The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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This one i found in the diary of Sr Faustina, (Second diary, 778, This message of Sr Faustina should be read together with msg 777 : 777 November 27, [1936]. Today I was in heaven, in spirit, and I saw its inconceivable beauties and the happiness that awaits us after death. I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God. I saw how great is happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures, making them happy; and then all the glory and praise which springs from this happiness returns to its source; and they enter into the depths of God, contemplating the inner life of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whom they will never comprehend or fathom. This source of happiness is unchanging in its essence, but it is always new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures. Now I understand Saint Paul, who said, "Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him." 778 And God has given me to understand that there is but one thing that is of infinite value in His eyes, and that is love of God; love, love and once again, love; and nothing can compare with a single act of pure love of God. Oh, with what inconceivable favors God gifts a soul that loves Him sincerely! Oh, how happy is the soul who already here on earth enjoys His special favors! And of such are the little and humble souls. You all can find and give this DIVINE LOVE from the depth of your hearts, just search for it there, just try .... | ||||
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That's a really nice message, Bliss. Thanks for sharing it. | |||
Hi again and Gods blessings. I want write here now about another advantage of the path of the heart: earth grounding. Earth grounding is necessary when there is too much flow of kundalini/prana inside your system. For instance it is very usefull, when you feel this inner heat inside you, which especially might be felt in the legs. Walking then barefeet in the grass for instance lets flow the k/prana , at least partially, down in the ground, and one gets some relieve. In this case, yes, ok, earthgrounding is necessary and usefull. In other cases i often think to myself while earthgrounding: "What a waste of this precious stuff, that could be used so well for further transformation and purifications of the system, instead of flowing into the soil." then i concentrate for a while on the top of my head, and gradually i feel then after some while how the direction of the flow is changing. Instead of flowing down it starts flowing up somewhere into the upper part of the body. But it doesnt make it then easier to bear, to say the least. You get more uncomfortable, and you also start to get more concerned to get an k overflow, to get to this "point of no return", as i call it, that finally may result in a hugh kundalini/prana arousal, mostly in the next night. An here now my "trick of the heart", as a solution out of this situation: Start intenionally to let your heart glow in this typical Love of God (see my message on the first site of this thread). If you cannot do that, then pray to God or Jesus to help you in inflaming this Love. (And this works, believe me !!) Then the k/prana flow becomes bearable again !! Maybe because some of the k/prana/energy is absorbed by the heart, transformed into Love, and you send this Love , out of your system, up to God ! (instead of letting the k flow down into the earth. ) And thus you make God happy too ! Hope i could have helped some of you, or at least could give you some food for thoughts .... May Gods Love be with you ! | ||||
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I certainly concur with your trick of the heart "tip." When things get out of whack for me, especially with too much energy in the head, being present to God from the heart does seem to bring things back into balance and helps to reduce the sense of being overly detached and disaffected. The praise of God also seems to help a great deal, as does glossalalia. Thanks for your sharing on this topic. Sounds like you've have plenty of first-hand experience in dealing with some of the struggles that most people know little about. | |||
I want tell here about a probably and hopefully very helpfull experience i made with this (small) picture of Jesus that is shown on the left top edge of this ShalomPlace site . (Btw, this is exactly the face of Jesus how i saw Him several times inwardly.) Ok ! It happened one day that when i looked at a printed version of this pic (hanging in my room) that i felt a sudden deep connection with this pic. This "looking at" then changed into a meditation. This was managed automatically. The results of this meditation were about the same as those written in my posting of "heart meditation ... " at the beginning of this forum topic above. But what surprised me was that i got this "love enflaming" inside my heart right after a few seconds only, by simply looking at this picture in a devoted way. And it was huge, and very strong. And this was for free! No meditative action on my side. In the following days and weeks i practised this kind if picture meditation regularly: Simply looking at this picture of Jesus in a devoted and personally connected attitude. Getting then deeper inside, besides the love in the heart, k and prana flowings, activation of some chacras, it also happens that this picture changes. (For instance the eyes turned to me and looked then directly into my eyes. Or the color of the eyes changed into a strong bright blue looking into the Beyond. Sometimes the picture is also smiling. Etc...) I would be glad if some of you here would try the same and thus can take a benefit from it. It is so simple! You only have to zoom and print this picture in the size of a normal print page. You can find this picture in the internet by googling for "Jackie Hass Jesus" and choose the the one with the highest resolution. (This picture was made by Jackie Hass who visited the grave chappel in Jerusalem and later, when she developped the film, instead of a picture of the grave she found this picture of Jesus on her film. To several other persons, at other occasions similar things happened too. ) I found my picture on this site: then doing a screen saving (Ctrl + Alt + Print) and working on this screen pic with "Paint" or "Photoshop". Hope i could have been of some help | ||||
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Derek, the picture you posted here is a superposition of 14 photos of Jesus. All these 14 pics together give it this typical 3d effect. The picture of Jackie Hass is therein included, and looks like this: ![]() message has been edited. Last edited by: BlissInTheHeart, | ||||
I Googled and came up with the above. Perhaps you meant this one: ![]() | ||||
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The link to the image posted by Bliss is: - The image by Derek (above) is also on my web site and I use it as an icon of Jesus, at times. | |||
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