Entitled "Faryl." There's a pre-order status on Amazon. I don't know what songs she's chosen for the recording. For those who haven't heard this gifted 12 year old, here's a link to her singing Ave Maria:
She's recently signed a multi-million dollar contract with her idol Katherine Jenkins. I just hope too much doesn't come too fast for her. Of course, any video meant to gain public attention for a debut album such as this is bound to postures. However, her parents, at least by interview, don't seem the pushy type; they seem humbled by their daughter's gift, and treat her as a separate person, still somewhat a child needing some protection as the popular currents nip at her heels, yet evidently mature among her peers at this awkward age of transition. Let's hope it's true. And, one can glimpse a bit of her soulful maturity, mixed with the remnant sweetness of that passing childhood, which so informs the voice, in this link, I think.
I pray to live another thirty years so as to watch this sweet kid mature into her gift. Blue Danube wasn't written with lyrics, but the writer and choreographer, with Faryl's voice and presence, make it work beautifully:
Well, she's made her first trip to the U.S., making an appearance on Ellen. But here's a recent interview and performance in the U.K. Although it is worrisome to see a young teenager exposed to some of the worst influences of the adult world, she appears a rather integrated person, and somehow comfortable being both 13 and carrying a gift that only a mature adult should be weilding. But I'm a bit cynical when it comes to buying the image-making without consequences. Not that she isn't a genuinely good-hearted young person (which comes across plainly), but the impact of all this has got to leave its painful mark on her to some extent. Maybe once the CD sales level off her parents will cut out long periods of time where she doesn't perform for such audiences and stays at home with her "mates."