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Discussion Topic  RE: Open, new heart, open, new mind (Ez.)? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
From Freddy: ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Open, new heart, open, new mind (Ez.)? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Clare, that's excellent, and is quite common, I believe. I was guilty of this earlier in my life, b...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Open, new heart, open, new mind (Ez.)? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Fred, I'm sorry to hear of your continuing struggles. I'm not sure how sharpening your understandin...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: New Member Intro / Transformative Experiences (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Welcome, Fr. Aidan. Glad to see you decided to post your story and our exchange, here....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Bernadette Roberts responds to Jim Arraj (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Greetings, Barbara. Welcome to the discussion....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Great books/movies of your life (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
I haven't seen those, Clare. I have seen Syriana and thought it was a good action/adventure movie. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: Great books/movies of your life (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
Ah yes . . . "The Velveteen Rabbit" ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  Great books/movies of your life (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
I'd like to invite a sharing of what books and/or movies have made a difference in your life (and wh...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: Praying for healing and deliverance (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Shasha, maybe we should have a thread on the meaning of "baptism of the Spirit." I agree that the e...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Praying for healing and deliverance (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
I have mixed feelings about what you're resporting here, Shasha. On the one hand, every baptized Ch...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Et bien. Let's give the "infused contemplation"/Rohr article discussion a rest, then. Maybe Rohr w...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
JB, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one, or maybe I'm not understanding you. M...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
JB, here's Rahner on contemplation in his ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Caneman, Jim Arraj and I discussed the relationship between CP and Christian Meditation with eastern...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Nonduality, once again (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Lots of excellent reflection on human nature, true self, false self, etc. in ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini Poems (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
That's very creative, Stephen. I like your reflections on the arrangement of the letters....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Farenheit 911: Michael Moore's anti-Bush movie (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
It's been awhile since we've had any activity on this thread. I posted what follows in a discussion...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: On the Loss of the Affective Ego (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Ajoy, I think it's very likely that what St. John of the Cross called the Night of the Senses in the...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Eckhart Tolle: A Christian Critique (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Dominicus, we've had a lot of discussions on this topic. It's impossible to count the Holy Spirit o...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

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