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Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
All good points, Ryan. I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that the resurrection is a referen...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
- responding to Freebird's post, above:...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
I have enormous "right side" struggles, including the pain in the ribs some of you have mentioned, a...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Thanks for your sharing on this, Freebird. I had read the following by Gopi Krishna and so I was wo...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Freebird, I was speaking more about the experience of prolonged spirituo-sexual ecstacy than the K p...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Just to tell you all that I'm enjoying the sharing and exchanges, but, given the fact that I'm the o...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
All good points, w.c. I was reminded of gurus who did indeed have "high teachings" to offer, but wh...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Ryan, the excessive activity usually results in feelings of depression and what might be call "rawne...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Kundalini and sex (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Welcome Irene, and thanks for joining the discussions. It sounds like you've been around the block ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: Evidence-based psychotherapies (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Very helpful, w.c. And thanks for the tinurls. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: For women only (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Good, basic insights, there, Freebird. Nothing very controversial, imo. I think it was Voltaire wh...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: "O Death, where is your sting? (1 Corinthians 15:55) (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Good topic, Freebird. We've had a few discussions earlier, which can be found ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Non-dual awareness and Christian contemplative-mystical traditions (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
MM, read the quote you posted about reason from Dawkins you shared two posts above and then read my ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Non-dual awareness and Christian contemplative-mystical traditions (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
MM, you're ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Non-dual awareness and Christian contemplative-mystical traditions (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Freebird, I guess another way to frame some of the issues we're reflecting on, here (and elsewhere),...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Non-dual awareness and Christian contemplative-mystical traditions (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Right. So the key thing, here, is the relationship between faith and reason. Christian theology ha...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Transformation: The Love Habit (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Hi private messaging option is still open. If he has notifications checked, he'll receive notice if...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

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