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#200 – THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS – Jeremiah White (1613-72 A.D) “God’s love demands that all punishment be reformative, Divine punishment is both good in itself, because everything that God does is good, and good for those being punished, because God loves His creation” | ||||
#201 – BIBLE THREATENINGS EXPLAINED – John Wesley Hanson http://www.tentmaker.org/books...eningsExplained.html “Passages of Scripture Sometimes Quoted to Prove Endless Punishment Shown to Teach Consequences of Limited Duration, showing that Christian universalism, or ultimate reconciliation is the true Biblical doctrine.” Arguably, this is the most helpful link on the internet for people who want to believe that the Bible, (literally, not interpretively) translated, teaches universal salvation, not eternal torment, or even annihilation. | ||||
#202 - AIÓN – AIÓNIOS – (“shown to denote limited duration”) John Wesley Hanson http://www.tentmaker.org/books/Aion_lim.html The etymology of the Greek word aionios does not contain the meaning of everlasting. “THE VOCABULARY OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT (edited by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan) is helpful. Concerning aionios we read, “In general, the word depicts that of which the horizon is not in view . . .” (p.16). If the horizon of the extermination spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 1:9 is simply not in view, then we can see that what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:22 can truly occur. The same all who are dying in Adam, which includes some who incur eonian extermination, can indeed eventually be vivified in Christ. The Bible, in fact, does not speak of judgment and condemnation, death and destruction, hades and Gehenna, or any of these serious consequences of sin, as unending. It may refer to them as not having the end in view, but none of these fearful works of God can keep Him from achieving His will (1Tim.2:4); reconciling all through the blood of Christ’s cross (Col.1:20, and becoming All in all (1 Cor.15:28).” Dean Hough | ||||
#203 - AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF WORDS – Louis Abbott http://www.tentmaker.org/books/asw/index.html Regarding the words translated “forever and ever.” “There are several analogous expressions in the Scriptures which should show the meaning of the words under discussion. In Ex. 26:33 (LXX), tou hagiou ton hagion, "in the holy of the holies." This is similar to the "eon of the eons" of Eph. 3:21. In IKings 8:6 (LXX) we see, eis ta hagia ton hagion, for “the holies of the holies" - similar to "eons of the eons." The "holy of the holies" and "holies of the holies" refer to the tabernacle. Psalm 44:7 says, ho thronos sou ho theos, eis ton aiona tou aionos, "Thy throne, O God, is for the eon of eon"-similar to Heb. 1:8. Daniel 7:18: "until eon of the eons" and similar to that of Eph. 3:21, where a singular is followed by a plural, "eon of the eons." In these expressions we see the eons corresponding to the holies in the tabernacle. While there are many different teachings on the types in the Tabernacle of Moses, it should not be too difficult to see that there were at least five divisions: (1) without the camp; (2) in the camp; (3) in the court; (4) in the holy place; and (5) in the holy of holies. These may be likened to the five eons we find in the Scriptures (past eons, present eon, future eons). The last eon is called the "eon of the eons," because it, like the "holy of holies," is the climax of the others. In Hebrews chapter 9, the Greek text of Nestle reads (margin v. 25), eis ta hagia ton hagion, "into the holies of the holies," and (v. 3), hagia hagion, "holies of holies." Just as the two holy places in the tabernacle are called the holies of holies, so the last two eons are often called the eons of the eons. As the tabernacle illustrated man's approach to God, it corresponds closely with the eonian times, which also brings man to God. The "holy of holies" was a single holy place. The "eon of eons," a single eon. It was the pre-eminence of the "holy of holies," in relation to the other holy places, which caused it to be so designated. So the pre-eminence of the "eon of the eons" lies in its being the fruitage and harvest of previous eons. The same is true of the "holies of the holies" of Heb. 9:25. They may be likened to the "eons of the eons" of Rev. 11:15; 22:5.” | ||||
#204 – A MESSAGE FROM GARY AMIRAULT (owner of the TENTMAKER website) http://www.tentmaker.org/ http://lovewins.us/ http://what-the-hell-is-hell.com/ “Hell is a myth! Jesus Christ saves all mankind. That is the growing view of Bible scholars, translators and Bible publishers. Hell is leaving the pages of many Bible translations. Bible scholars and church historians are acknowledging that early Christians were taught by Jesus and the apostles that ALL mankind would ultimately be saved. Discover how the heathen concept of Hell crept into the church and then on to the pages of many Bible translations. Tentmaker Ministries website contains hundreds of articles and books explaining how this happened and its horrible effect on mankind. We also make available many other resources for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry. Experience your heavenly Father's unfailing love for you. Be set free from the fear that you or a loved one may be eternally damned to Hell.” Gary Amirault, Tentmaker Ministries | ||||
#205 - UNIVERSAL SALVATION UNIVERSITY http://richardwaynegarganta.co...iversalsalvation.htm An excellent website expounding Christian Biblical Universalism | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #1 Sooner or later “God will have all men to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4) It is God’s “pleasure” that all mankind be saved. And “God is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:11). Change it to read “in accord with the counsel of what He wants” if you like. Because God says "My counsel shall stand. I will do all my pleasure (the saving of all mankind is part of the pleasure that God wants) Yea I have spoken it. I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it. I will also do it." Isaiah 46:10,11 Job 23:13 “But He stands alone, and who can oppose Him? He does whatever he pleases. (the saving of all mankind is part of what He wants that pleases Him). Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (the saving of all mankind is part of all of which God desires or wants) So we see God does all His pleasure, He does whatever He pleases, and His word accomplishes that which He desires. His pleasure, that which He desires and pleases Him is what He wants. His will = What He wants What does He want? THE SALVATION OF ALL MANKIND Why will it happen? Because God Himself will see to it that it gets done. Any cooperation towards our salvation is the result, not the cause of God laying hold on us by His saving grace and causing Jesus to be "choice" in our heart, just like it was in the case of Lydia and Saul of Tarsus. | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #2 Everyone who is cast into the lake of fire which is the second death will be saved out of it. Greek scholar William Barclay wrote concerning kolasis aionion (age-during corrective chastisement) in Matthew 25:46 "The Greek word for punishment is kolasis, which was not originally an ethical word at all. It originally meant the pruning of trees to make them grow better. There is no instance in Greek secular literature where kolasis does not mean remedial punishment. It is a simple fact that in Greek kolasis always means remedial punishment. God's punishment is always for man's cure." See what other Greek scholars say about it too. AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF WORDS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/asw/Chapter11.html Fifteen literally translated (not interpretively translated) Bibles that reveal what God will do with the sinners in Matthew 25:46 Concordant Literal, Young’s literal, Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott, Rotherham’s Emphasized, Scarlett’s, J.W. Hanson’s New Covenant, Twentieth Century, Ferrar Fenton, The Western New Testament, Weymouth’s (unedited), Clementson’s, The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed, The Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible, Bullinger’s Companion Bible margins, Jonathan Mitchell’s translation (2010). Regarding the meaning of aionios, many Greek scholars agree with John Wesley Hanson. AIÓN – AIÓNIOS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/Aion_lim.shtml SEE THE SCHOLARS CORNER THE CENTER FOR BIBLE STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM http://www.tentmaker.org/ScholarsCorner.html | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #3 GRACE OVERWHELMS What I perceive to be a basic issue. People who don't think salvation is 100% by God, not just 100% “provided” by God like to be in the hands of their own "free" will. That is where they feel most secure. IMO, that is a basic difference between ETers and URs. Just like in the case of Lydia (whose heart the Lord opened, Acts 16:14) and Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:1-8), our cooperation to be saved is the result, not the cause, of God laying hold on us by His sovereign grace and causing Jesus to be "choice" in our heart. The timing of the salvation of everyone is under God's sovereign control, some sooner, the rest later. HIS ACHIEVEMENT ARE WE - James Coram CHOOSING WHAT IS CHOICE biblical studies: His Achievement Are We - Part 9 - Choosing What Is Choice http://www.concordant.org/expo...sAchievement009.html "No one to whom Christ is not yet choice can choose Christ. And Christ cannot be choice to anyone to whom He has not yet been made choice. When He is made choice He becomes choice and so is choice; or to say the same thing, He is chosen. This first act of the believer in which Christ is consciously chosen, is merely a consequence of his new mental preference which has been graciously granted to him by God." | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #4 ARMINIAN ETERNAL TORMENT BELIEF VERSUS CALVINIST ETERNAL TORMENT BELIEF ARMINIAN ET BELIEF - It's as if God says “Unless you are lucky enough to find out about my son during this lifetime, and even if you are that lucky, if you don’t have the good sense to cooperate with my son properly before you die, then I am going to raise you from the dead and I will sustain you alive in an inescapable state of eternal torment forever.” Christ's apparent mission: To save from eternal torment only those who are lucky enough to hear about Jesus before they die, and also are smart enough to properly cooperate with Him before they die. CALVINIST ET BELIEF - It's as if God says "Since there is nothing you can do about it because you are totally depraved and you are not one of the elect, it is obvious that I created most of you for the purpose of torturing you forever. However, I am going to choose a few of you to go to heaven where you will be happy forever." Christ's apparent mission: To let everyone suffer eternal torment without any say in the matter, except the few He rescues by His irresistible grace. Robert Southy (1774 -1843) wrote, “In the worst and bloodiest idolatry that ever defiled the earth, there is nothing so horrid, so monstrous, and so impious as Calvinism.” UNIVERSAL RECONCILIATION BELIEF (mine) – God says “Sooner or later, because of what Christ accomplished by His death and resurrection, I am going to save all of you from everything from which you need to be saved, including your stubborn will.” Christ's scriptural mission: 'And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world' (1John 4:14). I worship a Jesus Who will be completely successful in accomplishing the reason why His Father sent Him. Christ was prophesied to take away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29), so how then can a sinless world suffer everlasting punishment in the lake of fire?! How absurd! Christ is the Saviour of the world (Jn. 4:42; 1Jn. 4:14), and He will save it!" My advice, don't put your faith in your faith. Your faith may, and probably will be misplaced from time to time, especially if you are having faith in your self. Put your faith in Jesus Christ instead, because even if He casts you into the lake of fire which is the second death it will include the age-during corrective chastisement that He has promised to everyone who needs it. | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #5 A.E. KNOCH One of the great Christian Biblical Universalist of the last century was A.E. Knoch. My attitude towards the frequent threats of believers in eternal torment is summed up beautifully by his response. An eternal torment critic said "Mr. Knoch and his colleagues will yet have to answer to God for so defiantly opposing the plain teachings of God's holy word." In reply A.E. Knoch wrote: "Let me assure our brother, beloved by the Lord, that we fully expect to answer to God for all our acts, and will rejoice to see all that is not of God destroyed by the fiery test of that day. But such threats do not alarm us in the least. We know a God of transcendent grace. It is only natural for one who thinks Him capable of tormenting His own creatures eternally, to seek to follow His example, and torture His servants here and now. Indeed, it would be strange if it were not so. The character of the God you worship will determine your ways and your words. We trust it will be so with us also, for we would delight to be like Him. Hence, we do not threaten you with His wrath, but commend you to His grace. Perhaps no sin can be so great as to distort His words and defame His character. But His grace is superbly sufficient, His love is lavish in its long-suffering. It never lapses, but looks longingly for the reconciliation which is the justification and crown of all His ways with His creatures. So, as we close with the absolute certainty of a reconciliation between us, we anticipate it on our part and throw all enmity aside. We are conciliated no matter what you do. We recall with joy and satisfaction the great truth that, by God's grace, it is impossible for you to enter into condemnation, no matter how much you may offend Him (Rom.8:1) and the still greater truth that we are saved for grace (Eph.2:8). While your words and ways have seemed to us to be offensively unlike His, this only gives greater ground for grace. This of itself justifies them, for grace must have a foil. We close, then, with a prayer for such an outpouring of His grace on your own head as will force you to feel the affection which is found in Him for all the creatures of His hand and heart." A.E. Knoch | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #6 AION -- AIONIOS In the first three chapters of Ephesians, (a key book regarding God’s plan for man relative to the fullness of the times) aion is used seven times. And out of those seven, the KJV has chosen five different English words (“ages,” “course,” “end,” “eternal,” and “world.”) to translate this one word. And to add to this confusion, it translates the Greek word genea (generation), a totally different word, twice as “ages.” Talk about confusion compounded! Is it any wonder the church has been blinded from God’s truth about the purpose of His judgments and His eonian plan to save all fallen creatures?! Simply put, the Scriptures do not take up the philosophical concept of eternity, but rather speak of eons and that which pertains to them. Of course God’s glory exceeds the eons, but His glory is reflected by His Son during the eons as they are presented in Scripture. No two words in the history of man have been so torturing as aion and aionion. No two words in the history of man, mishandled by man, have contributed more to the physical, emotional and spiritual harm of so many, than these. You may think I must be exaggerating. But I am not. It is the mistranslation of these two words that has foisted the false and destructive doctrine of eternal torment upon the church and the world. Mistranslation of the Greek words "aion" and “aionion” is a master stroke of diabolical genius. No other words erroneously translated, could more effectively pervert man’s image of God and cause such widespread confusion. The following work by Joseph E. Kirk is offered in the hope that the serious seeker after scriptural truth will be aided in their quest. CHART OF GOD’S PLAN FOR THE AGES OF TIME THE EONS OF THE BIBLE WITH CONCORDANCE http://www.saviourofall.org/Tracts/Eons2.html Also see AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF WORDS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/asw/index.html (especially note the quotes by the many Greek scholars in chapters three and twelve) AIÓN -- AIÓNIOS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/Aion_lim.html The etymology of the Greek word aionios does not contain the meaning of everlasting. | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #7 ALL IN ALL – A.E. Knoch A.E. Knoch’s book ALL IN ALL Richard Condon’s detailed rebuttal of Don Hewey’s criticisms of A.E Knoch’s ALL IN ALL can be read at http://www.tentmaker.org/contending.htm They are the very same arguments he used against A. C. Thomas and E. H. Lake. Regarding the book ALL IN ALL by A.E. Knoch. In spite of the claim that there are contradictions in it, and in spite of “cult-buster” Don Hewey’s other attempts to discredit it, (arguments to which Richard Condon has responded), ALL IN ALL remains, in my opinion, one of the best of all the many books that I have read in support of the Bible teaching universal transformation. Don Hewey is a believer in the inspiration of the King James Version. When he accuses A.E. Knoch of "contradicting the Bible," in many cases what he really means is that A.E. Knoch contradicts the KJV, because the Concordant Translation does not rely on the Received Text from which the KJV was translated. Don Hewey therefore also attacks the RSV, the NIV, and other modern translations. For this reason much of what Don writes just doesn't make any sense. As far as Knoch calling the life that Lazarus will be raised to as it being eonian and unending, it is both. Lazarus will have unending life and that life will allow him to live through the oncoming eons which is called '"eonian life." But even if Don Hewey’s criticisms had any merit, (and Richard Condon proves they don’t), they would still not detract from the fact that this book proves that the Bible teaches universal salvation, not eternal torment, or even annihilation. Richard Condon’s detailed rebuttal of Don Hewey’s criticisms of ALL IN ALL can be read at http://www.tentmaker.org/contending.htm They are the very same arguments he used against A. C. Thomas and E. H. Lake. ALL IN ALL by A.E. Knoch (222 pages) Concordant Publishing Concern http://www.concordant.org/ Introduction: “The blood of Christ is the basis of all blessing. The purpose of God determines human destiny. It does not depend on our deserts. The plan or process of God during the eons or ages must be distinguished from His purpose which will not be fully accomplished until the eons are past. Herein lies the difference between the teaching of the Scriptures and the accepted creeds of Christendom. The believer suffers in the current era because of sin, but will be released in the resurrection at the presence of Christ. The unbeliever will have affliction and anguish for his sins in the judgment, but he also becomes reconciled to God at the consummation, through the blood of Christ’s cross. (Col.1-20). Universal reconciliation is the glorious goal toward which all leads. All of God’s purpose is achieved through Him Who is the Alpha and the Omega (Rev.1:8). “In Him the entire complement delights to dwell, and through Him [God delights] to reconcile all to Him (making peace through the blood of His cross), through him, whether those on the earth or those in the heavens” (Col.1:19,20) The terms translated “forever” and “everlasting” and “never” are human perversions which could never have deceived us if they had been consistently rendered. They denote definite divisions of time called ages or eons. All together they form a distinct portion of time called eonian times. Much in our common creeds is true if confined within the eons, but it is most malignant error when forced beyond the eons. Since judgment is not eternal, but eonian, we may accept all the solemn threats of death and condemnation without reservation, while happily exulting in God’s grand goal to which all His labors lead: that God may be All in All (1Cor.15:28).” ALL IN ALL can be read on the internet here Copy and paste the following url into the server address bar or click on http://www.lighthouselibrary.c...6&searchfor=||KNOCH, ADOLPH E||&type=&what=author | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #8 ARGUMENTS I believe that the Bible teaches that sooner or later God is going to save everyone from everything from which they need to be saved, including their stubborn will. Everyone will choose to believe whatever they are convinced is the truth about what the Bible teaches. I’m just so glad that I learned about the following information because it enabled me to recover from a twelve year nervous breakdown (1966-78). I’m 73 years old now. People who can love an “eternal torment” or “annihilationist” god will not be interested in the following information Will Jesus Torture Billions Forever? http://www.godfire.net/eby/circularity.html But people who cannot love an “eternal torment” or “annihilationist” god will discover that all of the arguments against the Bible teaching universal salvation have been refuted in the following links. Copy and paste one of the following titles into Google THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD SERIES http://www.godfire.net/eby/saviour_of_the_world.html ABSOLUTE ASSURANCE IN JESUS CHRIST http://www.sigler.org/slagle/absolute.htm BIBLE THREATENINGS EXPLAINED http://www.tentmaker.org/books...eningsExplained.html FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS http://www.tentmaker.org/FAQ/index.html INFORMATION ON HELL AND UNIVERSAL SALVATION http://www.tentmaker.org/bloglinks.htm UNIVERSAL SALVATION UNIVERSITY http://richardwaynegarganta.co...iversalsalvation.htm AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF WORDS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/asw/index.html THE EONS OF THE BIBLE WITH CONCORDANCE http://www.saviourofall.org/Tracts/Eons2.html THE SCHOLARS CORNER THE CENTER FOR BIBLE STUDIES IN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM http://www.tentmaker.org/ScholarsCorner.html Also Google up TENTMAKER, and at the top of the front page type a key word or phrase from any argument or scripture passage into the search engine. Ten articles will come up refuting the claim that the Bible teaches eternal torment or annihilation. Then click to the next page and ten more articles will come up, and so on and so on for many pages. The link to TENTMAKER is http://www.tentmaker.org/ | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #9 If you cannot love an eternal torment god For the first 500 years after Christ, universalism was the prevailing doctrine believed and taught by the Christian church. Universalism The Prevailing Doctrine Of The Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years http://hellbusters.8m.com/updcontents.html The author, J.W. Hanson wrote “The purpose of this book is to present the evidence of the prevalence in the early centuries of the Christian church, of the doctrine of the final holiness of all mankind. The author believes that the following pages show that Universal Restitution was the faith of the early Christians for at least the First Five Hundred Years of the Christian era. He has aimed to present irrefragable proofs that the doctrine of Universal Salvation was the prevalent sentiment of the primitive Christian church. The salient statements and facts in all which will be found in these pages show that the most and ablest of the early fathers found the deliverance of all mankind from sin and sorrow specifically revealed in the Christian Scriptures.” And they were reading the Bible in its original language! TRACING UNIVERSALIST THOUGHT THROUGH CHURCH HISTORY Well known Christian church leaders who believed and taught Biblical universalism. Including a link to a separate list of famous people embracing Christian universalism. http://www.tentmaker.org/tracts/Universalists.html THE WRITINGS OF DOZENS OF TEACHERS OF CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL UNIVERSALISM THE MAIN LIBRARY AND IN THE GARDEN http://web.archive.org/web/201...225/http://gtft.org/ TWO TREASURE HOUSES OF CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALIST ARTICLES http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/articles2.html http://tgulcm.tripod.com/cu/univart.html | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #10 CONSEQUENCES OF THE ETERNAL TORMENT DOCTRINE I’m 73 years old. The idea that God lets anyone suffer forever has caused me more suffering, including a twelve year nervous breakdown 1966-78, than all the other sufferings of my life combined. This suffering was caused by the fear produced by not being able to love a god who would let anyone suffer forever and wondering what this god would do to me for not being able to love him. Even though I was and am trusting for my salvation in what Jesus accomplished by His death and resurrection, through the power in the blood of His cross, I was, and still am unable to love a god who would let anyone suffer forever. Here are testimonies similar to mine. http://www.tentmaker.org/articles/hells_fruit.html http://greater-emmanuel.org/Ho...ou/consequences.html If you are like me and cannot love a god who would let anyone suffer forever, you can copy and paste (if necessary) the following urls into the address bar and find out that a literally (not interpretively) translated Bible actually teaches universal salvation, not even annihilation. Copy and paste into Google THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD SERIES – J. Preston Eby If necessary, copy and paste the following urls into the address bar. http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...orld/circularity.htm At the top and bottom of that same THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD page, there is the following link to fourteen other writings in the same series that deal with the many aspects of this same subject. http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...-the-world/index.htm | ||||
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I understand your struggle, Roger. That really is a tough one, especially since most ignorance of God seems to be out of innocence. One can only hope and trust in God's mercy -- not just for oneself, but for all. | |||
Thanks Phil! FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #11 The meaning of words that have been translated as “eternal”, “forever”, “incurable” in the scriptures Sodom's fiery judgment is "eternal" (Jude 7)--until--God "will restore the fortunes of Sodom" 16:53-55). Israel's "affliction is incurable" (Jer. 30:12)-until--the Lord "will restore health" and heal her wounds (Jer. 30:17). The sin of Samaria "is incurable" (Mic. 1:9)-until-- Lord "will restore ... the fortunes of Samaria." (Ez. 16:53). An Ammonite or Moabite is forbidden to enter the Lord's congregation "forever"-until--the tenth generation (Deut. 23:3): Habakkuk tells us of mountains that were "everlasting", that is -until-- they "were shattered" Hab. 3 3:6). The Aaronic Priesthood was to be an "everlasting" priesthood (Ex. 40:15), that is-until-it was superseded by the Melchizedek Priesthood (Hebrews 7:14-18). Many translations of the Bible inform us that God would dwell in Solomon's Temple "forever" (1 Kings 8:13), that is,--until the Temple was destroyed. The Law of Moses was to be an "everlasting covenant" (Leviticus 24:8) yet we read in the New Covenant the first was "done away" and "abolished" (2 Corinthians 3:11,13), and God "made the first old" (Hebrews 8:13). God's waves of wrath roll over Jonah "forever"-until--the Lord delivers him from the large fish's belly on the third day (Jonah 2:6,10; 1: 17); Egypt and Elam will "rise no more" (Jer. 25:27)-until--the Lord will "restore the fortunes of Egypt" (Ez. 29:14) and "restore the fortunes of Elam" (Jer. 49:39). "Moab is destroyed" (Jer. 48:4, 42)-until--the Lord "will restore the fortunes of Moab" (Jer. 48:47). Israel's judgment lasts "forever"-until--the Spirit is poured out and God restores it (Isa. 32:13-15). So, narrow is the way to life and few find it-until-- His church confiscates the "strong man's" booty, setting the captives free so God becomes all in all (Isa. 61, Luke 11:21-22, Matt. 7:13; 16:18, 1 Cor. 15:24-28). The King James Bible, as well as many others, tells us that a bondslave was to serve his master "forever" (Exodus 21:6), that is,--until--his death. | ||||
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A lot of that is metaphor and hyperbole, Roger. I read over some of the links about hell you posted above and there's a significant difference in Catholic teaching on this topic. For one thing, we don't believe that God sends anyone to Hell, nor that God does anything to punish them. Hell is the state of those who completely reject God, and so there is nothing a loving God can do about that as God does not over-ride our freedom. A soul that is closed to God does not want God, and this absence of God is what constitutes Hell. - see http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p123a12.htm beginning with #1033. It also seemed that some of those pages you posted held to an exclusivist Christology -- that only those who believed in Jesus were to be saved. That's not what Catholics believe, however. We believe that the life and activity of the risen Christ and his Holy Spirit extends beyond the Christian religion to the whole cosmos, and that even people from non-Christian religions can be saved through following the guidance of the Spirit in their conscience. - see point #16 in Lumen gentium, a teaching of the Second Vatican Council http://www.vatican.va/archive/...umen-gentium_en.html So God's grace and mercy are very wide indeed, and God wills that no one go to Hell. Those who close themselves off completely to God will suffer the consequences of this rejection, and it seems to me that the strong language used in Scripture and by certain mystics and visionaries is intended to stress this point. Most likely the consequence is to dwell with other humans, angels and even other life forms who have rejected God -- a realm characterized by control, power, selfishness, and, yes, cruelty. That's the law of their being, however. I am completely confident that if there is a way for God to get through to a human being, God will do so. I think it's probably very difficult to completely reject God. Even a silent gesture of "Help" directed toward God during the dying process is probably enough to allow salvific grace to take hold. That's why, I'm sure, we have the story of the so-called "good thief" on the cross next to Jesus. | |||
Thank you Phil for expressing your point of view. FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #14 GOD’S PLAN FOR THE AGES OF TIME While the elect are enjoying life eonian, the non-elect will experience kolasis eonian which means age-during corrective chastisement. When the corrective chastisement has been achieved in everyone who needs it, then both life eonian and chastisement eonian will come to an end and eternity will continue with everyone saved from everything from which they need to be saved, including their stubborn will. A snippet from GOD’S PLAN FOR THE AGES OF TIME "During the present wicked eon (Gal.1:4), Sin reigns, Satan who is said to be “the god of this eon” (2 Cor.4:4) blinds and deceives mankind, and death swallows up the race (1 Cor.15:22). But notwithstanding, God is over all and is in supreme control. He is the eonian God. In due time He will deliver the entire creation and bring good out of all the suffering mankind is called upon to endure (Rom.8;18-23)." GOD’S PLAN FOR THE AGES OF TIME THE EONS OF THE BIBLE WITH CONCORDANCE http://www.saviourofall.org/Tracts/Eons2.html Many Greek scholars agree with John Wesley Hanson AIÓN -- AIÓNIOS http://www.tentmaker.org/books/Aion_lim.html SEE THE SCHOLAR’S CORNER FOR THE STUDY OF BIBLICAL UNIVERSALISM http://www.tentmaker.org/ScholarsCorner.html THE EONS http://martinzender.com/Zenderature/the_eons.htm THE EONS http://www.hbci.com/~billstei/hae/aionverses.pdf | ||||
You've been posting here for a while Rodger. How about a little more interaction with what Phil has written, rather than simply posting more quotes. | ||||
I'm not sure what you mean Jacques. Phil didn't ask me any questions. He stated his point of view, and I respect his right to express his point of view. | ||||
FROM THE DOCUMENTS OF RODGER TUTT #16 WHAT I WISH I HAD KNOWN DURING MY YOUTH --- How I recovered from a 12 year nervous breakdown (1966-78) My name is Rodger Tutt. I am 74 years old. I could have avoided a horrific twelve year nervous breakdown (1966-78) had I known as a youth about the following information concerning what a correctly (literally, not interpretively) translated Bible teaches. BOOKS THAT SHOW THAT THE BIBLE TEACHES UNIVERSAL SALVATION, THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF WHICH CAN BE READ ONLINE If necessary, copy and paste the following urls into your browser address bar. 0. ABSOLUTE ASSURANCE IN JESUS CHRIST – Charles Slagle http://www.tentmaker.org/books...in-Jesus-Christ.html 1. HOPE BEYOND HELL - Gerry Beauchemin (recently published) http://tentmaker.org/books/hope_beyond_hell.pdf 2. CHRIST TRIUMPHANT - Thomas Allin http://www.tentmaker.org/books/ChristTriumphant.htm 3. THE BIBLE HELL - J.W. Hanson http://www.tentmaker.org/books/TheBibleHell.html 4. THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT – Thomas Thayer http://www.tentmaker.org/books/OriginandHistory.html 5. THE OUTCOME OF INFINITE GRACE – Dr. Loyal Hurley http://www.tentmaker.org/books/infinitegrace.htm 6. JUST WHAT DO YOU MEAN "HELL" - J. Preston Eby http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...f-the-world/hell.htm 7. ONE HUNDRED SCRIPTURAL PROOFS THAT JESUS CHRIST WILL SAVE ALL MANKIND - Thomas Whittemore http://www.tentmaker.org/books/ScripturalProofs.html 8. TWENTY-FOUR SERMONS ON UNIVERSAL SALVATION – John Bovee Dods http://www.tentmaker.org/Bovee2.htm#Top 9. THE SECOND DEATH AND THE RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS – Andrew Jukes http://www.tentmaker.org/restitutionindex.htm 10. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY REASONS FOR BELIEVING IN THE FINAL SALVATION OF ALL MANKIND – Erasmus Manford http://www.tentmaker.org/books/150reasons.html 11. THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS – J. Patching http://www.tentmaker.org/books...azarus-Patching.html 12. BIBLE TRANSLATIONS THAT DO NOT TEACH ETERNAL TORMENT – Gary Amirault http://www.tentmaker.org/books/GatesOfHell.html 13. AION – AIONIOS – John Wesley Hanson http://www.tentmaker.org/books/Aion_lim.html 14. BIBLE THREATENINGS EXPLAINED – John Wesley Hanson http://www.tentmaker.org/books...eningsExplained.html 15. THE CASE OF JUDAS, ETCETERA - Louis Abbott http://www.tentmaker.org/books/asw/Chapter16.html 16. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL – John Essex AND THE ROLE OF THE ADVERSARY – James Webb http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...heProblemofEvil.html 17. HIS ACHIEVEMENT ARE WE – James Coram http://concordant.org/expohtml...hievement/index.html 18. THE RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS – Andrew Jukes http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/jukes2.html 19. THE RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS – George Hawtin http://www.godfire.net/restitutionHawtin.html 20. THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD SERIES – J. Preston Eby http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...-the-world/index.htm ESPECIALLY THIS ONE IN THAT SERIES http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...orld/circularity.htm 21. THE PURPOSE OF EVIL – A.P. Adams http://thegloryrd.com:80/apadams/evil.html 22. TEN REASONS NOT TO BELIEVE THE TEACHING OF ETERNAL TORTURE - Thomas Kissinger http://www.completerestoration...org/reasons-not.html 23. IS HELL ETERNAL OR WILL GOD’S PLAN FAIL? – Charles Pridgeon http://www.archive.org/stream/...ft#page/n13/mode/2up 24. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL AND THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD – A.E. Knoch http://www.concordant.org/expo...lemOfEvil/index.html 25. GOD’S EONIAN PURPOSE http://www.gtft.org/Library/lo...sEonianPurpose00.htm - Adlai Loudy 26. THE TRUE BASIS OF REDEMPTION – A.P. Adams http://www.tentmaker.org/artic...emption-APAdams.html 27. TWO TREASURE HOUSES OF CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALIST ARTICLES http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/articles2.html http://tgulcm.tripod.com/cu/univart.htmlThis message has been edited. Last edited by: rodgertutt, | ||||
"FOR WHO HATH RESISTED HIS WILL" – K. ROSS MCKAY "Because of their past teaching in the tradition of man, many will argue that man's own will shall prevent the fulfilling of God's own stated will. But according to God's word of truth wherein He cannot lie, He shall mercifully prove them to be wrong. Fortunately for mankind, God works ALL things, including man's destiny, after the counsel of His own will, and always, what His soul desires, even that He does (Job 23:13). Believe it or not, God's intimate sovereign control is absolute and universal in scope (Job 3:7), even to the extent of man's delusions (2Thes. 1:11; Is. 66:4; Jer. 6:19). This is notably evident in the church's delusion – that God cannot successful influence the human will unless we let Him. But God has absolute control over the extent of success to which His word reaches and changes others, even to the extent of controlling what that word means to each individual (Is. 29:14; Matt. 13:11; 19:11). It is a prophetic fact, predetermined, willed, divinely promised, and assured by the word of our faithful God Who in fact 'WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED' (1Tim. 2:4), This is true not only because 'HE IS THE SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN' (1Tim. 4:10), and not just of the first fruits whom He now specially causes to believe, but also because of the truth that 'HE IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH or be rendered unfit for the ultimate pleasure of His will (Rev. 4:11; Eph. 1:5,9; Col. 1:19,20), for 'IT IS NOT OF HIM WHO IS WILLING, NOR OF HIM WHO RUNS, BUT OF GOD (Rom. 9:16). | ||||
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