| Les, I read several books by Gopi Krishna years ago and correponded with Gene Kieffer (who has helped publicize Gopi's work) for some time.
As you know, Gopi considered his awakening to be from kundalini rising, and he is to be credited for helping to raise awareness in the West concerning this phenomenon. I don't think his kundalini experience was related to the Dark Night of the Soul. It may be that in some people kundalini activation comes in the midst of the Dark Night, but that's not really common. As I noted in my new book, the strongest correlation with kundalini seems to be apophatic spirituality -- non-discursive meditative methods, including pentecostal glossalalia. There are exceptions, of course.
You note physical crises from your past experiences, and that's more par for the course with kundalini than Dark Nights. Although kundalini can and often does activate an intense psychological cleansing process, what's far more characteristic is for the recipient of the experience to sense something going on in their body -- pressures, pains, movements of energy, blockages, breakthroughs, and so forth. It's like we're being pumped up with some kind of energy from within, and it can't always get where it needs to go, and we feel we can actually help or push it along with our attention. That's why many wonder if they are not, in fact, the cause of the whole thing.
Dark Nights are very different, usually without the somatic fireworks of kundalini. |
| Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004 |  

| Ralnagor et al, our personal experiences tell us nothing about God's attitude toward us. That information is perfectly manifested in the life of Jesus, who reveals a loving and forgiving God. If we do not have experiential knowledge of this truth, then we wait for it in faith and hope and continue to love ourselves and others no matter how we feel. If there are serious obstacles to experiencing loving affectivity (neuroses, psychoses, addictions, trauma, etc.), we work on those problems, trusting that God is with us through the process. Last stop: Ayahuasca. If Ayahuasa doesn't do the trick,I'm out.Maybe check out the link below before you run too fast in that direction. There are serious risks! - https://www.warrior.do/ayahuasca/Please continue to seek medical and psychiatric attention, and be patient. Also, know that if you have sincerely confessed your sins, God has forgiven you, whether you feel it or not. |
| Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004 |  