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Visions and visitations Login/Join 
posted 28 April 2009 06:48 PM
I open this thread to share some of my recent experience.

Once I decided a week ago to go further (I'd felt that God gives me choice again) on the way, I began to experience totally new kind of visions. I think they are what is called "imaginary visions" in the tradition, but they differ in some ways from what STA describes in the 6th mansion and in the "Life". They seem more similar to what Ignatius of Loyola describes in his autobiography.

God gives images, but they are not perceived by the outer senses - they are seen by the "inner eye" of the mind. They're similar to images created by imagination, but are of a different quality and their effects surpass everything that natural imagination can accomplish.
They last sometimes for a long time (which is different from STA), and it's not possible not to see them, but at the same time the world is perceived through the 5 senses.
Those visions immediately suspend the faculties, great love, peace and power, and sometimes also physical ecstasy. Once they appear, they become carved in the mind, so that it's not possible to forget them, which is different than in natural visualizations. There are also other fruits and effects of those, but it's impossible to describe them.

1. The eyes of Jesus: Since Thursday almost continually I see Jesus standing in front of me and looking at me. His figure is vage, but his eyes are clear and gaze at me. There is ineffable love, depth and power in those eyes, and their gaze transforms the soul and suspends faculties, and takes away all fear.

2. The wounds of Risen Lord: White as snow the Risen Body with beatifully red wounds in it. I don't see the head, but mostly hands and the chest of the Lord. Sometimes I see closer a wound, and this is most mysterious and transforming - to look into this holy wound. As Ignatius Loyola writes: "Hide me in your wounds..." Once I also saw myself drinking from a wound in the heart of Jesus the stream of white light. At other time I saw the left hand of the Lord which was like a shining sun, with a red wound at the center of it. I almost lost contact with the world in rapture when I was looking at it.

3. The Immaculate Heart of Mary: at first, there was just Mary standing against snow-white background, but later she split the cloth at her chest and showed a red, burning heart made of ruby, which brought ecstasy. She was dressed in blue, red and gold cloth. I didn't see her face either.

Those three visions and their variations appear to me quite often, taking me into an entirely different world.
I was able to detect the tradition of the two visions: the Heart of Mary (I discovered paintings similar to what I saw) and the visions of the Sacred Humanity which seem to be quite common. But I didn't find references to the eyes of Jesus, which is the most precious and continuous gift for me.

I'm interested if you can relate to any of that, that would be helpful.
I wonder also what sensible visions are like, because I've never had one. In what way they're different?
Posts: 436 | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 28 April 2009 06:56 PMHide Post
Another thing is mental visions/visitations.

They began earlier than the imaginary ones and amazed me greatly.
I experience the presence of Mary along with several saints such as: St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Adalbertus, and Abraham. When they appear to me I don't see them like in imaginary visions, but feel their presence as an "energetic fingerprint" - a specific pattern of energy or vibration. Along with that there's a certainty that it's this particular saint present. It always brings comfort, joy and deepens the prayer.
They never say anything, apart from Mary who seems to communicate putting thoughts in the mind with different messages.
STA writes about such visions a lot and considers them higher than imaginary ones, because they are directly communicated to the intellect.
I also feel inspired to read a bit about the saint, and I usually find helpful what I read about them or written by them (like Ignatius e.g.).

Those visions in my case seem to be closely connected to the k energy, whereas the imaginary visions can still k energy almost to zero, which is weird, apart from those "electric shocks" that run through the body along with the seeing.
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posted 28 April 2009 07:17 PMHide Post
And the most difficult thing...

Few days ago I had a vision, which was like a vivid dream, and in that vision I saw an infant looking at me with great, blue eyes, which were intelligent unlike in infants. At first I was wondering if it's Jesus or a symbol of my soul, because it was beautiful to look at, but I discovered that when I look at the infant, I felt more and more scared. I never felt scared when Jesus was present - quite the opposite. Once the infant appeared to me, I see it continually with my inner eye. I quickly realized that this is the Enemy. The fear was overpowering and the infant has a great ability to turn my attention from God and Jesus towards himself. I fought with him for almost 30 minutes the day I saw him for the first time, and although I felt Mary and other saints present next to me, I had to fight him myself. I was scared I was going crazy. The Enemy tried to convince me that my experiences are illusions and that I'm psychotic. I didn't know what to do. And then I remembered suddenly what W.C. wrote about evil spirits in another thread on this forum - that for them love is poison. This thought saved me, I guess, because I started to direct the love and blessing towards the horrifying infant and he went weaker and weaker, and finally started to burn. I also prayed the name of Jesus, which seems to be also poison to him. Thus I won, but I was very scared.
It never appears when I'm with people I love - it really must be poison to him, but when I'm alone he tries to catch my attention and imprison it with this cold, evil, blue eyes of his.
After talking to my spiritual director I felt better, because she was peaceful, and assured me nothing bad will happen to me, that God won't allow it. She said that maybe the Enemy hates what God does in me and that's why he decided to intervene.
She also told me to pray with the prayer to Michael Archangel.
This really helped. When I found the prayer on the net and read it for the first time, I felt immediately the presence of Michael, and the Enemy ran away. So I've been using it as a weapon against him. Once I also saw Michael in an imaginary vision, with a sword of flame, shining like sun.

I never suspected that I was going to meet the Enemy ever. It's horrible, and I don't know what good can come out of it, but I want to testify that he's real and active. And that - thank you W.C. - love really is poison to him. I'm angry that he chose a child as a form to haunt me - it seems perverted to me. he also continually tries to make me doubt the visions and other experiences, with his lies about psychosis and other stuff.

I feel guarded by Jesus, my friends-saints, Mary and Michael, but at the same time I wonder why God doesn't get rid of the Enemy instantly, why I have to face this horrible infant...
My spiritual director brought my attention to the fact that Jesus show me his eyes and gave me this vision of the eyes as if to counteract the eyes and the horrible gaze of the Enemy. This is my protection. When I'm looking into the Enemy's eyes, I'm scared to death. When I'm looking into Jesus' eyes, there's no fear, only love and peace. Thus I learned that it is fear that is the opposite of love, and that Jesus' love has the power to take away all fear.

I'm eager to hear about your encounters with the Enemy, if you had them. I think we should be prepared and taught how to deal with him, in case he appears. I remembered that STA used to mock the evil spirits, but I was too scared to do that. Love was my only defence against him, and thank God I remembered what W.C. wrote and in this way I could overcome the Evil One. It's also interesting how he's unable to approach me when I'm with my girlfriend, as if her love protected me as strongly as the Archangel Michael's fiery sword.
Posts: 436 | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Phil
posted 29 April 2009 09:36 AMHide Post
Mt., I am struck by the clarity of your descriptions of these different kinds of visions and the effects they have on you. The discernment aspect seems a classical case of Ignatian consolation and desolation, and it seems you have a wise and experienced spiritual director to help support you in discernment of these issues.

I have never heard of the devil appearing as an infant, but it's not surprising. Somewhere in the scriptures we are warned that he can come on to us as angel of light, so why not an innocent child as well. Yes, perverted, but . . . consider the source! Wink

Somewhere, sometime back we had an extensive discussion of evil and satan. The link below has a bit:

I've never had visions of the devil (nor Jesus, Mary, or any of the Saints). I have had that sense of invisible presences that you describe, however, and some fairly awful dreams that I think were influenced by the dark side. The name of Jesus, praying the Jesus prayer, Hail Mary's, calling on St. Michael, etc. -- these are all powerful, time-tested ways of extricating one's attention from the clutches of evil.

Thank you for sharing of your journey with us. The connections you made with the types of visions and k activity was new to me and I'm not sure I understand what's going on, there (nor with 99.9% of what I encounter each day. . . )
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 29 April 2009 10:59 AMHide Post
Yes, MT, it sounds like you have good support from various sources and relationships. If we're becoming more patient, etc . . . then discernment is probably good. Good to know we can somewhat tell the quality of discernment from the effects downstream.

How devious, but then Satan will do anything not to face its own pain, and since babies are perhaps the most dear to us in human relations, no real surprise it would stoop to this. But I had never heard of this either; however, the feeling description of evil you give sounds quite familiar.

I pray you and your girlfriend will continue to grow in love with each other in Christ.
Posts: 235 | Registered: 02 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 29 April 2009 11:55 AMHide Post
Hi Mt.

Yes, I'll keep you in my prayers also.

I have encountered satantic evil a few times and, like you describe, the terror I experienced in those times is beyond ordinary fear/terror. In fact, I had forgotton all about it until I read your description of the baby, but one horrific encounter with satan came to me in a similar way. I was half-asleep when I began dreaming of a most innocent, little old lady, helpless, crippled maybe. Can't recall the details, now, thankfully, but there was a sudden turn of this innocent woman into a terrifying demon! The horror of this encounter was beyond shocking precisely because evil was disguised as innocence! It was an unbelievable horror. I was literally shaking with fear, got up to pray in my living room. I cried out to God in a deep desperation to protect me.

At this very moment, I began blurting out strange non-sense words. As this stream of words pushed out of my mouth, the demonic force receded, and I began to relax. (Without ever wanting it or asking for it, I received the gift of tongues, and it was apparently in response to crying out for God's power to protect me.)

The other experience of seeming innocence being revealed as demonic is written about in my paper "From Seeker to Saved." I describe how I was literally attacked by the mantra I had receieved when I was initiated into Siddha Yoga. If you're interested, the paper is one the Transformative Experiences thread.

Christ's peace and protection be with you,
Posts: 1091 | Registered: 05 April 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 29 April 2009 03:16 PMHide Post
Thank you all, for your quick response! Smiler
I need all the prayers I can get, so, please, remember me...

Shasha, I appreciate what you shared here, and I'll eagerly read your paper.

I can't help being a little angry at God that He lets It come close to me... What is really difficult for me is that while It approaches me, Mary and other Saints are present, as if standing outside the ring and watching us fight. There's also a presence of the Holy Spirit in my depth, but still I feel like I have to face this freezing terror alone. But this is perhaps another of the Enemy's lies and deceit - because the heavenly powers surely won't abandon me in the danger. Maybe it's just good for me to deal with the enemy by myself?

Phil, I don't fully understand what happens to k either. Sometimes, it seems to be active, when there are those electric shocks of ecstasy running through my whole body, or involuntary movements of the body during visions, but there's no usual experience of k currents - towards the head for example, or there's no familiar pressure in the brain. I have no idea why is that. The currents have been very delicate since the visions began, but k must be active, even though it's not felt clearly, because I still get headaches when I read too much or listen to music etc.

I might be that k is still going through the body (it must be), but so much attention and will is immersed in the visions, that it is simply not experienced vividly.

By the way, I remembered where the Enemy was pictured as a child - in the "Passion" by Mel Gibson.
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posted 10 November 2010 08:04 AMHide Post
As for myself, I have seen things that I didn't understand and had to look it up. I have seen high priest - Jewish and a Shaman. I have seen the Buddha. He was a thin man. He looked like someone who fasted. I have no clue why I saw Buddha. It was a total shock.

There was one man that I saw in a vision that he was dressed in white linen, olive skin, had a slight bump on his nose, white turban, dark beard and had no shoes on his feet. He entered my home and was standing near my bed. I was in total shock. All I could say was, "I don't know who this is?" Later I was told it was - Amos. Who knows what Amos really looked like?

I have gotten visions of things and the next day see it happen. I saw where this man in Israel had an ephrod put in his hands. That week, I saw the man smiling with the ephrod in his hands. I was blown away.

I get things that happened in the Bible and shown why certain things happened. I have felt things like the bible too - went blind and felt God speak with the sound of feeling thunders from even the soul. Talk about feeling powerful. I have felt curses and blessings. I have heard things too on a biblical note. I got directed to change my clothes, fast, cover my head and shave my hair off - "to purify". People have no clue what all is happening with me. It's been rough.

I got many things about Christ and some were not pleasant. After feeling beaten, spit on, and crucified, I went to get deliverance. I believe Christ went through things not mentioned in our Bible. For something was making me experience things. I am like something is going on with my mind and thought this must be some form of a trance state. All sorts of things happen. I have felt things touch me, tap me, hit me, etc. It's unreal. I have felt voices come from the heart center, foot and even my 3rd eye area that were biblical and not biblical. I have words come out of my stomach. The K can do and show things that were just amazing to scary. I was picking up someone around the world was beating their drums for God.

The K has thrown my life upside down. This has been too intense and I am still not totally comfortable with all the changes. I thought all this must be from my DID, but my therapist says - NO. It's not DID. It's spiritual. I am still like I always was, but thrown into a spiritual dimension with getting all this daily.
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posted 10 November 2010 11:36 AMHide Post
By the way, can anyone tell me who the very white people are with white hair? I have seen them in a dream and vision. They are like liquid paper white and have snow white hair. I was wondering if they are angels, but they don't have wings like most people describe. They can be male or female looking and adult to child look of age. They are beautiful looking beings.
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posted 10 November 2010 05:22 PMHide Post
Hi Healing Water,

This all sounds very disturbing and frightening. I posted a response on the other thread...
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posted 10 November 2010 05:54 PMHide Post
My therapist has absolutely no clue and local priest are no help. I called one guy for spiritual direction and he said he wasn't qualified to help. I said that something is better than nothing. He says he is not familiar with K at all either and told me to get back in touch with the priest that I felt was helpful. That out of state priest is like a no show. I really like him, but he bailed or something. Who knows? He may be just busy. Sad - no help. I had one modern new age guy say - get to a shaman NOW. I don't know any of those people. This is ridiculous.
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Picture of Phil
posted 10 November 2010 08:49 PMHide Post
Healing Water, I don't think what you're describing is merely kundalini-related consequences. Given what you've described about your parents and upbringing, I'm wondering if there's not mischief from spirits of some kind. I don't know, of course. As I've stated many times, k process isn't diabolical, and I don't even think it renders one more susceptible to evil spirit than, say, garden-variety false self consciousness, which is doing much more damage to souls on this planet than k awakening.

One thing k will do at times is fire up the dreaming process, especially of deep archetypal imagery. Whether that accounts for your experiences . . . who knows? The general counsel from the Christian spiritual tradition is to attach no special importance to those kinds of experiences and even to cultivate a preference for not having them at all. It's just too easy to fall into all kinds of delusions by trying to figure out where those sorts of images come from and what they really mean.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 10 November 2010 11:45 PMHide Post
Thanks everyone for your prayers and support.
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posted 11 November 2010 08:00 AMHide Post
It's my experience that the majority of churches have not been very helpful with this. In fact, one that I went to was downright ridiculous with accusations of claiming to pick up that my ancestors must have been Druids. ;-0 I did almost everything that Bible said to do - prayed, fasted, gave way things, sold things, honored holy days, etc. It has been like I say a heaven to Hell thing. The Hindus say that this can happen and it did with me. I am not in the occult, but tell some christians about some of the negative stuff and they go on the occult search. Occult and cult are not exactly the same. I know the difference and have seen both, but was not involved in either. I had something happen and then after some breaths cold temp, etc. started. One priest said he that it was probably physical. The K is physical and spiritual. I have had physical changes. I had to change my diet and avoid products with strong chemicals.

Just like the K, there are doctors not familiar with DID. I had one keep trying to put me on some anti-psychotic and the results were far from positive. Dissociation does not agree with certain meds - psychotics esp. Most meds had poor results with me. I was not getting all these mystical things like now at all. That is the K - the cold feelings, feeling like something twirling on my forehead, feeling like I have an opening in my head with cold air coming out, physical sensations, experiences of other realms type of thing. I have seen site after site of people get negative things- esp. Christians and it flies in the face of the current doctrines. You know - I am Christian so it should all be Heavenly. That's not always true with this. I believe our intense fear or the devil and Hell type of stuff actually makes this even worse. Try add this to someone like me who actually had abuse with snakes as a kid. This running around like the dark ages calling this K "Serpent Power" is down right ridiculous to a strong Christian. I was taught Hell more than anything in the church that I went to as a kid and got cult thrown in the mix. Not a good mix at all and may in some way be relative to actually feeling the flames of Hell in the spiritual. However, I rather have it here with a few mins than in another realm for a long time. It just showed me that Hell is real. In fact, my neg experiences taught me the bible is indeed real and telling the truth. I read the book of rev as a child and it was a nightmare, but I got insights like the name change thing. The world is calling this man on the cross Jesus and not Y'shua. They say Christ instead of Messiah. That is a name and even title change. It was predicted and it happened. Now, there is strong movement to say Y'shua and Messiah along with other things. But, that is a whole other issue.

The K is not just all heavenly experiences. Physical changes can occur, dissociation can present. If I didn't have experience with dissociation, it would have been even worse situation. I knew rather quickly something was going on and I made changes. I stopped fasting, which I was directed to by something speaking to me "Fasting nurtures the K." I realized fasting was not a good thing for me at least.

As far as Shamans, it's been my experience that they ran when I asked them this question - "What is the name of the God your guides answer to?" One never wrote back or throw in you got taught the ten and even 613 laws of Judaism in the spiritual realm. Some Christians will not want to touch that either. What a mix! A Jew will not want to speak to you, I believe a man -a high priest Jew- rose from the dead by YHWH. I have been accused of ridiculous things by several Christians. I had a Muslim say I was speaking too biblical with my knowledge. That was the funniest thing ever to me. Too biblical! I have learned this - you experience things that are mystical and can be negative - you might as well keep it to yourself. Because, the masses will think you are nuts or into being in Satan worship. No, I became a stronger Christian in this process. My K has shown and demonstrated things to me (both neg. and pos.) of what the bible is saying. In fact, I have had Christians blown away by my knowledge for being new to reading the bible. I am thinking they have no clue what this has been like. What a way to learn the Bible. The bible states - blessed are your eyes that see and your ears that hear. That can mean something really different with the K. When you experience something with hearing, feeling and seeing things in another realm, you don't forget it. But, things are how you look at it. So, that's where I am now.
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posted 11 November 2010 01:13 PMHide Post
Amen! Faustina. Yes, just like with life - We are not promised all Heavens doors type of thing right here and in the now. You ask me and I see that K is in the bible. Sadly, I can't express to many Christians what I feel and learned from the K in relationship to the bible. I get instantly judged or shunned like I am in some weird black magic. Some will even go so far as to accuse me of deliberately dappling in dark things to have these profound experiences and teachings. No, I never heard of the K and I would not even attempt to get what I have now. It has demanded me to change my ways - respect the Holy temple (living) body that I was given literally. When things come up, I look to the Bible. The K is really something else. I have had the gambit.

Please don't think that I am knocking Christians, but I feel that some have their own Torah in their hands in way. And like many other faiths, there are these serious divisions. You must do this. That runs me off from many and I am a Christian. I don't like this non-sense. Christ didn't say what some are saying to me. I am like - Where do you get this? It's man making these divisions based on "their" particular interpretation. I don't claim to know 100% what something is, but I can share a perspective that one may not have thought about in relationship to a verse or something in the bible thanks to the K.

I really would like to discuss with others of different faiths and share things learned by the K. But, some are on guard with me. Why? Because, I am a Christian. I tell them. I can't convert you to anything. I believe conversion comes from the heart and can't be forced. God can convert anyone He so chooses too. Therefore, I may ask questions and give opinions, but I can't force anyone to accept my perspective. The K. has taught me to respect those of other types of religions. I may not agree with them, but I can understand them. They K. had me literally experience 3 different religions in one night. It was the most insightful experience of my life. I know that God made all people and they are indeed equal to me. I am not special in anyway. In fact, I feel handicapped in many ways from horrors of childhood & thing in my adult life experience. Really, I don't know how God sees me. I am not God. I am not a judge and don't want to be. I went into this K thinking that I knew a little something and the K taught me. Imagine waking up to hearing things like --"Don't curse what is Holy." I didn't know what I what I had done or said to someone. It's a teacher of some sort going on here. I am just now making connections of what I got and things that have been happening. Nevertheless, I went from thinking I knew a little something to feeling like I knew absolutely nothing - ZERO. How I got that experience was nothing short of feeling like I was a new born baby shaking literally crying to out God - teach me everything - how to speak, walk, to see, etc. Again, some Christians slammed me for this experience. I say don't slam the K. It is some creation by the Almighty. I don't understand all about it, but don't slam it and call it or those with it evil. To me - evil is a choice. In fact, some that I have met with the K of other faiths that were extremely loving and unselfish people. One just wanted to hold my hand. It sounds odd, but it was like a childlike kindness. They were of a different faith and said, "I love you" in their own way. This person was a total stranger. I told them I had the K and was sharing my experiences and they too had the K. I was floored by such a profound reaction caring reaction they had for me. How wonderful the world would be if we were totally coming from a kindness perspective? Now, let me be clear. I know that there are those with the K can choose to not be anything like this. Again, it is a choice that the Almighty loving Creator gave us and the Almighty knows the heart. Amen!

Thank you everyone for allowing me to express some of this. Thank you for your kind words, words of wisdom and prayers. It's been difficult. I want to reiterate that other faiths see this K in a whole other light. One man said, "The Cosmos is rejoicing for you" and another claims that Almighty God himself has gave me a divine blessing. I don't know, but anyone that knows me has seen changes with me that had them running to the bible too. So, that can't all be neg.
Posts: 31 | Registered: 29 October 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Phil
posted 12 November 2010 12:55 PMHide Post
I don't think K process of the sort you describe and several others posting lately is very common, Healing Water, which is why I don't say much about it in my own ministry in the Church. I'm well-acquainted with our mystical tradition, where it is most likely to be evidenced, but even there, one has to read between the lines to get a sense of its operations. What's been more likely is to conflate the working of the Holy Spirit with K process, as we never seek the latter apart from the former in Christianity, and so when K gets activated, it is usually in the context of Holy Spirit anointing. Even then, it's usually quite gentle and unobtrusive.

For these reasons, I've been reluctant to criticize Christianity for not being more upfront about K process. I do think spiritual directors ought to know about it, however, and that's one reason I wrote my book. Even when its awakening is situated in the context of deepening Christian faith and prayer, it can be disruptive, at times, and one can easily learn to recognize a distinction between the K process and the working of the Spirit (much as we do with other operations going on in our consciousness). Spiritual directors ought to learn about that, even if they don't have the experience. But I don't expect pastors of congregations to teach about K process or encourage others to seek it out. They know what their mission is and they are generally faithful to it.

Again, some Christians slammed me for this experience. I say don't slam the K. It is some creation by the Almighty. I don't understand all about it, but don't slam it and call it or those with it evil.

For many years now, I have had emails sent to me about the great evils of K process, and have been directed to web pages with highly critical appraisals of my book and even my writings on this board. What's obvious in most cases is that the writers haven't really read what I've written, and they also have a very shallow understanding of human nature. For them, there are three players: God, Ego and Satan. So if I'm not causing something and I don't think God is, either, then it must be the devil. What they're leaving unaccounted for, however, is our own human unconscious, including not only its psychological dimension, but its spiritual and somatic ones as well. That's where I situate kundalini, but might as well try talking to an arangutan about any of that as to some of these people. Even when I've asked them to explain what is the great evil that they see going on, they cannot do so, for, in truth, K does not dispose one to do anything immoral. Quite the contrary. The more one is selfish and violent, the more discomforting the process, which moves one back toward a more gentle, loving openness to the present moment.
Posts: 3984 | Location: Wichita, KS | Registered: 27 December 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 12 November 2010 03:40 PMHide Post
I feel the K is very individual and one's indiviual makeup, experiences and background can and do come into play. Since contacting many around the world, it has come to my attention that the amount of people getting spontaneous awakenings is really increasing. Therefore, it is my feeling the Christian churches will need to educate themselves. If not, many like myself will suffer needlessly and alone. They will get thrown to things that will really offer no help and greatly hinder the process.

What I have learned with my K experience is that body type, past experiences and belief systems are involved in this. It's not generic in the least. As far as gentle, yes, I have had very nuturing almost mothering teachings. And, then, I have like the force of God speak from my soul with thunders type of thing. I was like - Wow, this must just a fraction of what the people in Exodus felt. Our God is powerful and actually tries to protect us from his force. We aren't even a speck in the sand of the cosmos and he does reveal himself to us. Isn't that amazing!
Posts: 31 | Registered: 29 October 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted 13 November 2010 05:38 PMHide Post
Amen Faustina, you got a priest to help you with this at a critical time.

Yes, it certainly does cause physical problems. I have had things. This can be really difficult. Yet, this has literally in some spiritual world thrown a robe, a prayer shawl and shown that I was covered by someone's garment. It threw me out there on public forums to try and reach others about the Good News. Yet, I was suffering in ways that would scare many into the hospital. This K will rock down the foundations of what you think you are and what you think this reality is.

As you mentioned, only the Almighty Living Creator knows what is going on here with the increase in rates of these awakenings. I believe He is doing it, but no one really understands all the reasons why. One may be to get these divisions caused by man to open and make people spread the Good news even more or He may be testing man in some way. "Man, how much do you love. Who do you say is your God? Who are you going to cry out to in the middle of the night when you are picking up there are frequencies even in the Heavens." It's like the sheep are getting struck by a force of lightning with this and causing many to scatter into teachings they are foreign. That is what happened to me.

I can't speak for others, but I have never been down on my knees like this in my life. That K. has had me wailing to all Creation for mercy. Yes, Mercy me Almighty Creator. This is some form of a crucifixion. I am being changed. I feel tested and confused at times. One day, I am on cloud 9 with the Almighty and the next wailing to be taken home for visions, etc. are overwhelming. I say get me a spiritual mechanic here Almighty.

I have a completely new perspective and appreciation for many things that I read in the Bible. I think it does do that too. Wow, this is an incredible force that demands respect.
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posted 14 November 2010 08:17 AMHide Post
That sounds like a good read. I will look into it.

Yes, I totally agree about the different levels of consciousness issue. I have had my body thrown several times with something teaching me things straight out the bible. How in the world can one ignore that? If that is just my consciousness, I don't know what to say. I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I saw a hand reach out and turn to a fist and hit the Earth. My body flew up in the air at least 5 inches. I took the message about these Hindu. I was around a lot of Hindu stuff due to some teachings and I inquired about one of their deities and my body was thrown to not do that again and I never have. I don't want to get thrown up in the air again about a foreign idol. If my consciousness is doing that, it does NOT like foreign idols. Later, I learned this is in the bible to not do that. Coincidence? I don't know, but I have all sorts of thing happen on that level and more. If this type of thing is just conscious, man, I have the consciousness that can throw my body. I am serious. It has done it more than one occasion. Whatever this force is, I respect it.
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