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Discussion Topic  RE: Could the Religious Right be Wrong? (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
We're spending a lot of money on "social policies." That hasn't really gone down under Bush, althou...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Could the Religious Right be Wrong? (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
That's a good reflection, JB, and I think you make some good points. Things aren't as black-white, ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Spiritual experience (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
(Just to try to establish a broader perspective . . . )...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: Quotations from Transrational Consciousness (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: The Femininity of the Holy Spirit (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
That's a good point, Stephen. It's one thing to recognize the theological reality, but the human re...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: The Femininity of the Holy Spirit (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: The Femininity of the Holy Spirit (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Ditto to revkah's reflections. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Grace, I was just trying to show the different ways of looking at this issue, and the exclusivit, in...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
It might be helpful here to recall the three approaches re. religion and salvation....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
We do have a thread going on this topic ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
(Responding to the link posted by Ryan above)...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Continuing . . ....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
These are good exchanges, with several pertinent issues emerging. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
I don't understand either, w.c. And what's fascinating is that the Moslem apologists on web sites I...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
It seems to me that the crux of the matter is whether one believes the angel Gabriel passed on God's...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Welcome, ZenBlue. I think you make a very good point about intolerance and violence. Any religion ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Evaluating Islam (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Final entry of the day. ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Symtoms/Kundalini (in Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies) by Phil
Yes, things can "flare up" again, even after months of stability, and so one eventually learns of th...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Kundalini Issues and Spiritual Emergencies

Discussion Topic  RE: God's Politics (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
I came across an article citing Jim Wallis' belief that both the President of the U.S. and Iran are ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: Dialogue and Proclamation (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Hmmm. I don't know what exactly I said there, Jacques, but the rejection of an opportunity for expl...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

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