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<w.c.> |
Wayne: What comes to mind on this issue is really an aside, but alluded to by yourself. It is true that nobody can finally verify, this side of death, their beliefs. In the spirit of modern physics, we might say we are faced with the challenge of uncertainty. What you'll mostly find here at Shalom Place are Christians (others welcome) devoted to a life of prayer and service, in one form or another. Faith, - often poorly understood - arises for the Christian contemplative out of being touched by God's grace; it is unlike any special state of consciousness that most anyone knows, and is an aspect of our relationship with One who knows us better than we know ourselves. And there are many here who've experienced a broad variety of psychic phenomena, including expanded states of consciousness. Ironically, it seems to me, there is no final resting place for thought or belief. Thought and belief are continually being turned inside out. But when a love relationship with the Divine opens to you, then being asked to prove that love (not that you are) is rather like a nonsense question. This would be true of Hindus and others as well who have been smitten by grace. So when we indulge in philosophical matters (guilty as charged) with a sense of urgency, the same uncertainty is encountered. Whereas with one's relationship with the Divine, where the uncertainty is an opening for deeper devotion - for letting God reveal Him/Herself as Love really is - on intellectual matters the discomfort seems to never end. For myself, it ends up feeling like a waste of time, since I haven't really done anything creative, and may have closed the door to a mystery by trying to pin it down too much. And the discomfort probably won't seem like a potential opening unless it is brought into a relationship bigger than itself. I can relate to this urgency to find evidence for one thing and then another. But at the end of the day, I'm may just be pointed in another direction, but still spinning uselessly with respect to more heart-centered matters. As for your topic here, I've had past life regressions, and in one case, during a dream, it seemed quite real: lucid, with no bias in my everyday life that would have produced it. | ||
<Grampswayne> |
Dear W.C. Thank you for your candor and Christian admonition. I read your initial posts regarding consciousness and the Divine and was greatly impressed with your knowledge of quantum physics and ability to discuss it with intelligence and make some cogent arguments for your understanding. Although past-life regression is required for the LBL for Dr. Newton must enter into the spirit world after the death of the individual's prior personality, past lives are only a glimpse at what we are now learning. Just as OBE's, near-death experiences, astral-travel and scientific remote viewing, channeling of deceased personalities, etc. give us a clue to our transmigrational nature, nothing is as profound and revelational as the discovery of our soul memories. His two-volume work is just scratching the surface of our Divine/spiritual nature and the dynamics of the dynamics of our spiritual home. It is my belief that there is nothing more important and profound for our understanding of human life than to explore,by any means necessary,the permanent and ongoing aspect of ourselves,i.e. our soul. Here are a few more findings based on his research: When reviewing a subject/client�s past lives during the LBL regression, Dr. Newton asks some very intriguing questions. The most important is: �How much is your soul-ego influenced by the brain of each body you choose? Do some bodies make it more difficult than others to maintain your permanent identity?�(Book 3, pg. 163). The answers to these questions are particularly revealing in our realization of who we are in our permanent soul character or personality. He states, �Human society, especially in areas of high population, can cause one to feel isolated, empty and unable to commit if we are not sure who we are in the scheme of things.� These feelings of isolation, emptiness, not belonging here or what psychologist�s have long called alienation are particularly acute in pre or adolescent teens but often these nebulous but gnawing feelings can persist well into adulthood if not addressed. The operative word here is �alien� for this dimension�s space-time materiality is literally alien or foreign to our permanent spiritual identity-who we are in our eternal manifestation. One of the extremely interesting aspects of the incarnation dynamic all the subjects reported was the fact that we do not take all of our soul energy with us to Earth. Dr. Newton, learning this early on, would always ask subsequent subjects the percentage of energy they had taken for their incarnation. The average was around 60% and never more than 75%. The amount we take is always our decision, but we are advised by our guides and our Elders on the Council (note the mention of this above. More about these Wise Ones later) what percentage would be best given the body choice. Some would take less than was recommended and often it turned out to be a very big mistake i.e. they were unable to overcome difficult or challenging situations the body�s predisposition had imposed; such as alcoholism /addiction or simply strong negative or destructive reactions to hardships or abuse that sent their life spiraling out of control. Again, since even the choice to incarnate on earth is our decision, we become fully responsible for the outcome of that life. We, in fact, enter into a contract to �stay� with the body when the choice is made, no matter what happens and, most importantly, not to leave early (commit suicide). We are fully prepared before we leave as discarnate spirits, but we have our own imperfections and weaknesses we need to work on and improve in order to progress to the next level of soul development. The body choices given us offer varying degrees of difficulty specific to those areas we need to correct or improve. We don�t always choose the �easiest� one. In fact, one subject had selected bodies with physical impairments or a serious genetic disease for her last 4 incarnations in order to overcome a previous proclivity towards selecting attractive and powerful bodies she had used to her own selfish advantages. She had fallen behind her soul group as a result and by selecting the most difficult bodies offered her she was able to �make up� for the lack of progress in her earlier �easy� life selections. In other words, we are given body choices which will allow us to be either indulgent or allow us to �skate�(a term used by one of his subjects) in a particular life, or we can select a more difficult body assignment which presents us with the challenges we need to progress more rapidly e.g. a physically impaired body or other �challenging� trait or temperament that would require us to �work harder� or undergo more hardships than would say a healthy body and/or wealthy and loving parents. So, the body types and the family situations (varying socio-economic circumstances or caring and nurturing verses neglectful or abusive parents) that are offered us, and the one we ultimately select, has everything to do with the lessons we need to learn and/or the karmic tasks we need to endure for us to progress as a soul. What our purpose and mission is in making this decision and coming to Earth, is an essential part of our journey in reaching our ultimate goal of our soul�s progression towards reunion with the Source, as Dr. Newton states above. It is also of major interest and importance to us all in knowing today, what we need to do to fulfill that purpose and mission here. There is, however, one major obstacle to the realization of these lessons and tasks we choose to set forth to learn and achieve. WE WON�T REMEMBER WHAT THEY ARE OR THE REASONS WHY WE�RE HERE, OR, MOST SIGNIFICANTLY, WHO WE REALLY ARE! We are all, of course, intentionally given a large dose of amnesia or none of this would need to be explained and finally revealed to us now. Although this may seem cruel and unfair to us, the reason for this is well understood by all in the spirit world. If we are aware of who we are and all our previous lives on a conscious level, there would be little reason for us to come here to undergo all the trials of discovery and the consequences of our actions and choices. It is specifically the overcoming of these difficult challenges and the triumph of our spirit, shining through this physical being that is hosting us, that makes this �game� of life so valuable as a means for learning. In other words, if we always knew what we needed to do to win and what the outcome would be, there would be no use in �playing the game�. What �fun� would that be. Our incarnations, incidentally, are referred to by many of the subjects in their lighter moments as a �game� or �play�, but it is a very serious one, indeed. Just as we can laugh at ourselves when we recall an event after many years that was, at the time, very harrowing, dangerous or even humiliating, we as souls can also laugh and make fun of our many mistakes, even tragic ones at the time, when we look back upon our many lives. There is, by the way, quite a bit of laughter, joking and good natured ribbing by all in the spirit world. Remember, we are eternal beings of pure conscious energy and though we undergo physical death many times, we continue on in our �real� lives as immortal and unique souls of light. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Everyone reports that through all of this process in the spirit world we are given unconditional and unlimited love, patience, understanding, encouragement, and NON-JUDGMENTAL assessment and correction as regards our mistakes, poor choices and the satisfying of our karmic debt (more about this later) in our lives here. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT. No one is ever condemned or �left behind� and although some of us progress towards our goal faster than others, WE ALL WILL EVENTUALLY EVOLVE AND PROGRESS THROUGH ALL OF THE HIGHER LEVELS OF SOUL DEVELOPMENT. AND, THERE IS INFINITE TIME TO DO SO. We are the ones who are impatient to progress and wish to do well. We are the ones who are disappointed in the speed of our progress and the fulfillment of our purpose and mission; not our teachers or guides, or even the so-called Council of Elders who monitor and evaluate our progress and help us to develop and prepare for each incarnation. With an all embracing love and eternal patience, they want us to progress and do all they can to aid us in our development; they do not judge us, but encourage and assist us in determining what we must do in each life to correct our mistakes and to develop the characteristics necessary to progress to the next level of soul attainment. It is always and ultimately our decision to return to earth or to heed or not to heed their sage advice. So, now we know that we are a transcendent soul-being comprised of intelligent energy, born in a non-physical spirit world we call home, and to progress our soul towards conjoinment with our Creator/Source, we have decided to come to earth with a specific mission and incarnate in human form. Does this sound familiar? (Although no one reports seeing any earthly religious figures in the spirit world, there is reported by some an understanding that there has been an occasional and rare incarnation by advanced souls, who had no reason to incarnate for their own soul attainment or karmic debt/task, but did so in the attempt to bring others to a greater spiritual awareness of their mission here on earth, i.e. Jesus and Buddha. These are not mentioned by their earthly names, however). Again, these are not my revelations or speculations as to what we do after death, it is what over 2000 individuals like you and me have reported in grueling 3 to 4 hour sessions simply telling us what their "life" as discarnate souls is like and what their hierarchy of souls impart to them. Ralph Waldo Emerson said over a hundred years ago that "there is no truth so sublime that it may become trivial in the light of new thought". My next post will make an attempt to show why these extraordinary testimonies should be considered as truth and to lend "scientific" credibility to the extraordinary means by which these truths are now being revealed to us. Your Brother in Spirit, Wayne | ||
Hi Wayne, Enjoyed reading your posts and think it would be great to discover new truths about humanity, God, our Souls and life before and after death. A little bit about my own spiritual journey. I have always been interested in the spiritual, call it a predisposition if you want. My search for God and spirituality led me away from my childhood faith and into the world of spiritualism, hinduism, buddhism, witchcraft, parapsychology, rastafarianism and the use of drugs to meditate and contact the divine...Also plenty of "self hypnosis". I learned many wonderful "truths" while experiencing all sorts of spiritual and psychic phenomenon and thought I had discovered many secrets hidden from the majority of people. Eventually I encountered some very negative energies in the spiritual realm. I call them demons - because that is what I think they were. Now while I agree that there is a possibility that everything Dr Newton has discovered is true... But there is the equal possibility that all it would take is one of these deceptive beings, masking itself in the hypnotic state of Dr Newman's patients, too weave 2000, 10000, 100000 descriptions of the heavenly realm. Why would a demon be interested in such an endeavour. Quite simply to cause doubt as to the Divinity of Jesus Christ. (Which is certainly one of the effects of Dr Newton's work based on your previous post regarding the incarnations of Jesus and the Buddha) My biggest mistake during my years of spiritual exploration was to think that believing in and loving God was enough and that I could simply relegate the Incarnation of God himself in the man Jesus to a myth, mistake or deception. It was this fact above any other that caused God to allow me to encounter the demons. It was only in encountering evil that I realised that this world was not simply a realm for enlightened and less enlightened beings. But rather it also held deeply evil beings bent on deceiving the world and keeping us from the knowledge of the truth. That God Himself, not an angel, not a holy person, not an enlightened being, but God Himself came down to the earth as Jesus Christ, and that only through relationship with God Himself will we discover anything of lasting value regarding our spiritual selves and our purpose here on earth. I write this not to argue, but to share with you the single most important discovery of my entire life. Jesus Christ is God and He loves me and desires relationship with me and only through that relationship will I ever become fully human in the way that I was intended to be. No reincarnation or self learning or guiding from any other source is going to do it, because in truth the problem is so great that only God Himself can really fix it. My life will never be the same again and Thank God for That ![]() Just thought I would add that this Good News is available to Everybody because of the life and spiritual work of God in His Incarnation as Jesus Christ. | ||||
<w.c.> |
Wayne: In reply to your confrontation posted on the other thread: Like mateusz, there is really no longer a compelling personal reason for me to pursue research like what you are investigating. I still find some of it intriguing, but it is sort of the difference between the menu and the food. Do you want the food or the description of the food? Are we spending more time documenting the validity of the menu, comparing menus, etc., or just opening to the nourishment provided by grace? My employment is hospice social work. I can tell you that many people regret their confusion of the food with the menu as they approach the ultimate threshold which philosophers can only wonder about. When I was a graduate student, which was before I experienced the Holy Spirit, what you are posting would have captivated me for long periods. But after knowing God, as opposed to my higher consciousness (very different, distinct), there is a sense of urgency to allow what is beyond my knowing to make Himself known. What's left for me of value within the philosophical endeavor is finding ways of healing the human-derived wounds that are our responsibility and yet, which, require Divine Grace as well. So while we cannot creat out of nothing, we realize our limitations by exploring soulful interaction. The philosophical debate around this is the menu, and it doesn't offer much once you begin dealing directly with the wounds that often drive its urgency. | ||
<Grampswayne> |
Thank you for your honesty and openmindedness. You, however, continue to discount the findings and here refer to Dr. Newton's careful and long term research with a large client/subject base as a mere "philosophical endeavor". He nor his clients are "philosophizing" about the reality of their soul memories. The meaning of these new revelations as to our purpose and mission here on planet Earth should not amount to "confusion" but to more clarity and understanding of our raison d'etre. Did Jesus not tell us that we must ask, seek and knock at the door of the Kingdom of God within us and that ONLY the truth (the truth of who we are) will set us free? What could be more profound, enlightening and HOPEFUL to your clients at the hospice than to KNOW who they are in the spirit and realize that they are fulfilling only their current mission here and will be greeted by and rejoined with their family and other important souls in their life...that they are returning to their loving spiritual HOME to CONTINUE their journey towards conjoinment with God...and will have another opportunity, if they so desire, to work on perfecting themselves and be given even more divine grace in which to thrive in God's Kingdom. Karma or simply action, is a concept going back to the ancient Sanskrit books of the earliest Indo-Aryan civilizations. It is mentioned in the Upanishads and Vedic texts and has been interpreted and reinterpreted for millennia. Dr. Newton discovers from his subjects that some of the earthly understandings of karma have been corrupted and, particularly among the Hindu castes and how it is played out, are mistaken. What he is told and what is repeatedly discussed with his clients in a discarnate state, is that EVERYTHING THAT WE SAY AND DO IS RECORDED, INCLUDING THE INTENTIONS LEADING TO OUR ACTIONS. These records are kept in a grand archive that appears to have no end (this is of course a metaphor for our understanding and not an actual �physical� edifice that we are familiar with). Without going into the quite amazing mechanics reported by his clients of the archival information retrieval process, which is given in his two books, we are able to review our past lives in minute detail and apparently �enter into� these living volumes to replay certain actions and perform role reversals. This extensive life review continues from the time we return after death up to the time we decide to come back to earth for another cycle of incarnation. So, the �life review� reported in near death experiences is only a glimpse of the actual review work we do in our cluster group settings and in �independent study� at the �Great Hall of Records� where the books of life are stored, described by all of his subjects. We spend many �hours� (remember there is no time per se as we know it in the spirit world) thus reviewing our actions and replaying significant episodes in our lives with particular attention paid to the effects of our actions on others. This is the real value in the learning process of the review. What were the effects/consequences of our actions on our own lives and how did our actions affect all those around us? He gives one example, where a subject was told to �enter into� the body of a kid he had harmed as a bully on the playground in elementary school. The purpose of the �lesson� was to literally enable him to �feel� the other kid�s pain and humiliation at his hands. He had first relived the bullying incident as himself and did the role reversal to �experience� the complete effect as perpetrator once again, and then as the victim of his own actions. We don�t just review the incidents in which we were harmful to someone either physically or emotionally or caused some negative reaction, we also review times when we were particularly kind and generous as well. While before his Council, one of his subjects was referred to an incident that he had completely forgotten. He had been a successful businessman during the Depression and although he had been tough on his employees and somewhat callous to their needs, he wanted to point out to the Council that he had given money generously to charity. They weren�t particularly impressed with his money giving, but reminded him of a very brief incident in which he had been walking hurriedly to his office as usual, and although rarely if ever did he stop to offer help to the many out of work people he would pass by every day, this particular day he saw a woman sitting and crying on the sidewalk. He went over and put his arm around her telling her that everything would be ok and consoled her about her situation. He picked her up and helped her to a park bench, she thanked him and he went on his way, never giving the incident a second thought. The subject wondered why his Council would bring up this long forgotten and fleeting moment, so he questioned, �Why do you mention this incident to me when I had given quite a bit of money to charities throughout my life; I didn�t even give that poor woman any money?�. They told him it was exactly this kind of selflessness, in which he had shown a total stranger true compassion and caring, that they were most interested in helping him to develop in future lives. We all have what you might call a Karmic Bank Account (solely my characterization) in which all of our positive and negative actions, words and thoughts have been tallied. When at the end of each life that account is audited, it is determined whether we have a net surplus or a negative debt. This is added to or subtracted from all our previous lives (in actuality there is no such cut and dried assessment or numerical tally, I use it only as a demonstrative tool/analogy) So, if we have accrued a greater deposit on the positive side we won�t have to carry over to our next life any debt from this one. But, if it is reversed, and we have built up a large negative balance, it will have to be rectified by our actions in the next life. This Karmic Debt then may manifest in our having to undergo even greater challenges in the next life, or experience the receiving end of the negative actions we had carried out against others in this one. This is not as punishment for our �sins�, but simply the lessons we need to learn so as to understanding fully the consequences and the effects of all of our actions and deeds. Only by experiencing the receiving end of what we have given out to others, can we truly �understand� the full impact on others of our actions. For example, say you had been an unrepentant drunk and beat your wife regularly in your marriage. You may in making the choice for your next life realize you need to undergo a similar kind of abuse from say a father or spouse. The determination of exactly what compensating experience or task you will require to �settle� any debt you have created will be made by you, in conjunction with your guides and your Council members. It will also be your decision to undergo that compensatory experience. Again, we can never fully understand the effects of our actions on others unless we undergo them ourselves. It is always understood that this �compensation� or if you will, payment, is not punitive but is required for us to learn and progress (It�s important to note that not all of the hardships and challenges we undergo in our lives are necessarily recompense for some past-life behavior. Usually only the major themes or circumstances of our birth are broadly outlined or predetermined. There is always the element of choice and chance. There are only high degrees of probability for certain things occurring. We always have the free will to change virtually anything in our life. That is the purpose of our physical life here.) You are never forced to do anything. But, it will become very clear to you that unless you are willing to take risks and develop the understanding of all life�s consequences, you will be left behind by your spirit group. Only by living through the demands of a physical existence can the soul grow in understanding life�s hard lessons. And, only in this physical realm of duality, with its play of opposites, is the soul given the opportunity to develop and progress by making difficult choices. No other means or environment allows us to progress to the higher levels of consciousness and soul development that we seek as divine experiencers, and do it so quickly, as those afforded us as incarnate humans. This is why we have chosen to be here. Again, the above is what we are learning from ALL those who have reported back to us from their discarnate state. All of what I have been chronicling, and much more, is awaiting your consideration in Dr. Newton's mostly verbatim testimonies. Never before in mankind's history have we been able to interview over 2000 people who have died and reported back to us about what happens to them after death. Nothing is more exciting, fulfilling and productive than learning something new about ourselves unless we no longer care to live and grow in God's grace. Would you not agree? In hopes of sparking the old flame of inquiry, I will leave you with a quote from Herbert Spencer: "There is principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation." It is also in believing you already have found all the "truth" you need. Mankind has learned more about himself and God's green Earth in the last 50 years than in all the millennia before. If He did not want us to continue to ask, seek and knock for His truth for us, why are we still here? Your Loving Brother in Spirit, Wayne "You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are" Eckhart Tolle,from "The Power of Now" | ||
Wayne, what difference does it make whether we reincarnate or not? Why would believing this change anyone's life, especially Christians' inasmuch we already believe in life after death and that we will have to give a full accounting to God for our actions? Consequences for unethical and careless behavior fall to all people, reincarnation or not. What do you think of divine grace? How are people "saved" from the cycle of endless rebirths? So many who have undergone NDEs who do not report any of this, but who seem on the verge of heaven or hell. Why do you believe what these people are saying? | ||||
<HeartPrayer> |
Memories -- and here & now ----------------------------------- Some years ago I had an overwhelming experience that would seem natural to explain in terms of reincarnation. In a flash I suddenly "saw" things and "remembered" things that I could not possibly have known, but which later proved in complete accordance with records of the time. I had neither heard of the place, the people who lived there, their ways or their history. Nevertheless, I must confess that I am ambivalent as to whether I have lived another life, even the life of those memories. My own relationship to reincarnation is one of humility, that I simply do not know. At a profound level I really do not care -- it does not matter! Why? It would not change the present one iota, nor my relationship to the people around me, nor my relationship to my "memories", whether it was one way or another. Even though those memories are as vivid and real to me now as when the veil within was suddenly lifted. The "Here and Now" is still the here and now. (And I do believe that the nature of Time may be very different from what we think.) This is the moment in which my awareness is grounded, in which my challenges and opportunities arise, and in which I may share with others -- giving and receiving. This is the moment that Prayer opens, and which opens me. This is where I walk my Path. | ||
Yes indeed, HP. That's the point I was making above as well. Nevertheless, the data yielded by past-life-regression requires an explanation. That's what we were attempting on this thread. To summarize, some of the possibilities are: 1. Memories of previous lives lived by the hypnotized person. 2. Bits and fragments put together by the unconscious as a consequence of suggestion from the hynotist and expectations by the hypnotized. 3. Spontaneous, thematized material from the unconscious -- like a vivid dream, of sorts. 4. Experiences related by deceased (disincarnate) people; channeled material. 5. Delusions telepathically imputed by demons hoping to move the individual to unhealthy preoccuaption with the past. 6. A combination of the above. 7. Other causes. Gramps wrote: Not sure what the SAME PHENOMENA refers to, but there are a variety of explanations for any phenomenon, especially those of a psycho-metaphysical nature. That goes for NDEs and OBEs as well. If one does a search on the net, one will find numerous sites that accept PLR as indisputable evidence for reincarnation; they all top the google searches, which aren't calibrated for truth so much as for number of visitors. A few noteworthy exceptions: Straightdope.com ABC News story Goodlifezen.com Of course, it's possible that the therapy achieves some good -- perhaps a helpful shift in how emotions and memories have been carried. That's another matter, however; visualization can do similar things, but no one's thinking the material visualized is historical in nature. Then there's the matter of a metaphysical critique, which has validity even though it's one remove from empirical explanation. We can get into that, if there's an interest. | ||||
<HeartPrayer> |
The therapeutic import of such memories --------------------------------------------------- One way of looking at such images, memories and emotions that arise during regression/hypnosis is this: Not objectively but purely subjectively. Treat them as one would dreams -- as meaningful communication from within the depths of the patient/client/oneself. And then together ask intensely what portent they have "here and now". Clearly this can be fruitful, and there are very many cases where it has helped untie deep "knots" within the client/patient! ![]() However, it should be noted that this approach does not in any way require concluding that these are actual past-life memories. Nor that they are not. | ||
<HeartPrayer> |
PS. Regression is in the vast majority of cases undertaken motivated by "the search for wholeness" -- to try to resolve something -- and not with the aim of scientific investigation. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, an "objective" approach would actually constitute a derailment. | ||
I think one of the main causes for Wayne's belief in the accounts of Dr. Newtons patients is that they all account the exact same things about their existence before birth in the spiritual realm. (Is this assumption correct Wayne?) Apparently these are not fague memories about feelings of love or radiant light but detailed accounts of the structures, hierarchy, metaphysical nature and purpose of creation and humanity. This appears to be the reason for the faith, not in past life regression in general, but in Dr Newtons accounts of this phenomenon that has provided detailed information about the nature of man, the universe and God. As far as i'm concerned however (as stated in my previous post), the agreement of 2000 people does not necessarily indicate Truth. An entire crowd (perhaps hundreds of people) all agreed that Jesus was guilty of crimes that he had not committed and should be crucified. I have experieced the power of the demonic to influence our thoughts and redirect our consciousness, espeacially during states of vulnerability such as narcotic highs, meditation and hypnosis. Clearly if 2000 people are reporting the exact same thing then either it is true or there is another intelligence influecing their minds to produce the exact same stories - this intelligence may be Dr. Newton himself...though I think it is a supernatural inteference. Why is it that all channeled matarial of any kind (through mediums, automatic writing, hypnotic states, drugs etc.) has such similar themes of the love of God and the existence of a spiritual world and the evolution/development of the human species. But each one that I have encountred has a single more important similarity - They ALL relegate Jesus to an advanced soul, an Angel, or a benevolent spirit being seeking the well being of humanity. Hardly any deny that he existed and none admit that he is none other that God Himself. Dr Newton's accounts follow this exact pattern and it is this pattern, along with my own experience of the demonic's desire to spread this anti-gospel, that causes me to view this kind of message in the way that I do. | ||||
From Grampswayne on another thread: - - - Dear Mateusz, W.C. and Phil, Wow, I must have hit a few nerves. I appreciate your reasoned and well written responses to my challenge. We are just beginning to understand consciousness, the study of which is now accredited as a degreed discipline, and it is true that Goswami is in a distinct minority among scientists. He, however, seems to be the only one willing to attempt an explanation of the quantum weirdness inherent to the principle of non locality. Most Materialists are bottom-up reductionists and are unwilling to concede the clear extradimensional nature of the quantum possibility wave and matter�s actualization thereby being from the top-down causally (even Francis Krick , co-discoverer of DNA and Nobel Laureate, spent the last 15 years of his life trying to identify the location of consciousness in the brain�unsuccessfully, of course. That�s like tearing apart a television set looking for the signal transmission�it ain�t there). Consciousness and its human manifestation as �mental substance� is indivisible. Per Goswami, �(f)or, mental substance, then, there is no reduction to smaller and smaller bits; there is no micro out of which the macro is made. So the mental world is a whole or what physicists sometimes call an infinite medium . There can be waves in such an infinite medium, modes of movement that must be described as quantum possibility waves obeying a probability calculus.� Scientists can be as dogmatic as religious true believers when it comes to new perspectives, sometimes even more so. The Big Bang according to some astrophysicists (no reference here but saw on the history channel just yesterday) was neither big nor a bang. It was a micro subatomic event with no sound. Goswami states, ��quantum nonlocality extends not only over space but also over time� and it has been demonstrated by the Delayed-Choice Experiment (Wheeler 1983). This is what he bases his claim above upon, W.C. All of your concern about �creating something out of nothing� ignores what science has already shown�there is no place where there is �nothing� in our physical space/time universe . The First Cause argument (what caused the Big Bang and then what caused that which caused the Big Bang, ad nauseam) will not be solved by science anytime soon. I suspect that it never will. God (the First Cause) or Pure Consciousness and All That Is expanded out the stuff of His being which became the stuff of all Creation. We can argue until we are blue in the face about which came first, the chicken or the egg. I believe the chicken was created by sentient beings of vibration, light and color , US as souls/spiritual beings of this Divine First Cause, and we were given this capability by God as his experiencers (He was unable to �experience� Himself�kind of a lonely endeavor) and again, by extension, enabled us as His co-creators to create our own realities. This, in fact, is what we are learning from Dr. Newton�s subjects and intuited by our ancestors: �Many cultures believed that while God is the Source of all creation (even in the spirit world of our birth we only �sense� His presence, in fact, He is referred to as The Presence�.but, a few of his most advanced subjects are not certain that this Presence is God, and may be only another unseen layer of the hierarchy of beings overseeing our progression) and is totally good, the management of our universe was delegated through a combination of lesser beings who were mediators of reason and the purveyors of divine thought between a perfect being and a finite world. They were considered to be the emanations of the Creator, but beings who were less than perfect. � It is self-evident that we are not perfect and this is why we by a hierarchy of more �perfected� beings are assisted in progressing and evolving toward an eventual conjoinment with the Source that created us through a long process of incarnations(Core findings from Dr. Newton�s �The Way of Souls� in his �Destiny of Souls�). One of Dr. Newton's subjects took him to her �classroom� area during her LBL regression and he asked what they were studying in her cluster group that day. She started laughing out loud as she recalled what she was seeing (actually "reliving"it). Newton asked her what was happening that was causing her to laugh. She said, the instructor was teaching them how to create a small animal and her rather precocious friend in the class had already anticipated the assignment. She had opened up her �desk� and out came a few dozen mice that ran throughout the classroom and the entire class erupted into laughter. Your Brother in Spirit, Wayne | ||||
From Jacques: Apparently these are not fague memories about feelings of love or radiant light but detailed accounts of the structures, hierarchy, metaphysical nature and purpose of creation and humanity. This appears to be the reason for the faith, not in past life regression in general, but in Dr Newtons accounts of this phenomenon that has provided detailed information about the nature of man, the universe and God. True enough, but one is still left wondering if the information is trustworthy. See my post above for interpretive possibilities. A sidebar on the LSD phenomenon of the 60s: it seemed an easy gateway to "mystical experience," and people reported similar experiences, many of a profound metaphysical and even mystical nature. How much was a real encounter with Mystery, and how much just a consequence of stimulating the brain? As I've also noted elsewhere, it matters little to me if we reincarnate or not, as I can't see how it makes one whit of difference concerning how to life this life. So that's the pragmatic upshot. I have no defensive "nerve" on this topic and do find it interesting. I am highly resistant, however, to accepting material from regression to be hard-core scientific data which accurately describes metaphysical reality -- especially when such seems to validate the Hindu paradigm. Perhaps we're seeing, here, something of where Hinduism draws its intuitions, which, in many areas, are in sharp contrast with the metaphysical implications of Revelation. | ||||
<w.c.> |
"We can argue until we are blue in the face about which came first, the chicken or the egg. I believe the chicken was created by sentient beings of vibration, light and color , US as souls/spiritual beings of this Divine First Cause, and we were given this capability by God as his experiencers (He was unable to �experience� Himself�kind of a lonely endeavor) and again, by extension, enabled us as His co-creators to create our own realities." ____________________________ Not sure about that . . . . Gotswami's notion seems to be that we collapse the probability wave by observing the potentiality already created, not by creating it out of nothing ourselves. This goes back to my original question to you, and the basis of the first post from the other thread: If consciousness and the Divine are equal powers, then why is it enlightened beings do not create out nothing or overcome their own deaths? | ||
Also in response to: Divine First Cause, and we were given this capability by God as his experiencers (He was unable to �experience� Himself�kind of a lonely endeavor) God as lonely? ![]() -- - What I'm NOT seeing on this thread is engagement by GPW with the responses and objections given. There are already quite a few posted. How about it? | ||||
<Grampswayne> |
Dear W.C and Phil (also,Jacques) I have tried to impress upon you in my humble way that these revelations about our true nature and purpose here on planet Earth are compelling and for me, convincing. This, of course, does not make them fact or to some, more convincing than their own world view which may divert widely from the reality Dr. Newton�s subjects continue to report to him. I am, of course, aware that for some of you much of what I am relating to you about who and what we are and our true purpose here, may well fly in the face of almost everything you thought you knew. I also realize that some of Dr. Newton�s findings directly contradict many religious, ideological or philosophical views strongly held and defended by large entrenched groups of people with a wide range of intellectual, traditional, cultural and ethnic biases. Most of us if we have lived anytime on this planet have developed a certain fundamental belief system within which we have become comfortable in operating. Some of us have adopted very complex theological and/or scientifically oriented systems of belief. The more �solidified� our beliefs, the more difficult it becomes to alter or change them. This is a fact. I am reminded of a quote from one of our great Nineteenth century men of learning, Ralph Waldo Emerson, who influenced me profoundly in the formation of my attitude towards learning and truth. He said, �There is no truth so sublime that it may become trivial in the light of new thought�. In other words, we must never become so attached to some adopted truth or another that we are not open to receive new evidence that may dethrone it from the enshrined altar we have built to it. This always made good sense to me, and I have tried to live by that axiom ever since. As a result, I have been able to move from agnosticism and scientific objectivism in my early years to a complete acceptance of our spiritual and divine nature. I would like to profess that if the evidence that Dr. Newton�s regressions and the information they now are revealing to us are shown to be the product of some aberration or mental manifestation we are currently unaware of, I would just as quickly accept, adapt and change in accordance with that evidence as well. If we view reality through the lens of some belief system or rigid doctrinal ideology rather than seeing it for what it is without bias or attachment, we will unconsciously resist any new evidence that contradicts that belief or understanding. Most of us interpret what life presents us through a system of thought, upheld by a reactive and unconscious ego self which is in constant need of defense. The true believers of religious �truth� and the tenured guardians of some scientific �theory� are just two examples of those who are so entrenched in defending their belief systems, many are unable to see new truth when it reveals itself to them. They have become �invested� (another word for attached to) in some truth or another and are unable to �divest� themselves without disrupting their own identity. This is not to say that all of them are unable to incorporate new evidence or newfound truths, but it becomes easier just to either ignore any contradictory evidence or actively debunk or discredit it, so as not to have to deal with it. To include it or to seriously consider it in their established view of the world, would require for some, a complete scrapping of that view or of their lifelong investment in it. For most, this is just too untenable a task and they are woe to even entertain the idea. This is an unfortunate truth for a good many of our religious and intellectual communities and established institutions. What is more unfortunate is that most of us consciously, but even more of us unconsciously, adopt one of these entrenched and often authoritarian views to some degree or another. There are a myriad of reasons as to why and how this occurs in the vast majority of us but I will not go into that quagmire at the moment. The prime example of this is that a lot of us refer to the so-called �Establishment� in our society as either some monolithic tyrant, if we feel oppressed in some way by �It�, or, for those who wish to succeed, it is their �ticket to the good life�. But, we are all given the rules by which the �game� of life is played. Basically, we are told, �Here are the rules, if you learn them and play by them you will succeed. If you don�t, you will fail (you�ll be a loser) or you won�t be allowed in the game at all.� Why do most of us accept this as �the reality�? As soon as we can begin to think and reason we are to a large degree �told� and then later �instructed� to comply with and accept as correct the worldview of the establishment and its order of things as it is presented to us by our parents, teachers and other �authorities�. Most of us never seriously challenge or even question the established order or the status quo it maintains. Most of us just try to fit in, conform and either excel in one endeavor or another (not true of most on this site...pat yourself on the back), or some of us more clever and devious ones, try to manipulate and use the establishment and its inherent �systems� to our own advantage. This way of thinking has been referred to recently, and quite accurately, as �thinking inside the box�. And new advertising campaigns have challenged us to �think outside the box�. This would normally be a sign of a new and encouraging awareness; that we need to start awakening to the fact we have been living in a self-made prison of sorts, at least in the way we think about our world. The problem is that the advertisers and their corporate clients, being very much part of the �Establishment� attempt to "manufacture consent", are the ones who will define what is permissible for you to think, what is acceptable �outside� their box which they wish to control. So, all we end up with is a new and maybe a bigger box, but still a place where what you can think and say or what is allowed is defined by others who wish to dictate the �content� of the box. So, what I am proposing is no less than a completely whole new way of understanding our world and how we relate to it; a radical challenge to the current Order that has been established in this world and has to a large part been based upon the prevailing prejudices and bias of a ruling ownership elite dedicated to preserving, defending and maintaining their personal interests and their private investments (sounds alot like Jesus' radical departure from the Pharisees of his day, doesn't it?). These �Elite� are simply those individuals and/or their corporate entities and institutions established in every sphere of human endeavor, including but not limited to financial/business, religion, government, education, science, health and medicine and have been the �keepers or guardians� of knowledge and history. For the most part they are people like you and me who have by birth, inheritance or intellectual acumen or ambition risen to the highest echelons of the established order. But, they too are merely souls incarnated with their own specific purpose and mission for being here. It is their power, influence and control of the �established order� which will be forever shaken by the revelations we are now learning about who we are and how this world really works. The other 99% of us will have a little easier time adjusting. What about evil demons who's apparent raison d'etre is to confuse and confound us poor mortal sentients and especially to lead us away from God? One of a number of soul specialties in the spirit world is what his subjects have called Redeemer Souls. These are souls who�s job it is to watch over and attempt to bring back those of us who may be �stuck� attached to earth after our deaths. Some of us, although aware we are no longer among the living, find it difficult to leave. As many of the early accounts of the Spiritualists have reported through channelings and s�ances, some of us remain here because of unfinished business or simply addictive attachments to physical life. His subjects report that these helper souls come down within the closer dimensional rings surrounding earth to locate and assist those who are having a difficult time with resolving some life issue that had kept them here and cannot bring themselves to return. They attempt to convince us that it is time to return home, that their cluster group is waiting for them and there is a lot of work to resume. Sometimes they are able to convince them to leave, other times they must give them more time. Again, we are never told we must return, it is always our decision. One of Dr. Newton�s clients told him she had been a �ghost� for over 4 years after waiting for 22 years in life for the return of her husband who had abandoned her and her children on a rural farm in England. She was certain he would be back because he had told her that he would. She did try to �scare� away or haunt anyone attempting to move into the house only because she wanted it available for when her husband returned. These souls/ghosts are therefore not evil or demon spirits but just confused discarnate beings like us who are not ready to come home due to unfinished business here. They can, however, cause us current incarnate souls some very frightening experiences, but never real harm. The Redeemer soul assigned to her finally convinced her to give up the wait and upon return she discovered her �husband� had died earlier and had been waiting for her to come home. Again, no evidence whatsoever so far for demons, devils or satans of any form or manifestation and none are seen in the Spirit World of Dr. N's subjects. In fact, even to mention the "possibility" of malevalent spirits is soundly denied and immediately rebuked by his clients while in their true discarnate state. Again principle #7 of his core findings: �Earth is a place of great beauty and joy but also harbors ignorance, hate, and suffering that are man-made combined with natural planetary disasters over which we have little control. Coping with these positive and negative elements on Earth is by design. This planet is a testing ground for souls rather that being a place of evil, demonic influence from outside our world. Spiritual malevolence does not exist within the divine order of love and compassion that comprises our spiritual origins.� Why Now are we able to retrieve this information? One of the most intriguing and still quite open questions is why we are now just learning these truths about our spiritual nature and the activities between our lives after some six thousand years of recorded history. Dr. Newton poses this question and has a few insights, purely speculative, that are worth mentioning in our discussion concerning the level of validity that can be reasonably given such highly charged revelations and only previously anecdotal evidence. Before I go into the Doctor�s conjectures and some of my own as to why we are now being allowed this information, a short account of exactly how these new revelations were first discovered is helpful to our understanding. When he first uncovered our soul memories he realized, of course, that the information he was retrieving from his clients was nothing less than a bombshell for a number of cherished and sacred beliefs. He, himself, had not really done a lot of speculation as to what lay ahead of us after death, if anything at all. In fact, he admits that he was at the very least an agnostic and had not been interested in adopting any particular faith or belief. He was pretty much a devotee of science. So, the ground breaking information that was being reported came as much a shock to him as it did to most of his clients. Although he is a master hypnotherapist and had been using the past-life regression as a therapeutic tool with many of his clients for years, to help them uncover and resolve recurring issues in their present life, he never dreamed his clients held all the memories of what had occurred between those lives. In fact, he had resisted initially in his practive of even performing past-life regressions but so many clients were requesting that he include this in his therapy sessions he finally relented. The momentous discovery was accidental and was due to a lapse in performing the proper induction technique he used to move from one past-life to another with his clients. With this one particular subject, he had through a number of regressions explored three of his past lives and would move from one life to the other depending on the issue being worked on. So, in order to transition from the subject�s most recent past life to the prior one, he inadvertently used a shortened form of his usual induction, telling his subject to simply, �go back to the life before this one�. Now, his client in trance, not distinguishing between his life as a discarnate soul and the former life he had previously explored with him, automatically went to the time just before he was to enter into the womb of his mother, in the life they were attempting to leave for the former one. When the Doctor asked him where he was he began by a startling realization; he was �hovering� over a farmhouse and watching a pregnant woman (his mother to be) pump water from a well. Needless to say, he could not believe what he was hearing. He then moved him forward to his entry into the fetus and subsequent birth with the accompanying memories of what he did and what it was like to �meld� with the brain and body of the person he was about to become. If that was not astonishing enough, he decided to bring him back to the �hovering� point again and then see if he could regress him to �whatever� events preceded that moment. To his utter amazement he found his subject describing a world of souls preparing for incarnation and discovered he could take him all the way back to the time of his death in the former life and his ascension to this incredible new world of discarnate spiritual beings. This was just the beginning of his miraculous recording and documenting of our soul�s journey between lives. More to come, later. Your Spiritual Brother, Wayne | ||
Gramps, you're preaching, and still haven't answered the "so what?" questions a number of us have asked. Also, you're putting an awful lot of faith into one man's research, aren't you? Have his results been replicated by other scientists? Since you are presenting this material as being indisputable and empirical, one would think that others could repeat the results. How does the scientific community look upon this? Now here's an interesting caveat . . . turns out some of the Founding Fathers have appeared in these days, according to Newton's research, and they're all liberals! - http://www.johnadams.net/cases...Alexander/index.html Indeed, the fact that so many report the SAME THINGS ought to make one suspicious about what's going on. It would be absolutely impossible to disprove that Newton is telepathically suggesting a perspective to hypnotized people. Obviously, it's also impossible to prove the veracity of what Newton and his subjects are reporting. So, my friend . . . in the end, your position is one based on faith, not empirical knowledge. No one can prove the truth of what's being affirmed, so you accept people on their word, just as we accept the word of those who had the risen Christ appear to them. That a Hinduistic worldview and left-leaning political agenda is associated with this work also seems suspicious to me. Might we have a few conservative reincarnating? ![]() Near-death-experiences are much more objective "peeks" into what might lie beyond, imo, as they are free from the possible meddling influence of a hypnotist. Amazingly, none of those who return report anything about reincarnation. Very often, their accounts resonate with a rather tradition Christian view of the afterlife -- encountering Christ, family, friends, angels -- prospect of heaven or hell. I'm off this discussion as the "evidence" for reincarnation presented is all smoke and mirrors, imo. I also don't much appreciate the implication that those who question the evidence are close-minded and attached to a rigid belief system. Subtle ad hominems like that have no place in rational discourse. | ||||
<HeartPrayer> |
Frankly, that is to be expected. ![]() In the words of Stephen Colbert: "We all know reality has a liberal bias." | ||
Wayne, you seem to find it difficult to understand how easily we can dsmiss your views (or those of Newton's really). But you must remember that our faith is not only built on the reading of a book (even the Bible) but rather our faith has been developed, nurtured and strengthened through the experience of relationship with Jesus Christ and God as Trinity. When we encounter data that contradicts that experience, not necassarily dogma or doctrine, but our experience of Loving and Being Loved by the Triune God, then we have much more than a loosely held belief in the truth of our position to overcome. For myself, I have dabbled in many truths over the years, as mentioned they include Hinduism, Buddhism, Magic, New Age beliefs, Rastafarianism, various conspiracy theories, etc etc. So I get what you say about holding truth lightly and with most "truths" I do the same. But I am not a Christian because I believe the doctrines or dogmas of Christiantiy. I am a Christian because I have had countless spiritual experiences with a reality that has revealed itself as Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. Maybe you could tell us how your experience comes into play in your faith in the accounts of Newton? As to the existence of demons. There is over two thousand years worth of documented accounts of the demonic that go far beyond the phenomenon of ghosts. I personally know many people that have encountered demons, some that have performed exorcisms and even a few that have been possesed themselves. If you ever have some spare time, try researching the demonic and you may find that the evidence for demons is much wider and more sustainable that the accounts of one hypnotherapist and his clients. | ||||
<Grampswayne> |
Dear Phil and Jacques, Thank you, Phil, for directing me to the IISIS website. I found Alexander�s story and review of a book and researcher I was unaware very interesting and, I must say, I was quite pleased that Conservatives can believe in and accept reincarnation evidence as well as Liberals. Your �caveat� should be aimed solely at Dr. Semkiw, however, for Dr. N. has never mentioned anywhere his political leanings and I would suspect he considers it totally irrelevant, as do I. Nor does he mention or discuss anywhere revolutionaries coming back today. These are again, totally Dr. Semkiw�s research �biases�, not Dr. N�s, and I have no opinion about it for I have not read his book. His apparent admiration for Dr. N�s work does not make Dr. N guilty of any of your charges against Dr. Semkiw. I trust you are not implying guilt by admiration. Again, I fail to see any relevance here. I am also at a loss as to WHY you would find this organization, the book, its author, and its reviewer could in anyway bolster your justifiable position of skepticism towards the evidence and testimonial revelations I�ve been imparting to you all. In my humble opinion, it does quite the opposite in demonstrating a self-avowed religious conservative can overcome his own �biases� to accept reincarnation as fact. �Political� conservatism or liberalism has no place and has had no place in Dr. N�s research. Period. Now, as to your charge that I had in my post above made some kind of �subtle ad homonym� attack upon you or anyone else on this site is also groundless. I, in fact, specifically excluded you and anyone on this site in a parenthetical remark! I apologize if you felt that I was aiming any of my GENERAL comments (written by me, by the way, over 2 years ago) about the obvious fact that recalcitrant and entrenched worldviews and �biases� can be an obstacle towards the acceptance of new evidence. I was attempting to distinguish �healthy� skepticism from an often unconscious mindset ,by some interests and individuals, to filter all new thought, information and empirical evidence through their own calcified belief systems. Human history is full of such examples, as I am certain you are well aware. If you read my post again, you will see that I was making the case from my own understanding and hope that I would be open-minded enough to CHANGE by worldview if the EVIDENCE led me to another position which disproves reincarnation. Now to your insistence that I have not addressed your indifference or relevance?� EVEN IF REINCARNATION IS A REALITY, �So, what?� I thought that I had clearly shown that it could have a profound effect upon our spiritual evolution and particularly on the understanding of our true spiritual nature. But, it is not reincarnation itself which is important and revelational, it is what we are learning about our spiritual home, our purpose as souls, and our divine nature which is most profoundly significant. How you can intellectually, morally, spiritually question its relevance to virtually everything we think we know about ourselves, I find extremely difficult to understand. Here is more information to digest which I believe is relevant to this thread: The Scientific Validity of Hypnotic Regression- The Veridical Proofs of Testimony For more than 50 years, practitioners of the art of therapeutic hypnosis have been using a variety of refined techniques for inducing a high level of consciousness within a trance state which allows them to access the subconscious or unconscious memories of a subjects/client�s past. Many have been able to break through very difficult protective and defensive mind created barriers and compartmentalization mechanisms put in place by the egos of their clients which had prevented them from recalling disturbing memories of emotional and/or physical abuse by a parent, guardian or partner. By uncovering these memories and bringing them into the conscious minds of their patients and clients, these caring and skilled therapists have been able to help an untold number of people to recover from a variety of mental/psychological disorders and to heal often debilitating and crippling emotional �scars� that have made the lives of many unbearable. Unconscious, and by definition therefore unresolved, issues of their clients are quite often the primary causes of emotional instability and a whole range of relational dysfunctions and even personality disorders. Sometimes, many of us with no particular �clinically� defined disorder reach an impasse in which concerns or questions arise regarding the meaning and purpose of our lives. Some of us wonder if our lives are worth continuing or find our situations or circumstances so difficult to deal with or our ability to cope within them to be so overwhelming we seek help in our desperation to find some semblance of hope, resolution or peace. Some of these early �regressionists� began to realize that the mental or emotional issues of some of their clients, who had come to them for help to resolve, simply had no causal foundation in their past. After scouring their childhoods for clues as to why they had say a phobia of dogs or a fear of water or flying or some other issue that was interfering with their lives, causing them problems in relationships or in their careers, they were at a loss to explain these apparent irrational, often deep seated reactions to normal life situations or things. They were unable to discover any reason or cause for their clients phobia, fear or aversion of or to sometimes very innocuous things or everyday situations that the client themselves could offer no explanation for their reaction or behavior. As some of these early regressionists began looking for some other method of discovery or some unknown explanation for these unfounded and irrational patterns of behavior/avoidance, they began experimenting with what has now become rather commonplace, the �past-life regression� (source or ref. here). There are many good books by a number of pioneering researchers and authors who have documented the phenomenon that virtually anyone who can be hypnotized (some people are extremely resistant to hypnosis of any kind, but it is rare) is able to recall a number of their past lives. Many thousands of people from every walk of life have now undergone the exploration of either one or a number of their past lives by this method. Although not all of the practitioners of this particular form of regressive hypnosis profess a belief in reincarnation, they use the past life regression as a therapeutic tool in helping their clients discover and resolve recurring issues that have been �carried over� from these previous lives to their current life. Some don�t wish to speculate as to why or how these �past life memories� are so commonly and easily recalled by their clients or whether they are actual memories of real life experiences, or just tricks of the mind or some other unknown mental aberration. But, they have all proven the effectiveness and usefulness of these memories in helping their clients to resolve a wide variety of problems in their life today. As the word spread through books, journal articles, lectures and the talk show rounds of authors and researchers, many psychologists, psychiatrists and hypnotherapists began learning and using the technique with their clients. You can now find some practitioner of the art in virtually every major city and town in the U.S. and Europe. Today, among a public which is overwhelmingly Christian, some 82% of Americans in a recent poll considered themselves followers of one ilk or another, a good many people have begun to accept as possible that they too lived past lives. There are still many myths and misconceptions regarding the facts of past life recollections. Most commonly you will hear those that ridicule the phenomenon referring to the occasional nut case depicted in movies or TV who claims they were Napoleon or Cleopatra in their past life. The truth is that rarely, if at all, do people recall a past life as some historical personality, but overwhelmingly relate in great detail lives that were neither glamorous nor heroic but were often spent in poverty, hardship and obscurity, some going as far back as cave dweller days or as recent as the last centuries two World Wars and later. (refer to reading list of past life authors/books). In fact, Dr. Newton and others have identified this faulty reporting as the Famous Person Syndrome, in which some clients �believe� they were truly famous people from the past. He cites the example of one of his three Marilyn Monroe claimants who had vehemently proclaimed she had been the famous actress while exploring her most recent past life under hypnosis. Under further direct questioning and allowing the client to �revisualize� the scene in which she sees herself as the star, she realizes she had been mistaken. She was actually one of the actress�s housekeepers. So, this and other �mistaken� assessments by a subject of their status or location, there is also what he calls the Atlantis Attraction in which subjects misidentify a past life setting or location as some �mythical� place (I make no judgment as to the reality of Atlantis) they�ve read or heard about, are simply cases in which the subject�s conscious mind temporarily interferes with what is actually being seen in their altered trance state (in one of his cases a subject misidentified the tropical island he was on as being Atlantis, but with further questioning and probing as to �why he felt� that he was, his answers soon gave way to the truth of the actual location). The instances where this conscious mind interference is basically mistranslating or misinterpreting a scene is one in which the person�s current conscious mind, which is and must be operating in order for the subject to report what he is �re-experiencing�, is only �temporarily confused� by what is being �seen�. Subjects never intentionally lie or deceive under hypnosis but can be simply mistaken in identifying what they are �seeing�. Another method Dr. Newton uses when this happens, is what he calls �client ideometer signals to disrupt speech and thus disengage conscious thought interference�(LBL Hypnotherapy, pgs. 58-59). He simply tells the subject to stop and carefully reexamine the scene and to take as long as they require to do this. They and he will not speak again until this is completed. When they have completed this �review� they are to raise the fingers of a particular hand to notify him they are ready to proceed again. The subject invariably will acknowledge his/her mistake and give the corrected assessment of the scene under review. The problem is that very few people actually pickup a book or research paper to read the tremendous evidence being amassed by the pioneers of these studies. They too often and almost exclusively rely on the popular media�s reporting of these findings which either distorts or ignores some of the fundamental truths being revealed. Or, if they do a fair job in portraying the evidence, they follow it with some quasi-scientific debunker who hasn�t read the evidence either. Most often you will hear that hypnosis itself is very unreliable as a tool for uncovering forgotten memories. Or, that subjects are too easily led by inept or unscrupulous practitioners and that the accuracy of information retrieved or the truthfulness of a subject is dependent upon the skill of the hypnotist. There are concerns about what is called �confabulation�, where to �please� the perceived expectations of a hypnotic facilitator a subject will �fill in� gaps in his/her memory with completely contrived material (see sources and references). Although these can be legitimate concerns and have all been cited and noted in the hypnosis literature, most of these problems have been inflated and magnified by those not directly involved with its practice and regulation. First of all, most of these criticisms are based upon excesses of amateur and/or show and entertainment hypnotists and not the very regulated and peer reviewed practice of therapeutic hypnosis, where all of these concerns have been addressed and various safeguards and protocols have been put in place to insure a very high level of accuracy from hypnotized clients/patients. Mistakes during hypnosis in which leading questions are asked or a facilitator inadvertently �guides� a subject towards facts not consistent with their own real experience can be made by an inept or inexperienced practitioner. But, since most hypnotherapists are highly qualified and record all their sessions, the great majority of board certified and peer reviewed practitioners are able to go back over their sessions to determine if any information retrieved may be questionable or unreliable and therefore require a new session to reconfirm that information. This is particularly true in the case of those therapist/researchers who are engaged in controversial information retrieval such as our current subject matter. They are acutely aware of the necessity of establishing the validity of the information being retrieved and are sometimes overly cautious in making certain their questions are not tainted or biased, or are �leading� their subject in any way towards preconceived scenarios or conclusions. In fact, Dr. Newton would regularly test many of his subject�s to see if they had any propensity or susceptibility to being led by him. He would deliberately tell a subject that others had told him certain things about the spirit world, or he would assume facts he knew to be incorrect or that others had told him were untrue, to see if the subject could be led to confirm the misinformation. Invariably they would �correct� him and they would literally ask him, �Who gave you that information?� or �Where did you hear that?�, then they would proceed to �set him straight� as to what was the correct factual information which had been reported by all. He went so far on a number of occasions, with some of his clients that he had regressed many times, to try and discredit or impugn the accuracy of the facts a particular subject was reporting even though he had confirmed it with others. No matter how hard he tried the subject could not be dissuaded from reporting the correct or confirmed information. He would also go over previously reported parts of their life in the spirit world with a subject to see if they would �change their story�. He would try to trip them up on certain facts to see how certain they were of their initial reporting. Not once did he have a subject change the basic narrative reporting of the facts nor was he ever able to dissuade a client that what he was reporting was not the truth, at least as he/she saw it. Someone contriving or �making up� stories that are factually untrue either consciously or unconsciously are neither consistent in their retelling nor liable or able to defend its particulars. This practice of challenging or even provoking a subject under hypnosis to either change their story, or the narrative of their recalled experiences, is used by regressive hypnotists in investigating other phenomena some might say even more bazaar than our life between lives. The alien abduction world-wide phenomenon (the relevance of this new subject matter will be made clear) might not be familiar to any of you but, in fact, has been investigated and researched by the use of hypnotic regression since the mid 1960�s and the literature chronicling it is rapidly growing, for it is very much an ongoing phenomena. Since virtually every possible alternative explanation has been offered and evaluated in an attempt to dismiss or discredit the growing number of accounts of alien abduction and the almost unthinkable reality they reveal, without this incredible new tool of memory extraction we would know very little if anything regarding what may turn out to be the most serious threat to the security of the human race we may ever face. Then again, as some believe, these visitors may well be our saviors. More on this and hypnosis' vital function in not only understanding the spiritual and human mind but the events which shape our lives. Jacques, these ancient and more recent "visitors" may well be the demons you believe to be inhabiting our world. More next time. Your Brother in Spirit, Wayne | ||
Wayne, you wrote: I thought that I had clearly shown that it could have a profound effect upon our spiritual evolution and particularly on the understanding of our true spiritual nature. But, it is not reincarnation itself which is important and revelational, it is what we are learning about our spiritual home, our purpose as souls, and our divine nature which is most profoundly significant. How you can intellectually, morally, spiritually question its relevance to virtually everything we think we know about ourselves, I find extremely difficult to understand. Wayne, as Jacques and others have noted, when you begin to present data obtained from hypnosis as "revelational" in a metaphysical sense and in such manner as to take priority over religious beliefs, you are bound to run into conflicts. Religious beliefs such as those held in Christianity are primarily of a theological nature, not metaphysical, nor, less, empirical. Iow, there are what we might call disciplinary boundaries which provide different types of explanations and affirmations: empirical/positivist; philosophical/metaphysical; theological/mystical. There are obvious relationships between these levels, and constraints as well (e.g., what is affirmed as philosophically true ought not be in conflict with empirical data). At best, Dr. Newton's data is empirical in nature, with metaphysical implications. What you and many others are doing is accepting his data as metaphysical truth, and that's certain to be problematic. When, in addition, you present it as a challenge to religious/theological convictions, you're way out of bounds. Whatever else we might learn from Dr. Newton's work, it's certain that it's not theological in nature. To be sure, Christian theology and a metaphysics that affirms reincarnation are in tension -- most likely, conflict. That's what we explored thoroughly on the other discussion thread I've linked to above. To my thinking, then, there's really no compelling reason for a Christian to abandon time-tested/discerned theological perspectives (which inform spiritual practice) because hypnotists in the 20th/21st C. have come up with data that seems to suggest that we reincarnate. It certainly doesn't mean that we've had it wrong all along about our human nature, where we come from, where we go, destiny, grace, salvation, etc. The metaphysical and theological implications of the resurrection take precedence in all these areas, and rightly so. While it's interesting to explore what Dr. Newton's research has uncovered, it's also not helpful when you put the matter as you did in the quote above. In fact, to a Christian, this raises all sorts of red flags, suggesting some kind of delusional spirit at work to lead people away from Christ. Does that all make sense? | ||||
<Grampswayne> |
Dear Phil, Yes, what you state makes sense and certainly is understandable in defense of your beliefs. But, I was addressing YOUR hypothetical as to the importance of this new emperical/testimonial evidence IF IT WERE TRUE, not that it IS true. It was your "So, what?" concern I was responding to in the statement you cite. Maybe you misunderstood me here. Certainly, you would not make such an indifferent statement if it had been proven beyond any doubt, right? Or, are you telling me that no evidence however valid and confirmed by indisputable FACTS of their reality could ever change your beliefs in any way? What are your thoughts as to the material I presented above and the ways and the means by which this evidence is now being revealed to us? If mankind should discover indisputable evidence that our forefathers came here on a spaceship, how would you deal with this world shattering truth? Would you continue to deny the "inconvenient truth" or adjust, adapt and accept it? Again, these are hypothetical questions which go to your ability to accept reality. What would be your reaction in the face of a truth, therefore,that contradicts your strong held beliefs? Your Brother as always, Wayne | ||
This will probably be controversial... but in Genesis 6 we read that ETs were already here ("the Sons of God"), and they procreated with humans to create offspring called the "Nephilim", and God responded to this ET activity with the flood to wipe them out... so I assume that God does not approve of ETs... Caneman | ||||
<Grampswayne> |
Here is the continuation with some ommissions of the above post from my unpublished writings: The average person unfamiliar with the literature would be hard pressed to even imagine what most of these victims of abduction have experienced. Although some 25% of these abductees have recalled initial portions of their experience consciously without the need of hypnosis, the vast majority do not consciously recall any memories of their abduction experience. Here again, the general public has been grossly misinformed regarding the validity and effectiveness of hypnosis in retrieving memories of actual experiences by a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the true abduction scenario and discredit victims� testimony, as well as the victims themselves. Unlike the abduction phenomena no serious attempt to discredit or invalidate Dr. Newton�s findings as yet has appeared in the literature, but as it is more widely known, you can be assured the skeptics will be out in great numbers. Without going into the tremendous evidence for the reality of alien visitation and the alien abduction scenario now well established, qualified hypnotherapists using regressive hypnosis have utilized all of the above mentioned techniques in verifying the consistency of victims� accounts and an additional one worth considering, which I feel is demonstrative of not only the factual nature of the phenomena being recalled, but regressive hypnosis as a scientifically valid means of retrieving it. Virtually all of the major published abduction researchers such as Budd Hopkins, Dr. David Jacobs, Dr. John E Mack, Raymond Fowler and others (see source list of authors/books), who have performed or had others perform hypnotic regressions with subjects who had come to them suspecting they had been abducted, in an agreement with each other had decided they would withhold one critical bit of information they had all uncovered from the abduction reports of their earliest subjects prior to publishing any of their abduction accounts. They knew that once they published the accounts that they may have individuals who would erroneously report being abducted for various reasons. There were also a number of attempted hoaxes reported by most of these researchers. So in order to test these later prospective abductees and to confirm that they actually were reporting real experiences and were not just giving them accounts of being abducted based upon their familiarity with the abduction literature, or simply attempting to discredit their work, they would determine if they recalled this critical bit of information that had not been published by any researcher. It proved to be an invaluable �proof� in determining the honesty of those seeking to uncover their memories and the truthfulness of the many reports they were receiving which were subsequently investigated by hypnosis. Most false reports were easily weeded out prior to the use of hypnotic regression, and as I mentioned, some actually were able to consciously recall at least the beginning of what had taken place, but there proved to be a problem with these consciously recalled events that no one had anticipated. They subsequently learned that what was recalled consciously by a subject was quite often contradicted by a more in depth recovery of the events by hypnotic regression (cite reference). Virtually all of the researchers cited above have extensively documented what has now become known as �screen memories�. These are simply false memories used to hide or cover-up the mind�s recall of the actual events of the abduction. It is quite apparent that our alien visitors have not only the ability to induce amnesia in their victims but to put in place memories of innocuous or seemingly �everyday� visualizations as �substitutes� for the recall of abduction events and of primarily their rather disturbing appearance. For instance, many abductees recall seeing a deer or other animal consciously, but when explored in connection with a possible abduction scenario under hypnosis, the �pleasant� recollection of a friendly doe suddenly morphs into the large eyed egg-shaped head of the typical �Grey� alien. As many report, their methodology is usually to �stare� directly and sometimes at great length into the eyes of their subjects and somehow �transfer� these false visual memories to mask who they are and the often invasive procedures that they have subjected their victims to. Some experiencers feel that a large amount of information has been somehow telepathically transferred into their minds for some later recall. The consistency of these almost unthinkable reports, again, I feel is one of the most important reinforcements for the scientific validation of hypnosis as an invaluable method of evincing the truth, in far greater detail, than the conscious mind can recall. One other startling revelation came to light that is not widely known as well. One of the common objections to the reality of alien abduction has been from those who see all the �so-called victims� as either publicity seekers or lonely or disaffected/mentally challenged people who have been given the �suggestion� by the literature and publicity of the phenomena and wrongly believe they too have been abducted by aliens. For some unknown reason they think those who are claiming to be abducted are seeking attention or excitement or simply desire to have had this quite life devastating experience, or are simply displaying some mental or emotional aberration. So it came as quite a surprise to a number of psychotherapists and other mental health practitioners, who had clients that were showing all the signs of having been sexually molested as children or teens, when they investigated by hypnosis what they assumed were their client�s �blocked� or repressed memories of molestation by a parent or sibling, discovered they had actually been abducted by aliens (glad to provide references here). So, here you have patients/clients who had been suffering for many years, thinking they had been molested or sexually abused by relatives and had repressed the memories of these terrible events, discovering that they actually had been abducted by aliens throughout their childhood and formative years. Unfortunately, the mistaken diagnosis of what had been disturbing them for years was not a trauma reducing or issue relieving revelation, but the beginning of an even more harrowing journey of recovery with no real resolution forthcoming. The continuing governmental denial of this reality and the public�s resultant dire lack of sympathy or support for its victims contribute to their inability to understand or cope with what is happening to them, and what for many is an ongoing and unending nightmare. Most understandably to note, neither discovery of molestation nor the actual realization of alien abduction was something for which these �so-called victims� wanted any publicity or notoriety. In fact, 95% of all those reporting and subsequently discovering an alien abduction history want total anonymity. By the way, no one is ever abducted just once but most are taken many times in their life primarily from puberty through middle age (cite references). The emotional and mental trauma and lifelong effects of molestation are extremely similar to what the alien abductees have had to endure. The difference is that for the abductees it is an ongoing and continuing threat to their privacy, human dignity and sanity, not just a past and closed issue. Except for a few highly publicized cases where other secondary and even so called third level interactions with the aliens have taken place, virtually all of the abductees report the same primary and extremely invasive procedures of ova and sperm extraction and other �medical� examinations being performed on them while completely and helplessly unable to resist (cite refs). So much for the skeptic�s theories of publicity seeking/personality disordered people looking for some notoriety or novelty in their lives. The procedures performed on them and which they almost unanimously report, are totally inconsistent with the typical publicity seeking individual with hopes of being taken for a ride in a ET craft and given knowledge of the universe that would �feed� their egoic fantasies. Again, they all report invasive and humiliating procedures which have caused them tremendous grief and often debilitating emotional and mental difficulties. The experiences they reveal have forever changed their lives and with very few exceptions it has been for the worse not for the better. The reason for this segue into alien abduction is to provide the reader with a broader understanding of the importance of regressive hypnosis in the investigation and discovery/recovery of both human and soul memories which are inaccessible by any other means. If you have not read the verbatim transcripts of either the LBL regression case studies or the chilling �re-living� of abductees� accounts (see source and reference list), you will have only a very limited grasp of the �reality� of these experiences for those who have undergone them and the impact of the full recollection of them. Because of the extraordinary nature of the experiences they have recovered only through hypnosis and the devastating effect (overwhelmingly negative for abductees but a profoundly life-changing positive for the LBL experiencer) of their disclosures and revelations upon our current life experience and worldview, most of us will be inclined to deny or discredit them in some way unless one of these �experiencers� is us or someone very close to us. For truly incorporating them into our understanding of the world and who we are, requires that we must literally change everything we thought we knew about our world and our place in it. I realize that this is a lot to ask of you, but it is nonetheless what I am asking you to do. The evidence demands it. If you just can�t accept what I am trying to convey to you about these difficult realities, read some of the books listed in the bibliography and investigate them for yourself as I have done (list provided upon request). �So how can I be sure of this �evidence� and why should I believe it even if I do investigate it for myself�, you say. To put it simply, because the proof of what is now being revealed through the means of hypnosis is as �real� if not more so, than what your own unaided conscious mind comprehends of this �consensus� reality you currently think you are living. It is exactly the nature of this completely antithetical reporting which strongly points to the reality of their experiences. The consistent and continuingly persistent accounts of the abductee�s quite horrific procedures recounted by all of them is not what one might expect from someone who is experiencing some delusional or attention seeking wish fulfillment. Quite the contrary, you would expect a whole range of fantasy or science fiction type imaginings detailing a wide variety of alien types, activities, and a good deal of apocalyptic messages being given by friendly space brothers. The reality for these victims is quite different indeed (cite references here). As with the LBL case studies of Dr. Newton�s subjects, the alien abductee�s accounts are far too identical in virtually every aspect of the recalling by a widely divergent subject population that it is absolutely consistent with consensus reports of a common reality being experienced by them all. So all the experiencers within each group of phenomena have reported a consistent view of that experience and thereby have established a consensus reality of what for the rest of us might be considered extraordinary events. With many thousands reporting to this point, if you or I were to undergo an LBL regression or discover through hypnosis that we had been abducted by extraterrestrials, we could absolutely expect our report of that experience to comport with the consensus reality now established by each group of experiencers-with no exception. For us it would then no long be extraordinary, but consistent with every other experiencer of that reality. That makes it by definition an objective scientific observation since it is a uniform reality for �all agree� who experience it. Hallucinations and other ego mind created delusions vary widely in character, type and content. Both the LBL and abductee reports are internally consistent, non-contradictory and can be repeatedly recalled on separate occasions without significant variance when facilitated by the same or different regressive hypnotherapists (cite references here). In fact, hypnosis tends to provide a more consistent and less variant recollection of events than does conscious retelling or testimony. Therefore, it is more reliable not less. One of the proofs of science is can the results of an experiment or the observation of some phenomenon be replicated by others. In both the LBL and the alien abduction scenario the answer is yes. As we all know, many times things are forgotten when consciously recalling an experience. Hypnotic recall is much more exacting and less likely to allow for �conscious lapses� in the retrieval of information. Law enforcement officials are familiar with the use of hypnosis to recall say a license plate of a car speeding away from a crime scene. Often a witness in using only their conscious mind is unable to recall the numbers that were �recorded� by it. Literally everything we see, hear, touch, smell and taste is recorded by the mind. It is only our waking conscious mind which is unable to locate where a particular bit of data is stored. Only by entering an altered state of consciousness (a more conscious and deeper state) induced by hypnosis can virtually all the data be accessed that is permanently stored in our memories. (show chart of various levels of consciousness from Alpha to Theta) Think about this: If I told someone a hundred years ago that I could watch a live soccer match in my parlor that was taking place half way around the world, they would say I was crazy and I�d probably end up in some mental ward with electrodes attached to my head. Yet with live satellite HDTV we are able to extend our �vision� virtually anywhere in the world, likewise our �hearing� with a cell or satellite phone. Why can�t we extend the recall of our memories with the ingenious use of hypnotic regression? It is simply a �new technology� of memory retrieval. No one questions the �reality� of that soccer match in London or the person I�m speaking to in Slovakia, why do we question the reality of hypnotically recalled experiences? Hypnotic retrieval is simply a more advanced method or technology of �extending� the recovery of information stored in our memory, which is the physical �recorder� of our senses. In that �sense�, it is no different than a satellite TV or cell phone�s extension of our vision or hearing. Although there is and always will be plenty of mystery regarding our origins and other terra incognito, creation�s purpose and our rightful place within it, as well as our role as arbiters of it, many questions regarding man�s greatest aspirations are beginning to be answered if we are but open to what is now being disclosed and revealed to us through �extraordinary means�. Dr. Newton in his latest book written specifically for hypnotherapists interested in using his LBL regression methodology,� Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for spiritual Regression�, states as an encouragement to those who will carry on with his pioneering work, �I try to explain to my clients, who represent many philosophical belief systems, that we live in an imperfect world in order to appreciate perfection. We strive for improvement through free will and change. Searching for inner wisdom is essential because unless we find a personal inner knowledge beyond those institutional doctrines developed by others long ago, we cannot truly be wise about how to live our lives today on Earth�. He goes on to say that, �As spiritual regressionists utilizing the power of hypnosis, we are now blessed with a new medium of therapeutic intervention. If you are able to assist people in seeing the light of divinity within themselves and foster self-discovery, then you will have made a real contribution toward the ultimate enlightenment of our race.� We, therefore, have a new imperative given that we must now acknowledge we are truly a progressing and evolving ray of the ultimate stuff of a �divinity� which is a formless and still unseen �Over-Soul� of all that is. I invite your comments about the validity of hypnotic recall...the subject of this thread. Your Spiritual Brother, Wayne | ||
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