The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding
by Philip St. Romain
Paperback and digital editions; free sample

Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality
- by Philip St. Romain
Paperback and digital editions

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Endorphins and Kundalini Problems Login/Join

The above address is a secure website and of the many websites on endorphins it is the best at explaining what endorphins are and how and what does produce them Smiler . There are a few commercials or adds but if you can ignore them there is a lot of good information on that website about endorphins.

So why am I posting a topic in the kundalini help section? Because having a kundalini attack (as this message board defines it) means that there has been a sudden drop in the production of endorphins by your brain and nervous system. Now here is what is funny guys, when you raise the Kundalini it is suppose to cause your mind and body to produce endorphins not shut down the production of endorphins. So what are endorphins? They are chemicals that your body produces that tell your brain and nervous system to feel good. Anything that you do or say or think that causes you to feel good, without any kind of drugs, is caused by the production and stimulation of endorphins.

will be back, love, tucker
Posts: 429 | Location: USA | Registered: 04 April 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It turns out that the nerves inside your spinal column produce endorphins and the meditation that is used to bring the Kundalini up the spinal column from the tail bone/coccyx to the center of your brain/the hypothalamus is called "spinal breathing". Breathe cool air in through your nose, through your sinuses, to the center of your brain, and then down through your spinal column to your tail bone/coccyx. Then breathe warm air up from your tail bone/coccyx up to the center of your brain and then out through your nose. This meditation produces endorphins which make you feel good because one of the things that it does is to stimulate the nerve bundles in your spinal column which causes them to produce endorphins.

And if you do this quite a bit you will begin to experience a Kundalini rising and a tingling where the top of your nose and your eyes come together in your forehead and it will be a pleasant experience because of the endorphins that are produced. Raising the Kundalini up your spinal column is not suppose to cause problems.

And you can also generate endorphins by meditating on any part or all of your nose Smiler . Feeling your nose with your mind will cause you to feel good because of the endorphins that are produced by that action. Start with your nostrils and then work your way up the nose to where the nose enters the forehead between your eyes. It will not only make you feel good it will also give you a stronger immune system.

love, tucker
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Energy follows attention, so the exercises you're suggesting are good for centering and guiding the energy to the prefrontal lobes of the brain and pineal.

Other ways to boost endorphins -- good link below, starting with #1, chocolate! Seriously! If nothing else, you'll forget you're miserable when you eat it. Smiler

Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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kundalini attack (as this message board defines it) means that there has been a sudden drop in the production of endorphins by your brain and nervous system

Interesting! Is kundalini attack = kundalini awakening? Apparently kundalini activation is not the same as kundalini awakening?

I feel the energy sort of all the time and occasionally it has removed some energy blocks but kundalini awakening sounds to be of something else, of something stronger in nature. Something that I have not experienced.

Do you see them to be separated phenomena?

I have also spontaneously started to self-medicate myself with chocolate, or actually raw chocolate powder that i mix with ginger powder, tahini and honey to make a very thick paste, as i noticed raw chocolate was much stronger in its drug-like effects than ordinary dark chocolate. :-) It blurs the clarity and makes me feel more comfortable, more ok with handling with the world. A drug.

about me, a psychological death is by the door. shall it sweep the rest of my identity, yet i'm not sure. i strongly feel i need to strengthen my nervous system, and now discovering some herbs that could be beneficial.
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Hello, bear, when I was investigating diets for diabetes, I started coming across information sbout the various neurochemicals produced by different foods. Since I have no background in biochemistry, it was all beyond me. In fact, I get the impression that a lot is still unknown even by professional medical researchers. Hence one is forced to do an “n=1” experiment, as you are doing now. For what it’s worth, I believe that running, eating spicy food, and watching comedy videos will also increase endorphin levels.

The disappearance of the personal self is essentially what happened to me in March 2011. The only Christian writers I know of on this subject are Bernadette Roberts and David R. Hawkins.
Posts: 1037 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Oh brother -- disappearance of the personal self again! Wink

Might that be something like the loss off the affective ego?

To my thinking, there is never even a loss of Ego, but a radical transformation of it.

Back to endorphins now. Smiler
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wow, I see that even in 2004 you had been "discussing this topic for years"! I'll therefore be very, very, very brief. Just a quick quote from What Is Self: "It is possible to come upon a state in which there is no phenomenal self at all." And I'll leave it up to bear as to whether he wants to read the source from which I took that quote.

And now back to our scheduled thread.
Posts: 1037 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ha ha. Smiler Yes, I've been exploring this topic since the late 19080s, when I was in extensive dialogue with Bernadette Roberts. We could debate all day what people mean by "phenomenal self," and I'm pretty sure I know what they're talking about -- reflecting consciousness with a sense of intentional momentum and affective sensitivity. There is an alternative experience -- non-reflecting human consciousness -- that I have written about at great length here and in several of my books. It's always "there" in everyone, un-noticed, in the background, and yet it is foundational. One can learn to "lean back" into this and even live out of it as one's normative, everyday state, or, sometimes, it asserts itself in such manner as to inhibit reflecting consciousness -- at least for awhile.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Oh, apologizes for misleading the topic to elsewhere for a bit. Smiler

Yes, I guess it is affective ego indeed, or how I viewed it as was identity, or trying to look nice to (specific) people and be accepted by them and by society. When the opinions of others lose its significance, I suppose that is when the affective ego also goes down. So maybe it's like two sides of the same coin, (at least if anxiety is your major neg. reaction like in me). And then you are wondering there what is it to be authentic.


About endoprhins, it seems feeling love is very good and I guess it also produces endorphins. And it feels like the only light in darkness ! Life seems to be easy and bearable only when that is felt...

Funnily before life seemed to be ok even without feeling of love... maybe it is related to this drop of endoprhins what Tucker mentioned...
Posts: 39 | Location: Finland | Registered: 14 October 2017Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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All good, bear. And not to fret about contributing to a topic detour. Sometimes these are the most interesting discussions.

I would agree that love is probably the ultimate in endorphin generators. For me, endorphins seem to be less about feeling and emotion than a sense of lightness and well-being.

I love this clip from "What the Bleep do we know about anything?" as it simulates what's happening biochemically as the people experience various emotions. There's a bit of BS in the movie, but it does a nice job with regard to neuropeptides.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Holy smokes, I take off for a minute and all kinds of exciting things happen! Hi Bear Smiler! Boy, Phil you sure had your hands full in that topic on effective ego Smiler . I sure would like to get into that topic, but I am not sure you want me too?

Humm? As a yogi, you sometimes learn how to manipulate your autonomic nervous system. At least to an interesting extent. During the years that I was under a lot of psychological stress and and experiencing a lot of depression because of my life situation, I had to directly stimulate my immune system with my mind to keep from getting sick. Now that I am no longer under this tremendous stress and am starting to get over the PTSD that it caused I am starting to play with other systems with the endorphin producing part of the autonomic nervous system being what I am playing with at this time. with some very interesting results so far Smiler .

Now, what is the deal on this ego stuff? I have reached the point where I just turn mine off. No ego at all. I am just on and aware. I do have an ego at times because when you interact with others they expect it and are uncomfortable if you do not have an ego. Your ego is what unconsciously clues others to how their social exchange with you is going. Without these clues they are in limbo and become uncomfortable. Have I annihilated it? No I have just turned it off because for the most part it is not needed and mine has a tendency to be destructive. I do have a good social personality that I still use when I interact with other people.

We have to have reasons to feel good Smiler . Without those reasons you do not have permission to feel good. When you start to stimulate your autonomic nervous system with your mind and you cause yourself to feel good for no reason your ego can get upset about it. This is because you are doing something without it's permission.
Posts: 429 | Location: USA | Registered: 04 April 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Tucker:
Now, what is the deal on this ego stuff?

I think the deal is that long-term members of SP have had multiple conversations on this same subject and are in no mood to repeat those discussions one more time. BTW, anyone wants to review where we got to can either search out our previous discussions or read the books:

Philip St. Romain, God and I: Exploring the Connections Between God, Self and Ego, 2nd edition, Wichita, Kansas: Contemplative Ministries, 2016.

Bernadette Roberts, What Is Self?: A Study of the Spiritual Journey in Terms of Consciousness, Boulder, Colorado: Sentient Publications, 2005.
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Well I guess that I got in trouble Smiler . Eek!

Humm? We are first "biological robots", and our personality programming is one of the things that defines us and our actions. Now this is Kundalini support and I am licensed with a little more leeway in this forum than I am in the other purely Christian forums when it comes to the things that I can discuss. Phil said that as long as I behave myself he doesn't mind. In the purely Christian topics there is a Christian subject protocol that has to be maintained and as a Christian and a very experienced message board participant I understand and I wholeheartedly agree with that protocol. But in the kundalini forum I have a little more leeway because this forum brings non Christians into a loving Christian environment because it is about a non Christian subject. The Christian side of this message board is really for just Christians and it is for helping other Christians.

And thank you Derek for reminding me that some topics are locked without any indication that they are locked. Your input is appreciated and I will very carefully pussy foot around that particular subject so that it doesn't surface again. And please keep me up dated as things go along.

Endorphins and Kundalini problems? Endorphins are chemicals that are created by the body to stop or control pain and to make you feel good. And endorphins need to be produced constantly because once they are used they are broken down quickly. When one is having a Kundalini attack or an uncontrolled Kundalini rising the production of endorphins for some reason stops or becomes minimal. This state of being causes those who are experiencing an uncontrolled Kundalini rising to experience various degrees of not well or not good to say the least. Which is funny because when you raise the Kundalini as a yogi it causes you to feel ecstatic or blissful which means that the raising of the kundalini as a yogi produces endorphins.

The question now becomes how can we help those that are having kundalini problems (I have been on Kundalini help message boards for years because I also had problems with uncontrolled kundalini stuff). And so far we can't help them with the question being why? Ergo, "Ways to consciously produce endorphins." We can't change their ego and we probably can't show them how to turn it off like Bear has figured out how to do. And Bear is also using fruit sugar/honey and pure chocolate to assist in the production of endorphins. Personally Bear I think that what you have discovered and are doing is awesome!
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Not to worry. It's just that we've "been round the houses" many, many times on the subject. Actually, another book I could have mentioned, should anyone still be interested, is:

David R. Hawkins, The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden, Sedona, Arizona: Veritas Publishing, 2001.
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thank you Smiler
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