"Every Saint has a Past, Every Sinner has a Future"
This is the tag line for an upcoming movie directed by Roland Joffe, the director who brought us "The Mission." Set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War (1930's), Dragons tells the story of two childhood friends who became separated during the political conflict to find themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. One chooses the path of peace and becomes a priest while the other chooses the life of a soldier driven by jealousy and revenge. Each will struggle to find the power of forgiveness over the forces that tore their lives and friendship apart.
This movie offers a great counterbalance to the horrific depiction of priests as seen in such movies as "The Da Vinci Code."
I neglected to share the most important point of this movie is that it's about St. Josemaria Escriva. He started Opus Dei and is referred to as the "Saint of Ordinary Life." Here's a 7-minute clip about him in the center of this website.
Also there be Dragons is an upcoming movie and I'd seen the trailer of the movie, it was amazing. I'm planning to watch There Be Dragons movie this weekend.