The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding
by Philip St. Romain
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Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality
- by Philip St. Romain
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Heart-Meditation and Jappa with the Support of Kundalini Login/Join

I have just right now finished the writing of these
"lectures" . I am certainly not a blessed author ,
and it took me much more than a week to write
this. So, of coarse, i will also not be "sad", if it
takes you more than one week to read all this,
Posts: 130 | Registered: 08 August 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi everyone here on ShalomPlace !

One week ago in some of my morning meditations
i got the intense inspiration to write about my meditation
techniques, and this morning it seemed almost
a command to do so. So here i am, here i write,
and i hope my writings can be of some help to
somebody here !

I m not sure if i m posting this here on the right folder,
because so many things in this writing about my meditation
technics work hand in hand together, (kundalini or prana
for instance.) Although i want to point out that my intention is
mostly to put the focus on the _meditation technics_ ,
(which can be of some help and advantage for others)
I have to say a big "Thank You !" to my Kundalini and Prana,
(Energy) who makes this kind of meditation possible.
So finally i decided to post all this this here on the Kundalini
folder. Also Phil asked me some months ago to write
about my kundalini experiences on this folder.

Please do not be sad if i do not answer in time on your
comments, because at the moment i live in the Philippines
and i do not have so many opportunities and time to write here.

And last not least, i am not a genuin writer, and my mother
language is not english. So i wish everybody to enjoy my
bumpy writing style, hehehe !

My spiritual "history"

For a better understanding of the following i better should
introduce a little my spiritual history: I remember that i had
already as a child some kind of "cloud power extension dreams"
(no better word to describe that), and they accompanied me
all my life as a young person. These power dreams later
resembled a lot to meditation experiences, especially after
my kundalini awakening. My life led me in my mid twenties
to an indian spiritual master whose path was the
"Way of the Heart". Although my path to God has changed
in the meanwhile i have learned a lot on this path about
spirituality, about religions, and about spiritual techniques,
and i am still very very extremely gratefull to my master
and all that he has done for me. Without him,
hundert per cent, i would not be who i am
now, and without him it is very much questionable if i still
would be a spiritually interested person right now. I was converted
by him from an atheist to a seeker, and finally to a God lover.
I began to appreciate every religion (ok, almost every religion)
as a precious way to God. On this path i also made already my
first experiences with Jesus too. And today i am pretty much sure
that my kundalini awakening those days was initiated by Jesus Himself,
or some of his heavenly helpers. Then later my kundalini and prana
flow was fortified and perfectionised by my guru,
and finally today my kundalini and prana and my way to God is now
managed by Jesus.

In the past i have read some of the postings here on this
forum, not all, and there are often mentioned some books
here about prayer technics, meditation and christian spirituality.
Unfortunately i have to admit that i havent read them, and
sometimes i had the impression that there might be a lot of
similarities to my technics too. So i expect that some issues
of what i write here might be known already to some readers
and i hope it is not boaring to them. I m writing this because
i want to tell here the whole story for everybody, not only
for the advanced ones.


A very important preparation to my meditation technic is
the activation of the heart. Here is not ment the physical
heart, the blood pump, but the spiritual heart. The heart
chacra, which originally is inside the spine, but it has an
extension to the front of the chest. It is about at this point
in the middle of the chest, where you show with your finger
on yourself, when you say: " I " .

According to many mystics worldwide and all over the
centuries the heart might be the easiest way to find God.
This heart is very important in almost all religions,
especially in Christianity too. It is from this heart of
Jesus that Sr Faustina saw the Light Rays radiating.
(Simply look at this picture: "Jesus, I trust in you" )
Also Mother Mary said in Medjugorje, that most people
have a wrong way of praying. People use to pray with
the mind, but their praying should come from their heart.

With a little exercise one can begin to feel this heart.
It feels like sweet burning "love candle". Once you can
feel this sweet burning love, with permanent exercise
you can extent this devine loving feeling. But like a
sportsman, you have to strengthen your heart by daily
practice over a long period of time, over years and and
even decades. Concentrate on this heart in a loving way,
not with an aggressive mind concentration. And once this
sweetness is showing up, follow this sweetness in a loving
way to go deeper within and to amplify this loving

There is also a simple and sure way to activate the heart:
Simply pray to Jesus about this. He can give this to you
too, of coarse. And i am sure He is more than eager to do so.
If you read the talkings of Jesus with Sr. Faustina, you see
that Jesus simply wants to give, to give and to give again,
but He is so sad that almost nobody wants to accept was
He has to offer.

Once you have found this Love use this Love to love God .
Simply give this gift ,that you got, back to God.
And He/She/It will give you much more of this Love back
again, just my experience ! When Jesus was asked what
is the highest act we can do, He did not say "Do not commit
sins!" , He said : " Love God above all ! Love God with all
your being, with all the intensity of your heart .... " .
With this kind of heart meditation you have the chance to
do so.

Some of you might say: "Oh, the heart... , boring. I rather
want to devellop the third eye, that is much more exiting. "
The heart is NOT boring !! Not boring at all. I m rather sure,
that the Love you find there can change your whole live.
And even then what you find there is simply still a tiny drop
of this big and extremly intense Ocean of Love
that the NDE experiencer are talking about, (for instance),
from a place where there is so much Love that usually
they never want come back.

I remember that it was through the heart that i got some
of my first visions of Jesus, some thirty years ago, more
or less. I was concentrating on my heart, followed the "road
of Love" there and thus was diving deeper and deeper within.
And after about half an hour or so i suddenly saw the earth
globe in front of me, with a cross fixed on its top that was
twice as big than the earth itself. And on this cross Somebody
was hanging there. And this Somebody turned his head
around and looked at me .....

I want to tell another few words to prevent some confusion.
The Love that is comming from the heart is a "divine love" !
Do not confound this with ordinary human love that usually
has its origin in some of the lower chacras below the navel,
or might be sometime a mixture between the "lower chacra
love" and the love of the heart. Human love is binding, bondage,
and very often leads to jealousy. The divine Love in the heart
is a feeling of purity, is expanding and makes you love the
whole world. You have the feeling to embrace everybody and
that you have to help everyone and everyone in the world.
Human love is finally seeking its fulfillment in the orgasm,
divine Love is seeking its fullfilment in the Union with God,
and it has no end in its intensity. Blessed are those people
who can integrate this Love into their ordinary life. Usually
this is easier for women than for men, and also to find and
feel this Love in the heart.

Now a few general important points about meditation in front :

1) It s very important to get ones mind quiet.
This is not an easy task, absolutely not, and maybe you will
never get the mind totally quiet. But once the kundalini or
prana is rising up into your brain (if so !), it is much easier
to get the mind quiet, and to get more focused on the
meditation itself. (The kundalini/prana is doing that job
for you !)

2) Do not expect anything !
Simply because expectation keeps you attached to the mind,
and it is subject of the meditation to bring out of the usual
state of the mind. Here again kundalini helps a lot.

3) Do not confuse meditation with a kind of active dreaming,
of self-hypnosis, or autogenious training. All of them usually
take place in some lower worlds. (No valuation intended !)
Real meditation brings you up into a state of high awakeness,
not into a dreaming state. Meditation should lead you up, up, up,
into a higher consciousness, (you can even feel this hight
physically !! ) or leads your consciousness to extend into
some vastness, or both together . The world you are
heading for is a world of purity, subtil in its consistency,
but intense of awareness.

4) There are hundreds of different kind of meditation technics.
They all might have their benefits in their special case.
But contrary to most opinions, according to my experience,
most Buddhist meditation technics, including Zen,
is not of a big advantage for heart meditations. Simply
because they do not have this kind of longing aspiration for
God. Buddhist go the "Middle Way", that means, no upward
aspiration, also no falling asleep. They stay in the normal
conscious mood and try to extend this "void" between two
thoughts. This finally might lead to the Big Void, the Nirvana,
certainly a valid way to aproach God too, but this approach
is simply not maid to help heart meditation.

5) Meditate often, at least for 40 minutes each time.
If one takes spirituality serious, one should meditate at least
once a day for about 40 minutes. (Absolute minimum !)
Much better do it two or even three times a day.
(I had meditations that lasted about six or seven hours !)

6) Breath with both nostrils.
Especially if your kundalini/ prana is awakened .
According to my very limited understanding of pranayama
(breath technics) it might be very important to make sure
that during meditation you breath through the nose, and
through BOTH nostrils ! (Note that sometimes one of them
is closed.) Otherwise it might happen in the very seldom
event that during meditation you get a major giant kundalini
eruption, that you will pull up the kundalini through the wrong
channel/nerve/nadi. This, to my opinion probabely due to
breathing through the right nostril only, might have happened
to Gopi Krishna (who has pulled up the kundalini through the
"sun" channel ) , with fatal inner heat consequences, that
led him almost to death !!!

7) Last not least: Do not be afraid.
If you really love God, He/She/It will give you huge protection.
100 percent !

Now finally to the meditation technics i use :

I m using a technic that is called japa, that is the constant
repetition of the name of God. Note that the name of God is a
holy one : "holy and holyfied might be your name."
And inside this holy name is the Power of God itself.
This is not imagination, you can feel this at a certain
level of your meditation.

Which name of God you want to use is up to you.
Sometimes it even changes inconsciently
during meditations. But i would not suggest that you
use indian words like AUM (spelled Ohm), if you are not really
intensly used to it. Simply use this expression of God that
gives you the best inspiration, and lets you feel
the closest connection between you and God.

For instance if you have a very close connection to Jesus,
then you might repeat constantly the name "Jesus", or use
the Word "God", or "my dear God", or whatever you want.

Do not do this mechanically. What you do is a kind of
invocation of God himself !!!!! It is extremely important to
do this in an utmost soulfull way. Put all your attention in a
very soulfull repetition of Gods name, with an upward directed
aspiring attitude. Remember again : Soulfulness, love and
aspiration, these are the three magic words !!! You are
loving God, you are longing for God, you are crying for God.

To increase your soulfullness, you can use the imagination
of several characteristics of God that you feel that are
important to you, for instance
- His/Her/Its Love ,
- the imagination of this extremely bright Sun at the end of
the tunnel of whom the NDE experiencers are referring to,
that has a supreme Personality and all the Powers needed
to manage Heaven and Earth,
- God as the Creator of your own soul, who loves you infinitely
much more that you can ever imagine,
- God as Jesus who takes personally so much concern of you,
- or whatever inspires you to think of.

Take the connection between you and God as a very personal one.
There is only you and God that is important for the next hour,
and you are very intimately connected to each other.
If you do all this seriously, after a while you get the impression
that God is much more important and much bigger than you,
and you are just a small humble child compared with God.

Now, what happens during my meditations depends mostly
on the "kundalini condition" i am in right at this moment.
There are to extremes of them: either i am in a period where
my kundalini/shakti/prana/energy is flowing extremly strong
throughout all my system all day (and night!) long already,
or i am in a condition where i almost do not feel my
kundlini/shakti/prana flowing at all at that time. In the first
case its a very quick and easy way to get into a deep meditation
(sometimes it only takes minutes).
In the second case intense aspiration is needed,
and it takes me minimum 30 minutes to get there.

Let me talk about the second case first, because one can learn
of this more. So my condition is a (almost !) normal human one,
and my kundalini/shakti/prana/energy is in a "relaxed" state.

Starting my meditation with eyes closed and in a quiet envirenment.
By soulfully and aspiringly repeating the holy name of God,
i usually very soon ( a few moments, maximum one minute)
get a response in my heart. The Love in the heart begins to
show up, and grows up with each repetition. My personal
relation to God thus increases . (This is why the activation of the
heart, talked above, is so very important.)

Then usually after a while my base chacra at the end of
the spinal column begins to get active. There starts a kind
of tingling and it radiates then some "energy", ( -- as it is
often called here in Shalom Place, and i m not sure if
this is the shakti or the prana. Maybe we finally have to
leave the answer of this to the scientists to find this out, even the
Hindu yogis, where the definition of kundalini and Prana is
comming from, have different opinions on this --). The
upward movement of this power in my body reaches my
heart a few moments later. This again increases my love
to God even more, much more. It feels extremely intense then.

This love eventually then becomes so intense that it is
transported by the prana , (or the "energy", or whatever
that is ) from my heart into every cell of my body, into my
brain, into every part of my system. My whole system then is
a unique bundle of sweetness and love.

Additionally i feel a lot of the shakti/prana/energy roaming
around in my brain, and this helps immensely to get my mind
quiet. (This usually takes the most of my meditation time, about
20 or 25 minutes.)

This way then the other upper chacras get activated too.
(Crown chakra, sometimes the 3rd eye, throad chakra too).
And then in most cases from my crown chacra there are
dropping down into my brain drops of sweetness, of suggar water !
(it feels like that). Sometimes these drops are falling deeper,
into the top of my mouth, or even down into the throad, or they
get into my ears.

That is then the moment, when the heart itself, with the help of
the increased prana flow, begins to take care of the crown
chakra itself, and the heart "personally" seems to concentrate on
the crown. (ok, i simply do not know how to explain this better.)
All my awareness then is forced up to the crown, there is no
other way.

Then somehow, out of a sudden there is flowing a lot of
shakti/prana/energy preasure through my whole body, and it feels
as if a switch is turned on, or as if a door opens, or something
like that. My mind then changes to some other kind of "mind".
My brain seems to get much more purity, clairity, the awareness
is getting very intense. It feels as if the consciousness is
getting up, and up, and up ... . Simultaniously the consciousness
seems to be expanding. There is a lot of subtil power inside,
which seems to manage all this. To stay only one minute in this
state of consciousness is more than enough to get all the power
i need to make my whole day.

Sometimes also the third eye is activated by this procedure.
At first i feel a there is some presure at the front of the brain,
and then some pictures might show up sometimes even small
visions. Personally, I do not like this too much, because that is
often misleading. (By experience!). So mostly i pray that there
might be no visions, maybe with the exception of very important
cases only ....

Now to the second case, to this case where my energy is
very strongly acting in my system, already all day long.
(with "strongly acting" i mean for instance this secondly
shooting up the spine and the whole body huge amounts
of "energy" into my brain. (And with "huge" i really mean huge !)
At the limit of bearable ! The engery makes there a loud
fizzling noise in the brain , such as if a drop
of water is falling on a hot oven plate. It sounds like "Chiew...,
Chiew, chiew ..." . And then maybe half a
second long my brain gets numb, till the next shooting
is comming up, and the same procedure again, over
and over again. ... ). Dont worry, over the years i got
used to it !

Under this condition the sequence of meditation usually
is a different one: After repeating Gods name a few times ,
then first increases the tingling of my base
chacra, very quickly after that my crown gets
active and lets this sweet juice drop fall down
into my brain , and finally my heart is showing up with
this typical divine Love. All this happens very quickly,
within at most 3-5 minutes, and it takes almost no efford
for me to let this happen. (This way i would be even able
to meditate on the noisy Piccadilly Circle, hehehe)
Finally then my consciousness is
"jumping upward" into this constantly expanding room ...

The power of all this is extremly intense, and i have to
be carefull not to pass over this "point of no return", how i call it.
This is this point of intensity, from where the powerflow is
permanently accelleratingly increasing, and it never
stops increasing anymore, even when i stop the meditation.
Then also in my usual daily consciousness the energyflow up
into my brain is constantly increasing, increasing, increasing,
and this increasing cannot be stopped anymore by any other
activities .

Admitted, this "point of no return" happens seldomly,
but it happens . Then usually during the next night,
while sleeping or just at this point of falling asleep,
a gigantic big rise of the kundalini starts, flowing up the
spine into the brain and i loose totally controle over it. "i" am
simply managed then by another force, and it might happen that
my brain then is shining of white light, or there are big lightning
flashes inside my brain. There is also a fantastic looking scenario
at my spinal cord : An intense slide of glowing sparks of any kind
of color is comming up my spine, radiating everywhere, especially
at the location of my heart. The intensity of this is so immense
that every fireworks at Happy New Year is a lame show compared
to this. And this all is accompanied by an intense sweetness
inside my system (mostly inside my heart and brain).
Additionally there might be sometimes some visions

After a few moments then the "show" is over,
and the constantly increasing kundalini/shakti/prana/energy
thus has got its valve to get out ...

And all this is finally managed by the power of Love
inside my system, inside my heart !!!!

. . . . . . .

There is a longing heart
who wants to be blessed by the Heart of the hearts,
and nothing else matters !

There is a tiny soul
who wants to unite with the Soul of the souls,
and nothing else matters !

There is a drop of love
who wants to flow and dissolve into the Ocean of Bliss,
and nothing else matters !

.... And the rest is left to the Grace of God !

. . . . . .

Thanx for reading !
May God always lead us the right way!
Posts: 130 | Registered: 08 August 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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very nice ... BlissInTheHeart...

your sharing is much how i do and experience meditation prayer..very well done and blessings to you for your gift in writing and love in which you share it!

love christine
Posts: 281 | Registered: 19 October 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I too enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for posting it. It was not just informative, but for me, inspiring as well.

Posts: 465 | Registered: 20 October 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks from me too, Bliss.

Glad you took the time to post about your
experience of connecting with God. Seems like a special gift you
have with such a genuine focus on love
through you meditation. Many more people
seem to get into the other 'features' of k such as energy, expanded consciousness, power, etc.

I don't experience the heart chakra much at all so vividly though after Mass a few times, I've felt a warm sensation in the chest like a flow of warm liquid.

I imagine with love as your focus, whatever you do throughout the day is positively influenced. Do you feel called to be a meditation teacher given your rich experiences? Or has God called you to utilize your gifts in some another area? (I know that's personal, and you don't have to respond)
Posts: 1091 | Registered: 05 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thank you, BlissInTheHeart. Your week of typing is much appreciated! What a powerful reminder of the primacy of love.
Posts: 1036 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Phil
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Yes, thank you Bliss. So very generous of you to type up and share such deep, intimate experiences. I can relate to much of what you share. I think your experience helps to illustrate the interplay between grace and kundalini. All in all, I find what you are sharing here and in other discussions to be a mature and discerning Christian contemplative spirituality.

Are there ever times when it seems the k activity doesn't activate at all (my guess is that's not the case)? If so, what is meditation like for you then?
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ui, so many responses !

Thanxallot to all, Faustina (Why did you choose this name, if i might ask ? ), pop-up, Derek, Shasha and Phil . Seems my wrings were not in vain !

Shasha, thanx for your mild and benevolend reply :-) ! i expected a harder one, hehehe.
If i would dare to try a "fardistance-diagnoses" of your warm fluid feeling that you experenced at the heart, imho this might have been some works of trying to open the heart center. Usually this is accompanied by a feeling of rotation, and other sympthoms too. Could be a bleesing , your experience.

No Shasha, i dont feel called a meditation teacher. i simply wanted to follow some inner advice and i am happy if i could help somebody and inspire somebody. Thus my spiritual attitude gives me the feeling of not being so selfish and take all these blessing only for me alone. What is written there somewhere in the NT ? : "You received for free, so share it for free too ..." (or something like that.)
And i also feel that specially the heart is very important for christian spirituality, and should be developed here. Simply look at this Sr Faustina vision picture ("Jesus, i trust in you "), and you might get an impression of the importance of the heart in christianity !

You wrote: "Many more people
seem to get into the other 'features' of k such as energy, expanded consciousness, power, etc."
"Power", yes, that seems to be a common problem.
It happened to me in the beginning that i misused the k power once in my life, but this was the only one time, then never again. i concentrated on a bulb, and suddenly it began to burn. This came into my mind during a meditation those days, and then the face of my master those days appeared, and he looked so very angry to me. i never ever saw his face so angry. Message understood! Never again, not even a trial. It happened a few years ago here in the Philippines that a spiritual healer (- who said he was instructed by Mother Mary Herself when he was a boy of 11 years age -) told me that i have the capacity of healing, but i didnt follow that any further. Also i was convinced by an NDE story, where the person had just left his body, and was then bothered by some evils, telling him that he was now in a special consciousness where he could perform some telekinesis. Fortunately this person smelled the trap .

No, stay away from miracles ! The risk is too big that it is evil induced ! ... "And do not lead us into temptation, but save us from the bad !" I think that what is coming from the heart, might be a safe game.

you wrote: "... your experience helps to illustrate the interplay between grace and kundalini." As i see it, k is just a neutral thing. Neither bad nor good. it is just an instrument that can be used for the good and by the Good. i often think of the metaffer that k is like a (straong and fast ) vehicle where i am sitting in, and i am the one to choose the driver. The driver might be a good one, or a bad one. This choice is up to me. And the "driver inside my heart" , i think, might be a good one.

You wrote: "Are there ever times when it seems the k activity doesn't activate at all (my guess is that's not the case)? If so, what is meditation like for you then?"
In meditations, almost never. It happened even in very "unconcentrated" and unmotivated meditaions (where the mind is roaming around in any kind of earthly thinkings ), that the k started getting active, and thus finally forced me to get me into a meditative mood.
But finally it would be a lie to say that in absolutely every meditations there is a k appearing. There are a few exceptions : For instance if i have very big problems in my live, the k is hiding. Might be even some kind of protection from Above, because then the "driver" might be a bad one.
But even then often it is managed from the "Beyond" that my problem mood chances. An example: half a year ago i had a very bad problem coming up, and thus during the daily activities the k happened to vanish totally.
I said to myself: "Go to the mall and by a chocolate, because chocolate can make you happy!" hehe. Now here in the Philippines everywhere in public buildings it happens at 3 pm and 6 pm that the music stops, and a prayer begins: at 3pm there is a prayer to Jesus, and at 6pm there is a prayer to Mother Mary. I was standing in the waiting line when the prayer began. And here the people then really pay attention to it , everything stops, and the people pray.
I, myself, in my bad mood, didnt pray, i simply inhaled this religious athmosphere. And very quickly, without any activity by myself, my mood was cleaned, i suddenly felt happy again, my k was activated from the Beyond (remember, there was a christian catholic prayer !!), and my consciousness was pushed up, with the help of the k .... . Yes, there is help, even unconditional help !

May God lead us all the right way !
Posts: 130 | Registered: 08 August 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Faustina (Why did you choose this name, if i might ask ? )

hi bliss...

i have used the nick for years.. as i have a deep love and connection to the message of the Divine mercy.. you can read the story if you like in the transformative section of the forums....under' Jesus of the Divine Mercy and the child.........

love christine
Posts: 281 | Registered: 19 October 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by BlissInTheHeart:
Shasha, thanx for your mild and benevolend reply :-) ! i expected a harder one, hehehe...

Oh, dear... Frowner
I'm concerned that you feared I'd be 'hard' on you. I guess I deserve that.

For me a good day is when I follow the dictate "Do No Harm!" It's a happy day if my words are experienced as mild and benevolent.

About the warm flowing liquid in my heart area, yes, it might be a sign of heart chakra opening. I'm really confused about all that as my k. experiences have not followed the 'usual' pattern. Further, my deepest experiences of love have had nothing to do with heart chakra activity, as far as I could tell, no k. involved whatsoever.

About miracles, Jesus ordains miracles performed in the Power of the Holy Spirit. He predicts that his disciples will do extraordinary miracles and ordained them to do so all over the world. Healing is a gift given by the Holy Spirit to some people in the Body of Christ. That's very different than miracles done using one's own supernatural powers or using some diety power. The human spirit's capabilities are vast beyond our knowledge. I agree with you that in general, it's not a good idea to use k. powers for ego/selfish purposes. Why did the idea of healing with kundalini bother you?
Posts: 1091 | Registered: 05 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Shasha ,
wrongly explained by me: " ... k might be only one of < .. the ways to bring down divine Love to earth .. > ... "

Of coarse it is not the kundalini who brings the Love down. It is through the heart that this Love comes down, and k fortifies this procedure. And this is only one of a couple of ways that this Love can be experienced.
Posts: 130 | Registered: 08 August 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Phil
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Thanks for continuing the conversation, Bliss.

I like your idea of a "k-battery," as that rings true in my experience. It does seem that the k can become intensified or diminished, especially in those who've experienced an awakening of the process (as opposed to an arousal). One can still pray when the k is diminished or even imperceptible, but it seems as though something is missing -- a depth of awareness, engagement, and encounter, not to mention embodiment. So I think k definitely lends a fervency to prayer and seems to be renewed by prayer and even regulated by prayer. In my own case, it is glossalalia that seems to be most significant in stirring up the k as well as balancing it, and I count that as a great gift. I'd hate to think how badly I could mess myself up if I were trying to manage this process using various ascetical methods.

It often happens with me that I'll wake up feeling fine, at peace, centered, etc. and so I entertain the notion that all is well with God and so maybe just a short prayer while getting dressed will be sufficient. I never give in to this temptation, however, as it seems to me that whatever centeredness I awaken in would only be enhanced by morning prayer. And so I do my few minutes of gentle stretching (which doesn't deserve to be called asanas), then settle down with my coffee and my bible. I say a few "Hail Marys" and ask the Spirit to lead and guide my prayer, then it seems things begin to shift. Most days I don't read any scripture (I have a second prayer period after breakfast when I do liturgy of the hours) as the greater inclination is to be in silence, or praising God, praying in tongues, or resting in a state of absorption beyond all reflection (akin to Teresa's prayer of union). None of these movements are predictable in the order in which they come nor in their duration. What seems best is to keep the focus on God and let go completely of wanting to control anything. I even give the Spirit my breath and it's amazing how that goes (I have a thread on it somewhere). After 45 min. - one hour, I know I'm done, and to continue would be willfulness. Sometimes I don't feel as joyous as when I woke up and came to prayer, but I always feel real, grounded, at peace, and ready for the day. That's how it's been for several decades now. I can't imagine starting the day otherwise. As noted, I take a second prayer period for liturgy of the hours and also attend Mass sometime during the day, if possible (usually 2 - 3X/week); I do evening prayer using the liturgy of the hours as well, and pray before sleep until I can't keep my eyes open any more. Some might find this regimen a burden, but I do not. Aside from these times of prayer, I lead a fairly active lifestyle.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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wow bliss.. i really enjoy your insightful posts.. thanks! love christine
Posts: 281 | Registered: 19 October 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi Bliss,
Thanks for more of your generous sharing. About healing, I see where you're coming from. You don't feel called by God to engage in healing. Sounds like you want to remain grounded in good ethics.

Now you've got me curious about what your "deepest spiritual experience" was...;-)
Posts: 1091 | Registered: 05 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Phil
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Thanks for sharing again with us, Bliss.

You seem to have been blessed with an experience of the sacred heart of Jesus, which is a very dear theme in Catholic spirituality. St. Margaret Mary was given a similar vision, and then there is, of course, St. Faustina and her vision of the Christ of Divine Mercy. I think the heart of Jesus is indeed the gate into that intimate sheepfold he speaks of in John's Gospel.

Interesting again the relationship between K activity and your prayer experiences. It's pretty clear that the K/prana flow is closely related to what's happening in prayer, and yet you do not confuse the two.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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