The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Priya, Pride has nothing to do with it. The title of the board was kundalini and psychic attack. Nothing you've contributed, as far as I can, lends much distinction to how other walks, other than your personal and limited interpretation of clincal pscychology, deal with the kundalini phenomena, and I really haven't seen the same descriptions and vocabulary in literature from other walks. Yes, chi energy can mean the same as pranic energy, etc., but a kundalini process has distinct symptoms and treatments - as earliest described and prescribed in the ancient Eastern mystical yogic tradiitons - that are not described in other walks. I challenge you to find anything similar and why don't you report it here if you can find it, since you seem to value an intellectual discourse? We can all benefit from a new understanding. Also, I don't recall ever posting that I thought a kundalini process can be a walk between sanity or insanity, or that any spiritual path leds to that paradox. I've described my personal experience, in which I may add, I never felt I was going insane. In fact, and student that you seem to be, I encourage you to look up kundalini cases in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, one distinguishing factor of the kundalini process, even when it is disruptive to brain chemistry, is that the person usually is cognitive of what's happening, and distinctly aware of various realities, versus cases of bi-polar or more serious imbalances where the person actually gets lost in the alternative realites. There are have been medical cases with findings discussed in past Journal articles, and many people I've spoken with in kundalini process in fact have walked that same walk between realities with embracing total madness. I have no idea what a spiritual walk is like for someone who hasn't had a kundalini awakening as far as how it impacts emotional or pscychological balancing. That hasn't been my experience, thus I can pose no expertise, except to say that someone, such as yourself, who hasn't had to handle the fire ball of the kundalini running through their system can't possibly be experiencing the same phenomena. It would be impossible. How you process emotional and pscyhological blocks and how someone with my energy patterning is completely different. If you interpret this as some kind of prideful boast, that's your problem. I would be happy to trade off what some school of thought would say is an evolutionary energy phenemena for a more traditional, albeit energetically limited, spiritual walk any day, even one with the emotional or psychological imbalances you hint at. Then again, though, I've never edged insanity, which you obviously know something about. | ||||
Phil Sorry if I gave the impression that the ability to detect electromagnetic fields due to heightened sensitivity acquired by means of intense spiritual practice is a pathology. I referred to it as a HINDRANCE to silence IF ONE FOCUSES on it. Your explanation that one is simply aware of it like a police siren, settles that. Of course I have no problems with accepting the fact that some people can tell the thickness of the ozone layer etc. The yogic tradition refers to it to as Siddhis and even St. John of the Cross refer to such phenomena acquired by people who are on an intense spiritual path. The only difference however is that mainstream religions (including Yogic philosophy) advise one to ignore such things in order to progress along the spiritual path. They echo the Bible precept "What does it help me to detect the electromagnetic vibrations of the universe/measure the thickness of the ozone layer, if I have no love?" The goal of all religion, especially mystical religion, which uses intense spiritual practices for the purpose, is to merge with God who is love. Maybe one should clarify the purpose of one's spiritual journey - to reach God, who manifests Himself as love or the inflation of one's ego through power and knowledge of extraordinary phenomena? But surely Phil, you are the expert on this subject, because you wrote your doctoral thesis on the subject! I was just trying to expose my ignorance. ![]() | ||||
But surely Phil, you are the expert on this subject, because you wrote your doctoral thesis on the subject! I was just trying to expose my ignorance. ![]() Well, actually my doctoral project wasn't on kundalini, but on "God, Self, and Ego," which is available on the web site. There's only a passing mention of kundalini in it. The goal of all religion, especially mystical religion, which uses intense spiritual practices for the purpose, is to merge with God who is love. Maybe one should clarify the purpose of one's spiritual journey - to reach God, who manifests Himself as love or the inflation of one's ego through power and knowledge of extraordinary phenomena? I completely agree with your statement of the goal of the spiritual journey, which certainly remains valid for anyone experiencing kundalini awakening. I disagree that the alternative is "the inflation of one's Ego through power and the knowledge of extraordinary phenomena." The alternative is living a life of sin, which one can do without knowing much about siddhis or extraordinary phenomena. Not all who have kundalini know much about siddhis, priya, and not all who experience siddhis have awakened kundalini. No doubt there is usually some kind of correspondence, but not always. Also, not all who experience kundalini have inflated egos because of it; quite the contrary, sometimes--you don't feel powerf over very much, quite frankly, especially your poor battered brain. An incomplete arising which hangs up in the 3rd chakra might produce the condition of inflation you're describing, but for the more complete awakenings, there's just not much ground for the Ego to stand still on any more. It's still there, all right, and as Linda mentioned, one is very much sane. Only there is no longer the comfortable bond between the sense of "I am" and its affective memory or self-concept, therefore there isn't really much to inflate. One can still speak nonsense, but since there's no Egoic payoff in terms of feeling or self-image, what's the point, really? Besides, any deviation from the "straight and narrow" produces "instant karma," distortion in the flow of energy which moves one, willy-nilly, to seek balance again through moral living, humility, and even meekness. Yet, paradoxically, when one needs to take risks or speak assertively, it's also easier to do, as there's less threat of violating one's self-concept, which seems just so dead anyway. What is best is to accept the description of the kundalini process as it is given by those who experience the process, without projecting other kinds of conditions or "states" onto it in the service of interpretation or even "helping." We have a few threads describing the symptoms, which are really unlike that of any other state, including contemplative or mystical states, with which it bears resemblances, but also significant differences. Phil | ||||
Linda wrote: 'I have no idea what a spiritual walk is like for someone who hasn't had a kundalini awakening as far as how it impacts emotional or psychological balancing. That hasn't been my experience, thus I can pose no expertise, except to say that someone, such as yourself, who hasn't had to handle the fire ball of the kundalini running through their system can't possibly be experiencing the same phenomena. It would be impossible. How you process emotional and psychological blocks and how someone with my energy patterning is completely different. If you interpret this as some kind of prideful boast, that's your problem. I would be happy to trade off what some school of thought would say is an evolutionary energy phenomena for a more traditional, albeit energetically limited, spiritual walk any day, even one with the emotional or psychological imbalances you hint at. Then again, though, I've never edged insanity, which you obviously know something about.' Linda, I had considered my contribution to the forum as complete many posts back, but only your Kundalini reaction brought me back to answer some of the things you mentioned. My ego tells me to take you up on every comment that you have made and launch a counter-attack, but the spiritual tradition I have chosen to follow advises me against such ego display considering that I have shared all I have to share on this topic already in the many posts. The point of sharing was for me not to challenge or attack you but to contribute other points of view. However since you have made a rather personal remark : ' I've never edged insanity, which you obviously know something about.' without knowing me personally, I thought I should let you know some personal details : I was born and brought up in India, living there for 28 years. I have known plenty of Hindus, listened to several inter-religious dialogues in an Ashram setting in which very learned people participated, have had several discussions with spiritual seekers from around the world, was spiritually mentored for nine years by a Catholic priest, Fr. Bede Griffiths, who is a scholar on Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. I have done some serious practice of zen as well. For your information too - In all my life I did not enter the psychiatric ward as a patient and have never taken any drug, not even a traquilliser to relieve me of any emotional discomfort, of which I have had plenty in my life. Your verbal aggression in what ought to have been a peaceful exchange of ideas, tells me more about yourself than give me any insight into my problems. My zen teacher as I told you is a clinical psychologist who assesses people who meditate under him. He, who knows me personally, doesn't think I am walking on the brink of insanity! That should clariy your notion that I might be. | ||||
Phil Thank you for your clarification and concluding remarks. Since I don't know what your thesis 'God, Self and Ego' deals with, I thought form the title that it might have something to do with the ego deceptions along the spiritual path. My long personal journey has not made me an expert or scholar on any topic, much less on Kundalini which had never been discussed in any inter-religious dialogue or exposition of Hindu scripture that I have attended so far. To comment on anything you've written, would take me back to square one in the discussion. As I see it, both parties have agreed to disagree on the various points brought up in the discussion. By the way the arguments in this forum has given me immense pleasure. | ||||
Fine, Priya, and bless your karma that you've never had to live through an active kundalini awakening. LOL re your ego, which you're surely entitled to, and certainly don't reflect your own shortcomings in awareness or understanding on me. I live in the practical world when it comes to kundalini. I don't have the freedom to experience it merely through rhetoric. | ||||
Stephen wrote: 'Please give me the credit of being able to determine whether my issues are mental or spiritual. I was healed of any purely mental imbalance years ago and any harm caused by drug taking has long since disappeared. These things I am relating are long since gone. Its crucial to see things from a holistic perspective and realise that these subtle energies we all share work on the body as well as the mind. I,too, really don't appreciate the inference that I see a psychiatrist.' Much of the latter part of my post addressed to you at 5.26 AM on 16/7, went missing like yours. So I have no idea if you read it at all. It is because you had in your recent posts been describing current episodes of psychic attacks, that I felt it may be useful to clarify what is a mental crisis and what is a spiritual one. After going through all the posts once again, I couldn't help noticing that Linda had been concerned about your recent episodes as well and might well have been inferring what I did, to clarify things. I couldn't help noticing too that Linda has given you plenty of advice. Yet you are offended only at my suggestions! I suggested that you get both help - the right psychological as well as spiritual, as all problems (even Kundalini related) have both components. I do not consider seeing psychiatrist a negative thing to do. Didn't Linda make the inference that some drugs could probably help heal some aspects of imbalanced Kundalini (when she was writing about Nash's mental illness)? A psychiatrist is not a monster you know, just a medical doctor who deals with disturbances in brain chemistry, with the authority to prescribe drugs to alleviate the condition. All I can say in closing is that my suggestions were well meant, with a desire to share different interpretations and point to all sources of help that I know of. Good luck on your journey and may the Holy Spirit lead you along the right paths to healing and wholeness! Now like Mr. Bilbo Baggins, it is time for me to say - this is the END. I am going. Iam leaving (this Forum) NOW. GOOD-BYE! | ||||
Priya, whether you ever return to this board to offer any helpful hints, however well intentioned, is immaterial to me. But for others who may be reading or sharing the kundalini process, I think its important to once again address some of your misperceptions as well as emphasize how important this kind of forum is, and how grateful I am, for one, to Phil for running it. (As well as all of his writing on this topic.) First of all, most people who experienced a kundalini rising that has imbalanced components, from what I've seen and heard over the years, are routed to a shrink, MD for a physical, and/or psychotherapist immediately, if they aren't already in some kind of treatment. (And add to that a spiritual advisor, priest, rector, guru, what have you, and a yoga expert.) And if its true kundalini, none of these people are of much help, unless they have an expertise (which I think is actually out there now) in understanding kundalini and its symptoms. In desperation, most people turn to reading any literature they can on kundalini, and the information in Gopi Krishna's book, which is a sort of bible, since his kundlini rising was so problematic, could drive one to despair. And then most people seek out others who are experiencing the same thing via conferences, workshops, and even the few people in this country who claim to have some expertise and have treatment centers. (there are at least three I can think of, none of which existed eight years when I was dealing with my first symptoms.) I also know various people who have travelled to India to go to treatment centers devoted to kundalini, but the time and expense involved in that isn't an option for most of us. NOt only do we have to live with kundalini, most of us have to maintain daily lives, work, family, etc. despite any level of discomfort, short of complete disability, which does occur in some kundalini episodes. I followed all of these steps, and still didn't find very thorough help. My first KRN conference, where I actually met Phil many years ago, was one of the most depressing experiences of my life. There were more than 500 people from around the world, both those who have written and experienced kundalini like Phil, and many people in the audience from all walks of life (including I might add, shrinks and MDs themselves) who were suffereing from an array of kundalini symptoms and looking for help. I was in an group workshop of about 30 people. We went around the room with each describing their kundalini process, many of whom had experienced incredibly severe episodes and the expert in attendance basically echoed the types of things you find on this board, practical advice. MOreover, there was a comfort level in exchanging that information. This board as well as provides a forum for personal testimonials. For some, the kundalini becomes a blissful experience that leds to a higher connection to God, and even those like with imbalanced situations have felt those states. But for many of us, due to the fact that our spiritual/emotional/physical bodies were not ready for a rising, other points in the process are complete hell and there is very little that the traditional medical or social science paradigmn or religious traditions can do to help. I remember at one point earlier in my journey I had tremors throughout my body, heated electrical jolts so severe that even anti-seizure drugs were of little use (short of complete sedation, in which my body was still jolting about. There was no physical explanation for it (I'd had all the appropriate tests), moreover despite what was happening, I had coodination between the jolts, in short my central nervous system was functioning just fine -which it wouldn't have been if some disease had been at play. (And I'm watering down the explanation.) Eventually the tremors subsided, but what helped get me through the entire episode was the fact that one of the participants in the kundalini workshop I referred to had actually described the same kind of episode, how long it lasted, what he went through in terms of medical tests, etc, and how he lived through it. There's a lot of fear associated with all of this, and it's not routed in neurosis, but in complete bewilderment of what could happen next in your body. Every day, anyone with an active kundalini situation experiences whatever the latest symptom, tingle, heated energy pathway, whatever, that signifies, yes, the pranic energy is still routing around, that person has to ask themselves, could this become more extreme? The longer you live with it, the easier it becomes to monitor your body and after you've experienced some really bad episodes, the fear subsides to passive acceptance. Other forms of the imbalance can be more dramatic, such demonic/psychic attacks if the energy purification process is routed through the fourth or sixth chakra and higher, so one can also be dealing with various dimensions, both good d and bad. Traditional medication only slows down the process, and can in fact block it. I.E. in the case of Stephen's empathy with his friends, his surfing through various demonic realms, yes, a shrink could say in extreme that lithium, a common treatement for bi-polar disorder, is in order. I bet that you could put enough lithium, a salt compound that indeed effects the body's electro magnetic field, in Stephen that he could pose at the Dead Sea, and he'd still be experiencing much of the same phenemena. That's becauase the kundalini element has created a different system within his physciology. He doesn't function like someone with a closed down system in the sense of suffering from traditional mental illness. The kundalini really doesn't fully respond to drugs, that's the point. It doesn't respond to talk therapy, except perhaps if someone's throat chakra is blocked and there's a lot to offload. There's a saying that the energy has its own wisdom. A lot of people with kundalini, when the episdoes get horrendous, do indeeed turn to traditional therapies for relief, and what I've found is if someone has really studied kudnalini and their situation, that they try to work through it as holistically as possible. Even this weekend I spoke a woman who is going through kundalini process where the energy is severely impacting her brain chemistry. She is a educated professional, a psycho therapist, understands kundalini process and did decide to go on medication to help out her situation. But she plans to go off it as soon as she can, and she said so far, its only slightly alleviated the symptoms. Moreoever, what is miraculous about kundalini is that the person tends to get through the situation. The energy movement doesn't allow a static state. The kundalini is unpredictable. These episodes can arise and then completely disappear. I'm personally interested in movements in the earth's electro magnetic field, which I sort of look at as another form of the weather, because I've found that certain kundalini symptoms that I experience in fact can become more severe during big electromagnetic shifts. External environment can play a huge role in every sense in how one's body balances. I look at this forum as a way both to offer advice and solace to anyone going through a bad episode, because there is so little understanding out there, and how the kundalini impacts anyone is very individualized. I also look to this board for validiaton of my own experience and somewhere I can go if some new tingle/jolt/ symptom arises and perhaps find some insight to help me get through it. Consequently, I feel Priya's very last post directing the likes of Stephen and I to get help, find shrinks, etc. , incrediably destructive given what I know I've been through and what Stephen has revealed as well. For someone like me, and I know Phil as well, we find that kundalini process is not something one discusses with one's friends, family, or even spiritual community (outside of kundalini buddies) because one is likely to hear the same advice that Priya gave in that last post, implying that is something going on in your head or body, that you can control it via drugs, therapy, etc., and that somehow you're not taking responsbility for what's happening to you. Instead, the answer lies between God and the person through this. The higher guidance is provided, and your body will eventually tell you what it needs, and there is help out there via this forum for both practical advice and a sense that you're not the only person living through this kind of distress, that there's a bigger power at the helm. I hope that clarifies things in a positive light and that other particpants of this thread will feel both safe and comfortable sharing their thoughts and kudnalini process in the future without judgement. | ||||
Priya, I hope you'll reconsider leaving the discussion board. Perhaps this forum is not the best place to make a contribution, at least not when it comes to providing support and guidance for people struggling with kundalini issues. As Linda has noted, a different approach than what is provided in conventional psychotherapy, medicine, and even spiritual direction is called for. What I'd suggest is that you print out this thread and read the exchanges to see what can be learned from them. Maybe ask someone else you respect who doesn't have any connection to the forum to read them over, too, and give you feedback. There are other forums on this site where you've been active, making good contributions. Perhaps you'd consider ongoing involvement in them. I hope so. All I can say in closing is that my suggestions were well meant, with a desire to share different interpretations and point to all sources of help that I know of. Your good intentions go without saying, but I'm not sure that "different interpretations" are always helpful when it comes to kundalini. Some of us have been around the block with that, often with disastrous results. It is for that reason that organizations like the Kundalini Research Foundation and other similar groups have formed to allow those who have this experience to tell their stories, to learn from one another, and to strive to understand this process. That's kind of what we're trying to do on this forum. Phil | ||||
Emm, I don't really know what to say, ahumm. One thing - I feel priya's advice about seeing a psychiatrist was very different from Linda's who, if I can recall, assumed I had already been to see one, which I had, and have taken medication and am still "impaired". I do not consider shrinks to be monsters. The ones I have seen were simply very reluctant to address the problem in terms of kundalini so priya's different standpoint on the issue is really something I had to battle against years ago and am just a little tired of . Other things she has said have been fine. Its not that I favour linda or anything , just that her advice seems more in accordance with where I am at the moment, whilst priya's is rather untimely. Linda says: "Consequently, I feel Priya's very last post directing the likes of Stephen and I to get help, find shrinks, etc. , incrediably destructive given what I know I've been through and what Stephen has revealed as well. For someone like me, and I know Phil as well, we find that kundalini process is not something one discusses with one's friends, family, or even spiritual community (outside of kundalini buddies) because one is likely to hear the same advice that Priya gave in that last post, implying that is something going on in your head or body, that you can control it via drugs, therapy, etc., and that somehow you're not taking responsbility for what's happening to you. " This is true, really it is. I am very isolated and , while I can share things with sympathetic family and friends, there is no real advice near me.This board is pretty important just now. So, Linda , I hope you don't mind another query. Years ago, while practising yogic breathing techniques, taoist I think, I drew energy in thru my base chakra which I believe to be energy from the occultists I have mentioned.This seemed to settle in parts of my body. I am wondering whether it is used to create the loops in the aura you mentioned . What link does it have to these loops? Can I block it? I have become accustomed to feeling this energy in my body. Right now, although the severe attacks have abated, I am left with a cold, dirty feeling energy running down my leg. I have experienced cold , pleasant energy before but this feels unclean and uncomfortable. | ||||
Stephen, Glad to see you haven't abandoned this thread due to the recent volatile climate. And I do know what you're talking about. I perceive this loops as cords and when they come up through the root chakra and the source is energy-mind control tactics by occultists (and this is truly spiritual abuse), then it completely impacts your entire grasp of reality since the outside energy is so invasive. The common misperception I've personally encountered re getting rid of this is the widely held believe that you attract in and hold what is already inside you. IE, if your emotional/physical/spiritual makeup, whether the root cause is genetic, karmic, family issues, etc, you know the drill, then you've really just attracted in a similar oppressive energy and continue to hold that reality. I think this is a ridiculous and insane explanation, because if the energy is truly intrusive, you could have the purity of Mother Theresa (who, by the way, had an exorcism performed on her later in life and I'm also riding on the assumption that she was a very pure soul who through incredible spiritual practice healed much of her woundedness) and that outside, oppressive energy would try to take over. Anyway, this misperception leads one down a faulty healing path because I found I was taking too much responsibility for energy that wasn't mine. That made me as much of a victim as the original spiritual abuse that led to it, because it assumed I could control it by changing some wiring myself inside me. Two kundalini "experts" whose advice I take as sound would have a different approach. To load icky occultic energy is a ton of work, something I'm going through and not particularly successful at. First is physical purification, fasting, staying away from heavy foods, like meat, anything that drags your body energy down or negatively impacts your bio chemistry (i.e. alcohol, tons of sugar, etc. My big weakness is this area is coffee. I still a cup in the morning, though its not good for my system. And I still need red meat at least once a week.) Moreover, herbs are another way to purify if someone who has some expertise in that area is around you, or surf some sites devoted to ayurvedic healing to see if there is advice. I also have the email address of a shamanic healer in Alaska who maintains a certain plant root is really helpful in getting rid of negative astral energies and she supplies it. I have yet to try it for a number of reasons. Moreover, there is also a Franciscan monk in Arizona who has worked with many people with these kinds of energy problems and he apparently can both diagnose the energy itself and prescribe some antecdotes. I can get both of these names and email addresses for you if you're interested. Secondly, body movement, and yogic postures. This is really tough if you're dealing with the root chakra, since the danger is that if you do too much, you could stimulate another kundalini explosion, what we, the kundalini-impaired, would prefer not to do, and in my case, I live in fear anytime I feel those weird bubbles moving up through my spine, that another full blow out could happen. However, that could completely release the energy cords, though it could be pretty disabling, if not to mention painful. It's your choice, and if you do these postures, I would carefully monitor how your body responds. First would be the "crow" pose and some others, descriptions would be lengthy. If you're interested, why don't you email phil at, and he can forward your email address to me (I'd rather not post it here,) and I can provide both those instructions and the names of the herbalists I've mentioned to you. So much for my practical recommendations. | ||||
Cheers Linda, I'll need to think a bit about what you said.If I picked you up right then you're saying that it isn't something in us, karmic or whatever, which attracts and holds the energy.I like this.The misconception you identify seems to throw a great burden on us and really ensnares our thinking but it is , as you say a widely held notion. I'm willing to say I did the wrong thing at the wrong time and can only learn from my error. I do hope I've picked you up right on this. Anyway, I will contact Phil about the Email address and I am interested in the Arizona monk you mentioned. I'm keen to keep things in a Christian context. | ||||
Sue, Sounds like you have a very permeable auric field, with rips and tears from boundary violations due to violence you mentioned. This isn't that unusual, and can be healed through a variety of measures. Happy to send along the recommendations that I mentioned in prior posting via Phil, but also ask you to take another perspective. You didn't mention a kundalini awakening, balanced or imbalanced this phenomena can add incredibly to one's sensitivity. But, even if not, you're just a "sensitive" so to speak for any number of reasons, including childhood abuse, I think its more healthy to view it as sort of an injury, (or sort of lack of "immunity" just like any other mind/body/spirit issue might be, and take steps to correct it. Of course, you want to follow a spiritual path and dwell in love, but when you're dealing with external circumstances beyond your control, i.e. a funeral home or other darker energy type situations, don't just look at your own spiritual practice as the source or the answer. You have to build up your own strength in your subtle energy bodies to withstand those circumstances, since you never know when they may hit. (I can hardly sit in a public movie theater anymore, given some of the yucky energy that accumulates in them, and a lack of light and fresh air). I recommend yoga to build up and restore some of your energy centers (chakras) where there might be tears, such as solar plexus, a common sore point for emotional trauma, and the book I've mentioned before, "Vibrational Healing" by Gerber. I don't know what your resources are, but I also suggest looking at the website I know a practioner of this healing method, and also a former abuse victim who swears by this method. Also, you could look to anthroposophical medicine, a form of mind-body-spirit homeopathy developed by Rudolf Steiner. There is an association that will probably list practioners in your state accessible on the web. I went to an MD trained in this method as one point, when my body sensitivity was incredibly high due to the kundalin imbalance, and he was the one who recommended the kind of copper-like paste that I put on solar plexus to protect against yucky astral energies that I perceived were bothering me. And it helped a lot. As does the caphor Vicks-Vappo Rub recommendation I gave to Stephen. However, there are other reliefs that a good anthroposophical practioner can prescribe both to protect and build your subtle energy field, so you can deal with public situations like funerals. I also recommend that if you're in a environment were sacro cranial and other treatments are being practiced, that you immediately go honme and take a bath in Epsom salts, not to mention clearing your living space with oils such as lavendar, so that you're not bringing home someone's energy off load with you, and absorbing it, as it sounds like you did. Yes, other people don't have to go through such practices to protect themselves spiritually, but I don't think that the fact that you're going through some of these things demonstrates that you're not surrounded by love or connected to Jesus or God, anymore than if you cut yourself and your wound didn't heal as quickly as your neighbor's means that you're not as good of a person. Take care of yourself. Linda | ||||
Sue, One more point. I only make this recommendations assuming that you have also undergone some form of psycholotherapy or worked with a psychiatrist. Though on this board, we've discussed the short comings of these routes re handling kundalini awakenings, I would think, given the information you've supplied, that this is a vital step for your healing. | ||||
Great exchange, Sue and Linda. ![]() This kundalini rising and settling is a most intruiging phenomenon, is it not? I know the ebb and flow is related somewhat to my diet, exercise, meditation, etc., but it also seems very much to have a "mind of its own." Sometimes I do all the "right things" to help manage the process, and it's a mess anyway; other times, I break all my rules and it flows smoothly. The only thing that works with any consistency is turning it over to the care of the Spirit in Christ--very much as though I were working some 12 Step program with it. Anyway, just a few thoughts to basically say I relate to this exchange. Phil | ||||
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