The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Let's continue the discussion here. I seem to be having troubles with thread corruption--perhaps the software, I don't know but am looking into it. To view a restored version of the discussion to date, click here. Phil | |||
Phil Since I have shared all my thoughts regarding my limited theoritical knowledge of Kundalini, I won't say any more on that. Only a thought about Baptismal seal: In John's Gospel, chapters 14-17, doesn't Jesus talk about asking the Father in His Name for the Holy Spirit, for anything in fact... Can't one take Jesus on that promise and pray for the Holy Spirit, healing and whatever else, NOW, instead of relying on the Baptismal seal alone? Aren't we expected to renew our commitment to Christ everyday, instead of thinking that the Baptism shortly after birth does it all for the rest of one's life? I would not have such a fatalistic attitude towards imbalanced Kundalini. Christ can heal everything, yes even an imbalanced Kundalini. There is no need to think that one is doomed to live with it for the rest of one's life. You are right, no one can understand (as you and Linda experience) how it feels like to go around vulnerable and exposed to every movement in the energy field. It must seem like walking about without a skin to protect oneself. Linda I'm sorry if I gave Fr. Bede Griffiths the credit for a word coined by Mathew Fox. I know that Fr. Bede and Mathew Fox were great friends. I have a German translation of Mathew Fox's book, which I haven't got around to reading yet, so I have absolutely no idea about what he teaches. I only know that he was once a Catholic priest and because he angered the Vatican on some theological interpretation, he was not permitted to teach anymore. That is why he changed the denomination. Last year I asked a priest, who knows all about the vatican politics very well, how Fr. Bede managed to escape disciplinary action for his controversial views - his answer was that Fr. Bede was not important or influential enough, did not hold an official teaching post of the Catholic church, was not as 'brazen' as Mathew Fox in expressing his views! Now this is off record! ![]() | ||||
Talk about a felix culpa. The fact that this thread was corrupted drew my attention to this forum for the first time in a while. What a substantive exchange with very valuable insights has transpired recently. I hope it does get preserved here for future reference. pax, jb | ||||
I wanted to clarify a couple of points raised by priya and linda. Besides the problems of energy flow, we have been addressing the attacks that can result from Kundalini experience. There seems to be 3 threads : demonic attack human attack mental illness My experience has been of the latter two. priya says no one can have power over you unless you allow it. I think it's necessary to clarify what one means by power. Certainly no one can have control over you unless you allow it. occultists can , however, very simply, make you very ill and inconvenience any arrangements you may have made for the particular time/day they decide to attack . It can be very frustrating looking for the day that all this energy imbalance /attack goes away. Some people will even lose faith in the power of the Christ to heal and deliver. But one word which gives the notion of healing a different slant , and confers true empowerment is victory. This, sometimes, during the storm means simply detaching yourself emotionally and mentally from the assault . Chanting, prayer ,whatever doesn't act as some kind of talisman to ward off the attack. I've found myself unable to do anything actively, no fighting back, no appealing for help or protection - simply exercising an enormous degree of mind control and letting the waves break. Then ,getting up and on with it in victory. And this , believe me, is the true power of the risen Christ. His grace gives the strength, His grace keeps you positive. We become one with Christ in suffering and emerging triumphant . We reach the celestial realms he occupies, by faith that we are in Him , united to Him.If He takes it all away where is the victory?There is none without a battle. Re: moving into other paths. By practising yoga and meditation I reopened my 2nd, 3rd, 4th chakras, like big balloons popping, three years after initial Kunda awakening and possibly opened the chakras of an occultist with a disturbing past which had been kept secret until then.My return to Christianity has stabilised the energy and given me strength to face the attacks. I also do not believe other religions are demonic but consider Christ's energies essential in any walk. Re: the energy and the elecro-magnetic field of the planet and its subsequent pressures and weather conditions. The biggest storm to hit Britain in over 100 years once released an incredible flow of the energy in me. It streamed up my back and out my ears and I audibly heard the words Ku-Ku-Ku-Ku repeated over and over. The storm felt like a presence, so much so that I imagined a gang of men outside my window threatening me. S. | ||||
priya comments on the relationship between ego and negative experience in chakra opening etc.This is all very good and true . I'd like to add something else to the equation.I'm sure that ignorance of the connectedness of all life, added to the ego being enlivened at certain stages of awakening and chakra opening, is real fuel to the fire. It's OK to intellectualise the oneness of us all and believe it in our hearts but experiencing it at a psychic, energetic level is a different ballgame and can lead to terrible trouble. For example, I was unaware for a while that my meditation was negatively affecting a friend's psyche and his relationship with his girlfriend - things were terribly messy for a while until I realised that my energies were connected to his energies. My Kundalini was like a magnet to his and everyone else's whose spiritual path I was crossing.The oneness of Kundalini or something like that. ![]() The consequences of this type of thing go on for a long time regardless of how balanced my ego becomes. Subsequently suffering and negativity arise and continue long after the ego has been controlled. Hence the suffering of saintly souls , perhaps. Bad experience can be rationalised from different points in time. I can say I suffer as a result of my ego's input or my ignorance or fear .But what if my actions have been righteous and still I suffer. Perhaps the result of my suffering justifies its existance. My strength and subsequent victory empowers me and encourages others . also, the notion of being genetically wired to a certain religion is interesting. A few years ago I would have been terrified of such a thought but my own experience has given it some credibility. My free will(or was it willfulness) took me away from Christianity and I was interested in other paths but it was as if God forced me into returning to the way of His Son. This may or may not be because of genetic conditioning, it may or may not be a calling but it always felt like a big, beautiful cage which I was magnificently lured into, only to find that I didn't want to escape. Perhaps my free will was just sacrificed to the will of God, I don't know. I do know that there are several generations of born again Christians having a right chuckle to themselves. ![]() | ||||
Linda wrote: I don't know what's going on in the earth's energy patterning right now (though I guess the Dow is one indication of more than a lot of worried investors), but my kundalini ride has been worse than usual in the past couple of weeks. I keep wondering if the LA magnetic field is getting ready for one heck of an earthquake, because the energy waves are huge, a rough spiritual surf for me despite all my efforts to get grounded. And what of Kansas, Phil? Have you been experiencing more severe symptoms of late? Or has anyone else out there? Priya, here's what an imbalanced kundalini feels like for me, like I'm a walking radar for earth energies at large, and I'm not talking about this manifesting in terms of my behavior, i.e. stimulating a chemical, bi-polar imbalance. It's much bigger, yet more subtle, than that. Linda, it must be a nightmare to have a mind that keeps track and gives non-stop running commentary of magnetic fields and stock-exchange trends around the world, or even in one's own country. That must leave your mind very little time to help you with leading your ordinary life. Have you ever considered (now I'm NOT referring to the Kundalini explanations of it) trying to STOP THAT OVER ACTIVE MIND? That is the main goal of meditation you know - to get beyond the chattering mind, which functions like a mad monkey and drives us crazy, if we let it. God cannot be grasped with the active mind. We must let our spirit commune with God in silence, only our silent mind can commune directly with God, that is why it is necessary to silence our mind. I repeat, I'm not making any reference to Kundalini here, as I would like you to view your problems from another perspective. Can you bring your mind to ignore the magnetic fields of the universe, ignore the running commentary on it? Can you cognitively train your mind to focus on ordinary issues that are important to your ordinary life? It may be very interesting to keep track of magnetic fields around the universe, but it doesn't serve any purpose you know, except keep you from focussing on really important issues. You can't change the world's magnetic field or the stock market trends by keeping track of it and setting up a runnning commentary of it. But you can change the quality of your life by focussing on what you need to do for yourself. So what if there is an earthquake? You will probably be warned in good time or at least evacuated. The worst case scenario is that you may die, but what of it? You will die only if it is God's appointed time. Besides your chances of dying by being hit by a car on the road is much greater than dying in an earthquake. You can thus with rational explanations try to bring your mind to rest, to keep it from being preoccupied with stuff that is totally irrevalent to your life. As you know so well and have given terrific advice in your posts on this forum elsewhere, it helps to get back to the body, to focus on the ordinary everyday things. Do things that would get your mind to concentrate on your body, to be in the here and now physically. Surrender the energy fields of the universe to God, trust Him to manage it right, that is His business. Getting caught up with all sorts of things is also the way an insane mind functions you know. So it may be advisable to be aware of the danger of crossing that thin line that divides the sane and the insane. Have you read the book: 'Der Doppelgaenger' by Dostojewsky (that is the German title. I don't know what it is called in English, but it is the story about the workings of the mind of a man who has gone insane)? Seen the movie, read the book 'The Beautiful Mind'? You might find it very useful to make comparisons of a mind that is termed insane and the workings of a mind struggling with unbalanced Kundalini energy. I'll leave you with those thoughts as food for reflection. You have so much to give, so I wish with all my heart that you will find your way out of the present struggles with the help of Jesus Christ acting through the power of the Holy Spirit. ![]() | ||||
Stephen wrote: Re: the energy and the elecro-magnetic field of the planet and its subsequent pressures and weather conditions. The biggest storm to hit Britain in over 100 years once released an incredible flow of the energy in me. It streamed up my back and out my ears and I audibly heard the words Ku-Ku-Ku-Ku repeated over and over. The storm felt like a presence, so much so that I imagined a gang of men outside my window threatening me. Stephen, I can only repeat what I wrote as comments to Linda's post. | ||||
Stephen wrote: 'For example, I was unaware for a while that my meditation was negatively affecting a friend's psyche and his relationship with his girlfriend - things were terribly messy for a while until I realised that my energies were connected to his energies. My Kundalini was like a magnet to his and everyone else's whose spiritual path I was crossing.The oneness of Kundalini or something like that.' Stephen, we all have problems enough taking responsibility for the things that we do to mess up things in our own lives, why do you give yourself the additional burden of taking the responsibility for your friend's relationship? What has your meditation to do with your friend's relationship? I'm not a pschiatrist, so I cannot give you more concrete advice on how to deal with mental problems. All I can say is, try not to spiritualise mental problems, if the problem is mental. Only a personal consultation with a professional can verify that. In your case it is essential to distinguish which is a spiritual crisis and which is a mental one. Whether your problem is spiritual practice/drug induced or not, the commonsense advice given by Linda should be helpful in any case. Strive for body-mind health and balance. Have you read Deepak Chopra/Andrew Weil? They give the best advice available on mind-body care. Like Linda, I wish you healing and harmony with help and guidance of Jesus Christ acting through the Holy Spirit. ![]() | ||||
Stephen wrote: 'Priya says no one can have power over you unless you allow it. I think it's necessary to clarify what one means by power. Certainly no one can have control over you unless you allow it. Occultists can , however, very simply, make you very ill and inconvenience any arrangements you may have made for the particular time/day they decide to attack . It can be very frustrating looking for the day that all this energy imbalance /attack goes away.' Stephen, since I have not met spiritual masters who try to abuse their followers, it is very difficult for me to comment on your personal experience. But what I do know is that the human free will, the unique gift of God to mankind, is extremely powerful, more powerful than you give it credit for. Remember in tempting Jesus, Satan could only say his part and then had to back off leaving Jesus free to make His choice? Only after He had made His choice, could the angels come and minister to Him? So it is with us, or so I have read in C.S.Lewis' writing. Our free will is where neither God nor Satan has any power. It is up to you to use it for your good, so that the angels can minister to you after you have made your choice. As for abuse of power, yes we know t | ||||
Priya, Why does it seem as if you've decided to take the role of ministering to all of us kundalini-impaired when it is clear you don't have any idea what it is? I suspect something else is going on here other than an objective exchange, and I, for one, really resent your attitude and labelling anything I've revealed on this board as "problems." Secondly, my ability to read the earth's magnetic fields weighs on my productive and stable mind for a nanno-second. In fact, feeling those energies and determining them is as easy as breathing. I live with a kundalini imbalance as one would live with a handicap, and have taken all the appropriate steps possible to heal or correct it and live with it as productively as I can. There is no other way to address it. It can't be solved through an intellectual, social science paradigmn like psychology or even traditional religion. I only find your comments useful in your misperceptions, which must be addressed. Re Beautiful Mind, that movie was incredibly sad in its protrayal of the primitive ways that still exist to deal with mental illness. I would determine that Nash had a huge tear in his third eye and crown chakra, based on info in Vibrational Medicine, and early on, a lot of his problems probably could have been solved through the kinds of medication available today, if not a great deal of yoga. The reason he could survive by mental control and living in a split reality is because the tears were in those chakras, as opposed to say, in his fourth chakra, solar plexus, which might have led to more emotional violence and more bi-polar behavior. Moreover, I actually know people who know Nash and understand that he is also aware of the vibrational healing paradigm, which was not protrayed in the movie. I have no idea whether he, in fact, has turned to the vibrational model for help. Stephen, re power, and the power of Christ. In the midst of horrendous demonic/psychic attacks, I didn't find much power either in simply calling out Christ's name repeatedly, not even in a convent where I experienced a really bad episode once. (And Priya, this was not a manifestation of the mind, but true stickly astral substances, that came through tears in my auric field - it could be said that I had a door open to lower realities, which, yes, might be closed through traditional medication, which doesn't however heal the problem.) That's the problem with taking the advice of traditional religious practices, they do not address the subtle energy implications involved in this. Consequently, if you really want to fight through it, don't just stay passive, but do some body work at the same time, such calming yogic positions that ground, even as much as sitting back on your heels (knees bent,) and clasping your hands behind your back and bending forward. This is a classic pose to regain your equilibrium. Then pray and breath deeply. Re weather, etc., kundalini and eletromagnetic fields. Here's an antecdote. An ex-priest I'm friendly with who has been working the holistic medical field and I had a phone conversation early last summer - I'm a journalist and have wanted to write a profile about him since he's a big wheel at Harvard now in managing a cutting edge program on vibrational medicine. We started talking about the earth's electro magnetic field (and yes, Priya, this man devotes some thought patterns to such issues and doesn't consider his sensitivity to earth patterns or a discussion aboutit as any sign of insanity). We both agreed that some kind of protective energy field had been lifting from the earth. I told him I could feel it, and he said he felt the same, and said others who tune into such things had also felt and knew something was up, and it wasn't good, that they had to do more prayer, etc. to feel centered than in the past. In the past month, we've felt again that some kind of protective bonding has lifted from the earth's surface. Prayer is one force that creates a bonding. I suppose there are all kinds of others, but I also know other people in this paradigm who link these bond ing issues to sun spot activity, which has been huge of late. Anyway, something to think about, and since the kundalini itself is linked to all this kind of energy, I'm sure those of you dealing with it may be feeling more pranic energy flowing through your system or finding the energy gets stuck in a harder place than usual. Of course, I suppose it may depend on where you live, but even with what others have contributed to this site re their energy and weather patterns, I think there's a universal link beyond geography. And thanks Phil for the tip re Sunella's book, the electromagnetic field essay. I have an old edition and I don't think it's in there. | ||||
My last post(bugles out!!) seems to have been lost somewhere in the software between priya and Linda's last. I'd like to recap, if you all don't mind, incase it's gone for good. The relationship between earth energy and kundalini is quite physical rather than mental as priya seems to think. Imagine your body's nervous system being knocked off kilter by a giant magnet. Similarly, I feel/felt no responsibility or guilt for my involvement in my friend's relationship.I was merely trying to draw people's attention to the holistic nature of the universe and the fact that the energies involve physical manifestations, occasionally creating imbalances either consciously or unconsciousy.The energy works above and beyond any mental acknowledgement.My meditating drew me into my friend's energy field. It involved physical sensation as much as conscious awareness. Please give me the credit of being able to determine whether my issues are mental or spiritual. I was healed of any purely mental imbalance years ago ![]() ![]() Perhaps one definition of ego is the part of us which is ignorant to the connectedness of all life,a connectedness which is a very physical thing when kundalini is awakened and chakras are opened , rather than a mere intellectual/mental acknowledement. As for the occultist I knew being a spiritual master. . . OUGHHH!! Also, the several months of deja vu I experienced make me think that free will MIGHT just be a palliative illusion for the conscious mind. Maybe we are just free TO will but I'll leave that for those of us who have no life to live , free or unfree. Phil this software thing's a bit of a pest. I'm not receiving any Email notification of posts and the posts themselves are dropping like flies, maybe just aswell given the recent climate . | ||||
Linda wrote: 'Why does it seem as if you've decided to take the role of ministering to all of us kundalini-impaired when it is clear you don't have any idea what it is? I suspect something else is going on here other than an objective exchange, and I, for one, really resent your attitude and labelling anything I've revealed on this board as "problems." Secondly, my ability to read the earth's magnetic fields weighs on my productive and stable mind for a nanno-second. In fact, feeling those energies and determining them is as easy as breathing. I live with a kundalini imbalance as one would live with a handicap, and have taken all the appropriate steps possible to heal or correct it and live with it as productively as I can. There is no other way to address it. It can't be solved through an intellectual, social science paradigmn like psychology or even traditional religion.' LINDA, I FIND YOUR REACTIONS VERY INTERESTING INDEED! If it is really an objective exchange, as you call it (although I challenge the claim how any one who is 'kundalini impaired' - to borrow your expression - can be objective about it in the first place), then you should not have objections to someone joining the discussion and expressing views from another standpoint. I did not claim any in-depth knowledge on Kundalini, yet I had mentioned that I had read the passing mention of it made by B.K.S. Iyenger, who is a world renowned teacher of mainstream Hatha Yoga and yoga philosophy. I'm familiar with the mainstream schools of thought in Hinduism, although I'm far from a scholar on Hinduism nor did I ever claim to be. My conclusion is that if Kundalini deserved to be treated as importantly as you imply, it would have found more place for discussion in mainstream Hindu philosophy. Can it then not be that Kundalini issues have been dealt with under different aspects? I would need to be told the place of Kundalini in the context of mainstream Hindu philosophy. Having said that, I do value your in-depth knowledge of Kundalini and if you remember what I wrote in my posts, I did express my admiration and respect. But I'm equally sure that there would plenty of mainstream Hindu philosophy scholars who would have very different views of Kundalini from you. So why do you get so uptight about a different view? You do me injustice when you claim that I have labelled anything you have expressed on this forum as "problems". Read all the posts once again and you can verify that for yourself. I referred to your being sensitive to the magnetic fields of the earth as a problem, not because I consider it a figment of your imagination (I do believe that one can through spiritual practices get sensitive enough to detect such things) but because of the additional burden I thought it was causing to your over active mind. Well, if you don't feel that way, and it really doesn't stand in your way when you seek silence in order to experience God, you should know better. Sorry if I considered it a problem because I thought you might be being slowed down in your spiritual quest as a result of that. As to ministering, how come neither Phil nor Stephen felt that way about the many advices that you gave them on this forum? I was sharing my thoughts on what might be helpful, JUST as YOU did. Didn't I refer to your advices over and over again? It is true that I'm interested in mainstream religion, in Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. I'm against fanaticism and narrow viewpoints in any religion. It is in the nature of fanaticism and narrow view points to be intolerant of other view points. Isn't it amusing that you try to explain Nash's mental illness in terms of Kundalini imbalance and yet you have objections to Kundalini imbalance being explained in terms of psychology? Fr. Bede Griffiths always said that the motive of an action was very important and one should leave the results of one's actions with God, who does the rest. So I can say that the motive behind my sharing was nothing more than to open up the horizon of those trapped in Kundalini imbalance and suggest other models of explanation, point to all modes of relief and help that I could think of, insights that I have gathered from my own spiritual journey. You wrote that you suspect that something else is going on here besides objective exchange. Well, you should be asking yourself the question what it is that upsets you so much about difference in opinions! | ||||
The point, Priya, is that you can't explain a kundalini imbalance in terms of psychology. That's just one component. You can't explain it terms of spiritual or religious rhetoric. It is beyond a linear, three-dimensional world view. The energy is far beyond how anyone who hasn't had a kundalini awakening even experiences the Holy Spirit. So aside from sifting through various explanations, you have no experience of it, as do others contributing to this board and, for me, much of your advice is limited. However, when you suggest that I'm walking a thin line between sanity and insanity due to an overactive mind, I will go on the offensive and tell you how wrong your view is, and also how judgemental you are. I look at this thread as a way for people going through a kundalini imbalance and various symptoms as a way to compare those experiences, good and bad, find some validation, since there is so little in the conventional religious, medical and social science paradigm that supports what many of us have gone through, and perhaps get some practical advice about how someone who is also kundalini-impaired has lived through similar experiences and coped. Phil actually pointed out in a previous post to you specifically that it was clear you didn't understand what this thread was about since you haven't experienced an active kundalini. Moreover, your advice has a lot of judgement weighed into it, as Stephen noted in his last post. And yes, I judge you for it, because your view is both ignorant and conventional, and not helpful to anyone who has been through the horrors of an imbalanced kundalini situation. You keep backing into a psychological understanding of it, or a philosophical discussion and that's just not helpful. Moreover, the kundalini phenomena itself is huge and much bigger than any religious walk, so huge that there is a state-by-state initiative underway by the Kundalini Research Network as well as the Spiritual Emergence Network to educate medical professions, from therapists and shrinks to MDs, to kundalini symptoms. That's because there has been an explosion in the number of people going through imbalanced situations, many of these are incorrectly diagnosed and the result can be complete disaster. And, as I've written, there's a tremendous amount of re-evaluation going on in the western medical community re the vibrational medicine, and an understanding of kundalini process is vital to that process. I, for one, have made both a presentation to medical professionals at leading university hospitals about kundalini and been in discussion groups with other medical professionals as well as people who have had Near Death Experiences that have been scientifically studied. There has been a true link found between NDEs and kundalini awakenings, particularly imbalanced situations, and new scientific study is being devoted to that because it has stunning implications for dimensional medical, psychological and therapeutic theories. Also, Stephen, I agree with your observation about will/free will. Are our subtle energy bodies just a reflection of the "string" theory that some scientists embrace about the construction of the universe? Our etheric bodies are linked electromagneticaly to various soul groups, the planet itself and where those soul groups connect and whatever parts of the universe those groups are connected to. We all process out the karma or density both individually and together and the "decision" tree of our will (to use a statistical term) is limited by those electromagnetic strands. IS the concept of grace that all can be lifted together by the frequency of Christ/love? Or via the sacred heart, one or a group is sacrificed for the good of the whole. I've seen some of those multidimensional realities myself (I suppose in what some might label my insane moments)during some points in my kundalini process. As we surf the lower astrals, we also can penetrate in incredibly high dimensions as well, that can take the form of estastic religious experiences or a sort of wisdom walk that the Native American shamanic community frequently refers to in soul retrieval and soul healing processes. | ||||
Phil this software thing's a bit of a pest. I'm not receiving any Email notification of posts and the posts themselves are dropping like flies, maybe just aswell given the recent climate . I'm sorry to hear that, Stephen. I've scrambled a bit to restore the previous thread and am looking into whatever upgrades are available. Problem is that I've been away a few days and am still playing catch-up with appointments, emails, and trying to get to this board, which has apparently been very active. ![]() Priya and Linda, you're making my kundalini tingle. ![]() Priya, I would agree that sensitivity to things like magnetic fields does not imply any kind of running commentary; it's just an awareness without any real mental commentary, and it can no more be ignored than a police siren. As wierd as this may sound, it's not necessarily a pathology that requires "fixing," but which one learns to live with and adjust to, more often than not. Again. . . sorry for the brief post. I'll be trying to catch up on things. | ||||
Linda, to claim that one can understand the energy concepts in Kundalini only if one is suffering from an imbalanced Kundalini oneself, and uses the same vocabulary that you do, is as ridiculous as the claim that a doctor can understand a disease only if he is suffering/has suffered from it himself and uses the same words that a patient may use to describe his condition. Spiritual energies and its imbalance is a concept that is addressed in mainstream Buddhism and Hindu religions. Mystical Christianity simply uses another vocabulary that is all. The Chinese and Japanese have their own specialised vocabulary for energies too and have developed their own methods of dealing with imbalanced energies. Isn't it then a matter of commonsense to conclude that despite the different descriptions and vocabularies, all are referring to the same thing? Surely those suffering from Kundalini imbalance hasn't invented this energy; it is a well known phenomena known by different names in different traditions. All of us who set out on an intense spiritual path, walk the narrow line between sanity and insanity. Hence the repeated warning by all teachers of traditional spiritual disciplines (be it Christian, Buddhist or Hindu) to ignore the stuff that is churned up in the mind as a result of intense spiritual practice. So there is no need for you to get on the defensive or offensive. I risk exactly what you do, if I don't keep a reign on the stuff that my mind is capable of throwing up. All those I have met on serious spiritual journeys are aware of this danger too. Isn't it a paradox that on the one hand you admit that your Kundalini was thrown out of balance, that you have had much difficulty in finding the right advice even from experts and yet resent the effort and good will which was behind my sharing the information I had collected on balancing energies? I'm convinced that if one concentrates on physical-emotional-mental-spiritual balance, the energies take care of themselves, no matter what they are called by anyone. Are you suggesting however that this forum was meant as a sort of self-help validation for only those with imbalanced Kundalini? Or does it hurt your pride to be told that energy imbalance is a well known phenomena in mainstrean religious traditions, although they use a different vocabulary for it? | ||||
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