The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Thanks Phil! I am abit premature with this stuff. The regs just laughted me right off of their site. And sent my posts to "Philosophical Nonsense" ![]() We live in a world where everybody has an angle and there is so much misinformation running around out there that anybody with anybody sense has got to be sceptical ![]() Personally I have come to the conclusion that the end days have been waiting for the internet ![]() ![]() ![]() Phil here is a strange concept that I have been planting around the internet for awhile for what ever it is worth, that you might find interesting: Revelation 13:1 "And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten crowns and on his heads were blasphemous names." It turns out that the scripture is a formula for a cheap source of energy. Ten horns are ten Iodines (I), seven heads are oxygens (O), and the ten crowns are uraniums (U). And when a molecule is made of these things in the proportions listed and heated in a limestone vessel that it gives off a tremendous amount of heat. ![]() ![]() | ||||
"The heavens shall roll up like a scroll, and the elements will melt with fervent heat." -- First Century Christian Mystic. WOW!!! ![]() | ||||
John, you do great when you stick to what you know best. As I noted in another post, I have deep respect for the attainments of yogis, especially their knowledge of the interplay between consciousness and energy. When you venture into other areas, however, you're going to be subject to the same kinds of burdens of proof that the rest of us are. . . like with regard to your formula for cheap energy, above. I don't know where you got that one, but no matter how you slice or dice it, the kind of alloy you're describing isn't going to be cheap (if it can even be made to exist). Why? Because Uranium isn't common. Then there's also your contention that Christians wouldn't go for it because of the beast bit. That's assuming an awful lot. Nevertheless, you say and by the way it does work. Can you point us to some kind of article or reference on this. - - - I think I see where you're going with all the life enhancement strategies, but I'm still left wondering if this is all really a consequence of living a life of faith, as you indicated in an earlier post. It seems, instead, to be a lot of "messing with oneself" and manipulating energy. I can tell you that every single time I've intentionlly done kryas, mudras, etc. with the goal of intensifying and/or balancing my energies, I've only made things worse. . . which is why I tread a more jnana and bhakti pathway, to use the yogic references. It seems that my energies become more balanced and smoothed out when I focus on growing closer to God and living by truth. Then do the blockages and knots unravel, the endocrine glands become enlivened, and things go well. | ||||
![]() I understand what you are saying about the meditation stuff. Back when I started things were easy. there were only a couple books on the subject. The one that I liked the best was written by somebody who called himself Ram Das and he studied under a fellow in India named Babaji (means father). In the pictures, that Babaji's spirit was filled with Love, lots of heart energy. He was also no nonsence. That was thirty years ago and I still remember what he looked like and what his spirit felt like. Ram Das was one of those hippies that took a lot of LSD. His writing sytle was strange and his main theme was that you are filled with light. Back then there were seven chakras and an area above your head and the object was to fill them all with sunlight with a "Heart Center" push. And that was it. And what is funny Phil is that if one allows that light to join with the Spirit of God within them, That is all they need. The rest is "Foo Fa". That meditation is self balancing, nourishes you with the spirit and is "one stop shop". Or just feel your body made out of golden white light and then join that light with the Spirit of God within. That is all you need, the rest is BS. Try to explain "that" to people. They want a complex system and a master that charges $20 or more bucks an hour. Otherwise it can't be real. Phil ![]() | ||||
I've read a couple of Ram Dass' books and mostly liked him, while disagreeing with some of what he wrote. But he was refreshing and authentic and he helped turn a lot of people from that generation toward spirituality. His organization also did a lot of good. Back then there were seven chakras and an area above your head and the object was to fill them all with sunlight with a "Heart Center" push. And that was it. And what is funny Phil is that if one allows that light to join with the Spirit of God within them, That is all they need. The rest is "Foo Fa". I think you're right about that. I can explain the nuclear changes that heavy metals go through when they are cooked in a limestone vessel at a temperature of around 2400 degrees Fahrenheit, the forge welding heat range. That would fall within the province of chemistry and physics rather than yogic science. Do you have expertise in those areas? But consider the contradiction implied in requiring that much energy to create what you're calling a viable energy alternative! Then there's the supposed connection between all this and the ten-horned beast from revelations. ![]() . . . but I think that I have reached your "Up to a point." relative to "physical immortality and the science of the ancients". Feedback? I've pretty much lost interest in the topic, although I did try to chip in a bit of relevant info at first. Turns out, of course, it's not really about "physical immortality," but extended lifespan, which isn't even close to the same thing. Then there was the lead-up in your "yoga science and Jesus" thread, where you stated this wasn't really about messing with oneself and energy manipulation, but a by-product of living in faith. Turns out that's not really that case, from all you've shared. Then there's all the right-brain tripping that you do like the bit about the ten-horned beast and a uranium alloy above. I don't really have the time nor the energy to bring a left-brain balance to the discussion. The thread remains open, however, for you to "hold forth" if you wish to continue. If others want to interact, that's fine with me. | ||||
And that the Gold in the Egyptian Life Harness stuff was man made, it is heavyer that normal natural gold. There are 18 isotopes of gold. The isotopes that are heavier than gold all have a very short half-life (3 days or so). I'm not a nuclear physicist, but that should mean that any heavy gold isn't going to stay heavy for very long. | ||||
You guys are wiser than I am and I am obviously spredding misinformation. This can't be good. This is why interacting with knowledgeable others is a very good thing to do. They keep you reality oriented. Sometimes we come to conclusions that need to be tested in reality and we hope that reality doesn't consider its time wasted for contributing to the reality orientation of oneself. Because the contribution is appreciated. Love, John acaveyogi | ||||
Brad ![]() Here is my problem: The ceramic egg method worked. But what I got first was Bismuth, ok so the lead 207 ejected a beta patical and became Bismuth 207. Which by the way, is impossible at the temperature (the white range of a charcoal fire)that I was conducting the experment at. Bismuth was easy, Gold took alot longer. The question then is how did the bismuth turn into gold? If the bismuth ejected two alpha particles then it would become Gold 199. To cool! but Gold 199 is unstable and ejects a beta partical and becomes Mercury 199. So with Bismuth 207 we have four protons and six neutrons and to achieve stable Gold we would have to eject two alpha particals (4 protons and 4 neutrons) plus two neutrons. It is a good thing that I did the experiment with shielding. And so maybe those of you at home shouldn't do this experiment. Turning lead sulfied into gold is an endothermic reaction and requires alot of heat and time. Converting "Uranium oxy iodide" into gold is very exothermic once you get it started and it uses the cheap regular Uraniun not the good stuff. And as a curiosity Limestone (Calcium carbonate)is the philosopher's stone. Which is suppose to have something to do with "at least" extended livespans. And "Tums" the anti acid is pure "philosopher's stone". What I don't know is what the dosage it. Anyhow, Thank you Thank you Thank you Brad! You made my nobel prize in physics possible. The Lord works in mysterious ways ![]() | ||||
Anyhow, Thank you Thank you Thank you Brad! You made my nobel prize in physics possible. I�m glad I could help, John. It sounds as if you have found an alchemic method to turn bismuth into gold. If you can do so in quantity, and profitably, then you will win far more than the Nobel Prize. | ||||
Brad, Thank you for your good wishes, they are appreciated. Love, John | ||||
Brad, Thank you for your good wishes, they are appreciated. Love, John You betcha. And getting back to the topic of this thread, why would one want to live forever anyway? If there�s anything we know about this physical universe it is that all things change, all things run down, entropy increases. Personally I can feel my lifeforce and spirit ebbing as the years go by and I am (knock on wood) in pretty good health so I�m not going to put it down to aging. I�m going to put it down to existing. Existing is tough work. It runs one down. Sure, we�d like every moment to be an energizing moment full of love, but that�s more the exception than the rule. After a couple of centuries, let alone millennia, I can�t even imagine being much more than an empty shell of a person. Death is a merciful and necessary transition. Why fight it? Why glorify and chase after immortality? | ||||
I have no real answers to your questions Brad. Leaving and taking your body with you is a part of the yogi experience, otherwise I would just dump the sucker and leave. I might anyway, I do know how it is done. I am studying it because it is a part of what I am studying, other than that I have no idea why anybody would want to do that. I would rather have not been born period, but oh well, "crap happens". Love, John | ||||
Hey Brad I am from Washington State also ![]() | ||||
Leaving and taking your body with you is a part of the yogi experience, otherwise I would just dump the sucker and leave. Then why don't more yogis give evidence of this? I don't think that's an essential part of the yogic experience, John. But I wonder why you think you need to take your body with you, especially if you're a Christian? Don't you trust that Christ will eventually gift you with a glorious, risen body that will be immortal? Are you trying to help him along, here? He doesn't require this of us . . . doesn't need that kind of help. So what's this really all about? | ||||
Ever hear of Yakima, I am from a small town near there. Love, John Of course. Everyone�s heard of Yakima. It�s a great place. I haven�t visited there in a long time, though. Maybe 30 years. I bet it�s changed a lot. I would rather have not been born period, but oh well, "crap happens". Love, John I have plenty of those days. But maybe you mean you�d have rather stayed in some pre-birth or extra-birth place. Different realms of being and altered states of consciousness is something I have little or no experience in. I smoked pot a couple of times (to no effect) and did one other drug once (which had an astounding effect!). Oh, and I listen to Rush Limbaugh. ![]() | ||||
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