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Discussion Topic  RE: God within? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Sure, Jacques. It's OK to pray to any/all of the Persons or just to God with the focus within or ou...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: God within? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Well, sure, Jacques. It's all-for-One-and-One-for-All with the Persons of the Trinity. I was speak...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: God within? (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Sure, that makes sense, Jacques. God is both within and beyond. Usually we think of the Father as ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  The bodily resurrection of Jesus (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Run -- don't walk -- to read Jim Arraj's new book on the resurrection....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Enlightenment and Christian Spirituality (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
I've been occupied with other pursuits the past few days and so am only catching up on things. This...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: Perspectives on spirituality (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
No problem, Thomas. The opening post notes the reference to Daniel Helminiak's work; he's a former ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Perspectives on spirituality (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Ajoy, most of the questions you raise have threads ongoing. Use the search link at the top right of...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Perspectives on spirituality (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Hi Caneman. Good to hear from you again....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Recovery Spirituality (in Christian Spirituality Issues) by Phil
Katy et al, see also ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Spirituality Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: J. Apophatic Meditation Methods (in Contemplative Practice Support) by Phil
Caneman, it could well be some kind of subtle/psychic energy intensification. That's not unusual wh...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Contemplative Practice Support

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
I agree, HP. One can affirm the reality of the mystical body of Christ extending beyond explicit ma...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Good points, Jacques. As you know from previous discussions, I'm an "inclusivist" rather than exclu...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
I hear you, Shasha. The "structure" of the experience is the same, but the relational partner diffe...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Just to remind you, dear group, that we have another whole forum devoted to kundalini issues, wherei...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
Yes, Ajoy, I think I know what people are talking about when they refer to non-dual experiences. I ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: From False Gods to Christ (in Transformative Experiences) by Phil
There's been lots written by Christian practitioners of Zen during the past few decades. E.g....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Transformative Experiences

Discussion Topic  RE: HIS ACHIEVEMENT ARE WE (in Book and Movie Reviews) by Phil
I think the post and thread topic are OK for now, even though rodger is obviously using the forum to...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Book and Movie Reviews

Discussion Topic  RE: Fundamentalism gone awry (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Ah well . . . ...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

Discussion Topic  RE: Staying alive thanks to the Internet -- in Iraq (in Health and Wellness Issues) by Phil
Wow, that's a sad situation. I'd heard the terrorists and insurgents were making use of google maps...... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Health and Wellness Issues

Discussion Topic  RE: The Church: The Incarnate Body of Christ (in Christian Morality and Theology) by Phil
Some studies do show a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia....... > Shalom Place Community > Shalom Place Discussion Groups > Christian Morality and Theology

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