The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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After experiencing my own awakening (which I believe to be a Kundalini awakening) 14 months ago, I am aware I have become even more empathic than I used to be. This awakening was brought on by depression and am very thankful of the experience. A few days ago I bumped into an old colleague in our local supermarket who I didnt know that well, he enquired how my Hypnotherapy practice was going and I explained to him that I wasn't pushing it as I was in a good place emotionally and |I felt no need to push things at this point in time. He confided in me that he had been suffering emotionally himself and started to cry, I gave him a massive man-hug and suggested we talk outside, he continued to cry and I asked him to come and talk to me at my home, I then hugged him again outside and told him to contact me. Over the next 3 days he messaged me several times explaining he felt very different asked me what I did to him. His messages where very long and detailed on how different he felt and had his outlook on life was so different in this short time and he again questioned 'what did I do to him?' I suspected the possible beginning of spiritual emergence! Now it gets spooky and surreal. He visited this aftenoon, I asked him to listen to my story, I explained it and although I have no qualifications and I am basing it on my experience and reading lots of self help books, I explained in detail how it is a kind of resurrection or rebirth and I believed it was happening to him now, he immediately broke down in tears, I gave him a massive hug and held him very tight, he started to scream and shouted "Paul, what the fucks happening, what you doing to me?", he began to curl up like a baby and scream for a couple of minutes, he then composed himself and took deep breaths, he then stood up. I comforted and hugged him again, he then collapsed on the floor in a ball screaming "Paul, Paul, Paul, I cant breath whats happening?, Im scared Paul!" I managed to comfort and calm him yet again, his body was rigid! He came round and took some deep breaths and sat down. He explained during this experience he had visions of going back in time to his mothers womb, and the screaming was him trying to get out. This was the most surreal experience of my life, I dont know whether to laugh or cry and feel exhausted like someone who may have performed an exorcism in a horror film. Now the questions. am I a healer? was synchronicity involved? was I meant to be there for him and give him the benefit of my experience? I know I have never felt so happy in myself and always appear to have energies going haywire in my own body, I just feel I have a lot to give but Im very spooked. | |||
Welcome aboard, Paul. Everything you describe sounds quite normal to me. What your friend experienced is a spontaneous "birth primal". When you awakened, your defense mechanisms dissolved. I've sometimes suspected that this lack of repression can be transmitted to others, and cause their defense mechanisms to weaken, but yours is the most powerful case I've heard of. | ||||
Thanks Derek, your response made my hairs stand on end! I have seen my friend twice since the event, he is very high, he sometimes believes he is God, he is already experiencing relationship problems with his wife and children. I suppose it is like a death, the re-birth process leaves the old person behind and the family are mourning their loss, its sometimes sad, but for he individual it is amazing. I consider my depression not as an illness but as me evolving, I am eternally thankful! | ||||
After de-repression, the mind has to rearrange itself. This is what causes these odd, transitional experiences and beliefs. But it's not healthy to act these out. If your friend believes he is God, I recommend a cold shower. Seriously! That should bring him back into physical reality, pronto. | ||||
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Welcome, Paul. Glad to see that Derek's responses have been helpful to you. You might check out the phenomenon called "shaktipat," which is along the lines of what Derek has shared, but rather common with kundalini. Your hugs *might* have been shaktipat transmissions to your open, vulnerable friend. In traditions where kundalini is awakened through shaktipat transmission, great care is usually taken to insure that the recipient is properly prepared. When it happens prematurely or inadvertently, there can be dissonance between the energy transmitted and the recipient's own psycho-spiritual consciousness. This dissonance can be the beginning of a transformative process, but can also bring about a great deal of confusion and emotional turmoil in the recipient, at least initially. Generally (speaking from anecdotal evidence only), the shaktipat can wear off without further stimulation and the recipient's return to their normal routines. Not always, however. Best to not hug your friend for awhile, just in case there's some inadvertent shaktipat dynamics at work. Commend him to the care of God, and encourage him to seek professional help, if needed. Tara Wingett, who posts on this forum, is good with kundalini issues. - Perhaps Tara will show up and have a comment to share about this situation. | |||
Hi Paul I am myself in the kundalini process for 30 years and I am a kundalini therapist working with many kundalini clients. I am afraid I am taking a bit more negative view on this. Bear in mind though that I was not there and can only play back what you have described in your post. My intuition tells me that your friend may be experiencing the onset of a severe emotional - maybe even mental - crisis. I don't think it has anything to do with you. There are several reasons that tell me this: - he was already somewhat unhinged in the supermarket (grown men crying in that situation is rather unusual) - he had a massive mood swing after seeing you. This mood swing in itself is sign of being rather unhinged (but would not warrant my grave warning in itself) - he writes to you lengthy emails - always focussing on what YOU did to him without taking some responsibility himself - then the screaming and throwing himself on the floor when he visited you. Something like this should only ever happen in the safe confines of a therapeutic relationship (if at all - I personally find it dangerous). If it happens spontaneously it is a sign of a dangerous loss of control. Again, I do not think it has anything to do with you - I believe he just projected these kinds of supernatural powers onto you. - Finally, and that is the great give-away - HE BELIEVES HE IS GOD. Now that is a proper and serious sign (put together with his unhinged behaviour from before) that he has a mental crisis. Maybe this is a manic episode. My advice is to collaborate with his family and if this unhinged behaviour continues, to stir him into the direction of a doctor to get medication. Disclaimer: once again - I might be wrong as I have not seen this person myself! Good luck with it all and keep us posted about what is happening. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
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Those are all good points, Tara. Still, it might be a bit of both/and . . . an emotionally unstable person experiencing intensification of the experience because of some inadvertent shaktipat dynamics. The man is very clear that something happened in his encounter with Paul, who acknowledges "energies going haywire in my own body." That sound like a k process in early integration. Nevertheless . . . nothing you did wrong, Paul, so I hope you're not hearing that. It sounds like your intentions were good and loving, and I'm sure that came through with any energies you transmitted to your friend. Who knows that he might be worse off had you not done so? | |||
yes, Paul, nothing you did wrong whatsoever! Also, I hope I am wrong - it's just what I have been seeing in your post. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
Thank you all for your kind responses, its a lot to take in. To witness that experience was pretty amazing. I respect everyones point of view entirely but my main concern is, will it happen again? People appear to be "waking up" in general and this is necessary for the planet to survive along with humanity and mother nature. The hero's journey states at step 12 that after a successful resurrection that the hero returns with the elixir, this being a metaphor as a gift to the world in a healing nature. I started to train as a clinical hypnotherapist before I awakened, and I thought this was my elixir, but the experience has definitely spooked me! who knows? haha! My friend appears to have calmed down but ive been instructed by his wife for me not to contact him, she doesn't understand and possibly thinks I am crackers, Im cool with that, I know what happened and am a better person for it. I hope they can work things out, that is all I want. Thanks again everyone x | ||||
Hi Paul do let us know how this continues. I would like to know if my intuition was right or not. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
As usual, I have a more prosaic explanation. I think it's simply an effect of less repressive methods of child-rearing over the last sixty years or so. Here's a video I made on this subject. My talks are always a bit boring, though, so don't feel obliged to watch it to the end. | ||||
Hi Paul, I think your assessment of things "waking up" is spot on, and, if this is the case, there are going to be all kinds of interpersonal connections which trigger all kinds of energetic responses in people we know and even don't know. There are lots of dynamics at work which we see, but lots we are only vaguely aware of. I'm noticing so many different responses to my awakened kundalini, it's added a whole new dimension to every day life, meeting people, interacting. There are real shifts in consciousness taking place at different levels, lots of healing, lots of karma being worked out, and your interaction with your friend might be an extreme example of this. It is necessary to remain grounded about it all, however, not get too carried away by the grandeur and wonder of the energy's ability to change, influence or draw attention. It's really about being aware, not worrying too much about how we affect others when our intentions are positive and loving. Just noticing, without interfering. With that loving intention and a healthy dose of humility, great things can happen, are happening. In life, in dreams, so many deep and wonderful connections are happening which are blessing this planet. It's an exciting time to be alive, but also really challenging. Every blessing to you and those you connect with in life. Derek, we cross posted, so I'm about to watch your video...again, I think. I love the way you keep this simple and, as you say, prosaic. There's something down to earth about your perspective which is necessary. My own feeling is, and has been for a while, that something deeper is going on, a real shift in consciousness necessary for the survival of the earth, perhaps triggered by the rapid rate of technological expansion which brought us to the brink of annihilation. But there are other reasons too, and the educational/psychological/child rearing ideas you mention are part of it. There is a sense of this being quite an important pivot point for humanity, at least that's how I'm seeing it, given a whole host of extraordinary phenomena in my life over the past 3 or 4 years. But it's good to tap into a more grounded perspective from time to time. I appreciate that. Of course, Tara could be right too. | ||||
I don't think our views are wholly incompatible. Lloyd de Mause is a historian who studied every account of childhood he could find. His conclusion -- admittedly subjective -- is that the further back in history you go, the worse the treatment of children becomes. In other words, and looked at the other way, childhood has been getting better and better for as long as we can tell. Certainly, people's approach to raising children became much more liberal after, say, the Second World War. So the question is, why has that happened? And that's where there's scope for the larger answers. Personally, I think it's quite possible that the Christ has gradually influenced humanity for the better, over the course of the last two thousand years. | ||||
I just want to add that I am talking to people who are in the kundalini process every day - many of them for years. I have never ever heard that anybody had such an impact on other people that they should throw themselves on the floor screaming. To be honest, I would consider myself a liability, if I had such an effect on people. Also, Paul, I cannot quite understand that you are 'cool' with the fact that your friend's wife has instructed you not to contact your friend again. Surely, she would only do such a thing if she is in a state of great distress. Isn't that a cause of great concern for you that she is in such a state of anxiety that she is treating her husband like a teenager regulating his relationships? Again, I do not think you did anything wrong and that you acted kindly towards your friend. But I do think you are taking too much credit for what was happening. I also continue to be very concerned for your friend, fearing that he has a major crisis. I feel this even more now that I know how distressed his wife is. Hope this makes sense. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
I have always been a sceptic and always believed in logic and science to explain everything, obviously this is due to my life conditioning! Up till my awakening at the ripe age of 50 I was unaware that the human body had any energies and would have mocked anyone that tried to convince me. Now I am so self aware of the tremendous potential we all have, I am very interested to soak up as much information as possible. I possibly may not get the answers I am looking for, but again having such a profound experience I feel I need some sort of closure. Maybe I was in the right or wrong place at the rights or wrong time, I've tried to make light of the situation as its sometimes the only way to deal with some issues. I consider myself a grateful, kind giving person and up till recentlyvhasd no belief system, I am so aware there is something big in charge of us all and now think along the lines of one consciousness and we are all connected, again there is no real evidence apart from my intuition and feeling, my body normally tells me everything so am going to trust in my heart and leave my mind and conditioning behind. I have never been so happy as I am today, and feel lucky coming across this website and being able to share my thoughts with some very knowledgeable and caring people, I thank you all again and will keep you posted, love to all x | ||||
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