| Ariel,
THANKS! St. Patty's was great! Weather was wonderful as you noted. Crocus ARE up! Everyone else in the east semms to be UP as well.
What with spring coming soon officially, you might want to consider putting a few dozen snowballs in the freezer -- for the months ahead. LOL. and xxox.
Pop-pop |
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| Clare,
Will you (and those friends of yours) be takin a shillelagh to me now -- for being too casual with the Saint?
I hope not.
(Otherwise -- all manner of things will not be well -- for me).
Pop-pop |
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| quote: Originally posted by pop-pop: Clare,
Will you (and those friends of yours) be takin a shillelagh to me now
I'm not Irish, so I had to look up shillelagh, but... can I get in on this?  |
| Posts: 578 | Location: east coast, US | Registered: 20 July 2009 |  
| Ariel,
I'd rather be hit with snowballs any day -- sorry for the inconvenience to your fridge though.
As for wikipedia -- the shillelaghs I've seen are very much more club-like than a walking stick. They were configured from an 18-inch long, one-inch thick branch crotch meeting a piece of three-inch thick branch or trunk or root whose length is about three-to-four inches. -- an Irish tomahawk it is.
Snowballs for me, Ariel -- or best behavior on my part would be the ideal solution -- just not to be counted on where I'm involved, at least not without gobs of grace.
P-pop |
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| Jesus is stirring, here. In our RCIA classes we have been studying the Gospel readings and the energy in my belly/womb starts humming away during. Then, last night, I realized something, which again brought tears to my eyes just now thinking of it to write: There is a small handful of us that were baptized in the Catholic church as infants and we will not receive Communion and Confirmation until June, as the Archbishop wants to personally do these/us. He can't be at every church to do this on Easter vigil, so has a schedule to take him around to all the parishes. Guess which church his schedule brings him to on Pentecost Sunday? Ours. Realizing this last night, I imagined...anticipated...oh, I guess I was feeling the Spirit ready to descend on me in a greater way. Like, already, it sees me. I don't know if the other Catholic Candidates in my group feel the same way, but this feels very auspicious for me.
Aside from this, I am doing some very deep healing, and so I ask for your prayers, that Jesus' grace and tender love be with me.
Thank you.
Kristi |
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| Oh, how wonderful Kristi Marie! I'm so happy to read your update. I woke up this morning thinking, "I wonder how Kristi is doing...I should drop her a note and ask."  |
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| quote: "I wonder how Kristi is doing...I should drop her a note and ask."
Thank you, Shasha. I am in an out of emotional straits, as some hardened areas of my heart are being chiseled away...deeper healing within myself surrounding early life issues. Kristi |
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