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Dear believers in Christ, I believe we are living in the latter part of the last days. I like the analogy the Lord has used to describe the harvest of souls. The former rain that rains during October or November, is that which softens the soil and then in March or April the latter rain rains which tells the farmer it's time for harvest. It's amazing to see the prophecy being fulfilled in our day. The former rain fell on the Day of Pentecost, while the latter rain is falling now. I can see that from the time of Martin Luther, there has been a deep dive into God's truth. With the Pentecostals, the outpouring of the Spirit was restored and ever since the down pour has increased. People are coming out of their denominations into the depth of God's Spirit. But I personally believe that a move of God is coming where people will place importance to holiness. Afterall, Jesus is coming for a Church that is without spot or wrinkle. Peter tells us to be diligent that we be found without any spot or blemish. I also believe for this, unity is important. Don't mistake me, I don't believe compromising with the truth, but I believe people will be so humble that they will come out of their pre-conceived notions and beliefs into God's truth. I also believe, the next great move will take place among the unknown and meek. Those who are neither into fanaticism nor in modernism, those who have strength under control. We live in such a glorious hour. Though it's getting darker and darker in the world, the Bride is shining the light anf glory of Jesus. I want to be part of it, I want to witness souls being sweeped into God's kingdom. | |||
Welcome Sid! Nice to hear somebody to feel the importance of our time. Like you I believe we live in the latter part of last days. The battle has been waged in the realm of Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ won. That battle is playing out in the physical world. This is why we witness many weird and horror things. These are the things we must pass through. In the mean time we need to focus solely on Christ and we have to be careful to crtisize Israel. | ||||
Indeed, I do believe that we are witnessing events of great sadness and wonder. However, I am certain that those Christians who lived through the Black Death, the Dark Ages, and other times of great calamities also believed that the time of the End was near. I think we must be careful and not get carried away. Besides, do we not have the freedom to determine our history or are we simply paltry players on a stage of history where the plot has already been laid out and we merely are passive pawns in some great cosmic drama? What does this do, in principle, to human creativity, freedom, and choice. Yes, let Christ come again, every day, in our hearts. I have often wondered whether this desire to have the world end rises up out of a deep seated but unconscious hatred for creation itself. Sort of like just having a really bad day at work and spontaneously but unthinkingly wishing you were better off unemployed or dead just to make it all go away. Devinath | ||||
Devinath, since the beginning of Christianity people at all ages believed the end is near. That is why people asked today what is different in our time. We must know one important thing. It is not the outer circumstances (what happened in the world) which indicate and determine the end time. As I understood it the whole process is an inner process. Wheather we live in end times or not Christ must reveal within us. We can't predict if end times is near or not by just simply observing the condition of the world. First the truth must reveal within and then that truth manifest on physicality. For me the end of the world doesn't mean the abolishment of the physical world. I believe the physical world will survive but the conscisousnes of humanity will change from the ground. | ||||
Hey There Guys, I too believe we are living in the latter part of the last days. The begining of the last days was of course inaugurated by the coming of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. I also hear the warning to be aware that many have felt that they live in the last days, as so while I do believe we do live in the latter part of the last days (and in a very real way we are closer to the end than any other generation has been), I also except that it may still be a while (no one will ever know the exact time and day of Christ's return). I must be honest, I have studied Theology and Eschatology and I do not really believe Israel still has special favour with God. In order to be the covenant people, they had to remain in covenant and they have not (because they rejected the messiah of the covenant). Modern day Israel is a secular state and do not have the religious claims to the land that the ancient Israelites had by virtue of the covenant. For me a primary indicator of the fact that we live so near to the end is the state of the secular world. I have a sense of the magnitude of the kingdom of darkness. God is intelligent and you can see that in his creation and sustaining of the world and his development of His kingdom. Just so, imo Satan is no fool and for him to be seeking a kingdom and crown of his own without proper planning and purpose seems foolish. Amongst my friends we call his (satan's) construct "The system". It is the political, religious, medical, educational etc etc systems of the world that keeps people afraid, misinformed, tied to finacial systems, dependant on govenrment and institutions for life i.e. not free, not free indeed. Therefore we see it as the construct of Satan and the manifestation of his kingdom in this world. Some conspiracy theorists seem to tap into this darkness because they sense that something is wrong with the world. Since the 1600 and more every day since the world is changing and the system is becoming more greedy, selfish, corrupt, evil etc. I is Babylon and I believe any Christian serious about Christ and His Kingdom needs to seriously consider what they believe about the kingdoms of this world. You cannot have two masters. | ||||
I must be honest, I have studied Theology and Eschatology and I do not really believe Israel still has special favour with God. In order to be the covenant people, they had to remain in covenant and they have not (because they rejected the messiah of the covenant). Modern day Israel is a secular state and do not have the religious claims to the land that the ancient Israelites had by virtue of the covenant. Jacques, anybody whose analysis of Israel based upon Theology arrive in either of the following two alternative interpretations. Probably the most significant issue related to the Abrahamic covenant has to do with its nature. Is it conditional (bilateral) covenant or an unconditional (unilateral) covenant? How one answer that question determines the framework of one's prophetic studies. If the Abrahamic covenant is conditional (means its fulfilment depends on Israel's continuing obedience to God), then a case can be made like you do that national Israel has been set aside by her failures and disobedience and no longer can anticipate receiving the promises of the covenant. If, however, the Abrahamic covenant is unconditional covenant (depending totally on God for fulfilment), then national Israel does have a future, since not all the promises of the covenant have been completely fulfilled. Although my understanding of Israel matches with the unconditional covenant of Abrahamic covenant my perception is not coloured by Theological studies. In understanding this issue my mind is not involved in it. Like many revelations happened in my life God has shown me the special status of Israel. When this thing happened I was ignorant of Theological studies of this matter and I was not interested in Israel either. So, for me this issue is not a matter of Theological interpretation. For me a primary indicator of the fact that we live so near to the end is the state of the secular world. Again, for me as I stated above the whole issue of end times is an inner process. Through direct experience of God this things revealed within us. Once we have this truth revealed for us within us it will be easy to correlate with the outer circumstances (indicators). Because the outer always reflect the inner. When I say I believe in the latter days of end times all my assessment is based on an inner experience. and in a very real way we are closer to the end than any other generation has been I would like to know how you know we live in the latter days of end times? no one will ever know the exact time and day of Christ's return. It is true. Once he is returned he will be visible for us but I don�t think Christ will return back physically and will be seen by physical eyes. For me the return of Christ is an inner process. | ||||
When we look at the history of the world, we can see the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. Just as the kingdom of light has grown and developed with time, so too has the kingdom of darkness. The indicators appear in some of the views I have on the current state of the world. I have posted some of it on the thread called Christianity, Eschatology and Conspiracy Theory I agree that Israel is special, and I think if they would ever respond to Jesus as a nation then they would continue to share national covenant with God (maybe). The fact that during the Old Testament God constantly allowed their disobediance to result in exile, seems to indicate that their behaviour and actions in covenant had an affect on that covenant. I do believe Christ will come back bodily. The angels said that he would return as he went, bodily. He spoke of a return. The church has always taught that he would return bodily. Their is talk of a new heaven and earth and a end to this world. I do not have time to quote that relevant passages etc. But I do think the Bible teaches a physical return, an end to this fallen world and the creation of a new heaven and earth in which the glorified family of God live in fellowship with Him. | ||||
Grace, I wholly agree with you in the sense that Christ's second coming should be primarily understood in terms of an evolution of consciousness or change within of the human heart.I simply cannot buy into a scenario where we are destined to bring destruction upon ourselves so that God at the last moment can come in like a superhero and save the day. Besides, I feel that every human being, in light of their own death, prepares daily for their own "second coming" as it were... devinath | ||||
I do believe Christ will come back bodily. The angels said that he would return as he went, bodily. He spoke of a return. The church has always taught that he would return bodily. Their is talk of a new heaven and earth and a end to this world. I do not have time to quote that relevant passages etc. But I do think the Bible teaches a physical return, an end to this fallen world and the creation of a new heaven and earth in which the glorified family of God live in fellowship with Him. Yes, Christ �will� come back bodily. He �will� also create a new heaven and a new earth. What is written on the bible �will� be fulfilled. No question at all. When I�m said this I�m totally based upon the direct experience (revelation) I have. I�m not interested in interpretation and speculation. Since year 2004 I have always been aware of Christ�s second coming. When this issue rose on this board I tried to adjust myself to the majority thinking. I can�t suppress my inner feeling for indefinite time. In the following I will express what I have always felt on this issue. Because of this many may reject me; I�m not sure either if Phil allowed me to post my bold statement on this issue. Since the inception of my spiritual awakening back in 1998 I have been in an intense purification process. During this period many unbelievable things revealed for me. Among these revelations is the second coming of Christ. At the end of 2004 I was felt a strong presence of Christ and later on I was caught up in the �cloud� there I saw our lord Jesus Christ coming down from the sky surrounded by many angels. At the same moment I was shown how Christ battled with the kingdom of Satan. I was also shown the creation of new earth and new heaven. The revelation is long and mysterious I can�t go in detail now. For a while it is enough to say that our Lord Jesus Christ has already returned back at the end of 2004. The coming seven 6 years will be the time of intense purification both for human beings and Earth. This is the time of trial, many horror and weird things will happen. The battle won by Christ on spiritual level will play out in physicality in different forms. In the mean time it is important that we continue to focus on Christ, continue to pray. Regarding Israel I�m not interested in those different theological interpretations. What was revealed for me is Israel is still protected by God. Each and every incidence happened on the soil of Israel is a direct replica of what happened on spiritual level. So, once again I want to encourage you to support Israel at least we should refrain from criticising Israel. Until this moment I kept this secretly. Thank you for allowing me to express my inner feeling. | ||||
Hey Grace, Thank you for sharing!! I truly value that you are in a process with Christ and that he is purifying you and revealing himself and his kingdom to you. Forgive me if this next statement comes across as unkind or disbelieving. I accept that you have had these experiences and these revelations, but so many people in this world have seen things and heard things in vision or dream etc. and sometimes these things seem to contradict each other. I do not think that we can say that people are not seeing things, feeling things inside of themselves and believing these things come from God. So therefore it is interpretation that seems to cause people to arrive at different conclusions about what they have seen. I am not saying you are wrong about what you have seen or feel, but at the same time not everybody can be right at the same time? | ||||
Perhaps Phil may have better insight into this than me ![]() | ||||
I don't know, Jacques, Grace, et al. Even the Lord himself refused to name a day or hour, which could be more broadly interpreted to mean that he didn't leave many specifics. I do believe that history belongs to Christ, that there is spiritual warfare ongoing, and that the thermostat is being turned up in these days. Whether these are the last of the last days, however, I have no opinion one way or the other. Lots of people have claimed private revelations on this matter, but I have had none such. The Church's teaching is that private revelation is always first and foremost for the one receiving the revelation. Beyond this, its merits have to be judged in the light of scripture and, in this case, what actually comes to pass. | ||||
Thanks Phil and Jacques, good points. It is through my experience and revelation that I came near to the teaching of traditional church, Scripture etc. I'm glad that my experience is in line with the historical church. So far, those revelations I have got are in agreement with the message of Scripture. Except new insights on the second coming of Christ nothing is changed in my spirituality. As usual I attend Mass and participate in our community. The revelation and most importantly the purification process I�m going on helps me to understand the deep meaning of Christianity. For all this I thank God. | ||||
Even the Lord himself refused to name a day or hour, which could be more broadly interpreted to mean that he didn't leave many specifics. True. Prior to his second coming no body knows the time and the date. Before I was caught up I had no the slightest idea about the coming of our Lord. But after he returned back, as he promised, we know that he is back. As he prophesied he came like a thief. At this moment he is visible only for a very few people but gradually (after the intense purification)all eyes will see him. During this transition period many people will awake spiritually. Many have already awaken. The number of people who report their mystical expereince will increase dramatically. That we have seen some people's mystical expereince on Shalom is not accidental. I believe such kind of story will increase even here. | ||||
The Lord clearly told us "when" He would come, He said He would come like a thief, and that mean NO ONE will know when He will come. G-d never asked us to LOOK for the Great Tribulation, He asked us to LOOK for His coming. Many are preparing for the Great Tribulation, which will come upon the whole earth, but they are unaware of the promise of being caught up. In the message to Jerusalem in Matthew 23(end) and Matthew 24, we see that Jesus tells us clearly when the end will come. I find this the greatest sign of the end-times: taking the Gospel to the ends of the world. Due to lack of time, signing off. | ||||
when God acts in history, many times it occurs on His holy days, His appointed times: Passover (days of Unleavened Bread), the death of Jesus Pentecost, giving of the Holy Spirit, Birthday of the Church. Feast of Trumpets, the Second Coming of Jesus, as the last Trumpet sounds (1 Cor. 15:52). God's "appointed times" are all about Christ: His life, His work, His ministry. | ||||
I don't think Christ has come already, When he returns, every eye will see him. I haven't seen him yet! at his return the universe will be destroyed and remade, the elements will melt away and the earth will be transformed into the new earth and the new heaven (check 2nd Peter) therefore any concept that has something else happening between Christ's second coming and the end of this world seems to me to be in error. | ||||
Also, Phil, I think there is value in trying to understand Eschatology and the book of Revelation, the Bible itself says so in the opening of the apocalypse. I have recently read an excellent book on the subject. I is called the Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology. It is all about the fact that Jesus is the end. Eschatology is not about the end times, it is about a person i.e. Christ, because he inaugurated the end times with his coming and fulfills God's plan for humanity in three phases, For us, In us and With Us. Great Read! | ||||
Jesus Christ may return on the Feast of Trumpets in some given year, which no one knows. | ||||
Yes, every eye will see him and the earth will be transformed into the new earth and the new heaven. The problem is there are so many interpretations. There are a lot of different understanding among Christians how the second coming of Christ will be. Unless we have a direct experience of it we are left to innumerable interpretation. | ||||
That is true Grace, But, I just struggle to believe that he has already come back. Perhaps you experienced a vision of his return, but that does not mean that he has already returned. | ||||
Ok Jacques, let me clarify myself. There are so many confusion and misunderstanding on this topic and when I say Christ has returned back it creates objection and scepticism. Everything we see on physical world is a reflection of what lies beyond physicality. For instance, in our civilization disease can only be diagnosed when it appears on physical body but in actuality the disease has already been manifested on subtle body before it appears on physical body. By the same token the second coming of Christ has occurred on spiritual level then what was happening there is/will manifest in different forms on our physical world in the coming six years. The process has already started. What we witness today on our world is the result of it. Christ has already won the battle. Satan is defeated and the New Earth has already created on spiritual level but before we see the new earth on physical level the old earth we live in today must undergo transformation. We are literally in an intense purification process. Every filth and evil accumulated on earth released in order to be purified. This purification process encompasses both humanity and Earth. As a result of this purification those who belongs to Christ is/will be awaken and those who rejected Christ will be caste out. All what I�m saying is in the bible the problem is as I mentioned earlier on people interpret the bible according to their level of consciousness and think they have the most correct interpretation. Jacques, you don�t need to be struggling to understand what I�m saying. What we need at this moment is exclusive focus on Christ and he will show us everything hidden from our mind in time. Weather we are conscious or not at this moment Christ purifies us and we must be attentive to listen to our intuition. Much love to you | ||||
Gents, the resurrection is a "return," no? And the risen Christ is accessible to us. But there is also the glorious return to establish the fullness of the Kingdom, and that has obviously not yet come about. | ||||
Christ has returned back spiritually (on etheric level) and collected his children. But it will take a few years before his fullness of kingdom materalized here on earth. We have to wait some years more until all who belongs to him purified. We can't enter to new earth with our lower nature. | ||||
Christ has returned back spiritually (on etheric level). . . Grace, I've never heard it put like this and am not sure I understand what you mean. Could you elaborate. | ||||
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