The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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This may have been raised elsewhere. If it has, I'd be happy to be pointed in that direction. I guess I'm interested in how kundalini activity is affected by and might relate to the current state of the planet, the economic crisis, the whole 2012 scenario. I'm coming from a Christian persective which doesn't hold to any particular belief about a rapture as such, but I do wonder what the coming of Christ might mean at a mystical level, how it might relate to the "alignment" some of you may have heard about (the earth with the centre of the galaxy - around 21st December the axis of the earth shifts - happens only once in 26,000 years). I've glanced at material which suggests the earth's kundalini (does the earth have kundalini? It must, right?) has moved/is moving to the Andes to coincide with this date. I've also got friends who are taken by conspiracy theories, the Illuminati, New World Order etc, and do see parallels with traditional Christian teaching about the antichrist etc. (Are we living through Revelations?) Is there a move of God countering this? Have any of you noticed any changes in your kundalini awakening? I feel I'm being tuned. My own k has been blocked in the head for a couple of years. It's been difficult, but I'm getting some unsought after "distant" help in the unblocking of the crown. That might sound strange and you've only got my word on it. I'm at a place where I'm having to really abandon any artificial constructions or conceptions about God and just relate purely with faith. It's challenging, but exciting. These are exciting times. Dangerous. Uncertain. But something's going on, I'm sure of it. How does it relate to kundalini energy? How does it relate to the second coming? I don't know. Maybe you can help. | |||
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Gosh, Stephen, I don't know. What do you think is going on? Maybe your reflections will stir something. | |||
I guess I'm of the "Let's wait and see school". My k is zinging and zanging in my skull and it feels somehow tuned to planetary events, which sounds awfully grand, I know. I've never been big on end time apocalyptics, but recently my k seems to be resonating with the bigger picture. I can see calamity, economic, ecological, but am convinced God will counter this with a spiritual awakening, perhaps the mystical return of Christ in the hearts and minds of believers. There may be scientific advancements which confirm spiritual insight, an increase in healings, k awakening, miracles, and hopefully the church can connect with this, because the possibility is that this will all happen despite, not because of the church, which, to my mind, needs to be much more progressive. This awakening will filter into politics and culture and be met with a terrible resistance, which may lead to persecution. My goodness, I sound like an end times prophet! It may all be conjecture of course but there's no denying the knife edge we're on and the potential for something to just pop! And somehow kundalini energy is involved, both at an individual and planetary level. What's needed is for those with awakened k to be open to Christ's heart, no matter what happens. | ||||
Samson, While I am reluctant to opening Pandora’s Box, letting the cat out of the bag, throwing gas on a fire and just joining the maddening throng … in all honesty … I can’t not admit to sharing some of the same anticipatory and foreboding thoughts that you express having. In a certain sense I have come to ring with much of the same anticipation, though without having looked into ANY of the Andes stuff and the December calendar and planetary alignment discussion. And I am glad I haven’t. It’s nevertheless interesting that some of your thought I share without the bias, or better stated perhaps -- independent of -- any theories stemming from those arenas. Certainly, the commonality of some of our thought may simply be based on the ‘knife edge’ we have become sensitized to because of what is going on in today’s world politics, economics, polarization, news, and shift in spiritual focus – a shift away because of militant secular humanism more obviously gaining momentum, and at the same time a shift in some arenas to a spiritual focus (though false and slippery) via New Age and occult spirituality. On the one hand humanity shifting away from all things spiritual and on the other, a cadre of false prophets being marshaled to confound the validity of those being energized and led by the Spirit (I like to believe) to become more and more dedicated and involved in evangelizing and defending the Divine Revelation of Christ. Kind of like true and false prophets being prepared while the greater portion of humanity mounts (continues to mount): “a terrible resistance, which may lead to persecution” as you’ve expressed it. We need to keep an ear on Christ’s heart – as did St. John the evangelist. (Methinks, anyway) Pop-pop p.s. Best not get your haircut in the days ahead. | ||||
Amen | ||||
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I wonder about the effects of increased TV and radio waves, microwaves (phone), wireless Internet, electromagnetic activity in the atmosphere, etc. from modern technology. Energy sensitive people are apt to pick up on all this increase in the electromagnetic field (EMF and EMR). A few years ago I was touring a holistic health facility and was invited into a Faraday cage (it was a small room), which filtered out all those wavelengths. Within a few seconds I noticed a shift in my brain and I felt just fine -- almost normal. I wasn't expecting this at all; it hadn't even occurred to me, so I can't attribute it to any kind of self-fulfilling expectation. Within a minute after exiting the room, the brain commotion came back. I notice, too, that when I am deep in a forest I feel more normal, probably because I'm also far from the sources of EMF and EMR. We just don't know how the advanced technologies of the past 50 years or so are affecting our brains. - see for some good info. - also: - | |||
Indeed. Thanks for getting back to me. Everyone. Whatever transpires it's just good to know God has everything in His hands. Gotta keep faith with with that. I look up to the sky a lot because, no matter what waves are waving about up there, the huge expanse of blue, or grey, or white is a huge release for the brain. I remember Anne Frank writing about that, even in the confines of her hideaway. Look up! To God. To the sky. Maybe we'll see Christ up there after all! | ||||
What the Mayans speak of for the December 21st, 2012 date is very interesting. First of all, I'm completely convinced that the Mayans did NOT invent that calendar. They certainly lacked the time to realize processional cycles and the mathematics to calculate eclipses, even in our modern day. This calendar must have been handed to them by an earlier advanced civilization, likely the Olmecs. There's good proof that around 13,000 years ago, a meteor hit in Mexico, wiping out much of humanity, and melting huge amounts of ice caps, which are likely the cause of all flood myths found worldwide in ancient texts of many cultures. This may have been induced by God, as he did not approve of man's serpent worship, which is probably the way that the devil manifests himself to people. Serpent imagery is found EVERYWHERE in the ancient world. On December 21st, 2012, the Mayan texts tell us that "Quetzlcoatl (the feathered serpent) will descend from the sky by a "ladder"" and that mankind will "remember where we came from." Pretty bizarre stuff. They also claim that the date signifies handing over the staff of rule from the male to the female "godess," and that the world will enter a new era of peace and unity, or collapse and destroy itself. Apparently, it's up to us to guide ourselves the right way. If what they say is true, we can only guess what the "descent of Quetzlcoatl" refers to. Will Kundalini begin spontaneously rising in people? Is this the return of an alien intelligence? Either one would cause MASSIVE changes to the world's population, if anything happens at all. I adhere to Christian faith, and have accepted Christ as my savior. However, unlike many Christians, I DO believe that the universe is billions of years old, and that life HAS evolved from single-celled organisms to what we see today. The evidence is beyond overwhelming to support this view. If this is so, then it's entirely possible that humans were advanced technologically in our not-too-distant past, and may well have known quite a bit more about nature and existence than we do now. | ||||
InLimbo - thanks for this. These are some of the details my enquiry was missing, but they give a little flesh to the whole December 21st thing. It feels like a pivotal point in our history, a time of spiritual awakening, but one of danger too, given the darker currents moving in the world. It's quite unorthodox to suggest that this awakening of hearts and minds might somehow relate to Christs's second coming, but I wonder, I wonder . . . I wonder too what the church makes of it. A lot of my evangelical friends are convinced Christ will come again soon, but I'm not sure they know what that means exactly. They think they do, but they might be a little disappointed, perhaps have to readjust their thinking a little. Some of you might know more than I do about the Catholic churches teachings. My own Anglican communion is pretty vague and fuzzy about it all. | ||||
Ever since my birth, I've been hearing Christians say that Christ MUST be coming any day now. One guy had a running joke - that if Jesus doesn't return soon, he owes Soddom and Gomhorrah an apology, lol. My point is, the biblical texts state that no man knoweth the day nor the hour of Christ's return, not even his angels. It could easily still be hundreds or even THOUSANDS of years away. One thing's for certain, though: if things get crazy around Dec 21st (e.g. spontaneous Kundalini awakenings), this is gonna change MANY people's outlook on life, and force them to question their limited, closed-minded beliefs. I partly am afraid of its arrival, and also excited at the same time. For some reason, we've been given a "heads up" on the matter. The Mayan texts say that our current age - the "masculine" era - is one that involves greed, wealth, materialism, and violence. It appears that they believe mankind will undergo a change of heart to usher in the "feminine" age. Honestly, that sounds pretty good to me! However, what could usher in such a change? Probably only something as drastic as spontaneous Kundalini awakenings. If this does occur, it is up to people such as us on this forum that must go out and explain and help the population. Because, let's be honest here, many people would absolutely LOSE their MINDS. | ||||
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There were several Mayan calendars, but the one many are getting excited about re. 12-21-12 is the "long-count" one. Here's a good article from USA Today from a few years ago that I resonate with. -
Otoh . .
Anyone know how this all worked out 26,000 years ago? I did try to get in the spirit of things by watching the movie, 2012. It was a huge disappointment, as I suspect 12-21-12 will be to many, as well. But if the Lord want to come in glory that day, it's fine with me. ![]() | |||
The article states: Astronomers generally agree that "it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that," says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. I completely agree. The Mayans definitely could not have developed the knowledge to develop such an amazingly advanced calendar - which is actually more accurate than our own current Gregorian calendar - in their relatively short span of existence. That's why I'm convinced that an early, advanced civilization handed this knowledge to them, after a great meteor strike nearly wiped out humanity completely. If you aren't convinced that humanity was highly advanced in our distant past, check out the work of Christopher Dunn. He's a lifelong machinist that has studied the structures of the Giza plateau for decades, and completely understands what is required to create such precise stonework. The ancients worked in measurement tolerances far beyond what the naked eye can perceive. The Great pyramid of Giza is, in fact, both the largest and most accurately constructed building in the entire world. Also, the Mayans NEVER spoke of an apocalypse, or our world coming to an end. That's just negative people sensationalizing things, because it's exciting to them. They spoke of a "rebirth" of not only our planet, but our consciousness as well. If this indeed occurs, it is quite obvious that many, MANY people - knowing only our current society of personal gain and materialism - will resist this. Quite frankly, it will scare people to death. I'm not convinced that something will occur on 12-21-12, but I might as well be prepared for the possibility! | ||||
It is also important to note that, as the Mayans spoke of a "world age" ending on 12-21-12, the ancient Hindus - on the opposite side of the planet - believed that a new world age will begin in February, 2013. Quite an odd coincidence, I must say! | ||||
I should have been clearer. I'm really distinguishing, as scripture does, between "perousia" - Christ drawing near, and "epiphani" - Christ appearing to all at the end of time. I'm referring to perousia, which to some is the secret rapture of believers. What I'm suggesting is that, in scripture, perousia is metaphorical, not a meeting of Christ with believers in the sky, but Christ drawing near to the hearts of believers, a mystical coming to hearts and minds, raising consciousness to God. This won't have any dramatic outward sign but chimes with the idea of a shift to a more feminine energy. Nor am I expecting anything out of the ordinary on Dec 21st. There may however be changes perceptible to some which will begin to affect different aspects of the world's affairs. I'm also suggesting that this energy from the Milky Way is beginning to affect the pineal gland of those with kundalini raised in the head. I mean who knows really? It's just interesting that all sorts of stuff is happening to my own k and in my own brain, as well as to others, which is accelerating as the year goes on. | ||||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Phil: I wonder about the effects of increased TV and radio waves, microwaves (phone), wireless Internet, electromagnetic activity in the atmosphere, etc. from modern technology. Energy sensitive people are apt to pick up on all this increase in the electromagnetic field (EMF and EMR). Thank you Phil for this information. I believe I am energy sensitive. I only found out that where I lived, up till 3 yrs. ago, is not recommended for people sensitive to energy. I had known nothing about such things till very recently. A lady sensitive to energy & with heart issues was told by her MD to avoid the whole area where I used to live. My nervous system always felt overcharged there. Someone put a divining rod on top of my head & it went very fast in the opposite direction as usual. I was always sparking. I can only be on computer limited time or I feel same thing even now. Never heard of a Faraday Cage. Would like to see if my husband & I could construct something in our home in at least one room. | ||||
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