The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding
by Philip St. Romain
Paperback and digital editions; free sample

Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality
- by Philip St. Romain
Paperback and digital editions

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I am what you might call a "fundamentalist" Christian. Even though I am very open for the Lord to lead me wherever he wants and change my opinion on everything, I try to stick close to God's Word.

Anyway, I have experienced psychic experiences and higher levels of consciousness in my years before I got saved, when I experimented with drugs.

That is why I was already familiar with the Chakras and Aura, etc.

I had not heard of Kundalini before, though.

The last two weeks, I found myself again drawn to the Chakras in prayer, since I never really ceased to feel them after becoming a Christian. (Even though I had prayed more than once, that Jesus might take this away, if it is not of him) I followed these impulses more intensely than usual and found the workshop of St. Romain about the Kundalini Awakening online and listened to it.

It described what I found myself leading my attention to in prayer. I started meditating for three days for about 30 minutes each. (I know we should not seek to awaken Kundalini, but I strangely felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to go there)

On a Christian event, where I gratuated from my missionary work, two days ago, I felt my Crown open a lot while I thought about God and how all the people in the room offered themselves to him. It felt like I would wear a helmet of air or something. This lasted for a little bit but faded again later.

Last night, now, while I simply listened to music and led my attention to the root Chakra and from there to the Crown, again and again, while feeling chi flowing from one hand to the other, (visualizing myself worshipping God and having Energy flow from the ground to him as an offering of praise) I sensed a tingle in my genital area and then in the base of my spine. I thought "Is it going to happen now?" I kept praying that Jesus might only let this happen to me, if I was ready and it was good for me.

Then, the tingling got stronger and suddenly I felt an overwhelming warmth coming into my body, which immediately caused me to sweat. Also, the feeling in my spine increased a lot. I started sitting more upright, because I was a little scared that I might have started something that I might not handle easily. The overwhelming feeling of stress and ecstasy stayed for like a minute and then slowly faded.

I then went into the bathroom and was shaking a little all over my body, which I experienced before in certain situations.

As I went to bed later, I had a sensation in my genitals, like if I was aroused and there was energy just stored there. This faded later, slowly, followed by some pains here and there in my body.

Today, I feel some tingling but it is less than last night.

If this is it, I am okay and accept that God wanted me to have it and go though this. If not, I will not seek after it anymore and let the Holy Spirit do his thing.

I am from a charismatic background and I believe, I have experience arousals of Kundalini on certain occasions, like in prayer for people. One time, I prayed in tongues for someone and it hit me and I felt strongly "empowered". Afterwards, I was more peaceful than ever before that.

I feel gently empowered right now and I feel peaceful as well.

Does anyone think, that this was an awakening, or rather not?

I know, much of what I experience as symptoms might just be imagination, but I doubt it.

Thank you guys! May God enlighten the eyes of your heart!
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Welcome to Shalom Place, Tom, and thank you for sharing your experience. I use "awakening" to mean something else. Your experience sounds more like kundalini.
Posts: 1037 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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So this could be the beginning of the Kundalini process? I do not know all the terms yet.
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi Tom. What you're describing does fit what many would call kundalini arousal experiences. It sounds like it's been mostly positive for you, though a bit disconcerting. Just keep your eyes on God/Jesus, praying, serving -- living your Christian life. If it happens again, so be it. God can make use of it for good.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good evening Tom. Glad you stopped in to share your experience. You are welcome to look around at other discussions here at Shalom Place too. It sounds like faith is an important part of your life, and you will find a wide range of topics that can support you on your journey.

I appreciate your caution about these energy movements. Just keep turning stuff over to God. Phil has given you excellent advise. You may become more sensitive to excessive stimuli and superficial relationships. Saying good-bye can be hard, but God will become a closer companion. The Lord will direct you on how to prune and simplify your lifestyle.
Posts: 1091 | Registered: 05 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thank you all! This helps. And, yes, I will simply keep pursuing Jesus and if things keep happening, I know where to go to ask for advice! Thank you!
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hey Tom - it might be a good idea to develop a contemplative practise focused on the heart and God's love, perhaps using little words or phrases from scripture to quietly focus the mind, not concentrating on visualising chakras or anything yet. Then just be still and see what happens. Enjoy his Presence!
Posts: 538 | Registered: 24 June 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thank you Samson. I will check that out. Actually, my original meditation was focused on the heart, but somewhat I kept going to the crown. My crown seems to be very easy to sense for me. As well as my heart and third eye. The lower areas are what sometimes seems "empty". Thank you though, I will concentrate more on the heart and see how I am guided then.
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My contemplative meditation on my crown seemed very "responsive" when I thought about God the Father.

When I focused on the heart, I think about forgiveness in Christ. My Solarplexus also responds to that well.

When I quote scripture in my head, my third eye feels very energized and usually energy flows into my back then, on the level of the heart.

Any ideas what is happening during these times? Except that energy flows, that is.
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Curious Tom:
Any ideas what is happening during these times? Except that energy flows, that is.

Tom, I believe this is simply your own energy emerging into conscious awareness. This is an understanding I've come to after reading Phil's book plus Michael Washburn's. That plus some experiences of my own.

Just as a little experiment, I tried evoking the three thoughts you list, and I felt my attention drawn to the same areas you mention. But I wouldn't have noticed this without your post. So it seems to me you're in a state of heightened sensitivity.

Does any of that ring true for you?
Posts: 1037 | Location: Canada | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Derek, it certainly does. In fact, yesterday I felt my throat Chakra "breathe" energy and I become more and more aware of this system and it becomes conscious to me. I feel it enter into my throat, going down my spine to the heart and all the way down out of my feet, energizing all the Chakras on the way. As I let this happen, my third eye and crown get energized and open up, like three eyes around my brain.

The state I am in is one of absolute peace. No fear, frustration or anxiety whatsoever.

I think the whole process of me realizing these things is the Holy Spirit making me consciously aware of the spiritual world, kind of making my higher dimensions real to me.

Scripture says: "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:13-14) I think, I am waking up finally!!

Praise Jesus!

Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Energy follows attention, and with K awakening or arousal, this becomes most obvious. That's why it's important to keep one's primary focus on God - - so energy will flow as God intended it to. Otherwise, one can easily get caught up on power stuff and even hurt oneself in the process.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for the warning! I mostly do these meditations during my devotion time, meaning, I include them in my prayer time, talking to God about it. I actually do not want Kundalini to awaken, because of the dangers. I cannot use that right now. I do not try to manipulate the flow of energy, but just to feel how it naturally flows. I hope that does not lead to Kundalini awakening and even pray, that God might protect me from it right now. (I am about to move to another state and cannot deal with a spiritual crisis right now)
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Also, I think it is more healthy, if the energy does not get pulled from the ground but from the higher levels. This feels more natural to me and seems to automatically be happening already. (But I am a newbie, so...)
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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And the main reason is, because I hope to show more of the fruit of the spirit, since these meditations make me very peaceful and balanced...
Posts: 19 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 01 July 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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