The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hi, I have suffered from a sleep "disorder" called Sleep Paralysis for many years, since I was a teenager. It is sometimes quite severe, and each episode is a little different. One episode a few weeks ago, I felt a scorching type feeling in my mid back, and also a couple of weeks ago, during the S.P. episode I felt a slight burning in my chest. In case you don't know what SP is, briefly, it is when one's body is asleep, but the mind is awake and aware, but unable to move. It is terrifying, and a lot of the time (a common symptom) I feel that there is a pressure on my chest, and feeling of suffocation, and a feeling that I am going to die. I have read a lot about the topic of S.P. Some say it is caused by P.T.S.D., some say anxiety or depression; some say it has to do with "enlightenment", and one can have a OBE while in this state. Then others say it is demonic. And some say it is aliens trying to abduct the individual. There are many other opinions. It is rare, and not much is really known about the TRUE cause of it. But I am wondering if it could be related to kundalini. This has been a serious problem for me for some time. I am thinking about going to a sleep clinic, and am going to my Dr. today and am going to ask him about it. Thanks, Katy | |||
Katy, since you describe your sleep paralysis as a serious problem, serious enough to talk to your doctor about and/or to consider a sleep clinic, let me encourage you to pursue such medical consultation and treatment. I will address your question about whether or not sleep paralysis could be related to kundalini. The answer is that sleep paralysis can most definitely be related to kundalini. In researching and trying to unravel my own journey, retrospectively, I came to realize that certain phenomena that I experienced spontaneously and intensely (such as lucid dreaming, numinous experiences upon awakening, felt presences and sleep paralysis) were the same phenomena that others often attempted to self-induce through various yogic practices/techniques. Kundalini Yoga and Tibetan Dream Yoga are sometimes used intentionally to induce lucid dreams and astral projections/out of body experiences. Along with those, quite naturally, comes the experience of sleep paralysis. The paralysis, itself, is normal and happens to everyone as our bodies don't want our limbs flailing about during REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep). What is abnormal is becoming consciously aware during either REM or sleep paralysis. Normally, our return to conscious awareness takes place at the same time that our sleep paralysis mechanism shuts down so we don't experience sleep paralysis, just as we don't normally know we are dreaming when we are dreaming, as with lucid dreams. I say my own experiences were spontaneous and not self-induced through purposeful yogic techniques or certain forms of nondiscursive meditation. At the same time, I have wondered if I inadvertently triggered certain energy upheavals, kundalini arousals, even awakening (especially loss of affective ego and constant inner eye seeing) through habitual spiritual practices of a contemplative nature, including glossolalia (praying in tongues, mentally) and repetitive prayer verses/psalm recitation. Although I can very much relate to the panic of a sleep paralysis episode, which for me usually entails my begging someone to awaken me, my overall experience with vivid and lucid dreaming and felt presences/numinous experiences was very, very positive and integrative, best captured by a quote Phil dug up for me years ago that he felt resonated with my reports, which it very much does: You, Katy, mention sleep paralysis as a problem dating back to teen years. Also, you have mentioned past struggles with addictions (possibly alcohol, smoking and/or prescription drugs?) as well as some "mild" yogic exercises and maybe even centering prayer, in addition to some kundalini tingling? It could be very difficult to untangle such a web of possible influences on your states of consciousness and your unconscious as the interface between your conscious and unconscious mind can be affected by many different activities. I have been helped by abstaining from the four Cajun Food groups: Sugar, Salt, Fat and Alcohol as well as caffeine, by eating deliberately and well, and by keeping a specific sleep regimen that honors my body's circadian rhythms (normal physiological cycles). Also, several times a year, I put away books (and the computer) and reading and writing for various periods of time and just try to remain alone and quiet. When in doubt, less meditation and not more, less yogic practice and not more, is helpful. Above all, I have done much better by giving up any attachment to my various experiences and by not bothering with over-analyzing them for their spiritual significance. Just loving the people I am with has been the most peaceful path for me. Be well. Hope this helps. pax, jb | ||||
That was a very good and thorough response, JB! I don't have this problem, but have heard others who have kundalini symptoms speak of it during conferences I attended years ago. It's not one of the ordinary symptoms of kundalini awakening, however, and may be related to other factors. I see, for example, that this web page from Stanford Univ. considers it as a cousin of narcolepsy, in some cases; good links at the bottom of that page as well. | ||||
Johnboy, thanks very much for your comments. Yes, this helps me very much. I did go to my Dr. today and told him (again) all about it. He said he doesn't really know what it is.. and agreed that I could go to a sleep clinic. He also suggested I go to a psychiatrist to sort out my medications.. which may be a culprit. | ||||
Yes, that was a wonderful post from J. B. Phil, I have read all about that too. I don't think I have narcolepsy.. Apparently, my Dr. didn't think so either. You are right, tho, that it could be related to other factors. I have quite a "history". I still want to share that some time. Thanks! Katy P.S. Feels good to be here again... people who understand such strange symptoms that I have. :-) and I can talk about it here. Katy | ||||
John Boy (are you the real Johnboy? :-) Thanks for all your comments. Yes, I have also experienced lucid dreaming, and a few times during my S.P., it felt really good, like I was out of my body, and soaring, but then I would get afraid and returned to my body (???) And yes, I have practiced yoga since the late 60's , but not a lot, and nothing intense. I will say that I do do pretty much deep breathing..feels like my body needs it, and I only do it when my body tells me to. Centering Prayer, I have been doing for several years.. but I don't think it's tooo much. Actually, I think I need to do more! I only meditate for 20 min. in the morning. Same thing with yoga; I do very little, "mild" yoga exercises and NOT with the intention of having kundalini awakenings, nor OBE's. Now medications could play a role in this.. I have taken a LOT of antidepressants and tranquilizers for the past... oh, 30 yrs. I still think a lot of my strange symptoms have to do with kundalini, and as a highly sensitive person, I prob. just happen to FEEL these K. sensations more than others. O.K. my attention span is short. I want to comment more on your reply later. Thanks again, Katy | ||||
Characterizing sleep paralysis as a cousin to narcolepsy sounds more accurate than associating it directly with narcolepsy, which seems to be a common mistake (the more I researched, the more I found this to be a common misconception). It can result from many different causes. The most salient point is that it is a part of a natural bodily process, as is lucid dreaming. In the past, lucid dreaming, astral projection, OBE and such were viewed as mystical experiences and associated with occultic teachings and practices. This dynamism may even play into accounts of alien abductions. Nowadays, they are rather easily understood from the standpoint of physiological psychology & Jungian psychology, especially within the context of piercing the veil between our conscious and unconscious minds, such as occurs in what has been called the unloading of the unconscious. Energy not expended in our conscious minds will get expended in our unconscious minds causing all sorts of symptoms to ensue! The trick is to take our experiences and put them to the service of individuation and integration and this can be quite the challenge because some of these experiences make us feel as if we were dis-integrating! In my view, there is much wisdom in not pursuing such experiences. This doesn't mean that we necessarily abandon certain spiritual practices and ascetical disciplines that can lead us to new states of consciousness, of awareness, of healing and of integration; it's just that these new states, in and of themselves, aren't marked by experiences, energy upheavals and such (which could then be more properly considered epiphenomena). It's best to detach from them and practice the discipline of letting go, enduring them out of love, the central phenomenon. But, back to the non-kundalini thrust, like so many other symptoms and manifestations, sleep paralysis, whether induced by insomnia, stress, narcolepsy, yoga or whatever, might best resolve itself through a good diet (refraining from certain substances), good exercise, regular sleep regimen and restricted yogic and meditative practice. That always seems to be the holistic answer to so many problems. Only with that approach failing would I want to seek medication, which could mask deeper underlying causes for various symptoms/manifestations. Well, I risk overanswering the inquiry now but it did tend to touch directly on my own experiences ![]() pax, jb p.s. I see where this crossed with your posts, Katy, but I'll leave it up, anyway. Might touch on another's experiences. | ||||
Same here, Johnboy. I have been doing mild yoga for over 30 yrs and also deep breathing, various kinds of meditation, praying in tongues. Was involved in Catholic Charistmatic prayer group for quite a few years. Then with all my "nerve" problems since I was in my teens!! So many factors. I really need guidance in what to do next. I AM getting therapy from an HSP (highly senstive person) therapist. I do eat "right", walk, drink a lot of water, etc. My next step, don't know. Am praying for guidance on what to do about the S.P. once and for all. Thanks, Katy | ||||
You, Katy, mention sleep paralysis as a problem dating back to teen years. Also, you have mentioned past struggles with addictions (possibly alcohol, smoking and/or prescription drugs?) as well as some "mild" yogic exercises and maybe even centering prayer, in addition to some kundalini tingling? It could be very difficult to untangle such a web of possible influences on your states of consciousness and your unconscious as the interface between your conscious and unconscious mind can be affected by many different activities. Also, several times a year, I put away books (and the computer) and reading and writing for various periods of time and just try to remain alone and quiet. When in doubt, less meditation and not more, less yogic practice and not more, is helpful. Above all, I have done much better by giving up any attachment to my various experiences and by not bothering with over-analyzing them for their spiritual significance. Just loving the people I am with has been the most peaceful path for me. Be well. Hope this helps. pax, jb [/qb][/QUOTE] JB, That quote sounds wonderful.. I wish that I could turn the experience from negative to positive... Also, putting away all the books, and staying off the internet... wow.. now THAT I would probably benefit greatly from. I have so much information ... information overload, and my mind is always spinning.. so many thoughts. I think maybe I will try that next week.. a good time to do that - holy week. As far as meditation (C.P.) and yoga, I really think I don't do enough. Only 20 min in the A.M. and sometimes 20 min in the afternoon. I also think I don't do enough yoga.. only 20-30 min. every other day or so. It is not so much spiritual experiences that I seek, nor am overly concerned about, but the terror of the S.P. that I need to have healed, or have something healed inside of me so that it can be a blessing and not a curse. Untangling it all, yes. So much to consider, and yes I took a lot of medications in the past, and used alcohol off and on. What makes me think the S.P. is connected to kundalini tho, is that I have had definate other kundalini experiences. Only one was REALLY positive. I was reading, and spontaneously and to my total surprise, I had an explosion of light in my head. I was so full of Joy and Love and Light, I couldn't contain it, and I had to weep. This lasted a couple of hours. I will never forget it. I have told only a handful of people about this. A couple of people have told me it could have been a premature opening of the 3rd eye. I don't really know what it was Well, thanks again. (So, are you the real John Boy?) :-) Katy | ||||
Katy, I will pray for your healing. Your humility and your self-awareness will certainly aid your search for recovery. I'll share one more thing about my own sleep-related "disturbances", both the very positive numinous experiences and the sleep paralysis episodes. I never did figure out their cause. I never could bring one on, as one would surely be tempted to do in the case of the numinous experiences. I never could end one, as one surely would in the case of sleep paralysis. (I even tried to end a very powerful positive ecstasy, once, but couldn't). This lack of control is very curious and unlike the conscious control one might experience in lucid dreaming, where I have always been able to end the dream and wake up at will. The numinous experiences lasted for a period of about three years, is my recollection, and they were much more frequent (dozens of episodes) than any sleep paralysis episodes, which have plagued me for many years but never with any significant frequency (only a few times per year, 3 or 4). Let us know if you have any success with any particular treatment or discipline in ameliorating your sleep paralysis. pax, jb Yes, I am the real johnboy, to my family, john sobert sylvest, st.romain's sidekick for over 30 years. ![]() | ||||
Katy, considering your other thread on HSP, I'm wondering if there could be a connection with sleep paralysis and HSP--maybe moreso than kundalini, although I suspect it's all tied together in your situation. What do you think? | ||||
I don't know Phil. I have never read or heard anything about that possibility. I posted about the S.P. on the HSP board I go to, and most of them have not experienced it. Maybe I'll do some more research on that. Thanks. Katy | ||||
Thanks Johnboy for your prayers, and for sharing. I just called the sleep clinic and I have a appointment for a consultation on Apr. 13th. That will be an new, interesting experience! (I wonder if they know about kundalini ;-) Katy Katy | ||||
Hi Katy! Hi all! I've had a lot of problems with S.P. since Kundalini awakening and its always been associated with psychic attack. There are perhaps other causes which Katy and j.b. mention, but with me its definitely an occult thing. I've had demonic astral figures touch me in dreams inducing paralysis and occultists manipulate dreams to the point of S.P. It takes a tremendous effort of will to release myself and on occasion I have woken from paralysis shouting, "Get off me!" What always interested me was how occultists actually do this. Not that I want to try it myself or anything, but I am curious. It's a given that Kundalini opens an individual up to astral and external energetic influences, and that in sleep our unconscious minds surf these astral zones, so its not difficult to conclude that "other" beings influence dream content and sleep state. S.P. is a weapon of demons, occultist etc. Hope this doesn't disturb anyone. As I say, there may be other causes of the phenomena. With me there's always been a dream "presence" which induces paralysis. My subconscious(or perhaps my 'supra'-conscious mind) seems to have developed a form of defense against these beings and these states, which I believe has come from prayer and faith in Christ as the Master of every heavenly realm and all states of consciousness, where I say Jesus name as a mantra(in sleep you understand) or imagine a piece of God's armour defending me, a defense mechanism which has been mildly effective. This is another take on S.P., admitedlly a very personal one, but I believe it accurately describes what's going on with me. Thanks, Stephen. | ||||
Stephen, you touched upon other dynamics that are indeed very real. Our dream states can indeed be venues for encountering other spiritual realms, where departed loved ones may influence us, for instance. I became familiar with this quote from the Vatican when I was researching something called EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena): Also, the Bible is full of stories where angels and other messengers of God influenced people through dreams, like St. Joseph, for one major example. I do not at all dismiss the possibility that my own numinous experiences may have been influenced by God even as I recognize there may be more naturalistic explanations for them. I experienced and received them as consolations, profound consolations, and, however direct or indirect from the hand of God, I am grateful. But I did see more wisdom in just leaving them alone and not become attached to either the experiences or their explanations and analyses. All of this said, it would follow that there could be other spiritual dynamics and realms at work, some more benign and others even demonic. This would indeed warrant the type of spiritual warfare and prayer you speak of. Finally, we haven't touched upon the larger issue of how dreams play a natural integrative role in our psyches and can be mined for riches and insights to aid our ongoing individuation, growth and transformation. I must submit that, imo, most sleep paralysis results from neuroendocrine and neurological dysfunction and that most OBEs result from neuroendocrine and neurological machinations, however purposeful or inadvertent. pax, jb [This is an aside. As for kundalini experiences (and chakra theory), I personally take more of a phenomenological approach to them as subjective accounts of natural experiences not as objective encounters with actual energetic influences or occultic encounters. I do believe there is the possibility that there are nonenergetic formative influences on our souls that very much affect our beings, body-soul-spirit composites that we are --- and that this may account for what we witness with reiki, kundalini, etc and other intentionalities , especially including prayer.] | ||||
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