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| Posts: 538 | Location: Sarasota, Florida | Registered: 17 November 2003 |  
| Katy Nice to meet you too. I loved your website. It's an inspiration to me. I've always wanted to create my own, but don't really know how. My sons have mentioned some tutorial-type programs that are easy. I think it might be therapeutic for me. I have a cat too, that was a stray like Freebirds. She was only six weeks when she showed up in my yard. She decided to stay under certain conditions -- she must be in charge.  She's a beautiful Burmese and we have great love for each other. She's been with me for about 13 years. I'm also highly sensitive so I look forward to reading some more about that from your site. Love, Tate |
| Posts: 77 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: 18 July 2005 |  

| Hi All,
Sorry I have not given you an update before now. I haven't been feeling well.
The cranial balancing was interesting. I told her that I was highly sensitive and that I also may be having kundalini symptoms. She seemed to know what I was talking about, but didn't really say much about it.
She proceeded with the therapy, pushing this bone and pulling that bone, pressing here and there. When she finished and I got up from the massage table, I felt a bit light headed, and my neck and head area felt a bit different, but that is all I noticed.. until the following Saturday (I had the therapy on Thurs.) I had so much energy flowing through me that I couldn't sleep all that night. The whole next day, I felt hyper and just out of sorts. Now I can't say for sure that this all happened because of the cranial balancing. My body/mind is often easily affected by other things.
One of the nights since then (not sure if it was the first night or not) as I was falling into a rather fitful sleep, I felt and heard an internal sensation in my throat that sounded like an alarm clock.. sort of between an alarm sound and a buzz. I never experienced that before.
I have not felt well this week. I am feeling sensations of heat, and other strange feelings. As I said, I don't know how much the therapy has to do with how I'm feeling, but it seems to be related . It seems it did stir up the K energy.
Katy |
| Posts: 538 | Location: Sarasota, Florida | Registered: 17 November 2003 |  
| The buzzing/alarm sound is the internal sound of kundalini running through the nada system. it changes from buzzing, alarms, bird chirpings, rings, and the sound of ommmmm.... it is the underlying sounds of creation. it changes depending on where the kundalini is at in your experience. also, if your head still has pressure, then don't concentrate on it. this is hard...but try not to think about it. Open your heart up more. you do this by feeling gratitude toward life, God, etc... This leads to thankfullness, and love. by doing this, the heart chakra will open and more energy will be released then being pent up in the head area. when you pray, meditate, etc... and you have too much energy in your head...then don't think-just relax and open up. I always think of it as God telling me not to think so much, instead "be still and know God." when your mind and body are affected by others, or when there is too much heat, relax-clear your thoughts, and watch your breath. try not to think of anything at all, because this feeds the problem Especially if you are in any way worried, or have fear. there is nothing to fear in this process. =) |
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