The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello all, I am new to the forums! I believe I have come to the right place for my issues. For the past four years I have been experiencing a "Premature Kundalini awakening." My symptoms are: audible voices, tactile sensations that run through my body, psychic images from my third eye, including nightmares and disgusting figures of creatures. Mood swings, I have even seen pictures of snakes and pictures of my DNA strands. Also episodes of Psychosis. In the year 2007 I joined a spiritual energy workshop group. I believe this group has lied to me and has not told me that I would actually be going through the process of the Kundalini experience. Each of my symptoms match up to the Kundalini process and right now there is no balance in my life. It's lasted for a period of four years. What do you all think of this? Thank you. | |||
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Welcome darkintolight. What you describe sounds pretty miserable. Can you tell us anything else about this group you were part of? What is your current spiritual practice? Also, have you sought counseling for some of these symptoms -- e.g., the psychosis? | |||
Hi Phil, thank you for your reply. The group that I joined is about working with your Chi energy and my ex-friend introduced me to it and I believe that he is the one who caused all of the trouble and havoc in my life for a period of four years, I believe he forced Kundalini on me just so he could prove a point. Unfortunately I have no evidence as this is spiritual otherwise, I would have thrown this guy in jail along time ago. I have no spiritual practices right now, I tend to stay away from that area so I can heal and move on from this crap. I have saught medical attention I am on medication and I am in full time therapy for the psychosis. Thanks Phil | ||||
dark, I don't know much about Kundalini yet, but I know that what you describe sounds demonic to me. I would pray to Jesus, that he sets you free. Just tell him! I dunno if you have ever talked to him, if you are Christian or not. But he has all power in the spiritual and natural world and he can set you free! Ask him! Also, you might want to consider forgiving your ex-friend, because spiritually, this might set you free from some influence. Kundalini has to make its way through your system, I learned, and if you are hardly blocked by un-forgiveness, it might be a problem and stir up dark reactions in you. Pray to Jesus and forgive. That is what I would say. I have a friend who hears voices and they curse God every time he wants to pray. He has un-forgiveness towards his father as well. Maybe this could help you further. I pray for you! | ||||
Dear Curious Tom, I have prayed to Jesus many times, he does know what is going on as he did answer my prayers. Though this thing continues to hang on, however it is going away, slowly but surely. Thanks. | ||||
Okay. I am glad it slowly fades. I added some things to my post above, just for completion. | ||||
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As some who frequent this forum will agree, I'm usually slow to attach a word like "demonic" to a difficult K process. If this process is awakened prematurely as darkintolight seems to intuit, then one can expect it to be very disruptive as the proper "container" hasn't yet been developed (and that comes from proper spiritual practice). What one will experience is the depths of one's brokenness, for we are "cracked" all the way down to the center of our souls. Undigested and alienated parts of the psyche will be stirred up, archetypal energies released, and some pretty dismal dreams can be expected. Some writers on K have speculated that a premature or bum K awakening might explain (in part) bipolar disorders, and others. I'll leave that to the experts. It's possible that your friend thought he was trying to help you, darkintolight, and that he found the Eastern exercises helpful. Whatever the case, you need to take responsibility for your own decisions to participate in those exercises and discipline and not blame him for anything, as that only perpetuates resentments. Let it go. You stepped into this, and kept stepping, from the sound of it. What I hope you will come to believe that premature K process is not the end of the world, and it might even bring about some great good within, eventually. So don't lose hope. Reading Scripture and praying to Jesus can be helpful; that's not the same thing as what you were into. If you don't keep stirring the energy through those Chi practices, it's likely that things will settle down. We do have a thread on this forum on dealing with difficult K symptoms. - | |||
Phil, I am interested in what case you would attach such a word to a difficult process? Would you connect the records of demonic possession in the gospels to such cases? I am just trying to understand the connections between Kundalini and unhealthy spiritual influences. Thank you for your patience so far. | ||||
Hey Phil, I really appreciate your response to this whole bizarre thing. You are right I should just let that part go, the part where I think my friend did this to me because I also participated in stepping in voluntarily but I didn't expect the chaos I got from it all. I guess spirituality isn't all airy fairy and light as it seems but, like my name is darkintolight; I had to go through the dark to get into the light, which is where I am in the beginning of it right now. Thank you Phil what you are saying makes a lot of sense. I wish I had some kind of teacher, some kind of guide because I had nothing I went through it alone that's why I am so curious as to find out what it is. It's been a very interesting journey believe me I plan to write a book about my experiences. Thanks Phil ![]() | ||||
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Quite welcome! You might check out the forum called The Way of Christian Spirituality, which is from an online class I taught on this topic sometime back: - It's not all "airy fairy" but about living authentically and deeply, centered in Christ. Tom, the Catholic Church has certain criteria for discerning demonic possession and obsession: see and many other links. My criteria is that if something can be explained without resorting to supernatural causes, then we should use that explanation. Grotesque dreams with dark energies, for example, need not be caused by demons, but can be symbolic representations of repressed or unintegrated parts of ourselves. The unconscious does tend to exaggerate in its expressions. I am certainly not denying the existence of the diabolical realm, however. My sense is that its influence is usually much less spectacular, enticing us, instead, to addictive involvements, banality, materialism, and other implicit rejections of God. | |||
Thank you, Phil. That makes a lot of sense to me. I have experienced both extremes, like people calling everything demonic to people denying the existence of it. Your description helps me understand. | ||||
Hi darkintothelight, I identified a lot with your process, doing energy exercises guided by people that don't know what they're doing, getting in serious trouble, the resentment that follows, etc. So, I would like to underline everything that Phill wrote above self responsability and add that I truly believe that no one gets into this process, this crisis, by chance. The crisis is there for you to change. Deeply change. Years passed before I had any quality help. Altough it is a very polemic matter, my perspective is that psychiatry made the problem even worse putting me into an increasing process of addiction. My advice is for you to be very straightforward with your doctor about this. Someone that helped me a lot made me feel curious about the subject kundalini in the bible wich made me start serious biblical studies. Everything changed for the better. Hope my thoughts help you somehow. Courage my friend. | ||||
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