The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello, everyone. I just want to share some experiences with Kundalini that have been quite challanging and as I mentioned in an earlier post, impossible to ignore. I began meditating (TM) at age 19. Mostly for stress reasons. It helped greatly. Practiced for three years and then stopped. For the next 15 years I meditated on and off. In my 30's, I spent three years in therapy and several years after that doing various types mens work to resolve relationship and Father/son issues. It was toward the end of this time that I really began to feel a peace that I had not felt for many years. I knew that I wanted more and eventually I felt a stong pull to start meditating again. So I started to experiment with Monroe OB techniques for about a year. Quickly realized that was not the direction for me. Then evenually, got involved with a western guru Master Charles. Spent time at his ashram, received his energy transmissions,etc. From the very start I could feel energy movement in my body. I really did not understand what was happening at first. I soon learned that it was called Kundalini. For about the next six years, during meditation I would be shaken,vibrated,pulled into yogic positons, pushed around my room, lifted up, lots of visual stuff, states of incredable bliss and so on. This energy seemed to be very intense. About two years ago, something inside seem to direct me to stop using all his techniques and to move away from his influence. At that time also began ready the works of Solomae. At first I did not like her teachings, to much Jesus,to much Christianity for me. But for some reason I just couldn't stop reading her work.(It was at this time I also began to have many psychic attacks/scary visual entities at night from astral relms,I was told,in my room several times a week) I knew something was changing in me, but I was resisting at every turn. Then one day after ready Solomae's latest book The Narrow Path. I walked up to my room closed my door and walked over to my collection of Tibetan bowls and suddenly something hit me. As if a huge piece of my self that I knew so well seemed to suddenly vanish. I could not identify with anything in the room. All of my sacred bowls, all my Eastern symbols, everything that had so much meaning for me. It was all gone,somehow inside me. I was stunned and scared. For three days I was not myself,I wasn't sure who I was. I knew at that point I was never going to be the same. I felt a clean or purness,and an expansive peace and love that I had not felt before. Today Jesus Christ is my soul focus and my old ways are gone. Which brings me to my present situation. The one thing that remains is this current that still runs through me. Most all of the for mentioned symtoms have subsided. The problem I am having now is the K is so great that anytime I relax, drive in my car, pray, or meditate, grunting and groaning sounds start to happen. (the abdomin tightens,and K is forced upward into my neck, forhead, and for a time there, into the crown) When I pray the sounds can be very loud. I am always on guard not to become to still or relaxed in public, for the vocalizations may occur. This has been going on for many months. When I am in our church, I have to be careful not to close my eyes in prayer or get to caught up in the service. At this time I meditate only occasionally. I have changed my eating patterns to include denser foods which helps. It seems it is just impossible to sit and pray or sit in silence without K pushing inside. Prayer with others is out of the question. Well I think I have said more than I had intended to say. I am learning to accept this and leave it in the hands of Christ. However, It can be frustrating at times. In the peace of Christ, Thank you | |||
Hi Christopher, Have you tried making time in private each day to do the spontaneous bija sounds? they work the same as spontaneous yoga postures and spontaneous pranayama....are meant to cleanse the system and to be released, not repressed. It has been my experience that if you make time to get it all out in meditation each day then they are less likely to occur in public setting. Yes, the kundalini responds quite actively to prayer, relaxation, meditation, etc...During deep acts of surrender (prayer) and stillness (meditation) the energy has more room to move through the body. Continue to relax and surrender the shakti energy to Christ - he will guide it for you. Trust, surrender, relax... | ||||
Hello Avlokita, thank you for your suggestions. "Continue to relax and surrender the shakti energy to Christ - he will guide it for you. Trust, surrender, relax... " This is going to be my stratagy at least for the near future. Also, I have cut back on my meditation and prayer (once or twice a week). So far this is helpful. I am also beginning to walk more. Something I had gotten away from for a while. Thank you In the Peace of Christ, Christopher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ||||
Dear Christopher, I am happy that you decided to open up and share some of your experiences with us. ------------------------------------------------- ...too much Jesus,too much Christianity for me. But for some reason I just couldn't stop reading her work.(It was at this time I also began to have many psychic attacks/scary visual entities at night from astral relms,I was told,in my room several times a week) I knew something was changing in me, but I was resisting at every turn. Then one day after ready Solomae's latest book The Narrow Path. I walked up to my room closed my door and walked over to my collection of Tibetan bowls and suddenly something hit me. As if a huge piece of my self that I knew so well seemed to suddenly vanish. I could not identify with anything in the room. All of my sacred bowls, all my Eastern symbols, everything that had so much meaning for me. It was all gone,somehow inside me. I was stunned and scared. For three days I was not myself,I wasn't sure who I was. I knew at that point I was never going to be the same. I felt a clean or purness,and an expansive peace and love that I had not felt before. Today Jesus Christ is my soul focus and my old ways are gone. ------------------------------------------------ Your testimony is so beautiful. Like myself, the demonic attacks you experienced occured around the time that you were considering / coming to commit to Christ and leave behind all other Eatern gurus/practices. Thank you for adding your unsolicited story to this forum. For those who don't know, Solomae's *Narrow Path* includes revelations about the forces that oppose Christ which run primarily through non-Christ-based spiritual leaders/practices. One can experience this all over: There is tremendous resistance to accepting the Supremacy and distinctivenss of Christ Jesus and the emptiness and illusions of divinity among non-Christ-based energies. The battle for your soul was won, Christopher...although the pollution into which you had waded did put up the predicted fight. I am led to pray about your concerns regarding kundalini and to get back with you in few days--perhaps in a private e-mail. with so much love and wishing you His peace, we are one through Christ who strengthens us, shasha | ||||
By the way, I, too, used to walk every day to help cope with the intense energy flowing through times, the energy just seemed to walk *me* around the neighborhood. I used to call it my 'Worship Walk' as I would invite Jesus to come with me. I would talk to Him as though He were walking with fact, my husband noticed that I was always leaving the door open behind me virtually every time I entered into the house. This annoyed him immensely and I was forced to wonder why I was doing this...then it hit me! I was so sure Christ was always walking with me that I unconsciously assumed He would close the door after me! ![]() | ||||
Thanks Shasha and Avlokita, for your very supportive words. They have been very comforting. I was a bit apprehensive at first about putting so much of myself out there. Now I am glad I did. After a very terrifying event related to k about three months back I have been wanting to reach out more and more,to gain more understanding of this process. So I am glad to be part of this on line community,there is so much to learn. "I am led to pray about your concerns regarding kundalini and to get back with you in few days--perhaps in a private e-mail." Shasha, that would be nice, thank you. "I, too, used to walk every day to help cope with the intense energy flowing through times, the energy just seemed to walk *me* around the neighborhood" Yes, this has been my experience as well. Many,many times. Walking is a necessity for me. Thank you again, Christopher | ||||
I'm glad you took the risk and shared, Christopher, and I think you've gotten some good feedback from Avlokita and Shasha. The experience you've described of an intensely active K that "moves in" during Church services, quiet times, etc. is one I can relate to. That's gotten better for me through the years, but some people I counsel with still have this problem. I'm not sure why this happens -- obviously, one has been deeply "blown open," and the full integration is not yet completed. You might check out this thread to see if there's something else you might pick up. By all means, call upon Christ and his Spirit to guide you; you're not in this alone. | ||||
Phil, I read the thread that was highlighted and i had a couple of comments about my own experiences and wondered if maybe others might have found the same things to be true. 1. one thing the list said was to avoid meat. i have actually found meat to be a great source of protein which keeps the energy grounded. i tried a vegan diet, and i thought my head was going to float away most of the time...i also would get a little motion sick. i found the more protein i eat, the better and more energy i feel. 2. Running to the local gym and practicing yoga moves or pranayama creates "too much" energy within. I am not saying this is evergyone's case, but the group of people that i work with where i live have all had bad experiences trying to sit and do a hatha yoga course. Reason being, is that these movements are meant to open different parts of the conscousness. when coupled together with an already active kundalini, this creates more phenomena because energy pathways are being connected that are too much for the body/mind to handle. Have found that it is best to stick with the spontaneous asanas, mudras, chants, breathwork, etc... that the kundalini energy moves me to do. Obviously, this is not a one size fits all prescription...but I would love to know if this has been the case for anyone else out there.?? | ||||
Christopher, reading your beautiful testimony makes me happy inside me. After reading your testimony I said Hallelujah. It is always refreshing to hear when somebody comes to Christ. Christ in claiming his children, use different channels. In your case the book of Solomae has been helpful. Phil, in the thread you refer above I read the following statement on diet: 13. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet, avoiding red meat, eggs, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, and empty calorie sweets. Eat more fruit, vegetables, brown rice, grains, nutritious pastries, cheese, milk, yogurt, tofu, and nuts. These healthy foods probably do play a vital role in producing maximum nutrition and minimum pollution to a body undergoing physiological changes. Direct after my kundalini awakened I stopped to eat precisely the type of food you enlisted above. I didn't make any effort to stop. It terminated automatically. At this time I believe the energy of kundalini is completely substituted by the energy of Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, I still don't eat meat, eggs etc. Phil, do you see change of diet in your many years expereince of kundalini? | ||||
Hello Phil,thank you. " The experience you've described of an intensely active K that "moves in" during Church services, quiet times, etc. is one I can relate to. That's gotten better for me through the years, but some people I counsel with still have this problem. *I'm not sure why this happens* -- obviously, one has been deeply "blown open," and the full integration is not yet completed." I think I know why these vocalizations are occurring. About a month ago I started to pray for some answers as to the reason for this. One night I was sitting in complete silence,no mind movement at all, then suddenly I had an impression appear in my mind of a tea pot on a stove with steam blowing out of the top. I got excited, I finally realized the sounds were acting as some sort of relief valve for the intense upward pressure that is created when the sounds occur. At one point I tried to block the sounds, I just wouldn't let them come up. I ended up with a headache. Thanks for that excellent thred you suppied. I have read that before. I have been using most of those suggestions at one time or another. They are very helpful. Thank you again for supportive words Phil. Christopher | ||||
Glad you're finding some help and support here, Christopher. The example of the tea pot boiling you gave goes to show how sometimes the process itself suggests the counsel and guidance we need. Avlokita (and Grace from another thread), I do eat meat and, like you, find it can be grounding. My exercise now consists more of lifting weights and doing mild aerobic exercises, as these seem to balance and "smooth" the energy moreso than meditative movements like hatha yoga and tai chi. Several people I know can no longer practice centering prayer, or pray with others in a group, as it stirs things up too much and they can't sleep -- sometimes for days. So it seems that the best teacher is one's consequences and the process itself, which seems to nudge us in the right directions if we pay attention to it and pray for guidance. | ||||
Hi folks, I'm not sure which k. thread to post this on, but this seems as good as any. I'd like to hear from some of you who have had a longer experience with k awakening than I have. Does it seem to ebb and flow for you? Stop and then start? I'm asking because symptopms had really quieted down for me. For the last couple of months at least, the only real symptom has been the buzzing/chirping in my ears. But now things are suddenly starting up again, especially the night waking and all of the spontaneous, jerky body movements and the feeling of just being electrically charged. The only change in my life has been attending a very intense and joyful Christian started up the first night I was there. I guess I'd like to hear more about what the k process has been long-term for some of you. This isn't freaking me out like it did when it first started 8 months ago, but it's a little disconcerting. Thanks, Revkah | ||||
Yes, things can "flare up" again, even after months of stability, and so one eventually learns of the probable causes, which can be many. It sounds like the conference you're attending has overloaded your psyche, causing an overflow of energy into what I'm increasingly calling our "metaphysical physiology." Things need to work themselves out after that happens. The usual causes are spending more time in apophatic meditation, eating certain junky foods, overly stimulating the emotions, and a few others. It varies from person to person. The positive invitation, here, is to a balanced and simple lifestyle, with a wholesome, healthy regimen of exercise and nutritious food. | ||||
Hi Revkah, Thanks for sharing about your current situation. It gives me a little of the "Oh there is someone else out there with expereces like me" response. ![]() When I was awakening at night with the spontaneous impulse to "move", I often suppressed it because I didn't want to bother my wife beside me. Sometimes I got up and went to another room before letting if flow. Once, my foot was off the bed. I let that part of my body move and only that part because it didn't shake the bed. That amused me. It was during afternoon naps, when I was alone, that I really let it flow for hours on end during the few weeks of maximum intensity. I occasionally still "move" but usually I respond in bodily stillness to that "feeling of just being electrically charged" -- a feeling I cultivate and enjoy daily these days when I meditate. A common explanation for the shift from movement to stillness is that movement helps open up energy channels in the body and once the channels are opened there is not so much need for the movement. Maybe you have some channels that still need opening. | ||||
Thanks, Ryan Oh, yeah, I can relate to the not wanting to wake up a spouse. I've spent many hours on the couch or hearth rug in the wee small hours of an active night. ![]() I've no doubt that there are energy channels that still need to be opened. It would nice to think that all of the movement has a purpose of some sort. I like to think that it is the activity of the Holy Spirit, or the body/psyche at the work of deep healing. But sometimes I wonder if I'm deluding myself. | ||||
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