The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Dear Phil, I have been reading your discussion forums and I want to say thank god there are people out there who have experienced this stuff. At first I thought I was nuts but now I realize I'm not the only one. I'll give you a brief history of what has happened then my current situation. About three years ago I met a woman whom I began dating. At the time, I didn't know she was invovled in occult/wiccan practices but came to found that out later. She would do and say certain things that involved energy, chakras etc. but in a vaugue way. She would gesture to my tailbone (sacral) and third eye both while I was awake and also asleep (no details out of respect to others reading this). After about six months into the relationship she ended the it and I bagan to experience a variety of energy/kundalini experiences originating in the tailbone and working up the chakras. It would start off as a high then end in dizzyness and extreme exhaustion. It was a very frightful and confusing time which lasted a year and a half. It did finally subside but since then I've been very suceptible to "attacks" from others and tended to attract these type of people (a tear in the scacrum astral area?) I've tried a variety of remedies but none seem to work. About 2 months ago a co-worker (the original girl worked at my company and has sinced left) who I'm in direct competition with has been dropping various hints about her activity in the occult. Things like she's psychic, a goddess and that there are "ways" of making people leave the company. These two people knew each other but didn't really get along. I think unconsciously I knew that they were a similar but at the time there wasn't a conflict. I have begun to experience similar phenomena, tingling in the tailbone followed by a pain/pulling in the groin. This has developed into an inguinal hernia with no explanation from my doctor. This person, a week prior to the pain had indirectly pointed to my groin with a pair of scissors while opening a package and "snipped" them followed by a devilish grin. I've been having nightmares ranging from car accidents to other odd things only to awaken around 1 am feeling extreme activity in the scacrum, heart and third eye chakras. If it is her and I'm not just completely paranoid, I think she is working with a group as she had mentioned joining to a "special spritual" temple about 2 years back. So, what now. I've begun to practice kundalini yoga as you had suggested to others. My religous background is limited but I do hold a firm belief in God, prayer and a higher power. I want to stand and fight but I think all she wants is for me to go away and leave the company. I don't think running away is ever the answer but I'm not sure what to do. Your help is much appreciated, Albion | |||
Albion, I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties, especially since it sounds like you were caught totally unawares by this phenomenon. It seems what you are describing is what some have called the dark side of psychic phenomenon, in which these energies are used to do harm, rather than good. In my experience (and those described by others), it is the power of Jesus Christ and his Spirit which gives us protection from these dark forces. You don't mention your religious persuasion; perhaps you could say more. Hopefully, Stephen will see this one and comment as well. | ||||
Both my parents are Jewish so I was brought up in that tradition. I have branched out somewhat towards eastern philosophy trying to find the more mystical in what was lacking in my Jewish background. After years of research I found that all traditions have their mystical side, it's just not as common in our culture. I've really enjoyed you exploration into Chrisitian Mysticism and it's realtionship to Kundalini. Could you be more specific about the power of Jesus Christ and his Spirit? How do you connect to that? Is there an equivalent in Judaisim? | ||||
Hi Albion, I've just read your posts and am sorry to hear about the trouble these occultists have caused you. I've gone through similar things myself, experienced a lot of dark psychic energy attacks and some of the negative aspects of Kundalini awakening. I've always had an interest in mysticism but found that I had to ground myself in faith and belief to combat these attacks. They've diminished over the years but, like you, I am still susceptible to negative or dark influences. As I say, I had to put the mysticism aside for a while and find some solid ground to stand on. Grounding is so important, just keeping it real, not getting carried away by mystical flights of fancy. I think the occultists thrive on fear, so its kind of important to be strong, positive and courageous. I've tried fighting back at times and only ended up exhausting myself. I've tried commanding various negative influences to go - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I must say however, that since I have given my life to Christ, my authority over these things has grown. I have the faith that Christ is over all these powers and consequently have been strengthened and helped no end in the battle. I also believe that angelic presences have helped me at times. Belief is so important. Even when the attacks have been horribly severe I have just had to give it all to God. As I say, fighting back on my own strength is just exhausting. Sometimes it's just about hanging on. Some practical tips might be to cultivate awareness (prayer, quiet contemplation, these really help), so that you are able to detect any negative influences, discern just what is going on, and deflect certain types of attack. Also, practise being aware of God's and especially Christ's presence, imagine putting on the armour of God described at the end of the Epistle to the Ephesians. This is a powerful weapon. What St.Paul says about our fight being against principalities and powers in the Heavenly realms is very true. I'm not sure about consciously activating Kundalini energy at this stage. It could be fuel to the fire, but that's your call. Also, as you may know, psychic attacks usually spring from energy loops placed in your own energy field by attackers. Some people recommend visualising these loops getting brittle and breaking but I've found that any energy concentrated on them only aggravates the situation. If you detect any, I think it's best to pray that Christ will break them. Finally, re. leaving your job. I know the inclination to stand and fight - if we start running from things we might never stop. However, a lot of people recommend cutting all ties to an occult attacker. I've found this helps. It really depends on how strong and determind and basically evil your attackers are. Personally I think its best to get out of the road. Just be strong and remember that Christ defeated all the forces of darkness at Calvary. It's good to know that Christ is a real force in the universe, a real person with incredible powers of love and understanding. For me he is the only Son of God and the only one I'd trust with my problems and it's so wonderful to connect to Him through faith, prayer, scripture and contemplation. Hope this helps. Keep us posted, Best wishes, Stephen. P.S. I think there's a couple of other Psychic Attack threads on this Forum. Check out the topic headings and you'll come across them. | ||||
albion67, I see Stephen has given you some good feedback, so let's see how that goes. His suggestion about checking out other threads on this forum is one I hope you follow up on. In answer to one of your questions, I can tell you that there's just nothing in Judaism like what we're recommending. The closest you might come in the East is in taking refuge in the Buddha, or in Hinduism's disciple-guru relationship. Jesus is all that and much more. He has supreme authority over the spiritual realm; becoming incorporated into his mystical body (the Christian community, especially a Eucharistic tradition) in faith, love, and service is how we grow in the spiritual life he gives. The gift of the Holy Spirit also helps us to live this new life. Check out the Christian Mysteries forum for more basic info. | ||||
Thank you both for your help and understanding. I've read some of the forums and kind of gleaned what Stephen had summarized above. I do have a question. How does one pray? What do you say, ask for, offer? I know it's a juvinile question but it is new to me. All I can come up with is love and thanks for being and ask for protection. But the attacks keep coming. Is there some other motivation at work? Is this happening for a reason? BTW I'm getting my resume together. I just wish this was a better job climate. Albion67 | ||||
Albion, you might consider this page on this web site. There's no magic wand or silver bullet for the situation you're describing, however. What you've involuntarily become aware of is the existence of preternatural forces, which can only be controled by an even Higher Power. It sounds like you might be at the beginning of a journey to clarify your faith and beliefs. Don't rush into anything, here, but do your investigating carefully, with an open mind and heart. God cannot be used simply to help one get out of a discomforting situation. Indeed, perhaps that situation has come into your life as something of an invitation to seek God. What do you think? | ||||
Jesus' disciples asked the same question about prayer - teach us to pray. "Our Father . . . " is a good place to start because it condenses different elements of prayer including praise, thanksgiving, intercession etc.(Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2) Have a look at it and develop your own relationship with God based on it. When I say the Lord's Prayer I pay particular attention to the bit where it says "Deliver us from evil . . ." Saying the prayer mindfully really helps. Otherwise its just about talking to God, telling him how you feel, addressing Him as a Father. | ||||
Nicely done, Stephen. Thank you. ![]() | ||||
"God cannot be used simply to help one get out of a discomforting situation. Indeed, perhaps that situation has come into your life as something of an invitation to seek God. What do you think?" I think you may be right. The question is where to now? There are so many churches and denominations. What is authentic? Does it matter that I am Jewish? Any further suggestions? Thanks, Albion67 | ||||
Albion67, you're obviously at the beginning of a spiritual/religious quest. It's for you to find your answers. Those of us who are Christian believe in the teachings of the Christian Church, and I have the basics on my Christian Mysteries forum. You're right, there are lots of Christian denominations, but we share more in common than we do differences. Don't let all the diversity overwhelm you. Start with the tradition you were raised in and give it another look. Keep questioning,, and start praying as best you can. You don't have to have all the answers before you start praying. I would encourage you to read some of the threads on these forums; we already have a lot of good discussion on a wide range of issues. Feel free to raise you questions here as well. | ||||
Phil's advice is good, Albion. I think it's essential to ask for God's guidance in prayer, to have an open heart, and to let Him lead you. He is faithful and responds to our seeking. As for all the denominations out there - a lot of people choose a church based on personality : lively,outgoing = pentecostal dour,staid = presbeterian formal,likes routine = high church old fashioned = Brethern As long as Christ is central! That's the main thing. | ||||
shalom, albion67! ![]() I usually suggest to persons beginning a spiritual walk to begin with what they know. How "Jewish" was your upbringing? Were you taught that becoming Christian is a betrayal of your heritage and do you still believe this today? Have you looked into Judaism in your adult life? Are you familiar with Jews for Jesus and other Messianic groups? Ever heard of Jewish Renewal? Just some thoughts. michael | ||||
Actually my religous background was very limited. Neither of my parents were devout or encouraged it in their children. I do have a belief in the Divine. In my mind "all roads lead to Rome". I think it's more a matter of the space rather the tradition. That and a community. I'll start looking. All of your advice is appreciated. This forum is a wonderful place. Keep it up! Albion67 | ||||
Albion, My heart goes out to you. I know what your experiencing is frightening, and you may feel there's nobody who understands what you're going through. You are very lucky to have found this website early on. God has led you here, I think. Without getting into my life story, I'll just say that I can relate to everything that's happening to you. And, I agree with what Stephen said. Evil spirit feeds on fear. A spirit of fear is not from God, but from Satan and his kingdom. I was confused about the difference between fearing God, and the fear Satan thrives on. "The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor comes humility".(Proverbs) This verse has helped me to understand the difference. Satan is also the "father of lies", and "the lie is his native tongue". He's the author of confusion and chaos. If evil spirit can keep one afraid, deceived, and in chaos, then it can much more easily control a person. This is how evil people operate. Your ex-girlfriend and co-worker are using fear tactics to intimidate you. Fear feeds these negative energies, and causes them to grow stronger. So, how does a person combat this fear and negativity? What's the opposite of fear and hatred? Courage, and love! The opposite of deception is truth. God gives us truth and love as actual weapons against evil. This is part of the full armour of God. Faith in God is our shield, and faith will "extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one". Satan wants us to think these weapons are inadequate--it just sounds far too easy. We have images of Satan's followers all dressed in black robes, gathering together, chanting, and putting curses on their victims. Or using voo-doo against their enemies. And, perhaps some people actually do stuff like this. Yes, there is dark power and evil people certainly use negativity as their weapons. But, I can tell you most confidently that fear, deception, and intimidation tactics are what cause this to work. If evil spirit can get you to believe you are a hopeless victim, then most of the battle is won. Evil spirit can attack a person, and the very first place Satan begins is in our MIND. His attacks against our thoughts are relentless--he never gives up. He can convince a person of almost anything with enough time, if one believes his lies. "Casting down imaginations (speculations)and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God; bringing every thought captive unto the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ". Sorry, can't recall where this is in the bible, but this verse has helped me so much. It sounds to me like you have been awakened spiritually. I'm so sorry that it's been a mostly negative experience for you. I also was awakened many years ago, and didn't know what in the world was happening to me. I thought someone had put a curse on me for a very long time, and this only fed my fears, and allowed evil spirit a better stronghold. I was raised in a Southern Baptist home, and was a Christian. But, at that time, was certainly not living like one. I knew nothing about spiritual awakening at all. The best way to grow spiritually for me has been praying, reading the bible, and contemplative prayer. The Holy Spirit led me into contemplative prayer before I even knew there was such a thing! You asked how to pray. Stephen advised you to pray the Lord's prayer, and I agree wholeheartedly. I still pray this prayer most every day, sometimes several times daily. This is a great way to start. I know there may be conflict with your Jewish upbringing to go straight into Christianity. Keep this verse in mind--"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you". So, seek God with all your heart. When we seek God and ask God to reveal the truth to us, He is faithful to answer our prayers. So by seeking God everything else just falls into place. "Seek and ye shall find". "Ask and ye shall receive". I have discovered this to be so true, and God has moved in such an awesome, wonderful way in my life--just from seeking His truth everyday. You can not go wrong by doing this. In love, May | ||||
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