. This led to my wanderings in an attempt to find myself.. opening myself to God knows what..this darkness and entanglement spoken of here. I cried out to God in my pain.. and the pain ensued.. that being the energies i experienced as not my own, until i *completely* and utterly let go and surrendered my life to His ways.....the ways He established for us here on earth to feed us and give us Life as well as grace in finding our way.. home. Today the kundalini is more active than ever, but it has an altogether different flavor to it. It is a vehicle used to take me to the higher realms of God, uniting me to the heart of God.. it is a vehicle for living in complete and utter peace and joy on this earth regardless of my circumstances. it is the grace given to live a holy life centered In Christ Jesus... where there is nothing but peace. the keys to the Kingdom ( which has it base as love) are found thru His grace and obedience to His Word and faith in the church He has established here on earth... In this coming home to the Church there has been a deepening surrender to Him, a softening ... an intimacy beyond words..... gone are the days of ' more progressive thought'.. and with it, the energetic stuff i could not shake off on my own. As much as i wanted this state of being when i was wandering in the desert for a number of years, i could not ' hear ' the things i am sharing now that has led to freedom and life much less experiencing it because i was not willing to hear it. i was not willing to bend the knee and live in compliance and obedience to His ways. Phil.. i understand , having gone through this, that it was not 'unjust' that another's energy/ consciousness could become enmeshed with mine..i asked for it indirectly by my lack of obedience following Him in what He has said said in and through His Word and church. It wasn't as if i was out wanting to hurt anyone.. i simply wanted to bend what He said to my vision.. calling it ' His'. It When we do this we move away from Truth and set ourselves up for all sorts of negativity. It was only when i truly submitted to His will for my life believing His Word and Church and began living it in obedience and love, that things changed dramatically. Healing begins when I took full responsibility for my error and repented of it.. turning to Christ Jesus in complete trust. What had previously stopped the action of the Holy Spirit and this flow of Life into my life was due to my unwillingness to be obedient to Christ Thru His Word. My attempts to find life outside of Him in the ways He has given it, I rejected. I sought out the Eckhart Tolle's of the world who told me i was my own master and i could have life apart Christ and His Church s i had known it. All of this was so subtle... it felt so right, yet in the long run it dulled my heart and filled me with a false sense of self reliance and i might add, it furthered my self oriented preoccupation and grandiosity. In this, i opened myself to darker energies unwittedly.. of course i did not see it at the time, as my heart sincerely loved Him ( that has never been an issue,) but what is love without obedience? He said, " If you love Me keep My commandments he who has My commandments and keeps them , it is he who loves Me..If anyone loves me he keeps My word.' I am. In this i find renewed Life...... beyond anything in my wildest imagination in which i sought outside of an attempt to be Like Him. When i was touched by God and began to become aware of what i had done..AFTER i had repented and was reentering the church, there was a fight for my soul. For two weeks it was like i was on a roller coaster from hell.. The mind thoughts came in fast and furious that justified my false sense of self... internally i fought with such thoughts as, " I am such a sucker for believing such nonsense, God has bigger plans for me and all of creation as we stepped into a whole new paradigm that will bring in the new earth of light on this planet. ' I fought with the temptation to believe that 'this was where God's Spirit was a happening thing today....A new Era of Light where we all danced merrily around the may pole in perfect unity, without Christ as our center.'. what a crock of.. bull! Let me be thoroughly clear here.. talking Christ consciousness separate from the man Jesus... is false. but rather it is Jesus Christ, man incarnate and God who sets us free us.. It was not until i clung to Our Lord and surrendered every last ounce of me, admitting i did not even know how to get myself out of this mess that this horrendous fight began to pale, then by His grace, disappear. Don't get me wrong there are other fights.. but this is within the christian context of purification, not the oppression i was under. The Spirit of Antichrist is subtle. Like a thief who steals a beautiful painting and succeeds in peddling it on every street corner as his own, so Satan claims to do the works of God. Claims we can be god without any real obedience to God and His church...This is what opens us to darker energies.. and they will not subside or go away until we reexamine our life and to willingly let go of our illusions, where we have missed the mark. This is impossible without the grace of God.. as our mind justifies our egocentric need to have the right to call our lives our own.. but that is not true. I will also be honest in sharing that if i had read a post like this a while back i would have dismissed it immediately as one who was coming from ' old energy' or possibly one who was using God as a shield to protect myself from deep seated fears, or that in the context of the newer energies awakening humanity we no longer need to Visible church or the Word of God as an Anchor. ..... nothing could be further from the Truth. It is my opinion born out of experience, the Spirit of the anti Christ is the all prevailing spirit of the ' new spirituality' that so many are flocking to today to find the answers to themselves in a myriad of different practices and beliefs. " I am 'God' and i am called by the spirit of my own Higher Self to awaken and be the captain of my own ship. The 'apple' that keeps perpetuating the illusion is ....... " Well, i am doing good for the planet aren't I? I am feeling mostly good about myself in most areas of my life as these energy purify me of all i am not..... I assure you, the deeper we bite of this apple the less life we will have , as it is not based solely in Christ Jesus. There is an unholy momentum in the nations where more and more people, who in the Name of Jesus ( or otherwise) are making Him into an image of what they want in a god. They are defining love by that god that they have created. It is not Jesus. Sadly, we see anything or anyone that we perceive as restricting our sense of self as the enemy.. not seeing our blatant rejection of Gods Holy Truth as .. bondage. Many of us have hungered for the fullness of Light on the planet. This is how we fall prey to these darker energies which project themselves as light..... I believe it is our hunger for righteousness that drives the boat, yet it is our refusal and arrogance to submit ourselves to the Truth of God as given to us by His Holy Church and the Word that sets the stage to being lured into the counterfeit. Today it is perfectly acceptable in the world , even admirable, to find ourselves through false beliefs and gods. Such things as attempting to find understanding through the belief reincarnation, meditation as a methodology/ as a means to obtain enlightenment, doing so in a spirit of obtaining 'self awareness' and freedom from duality as a focus rather than seeking the face of God as our primary motive. Many are buying into the great lie that all is 'relative' and as long as we' love' we are living in the Light. Worse yet many believe they ARE the Light without any real acknowledgement or hunger for God . This is how we attract darker energies , beings who attach themselves to our energy fields and suck the life out of us. Our failure to seriously identify such deception and acknowledge our part in participating in an illusion that is false... keeps us stuck in it! kundalini by itself does not open us to the things of God. Without full acknowledgement of Christ as Savior, it has the potential of opening us to the counterfeit.. much like the magicians who attempted to simulate the things of God, they sought wisdom/ to be as Gods thru their own efforts. Moses who wore the Armour of God, being obedient to God, knew God. The realization of who we are comes from knowing Christ Jesus thru His Word and through obedience ..this is the pathway to God... to real love. Tara you wrote: " When it comes to the psychic realm our beliefs are everything. Whatever we believe deep down will start to assume a form of reality. That is equally true for positive and frightening beliefs. So, it is important to examine our spiritual beliefs in that regard." If i am interpreting what you wrote correctly,then i hear you as saying that we manifest what we think, so if we don't think believe it, then it will not be so. Scripture tells us satan exists.... ( even though many caught in the intellect today read this as everything but literal.) Also, the Blessed Mother has told the visionaries in Medjugorje that satan is most real... she told Mirjana, one of the visionaries.... " ‘Excuse me for this, but you must realize that satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive." Yes.. i know i have written a book here. I feel passionately about this subject as i have come out of of such disillusionment .... i am not an eloquent writer and so some of this may seem a bit scattered in presentation... moving from my understanding of the connection between obedience to the Church and believing the Word of God as it is written. .. this COUPLED with the love of God leads us freedom. What i see so pervasively in our world today is so many being caught in the wave of new age thinking that does not and will not lead to heaven. Darker energies attach themselves to us if we continue in our ignorance, unwilling on some level to let go of our rebellion and come into alignment with the teachings of His Most Holy Church. For the record, this post is not written with anyone specifically in mind here on these forums.. i am only sharing what i have come to know thru the direct experience of my own rebellion and His magnificent grace that has opened my eyes to His Truth. It is true God is after our heart and that we must be given the grace of the opening of our heart to fully live presently and to live eternally. This love can only be found thru the humility of obedience .. without obedience we become targets for the father of lies. | ||||
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That's certainly true to my own experience, Tara. It does seem that various attachments, in particular, bring disorder, and this is highlighted in K process. Basically, you can't "get away" with anything anymore, at least not for very long, before some kind of consequence shows up. My general advice to people is to do more of what helps and less of what doesn't. Of course, as you say, we're not always clear about just what, precisely, is helping or hindering. Sometimes we discover it accidentally. It does help to know the kinds of general themes and consequences you've alluded to. - - - Shasha and Christine, I think it's good that you call our attention to the reality of diabolical forces and how they are to be dealt with. Discerning diabolical influence is something the Church does very carefully, with a strong bias toward first ruling out all human causes for the presenting phenomena. When it comes to k phenomena, in particular, most everything that's going on seems extraneous to the Ego, and it's tempting to demonize the negative aspects, in particular. That said, there are real enemies of God in the spiritual realm, and they can infiltrate our consciousness in certain circumstances. I'm wondering how you'd distinguish such cases from those in which our own brokenness is externalized? Perhaps another thread could be started on this topic, if you'd prefer. | |||
Hi all Phil asked me to join his team to help those who are in trouble with kundalini symptoms. I have started to do this with great joy and hope that many people benefit from my experience and advice. If, by doing so, I have encroached on some dearly held Christian beliefs then I can only apologise. This is a Christian forum and I totally respect that and I will try very hard not to bring anything in that may upset anybody's beliefs. When it comes to 'demonic attacks' or 'psychic attacks' then it is my understanding that it can never be proven beyond any doubts where these 'attacks' come from. (I think Phil, you are trying to say that as well, yes?) So there is at least the possibility that our painful experiences arise from our own unconscious mind and are mirrors of our own suppressed fears and aggressions. My advice in all these circumstances is to call on the love of your Higher Power and envelop yourself with this love in order to heal anything that may come from your own mind. It is also important to send love to everybody who you suspect of 'attacking' you. I have worked for many years in this way with hundreds of people of all denominations and in my experience this is a deeply healing practice. Hope this helps Tara KundaliniTherapist | ||||
Tara, I appreciate your input and experience in helping people with kundalini problems. And I relate very much to your good heart and work as a therapist helping scores of suffering souls. You are certainly welcome. Your mention of non-Christian beliefs are not "upsetting," and stuff like reincarnation and deity visualization doesn't offend me at all. Just as I'm sure my beliefs don't bother you, right? We can both lovingly think the other is misled, narrow-minded, etc. ![]() I think its good to air out those differences in respectful ways. Phil believes in letting people say whatever and humble people do learn, even change their beliefs, and growth happens. So keep on... | ||||
We've ventured down a difficult avenue, where beliefs and experience meet or collide. I think it's good to be open and honest, and everyone seems to be doing that, so I'm grateful for everyone's input. The way I see it, it's not easy to pinpoint why God heals or delivers some and not others. For one thing, after my original struggle with the psychic link, I returned to the church, to a very orthodox faith and obedience of church and scripture, fully repenting, but the attacks I suffered didn't stop. Deliverance wasn't based on my obedience or my repentance. My introduction to contemplative prayer was here at shalomplace, and a deepening of that practise has strengthened me and diminished the difficulties I face. If I've moved away from orthodoxy in any small way, such as a belief in reincarnation, or dalliances with the now infamous "twin flame", it hasn't resulted in any worsening of the problem. On the contrary, it has helped me understand it better. There are many details I don't share which make a lot more sense. Simply submitting to the church didn't work. The idea that God only delivers when we adopt the right belief or submit to the correct teaching suggests his love and desire to heal are conditional. It reads more like accruing favour and seems formulaic, simplistic, when in truth God's ways and purposes are a lot more mysterious. I can only reiterate that my experience of deliverance has been subject to a deepening of personal spirituality, not correct belief. | ||||
Tara.. i can appreciate that psycho therapy as well as some of the healing arts can be beneficial to a human being regarding healing of mental illness. Not everyone with mental illness is demonically influenced... i think it is very unwise to reduce the reality of demonic activity to a ' dearly held Christian belief system.' i personally am not offended by this as i hear you as meaning well. However you are.. dead wrong. Tara , like Shasha, i see you as having a good heart and also i welcome you to the forums..... i do however think you are misinformed when it comes to the influence of demons .. they cannot be dealt with by denial or by correcting wrong breathing, or by any ' self healing techniques. i understand that psycho therapy, as well as some of the healing arts have a place in serving people who are suffering ..... but these helpful supportive ways to relieve suffering in people who are mentally ill are not suitable in the removal of these parasites that can most definitely affect human being. I am not suggesting there is a demon around every corner. i am stating that demons do exist and the only way to be rid of these demonic invaders involves confession of sin, canceling the ground surrendered to Satan, and commanding the removal of wicked spirits in the name of the Lord Jesus. They are not be treated as an 'equal' ... by placating them by various methods to help those suffering from opening themselves up to such darkness in ignorance.. no matter how sincere we are in being helpful in serving them. the process for removing demonic invaders involves confession of sin, canceling the ground surrendered to satan, and commanding the removal of wicked spirits in the name of Our Lord Jesus... Attacks of obsessive fear/ thoughts, suicidal depression, eating disorders, and constant self-condemning thoughts and chronic pain that appears outwardly to be kundalini related when having given oneself over to other peoples energy fields who do not work in the Light of Christ act as a potential foothold for demonic control.. This sort of thing can very well be an entry way into offering ourselves to entities unknowingly through working with others who have attachments themselves or through opening ourselves willfully in sin. there are various stages of demonic activity, from the everyday variety of temptation in our daily choices, to more extraordinary activity ; obsession, oppression, manifestation and so forth. I see a tendency in our society today to discount the existence and reality of these beings and the havoc they create in the lives of human beings. When we reduce our understanding to an intellectual or a humanistic metaphysical level where everything is a byproduct of our wounding or the 'unconscious within us'.. we then are blinded to the recourse of true healing of such suffering found in demonic oppression. If there is demonic activity going on in a persons life.. the only way to deal with it is sincere prayer , repentance if it is needed, and calling on the Holy name of Jesus... in extreme cases exorcism. | ||||
There are actually a number of ways to deal with unwelcome attention from spirits, some of which you would probably call magic and balk at. What gives "evil spirits" a foothold into a person's life is some kind of defect in character or faith, otherwise referred to as vice and sin. I know "defect" isn't going to be a term some folks like, but let's get real - if we admit that we are attempting to grow in virtue and thus become "better" people, then there has to be some kind of defect or room for improvement to begin with. Out of all the people I've met who I believe are under the influence of negative spirits, they all indeed need to repent of their sin and increase in virtue, but it's never the sins they believe it to be. It's often a sin that involves not accepting responsibility for one's own physical, mental, and spiritual health, thereby disrespecting the temple of the Holy Spirit. And an unfortunate trait that I've seen in Christians, especially those given to contemplative graces, who feel they are afflicted by demons, is that they get it into their head that God is allowing it, and thus it must be for their own good. They sometimes even seem to abide a mild and perverse pleasure in the suffering, knowing firmly in their own minds that they are somehow special because of the attention they're getting from "evil demons." IMO this has more to do with their own neuroses than it does with demons, the irony being that the neuroses themselves are indeed the mental and spiritual defects which give the demons the opening in the first place. I know that spirits, both what you might term "good" and "evil" do exist and influence us - I've had direct experiences with both types - I also know that my own head is my own head. If you are not taking control of your own mind, then you are most likely allowing others to control it. Whether those others are evil spirits, other people, your own psychological complexes, etc, doesn't really matter. It will probably be all of those and more, because if it's not yours, it will surely be someone else's. Tara is 100% right about loving those perceived as enemies - ACTIVELY loving them. I said before that your consciousness only really interacts with the mental impressions you have of other people, and that is very true. It's through these projections that we give away a piece of our own soul to others, which is what gives them power over our minds and spirits. The act of sending LOVE to those other people draws back into your Self all psychological and spiritual traits that you've projected on to them, that exist as the true link between their consciousness and yours. Love DRAWS IN and JOINS the disparate parts of the self and soul, and makes you whole. When you are whole, you are protected and safe. It's when you're broken that you are vulnerable. | ||||
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Christine, as you state: "If . . ." One traditional way to discern is to attempt to treat the presenting problem using the interventions of the helping professions, to which we might add kundalini interventions. If these don't work, we can take it to the next level of inquiry. Deliverance and exorcism are last resorts. My sense is that in most cases, what people with kundalini are considering demonic activity is symbolic/energetic representation of repressed/alienated parts of their own psyche. These representations are indeed very real, and often very resistant to even spiritual interventions like prayer. One can learn to engage this material in therapy, journaling and other means, and eventually integrate it. If there are indeed demons in the process, it will become known at some point. But we may be sure that a practice like unconditional love for self and others will annoy the hell out of the most persistent demon and create for them a most inhospitable environment. ![]() | |||
I absolutely agree with Tara when she speaks of loving ones perceived enemies. many of the Orthodox saints pray for the do i. It is true we are protected when we are whole.. for me this wholeness is found in Christ Jesus.. being very human i understand i am ALWAYS vulnerable, even though i have been made whole by the Blood of the Lamb as i am very human. in knowing this i am less influenced by attacks even though annoying... there is peace. i understand what is happening and simply pray for help. | ||||
well put Phil.. i see kundalini as a great gift.. the purification process can be .. well somewhat disarming when the going gets rough...... it is wonderful that there are folks out there like Tara who can help us within this process....and to save time as i have a house full of workers tearing it apart right now putting in new windows.. i agree with every thing you have written in your last post and could not have expressed it better ![]() i am saying that to write off everything as repressed/ alienated parts may not always be the case and to be aware of this possibility. and yes.. love will always be the bottom line to everything.. however it looks love has the last say .. always. | ||||
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