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Discussion Topic  RE: The experience of God (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
People look for evidence of God in miracles and all kinds of external signs. If the fact of conting...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: The experience of God (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
There are also experiences of ineffable Presence that are much less common than that described in th...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  The experience of God (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
It's surprising that we've never really had a thread on this topic, even though we've had countless ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  The five promises (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
These are elaborated on by Fr. Richard Rohr in his books and in his workshops on male initiation. O...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: What is kundalini, spiritual emergency? (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Welcome, revkah, and thank you for your comments. One never knows who reads these discussions, or i...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: What is kundalini, spiritual emergency? (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Ditto w.c.'s remarks about returning any time you wish....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: What is kundalini, spiritual emergency? (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
One of the things that happens so often in inter-religious sharing is the discovery that people are ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: What is kundalini, spiritual emergency? (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Vincent, what I suggested above might be considered as a kind of "ultimate resolution" of energy str...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: What is kundalini, spiritual emergency? (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Vincent, I understand what you're saying, but I think you're confusing the yearning of the human spi...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Organized religion: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Yes, very good post, Jim. Thank you. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Organized religion: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Jim, let me add my voice to express sorrow for the suffering your father and family have undergone b...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Organized religion: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Re. the institutionalization of "organized Christianity" - - that in itself is a long and complicate...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: My first "energy raising" (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Steve, you can share your experiences here if you wish. If you'd like to join one of the discussion...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: My first "energy raising" (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Welcome Steve, and thank you for your generous sharing. I've read through your post and am struck b...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: The Da Vinci Code (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
I wonder what the outcry would be if a book or movie altering Jewish or Moslem history to show these...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: Angels (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
w.c., I don't read that quote to be suggesting that the angels can read our minds so much as our mem...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Angels (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
I'm not sure where you find this shortcoming among Thomists, w.c. I've never come upon it. Can you...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Angels (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
I really like the old instructional manuals that were given to educate priests prior to Vatican II, ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Emergent Church (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Good topic, Grace. I have a couple of spiritual directees who are quite enamored with Emergent Chur...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Is homosexuality psychopathological? (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Good summaries. Goes to show that the topic is much more complex than either side will usually ackn...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

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