The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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<Asher> |
John, maybe you're a yogi then ![]() | ||
Asher I don't know about books sorry. The best, and it is simple, exercise that there is is the Hatha yoga Sun Greeting exercise (Surya Namaskar). That one works. The best, and only simple, meditation with sound to bring your brain sides into balance is this one: Sit comfortablely. Place the tip of your tongue against the back of your top two teeth where they meet the gum line. With your mind feel the tip of your tongue and the nostrals of your nose at the same time. Now breath in a full breath through your nose feeling with your mind your nostrals and the air going through your sinus cavities. Hold full breath for a moment then hum the OM as you breathe out slowly through your nose with you mouth closed. When you do this you should feel the tip of you tongue and your nostrals and your Heart Center kick in. The Feeling the tip of your tongue against the back of your front teeth and your nostrals both at the same time, part, everyone should do all of the time. This simple feeling meditation charges your life centers automatically. I call it the "pout", the first thing that happens to a person just before they get sick, is they loose their "Pout". The same with animals. Love, John | ||||
Topic stuff Phil I just want to take your entire last post and quote it in its entirety! ![]() ![]() So lets start here: What Phil wrote above is required reading for this topic. And one of the first things that we are studing here is using your conscious mind to stimulate your autonomic nervous system. Both the physical system and the spiritual system, you have two systems. And it should be noted that your physical system has a spirit of its own so to speak. This body physical spirit is the result of the biological machinery functioning. I was going to start with beginning Foundation Yoga Science but starting with, "The minds relationship with the autonomic nervous system", would be way more fruitful ![]() Todays science is for the most part exploring the biological machinery of the physical body from the stand point of Chemistry. What biological chemistry is going on in it and how to create chemicals to affect it, hopefully in a positive way. Now what science is not taking into concideration for the most part, is that the biological machinery of the body communicates with its self using various subtle electromagnetic frequencys. And that through this electromagnetic communition system all cell nucleuses communicate with eachother, the body and also to work as a single unit to run the body. If you see auras around people's bodies what you are seeing is this communication process at work as light. It can also be percieved as emotion. The Life Energy technology of the Ancients amplifys these signals and to some extent stimulate certain areas with a signal of its own. More later... acaveyogi | ||||
Oh and this just as a curiosity: The reason that science can't understand viruses is because viruses operate by "Jamming" this comunication system. This "jamming" ability enables them to control the cell phyisiology and in large numbers shut down certain areas of the communication system. This is how the Aids Virus shuts down the immune system. When they start to pile up in the Thymus Gland they "jam" the Thymus Glands ability to communicate with the body. And they also have a signal the shuts down the Pituitary's (the Sun Life Gland) ability to communicate with the body. acaveyogi | ||||
Topic stuff Begining Foundation Yoga Science has two rules: "Your mind is a thought generator" and "Creation is a manifestation of thought." Understanding How and Why this is requires understanding some extremely complicated math that hasn't been invented yet ![]() You body is a "chunk" of creation and your mind gives it permission to exist. When your mind loses intrest in life for whatever reason or your body, then your body starts to fall apart. This permission that your mind gives your body to exist is what science calls your "autonomic nervous system". So can you affect your autonomic nervous system from the "get go" without being a yogi? Yes you can! So lets start here: The electromagnetic communication system that runs your body has a "Foundation Carrier Wave". This "wave" (frequency) is the back bone of your bodies communication system. We experience this frequency as "Love" and it originates in the "heart center". We experience this frequency as emotion, the OM sound, and for those of us that can do this, as "Pink Light" (Why this light is pink I have no idea, it makes no sense to me. And maybe that is why Jesus is coming on a pink cloud, He is riding the Chariot of Love). When this foundation frequency is disrupted the bodies communication system ceases to be functional and the body falls apart. acaveyogi | ||||
John, just a couple of clarifications. I totally agree that the mind has a strong influence on the body, but it seems the body also operates within its own realm of lawfulness. Lots of depressed people continue living despite their hopelessness, and people in comas can hang on for years without the mind having much to say about it. Conversely, there are very positive, life-loving, young people whose bodies wither away because of cancers and other chronic ailments. This includes very holy people who have a deep spiritual practice. So this mind-body connection you allude to has its limitations on both sides, it seems. So far, a lot of what you've been sharing seems to be a kind of yogic version of basic anatomy and physiology. We might also throw in, here, the role of neuropeptides, which are the chemical equivalent of emotions, and the manner in which thought directly impacts the health of cells. So it would seem that if one could "get it right" at the level of thought, all would be well. And it does help, for sure, but not absolutely so, as I've noted above. What say ye? | ||||
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I've meditated this subject alot and here are some of my current conclusions. Normally the body's permission to exist resides in the subconscious mind. I think there's a death program in our subconscious minds, which will eventually take away the happy and positive individuals also. You know, everybody thinks that death is perfectly natural and there's nothing you can do about it. The question is can you replace this death program with life program? I like to call the death program as the "death urge", it's a deeply held assumption that all must die eventually. Because death is accepted as unavoidable fact and this belief is deep in subconscious, nobody is really even trying to overcome this program. What about saints and really holy people? Saints who definately feel and radiate great amounts of love, still can be in pretty bad physical condition. The problem is that they are also the victims of the death urge ![]() | |||
T. T. B., you seem to be insinuating that the reason people die is because of a death urge they've learned. Is that correct? As you probably know, Freud wrote much about an unconscious death-wish. How do you and John account for the fact that all animals die, and they have no cultural programming. It certainly does seem that death is sort of built in to the system, and is even a way in which nature purges populations of maladaptations. Then there is the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which holds that everything in the universe is "running down," to put it simply. Might not this death urge be a kind of manifestation of the 2nd law? So how would one go about overcoming these kinds of forces that seem so innate to nature. Granted, the human spirit is immortal, and that should affect the life of the body as well, but it seems sort of like trying to raise oneself up by the bootstraps given the reality of sin and its consequences to our body-mind. | ||||
Hi Phil ![]() Humm... Phil can we agree to this? God did not create animals in His image. Animals have a billion heart beats and people don't? We as mankind have a special place in creation because we were created in "Our" image. What this actually means is what we are all exploring. Science, you, and me. Phil I can prove that the "life energy harness" technology of the ancient's works. No problema. The problem is that you end up with a body that doesn't decay inspite of the fact that the person that occupied that body left. Mother Nature has a system that takes out the weak. This system is based on "this indiviual is unhappy or bored". This system uses disease to do it. Or we would be over whelmed with life. If an indiviual, realitive to its programing feels that it is "winning", it is very resistant to disease. No disease kills everybody, it just doesn't. It just takes out the weak. The question is, "How do we fool mother nature inspite of the fact that we don't feel like we are winning?" So that Mother Nature doesn't think that we are one of the weak to be hunted down and taken out? acaveyogi | ||||
Yes, that's the question, John. Are you planning on saying more about "life energy harness?" And what do you mean by "a body that doesn't decay inspite of the fact that the person that occupied that body left." That the body didn't age, but the person died anyway? The alternative health physician I worked closely with for a few years had this idea that what's natural is for us to live until a relatively old age, then check out relatively quickly with some disease or another. It worked for him. He lived to be 75, and just dropped dead after completing the last volume of his three volume series on alternative medicine. | ||||
Following up on another point: Mother Nature has a system that takes out the weak. This system is based on "this indiviual is unhappy or bored". This system uses disease to do it. I can't quite go there, John, as I don't believe disease falls only to the unhappy or bored. I know that a happy attitude enhances immune system function, but, even so, healthy, happy people get sick. Not everyone who gets sick and dies is weak, bored, or unhappy. I've known several exceptions to the rule. Furthermore, if you push that point too far (as the new agers tend to do), you end up saying that people get sick because they bring it on themselves. I don't believe that one either. | ||||
Yes I will tell you everything that I know about Life Energy Harness technology. And to truley understand it it is going to require science to have a look at. Phil I think that you just labled me a new ager ![]() The relationship between the human mind and disease is not quite as simple as I put it above. Nothing is ever that simple. But when one is discusing "complex systems" one starts simple and then drifts toward compicated until one looses their audiance ![]() ------------- So I guess the question comes up, "where do I get my information?" Humm... For whatever it is worth, when you can see/feel the energy patterns that the biological oganism radiates you can see what things are turned on and what things are not turned on and how much, things are turned on or off. And you can study the effects of how what you and others radiate affect you and others. And If you want to come visit me Phil, I will demonstrate my abilities to you. I am pretty good at this stuff. I just don't want to be a public "dog and pony show". So anyway most of my understandings come from practical experience with what I am attempting to talk about. And some is an intuitive gift. I am almost a savant when it comes to the intuitive mind, on certain subjects, but not on everything. -------- | ||||
Life Energy Harness Stuff Phil do you have some a background in electro-magnetic theory? We can start with an example though that exists in an Egyptian museum. The ancient Egyptians had a bib like thing that was made of little gold wire ankhs that were wired together in series and in parallel, that they wore. This was their neck version of the life energy harness. They also had ones that were worn on the head. My expertise is with the ones worn from the neck. I don't really have the technology to study the head versions. It also turns out that the Christian cross is a simple version when worn on a chain and the cross is hung on the chain with an open link (spark gap), and in an ideal world the two metal ends of the chain would be connected in the back by a short piece of non conductive string to create a spark gap there also. There are alot of versions and just about every symbol was used as a heart for some version. Each symbol gives off a different set of frequencys that effect different things. And then when you start to add crystals and mixing metals (copper and brass mixed sets up an electric potential) things get interesting. And you can make then so that you can't wear them because they over stimulate your nervous system. ![]() | ||||
Naw, John, I didn't call you a new ager. They're not so explicitly Christian like you are. I think you clarified the point about the disease-attitude connection nicely. I think I've seen some of the Egyptian vests and head pieces you're referring to. So you think they were about life enhancement? Interesting. For whatever it is worth, when you can see/feel the energy patterns that the biological oganism radiates you can see what things are turned on and what things are not turned on and how much, things are turned on or off. And you can study the effects of how what you and others radiate affect you and others. Also very interesting. There seems to be increasing openness to this with the growing acceptance of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and similar disciplines, so your gifts might be more and more in demand as time passes. | ||||
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