The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Samson, I think I understand what you mean, but I suppose that you see the "evolution" of human culture in a much more positive way that I do. If it's really going better and better, then your argument about theology and community adjusting to it makes sense. But what if it is not only going better, but also, in many areas, worse and worse? Then "adjusting" and "evolving" becomes degenerating. I guess it's all a more philosophical problem of how we assess modernity - the Roman Church, but I guess also other denominations, are still discussing this and probably will be... Yesterday Polish parliament rejected a motion about legalizing hetero- and homosexual relationships by creating a legal institution similar to marriage. One of the articles of our constitution states that marriage, as a union of man and woman, is under a special protection of the government, and the supreme court decided such projects are against the constitution. Heterosexual marriage should be privileged. For many progressive Western intellectuals this is probably simply outdated, reactionary, against the "evolution" of Western culture. But for me it is a sign that Poland has been and is still faithful to God and his law - God certainly loves homosexuals, but He gave privileges and His protection to marriage only. That's pretty clear in the Scripture. I know that certain pro-gay activists really wish well gay people and want to protect them from discrimination, but there's a huge difference between discrimination and denying privileges. Is God discriminating the gays for creating and blessing Adam and Eve? | ||||
Mt, I don't look at people as opponents. We are all one once we recognize God's Holy Spirit in reflection. The only opponents any of us have are those that cause division. Even they do it out of lack of understanding. People as a whole are generally good, they only act otherwise because of lack of love or darkness in their heart. I offer the Path that is in complete compliance to The Word in my website. You will find nothing there that goes against The Righteous Path and the Commandments. The difference you will find is I have clearly stated it is an Inward Path as each has to walk their own. I just don't want to see anymore suffering in this World or people Mislead or judging One another from lack of understanding. My long post is to make it quite clear God's Army is here now. And if you do walk this Path as it has been clearly illustrated you will see them. If you do not I am not sure of your outcome. All I have shared is what The Holy Spirit instructed me to do so. You don't need agree to anything of do anything unknown to you in the ways of our Lord. Just complete your Inner Journey and Purification. People don't have to be sick of suffering the Lord Heals and thats a fact. My concern is too many are sitting in their weekly Churches expecting to find the answers there. The answers are all Within each one of us. It is up to us earn our Salvation with the Lord directly. A minister can't do it for anyone, they can help educate us but it is we ourselves that must make the steps of repentance. It is truly beautiful and wish all to find their way. That is my only reason to share this all. You don't need wait till the end of your life to meet God, it is here an now for you to do. That is all our birthright as his children. I share blessings always as I am not here to share anything less nor do love another less than as myself. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself Mark 12:31 I only want to share the gift I have recieved and reveal what I know so others too can find it in their lifetime. Please give what I have shared with you a chance. The answers will come to you and our Lord will show you himself. I have explained it all and I also try to reword things more clearly as corrections needed are revealed to me. We have been living under systems that have caused alot of darkness and division. It is time we come out of this and be One in the Lord as we should be. There is no reason for all this confusion, fear and uncertainty we have been living in. Of course it will take alot of people to do the Inner Self work to accomplish it but we have to if we want to survive. PS Again for Phil, please know I am not trying to post against your will or request. I just wanted to answer a few further questions that have come up. | ||||
Mt, Perhaps evolution is simply about adapting to the circumstances of life in order to affect change, and as such is both for better and for worse. My fear is that a negative slant becomes a self fulfilling prophecy whereby what we perceive as getting worse actually becomes worse because of how we see it. It's also incredibly destructive for a young person to be told that things are getting worse, only serving to foster a sense of hopelessness and depression. I also find it impossible to see church teaching and scripture as immune to the cultural leanings of the day, much as I find it God inspired, and so marriage between same sex couples was never conceived of in terms of a social norm, thereby never entering any authoritative teaching, hence our need to adapt. But hey, we're kinda off topic here...although it does impact upon how church teaching is conceived, received and occasionally reformed. | ||||
Being this topic is so sensitive I tread carefully. I must share a quick story though that quite amazed me. I met a couple once that were gay but this was an extra ordinary case. She had converted to he and He had converted to a she yet they found each other. So in actuality they were still opposites of sexual orientation. I have no idea how to define that but I found it quite amazing. basically they were a normal couple in the idea of male / female but had simply switched roles. Anyway just something I encountered once that I remembered. They were both very nice people as well. | ||||
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PHI, you wrote:
OK, Bwana! All of which is to say that YOU are the one who is at odds with Christian teaching. That's also a rather harsh judgment of the "regulars" here, especially since you know basically nothing about any of us. Your position seems to be, "I have the truth because I have been given it by the Holy Spirit, and if you don't agree with me, take it up with the Holy Spirit." Sorry, Bwana, but that dog don't hunt. What you are is a gnostic, maybe not even a Christian one, I don't know. E.g., we never hear you professing basic Christian teachings about Jesus being the incarnate son of God, or the redemptive aspect of his death, or his presence in and as the Church. You never, ever speak of love, nor the "cross" as the way to put to death our selfishness and pride. There are many other problems. You richly demonstrate why orthodox Christianity split from gnostic pathways early in our history. If you want to continue interacting here, that's fine, especially as others seem to be OK with it. I have little hope of a true dialogue, however, nor, less, of rational discussion. It's been my experience through the years that people deeply involved in gnostic, nondual mysticism have lost the ability to think critically, and that's a very serious deficiency | |||
Phil, Thank you for your response. Yes I don't know anyone here and am a guest. I feel everyone has important things to share. Just as you do so do I. I'm not sure really why but you tend to insult me alot. If you notice I don't take it personally as I have no argument with you. I do know quite a thing of two to be honest if you give it a chance to make sense to you. I'm not critising religions. I am wondering though why no one seems to have met God officially yet or maybe they have and haven't shared it? That question is puzzling me, you see there are many of the Christian Faiths in various denominations but I've never heard anyone elses story about meeting God directly. Based on that fact is why I am questioning the way Christ's Path is being taught. Can you understand that? I'm not Gnostic as stated but I can see clearly where each religion has the same main purpose of Heart Purification. I also have lived Worldwide so I have some familiarity of course with other Faiths. I am officially Christian as recognized in the typical Church and was Baptised first in that manner of course. As mentioned overtime I became dissapointed with the Churches as they weren't teaching "The Path" properly. My experience with them was they were very secure taking my money to Save Me as they put it but yet they provided me no answers when it came to God. That is my personal experience of course. And do know I tried many a Church Worldwide. From that point I took on to seeking God myself and accomplished meeting him. There as that's why I am so enthusiatic to share with everyone as I achieved his Grace and was Honoured beyond belief with his appearance to me. So that's my story, then The Holy Spirit guided me to put together my website so others too can have the same experience if they walk The Path accordingly. That's it really... at times when The Holy Spirit speaks thru me I write in Parables thus would answer for all the Artwork and form of Message I use in description. And I have my keys understood to maintain my immortality and can command angels... So there you have it. I did clearly share the way to Christ: And this what one must go thru: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Colossians 2:11-13 The rest of the story I'm sure everyone here is well aware of. I didn'take it upon myself to retell that one as I would clearly assume everyone here know's Christ's significance and story very well. As do I, too well at that. And if your interested, here's my version of the process Becoming One with The Lord My real purpose here to is to show anyone interested how to actually meet God the Father... These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. John 16:25 The rest of the Bible stories I think you're all familiar with already. We are now on to the Next Step... You can call me Bwana if you like lol, Goodness Gracious, where did you come with that one Phil?This message has been edited. Last edited by: PHI Φ PIPER, | ||||
I know this was in response to Simone's post. (Hi Simone! Good to see you at Shalom Place ![]() But I just have to say in response to the above comments by PHI: Astonishing! And commanding angels and all...I tend to agree with Simone's suspicion that you PHI may have a touch of grandiosity going on. And you seem to make weird, unfounded assumptions about people who've responded to you. A little black-n-white thinking going on? When confronted about your misperceptions, you then follow up with this side-stepping: "I do know quite a thing of two to be honest if you give it a chance to make sense to you." as if YOU are not responsibile to make yourself clear, but it's somehow PHIL's problem that you feel misunderstood. That's irrational. This is an example of the kind of critical thinking problems Phil is referring to. You may be living more in your bubble world, PHI, than in the real world, wherein GOD really can be found. ![]() The Holy Spirit leads people closer to reality, more clarity, greater personal responsibility, not farther and farther away from the real world. That's something I know for sure. Honestly, PHI, you may feel more at home at gnostic mysticism websites, people who will agree with you that those Christian Churches are for pedestrian, beginner Christians (in diapers and all). ![]() | ||||
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All good points, Shasha.
What's the insult? Calling you Bwana? That's an African term for an esteemed teacher or leader, which is obviously what you think you are. Calling you a gnostic? "If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck . . ." But, sorry, PHI (or whatever your name is; your web site says you go by many personalities). I mean no offense. You apparently intend none, either, in implying that so few have met God, or talked about it. I suppose that could be your experience, which just goes to reinforce what Shasha wrote about you being in your own little bubble. Christians have shared about this all over this board. Christine pointed you to her story, here. Did you read it? Then there are all the books and hymns people have written about their experiences of God, many quite dramatic. Of course, ordinary, humdrum faith is a kind of experience of God as well. "Blessed are those who believe but have not seen." (Who do you think said that?) I've spent a little more time on your site and it's clear that you mean well and intend to convey a universal path to mystical awakening. The approach you take is quite ecclectic, as I noted in an early response to you, which is fine, but doesn't always recognize what is distinctive about different spiritual pathways. You seem to assume they all lead to the same kind of experience, that Kundalini and the Holy Spirit are the same, and so forth, that Self and the Word mean the same thing. One could go on. It's all much closer to Hinduism or some form of Christian gnosticism than the kind of mysticism that comes out of orthodox Christianity. And, you know, I don't have a problem with that. I love to dialogue with Hindus, Buddhists, gnostics, New Agers, etc., and have enjoyed doing so through the years. What shuts down any dialogue or discussion is one party saying, "I have It and you don't." That's what you do! You do not even know anyone here but assume that we do not know God, or maybe not so profoundly as you. You come across as arrogant, which is the opposite of what one would expect to encounter in any enlightened or awakened person. And when confronted, you send us to the Holy Spirit, or say "give it a chance . . ." as Shasha noted. So, I conclude that what you're really here to do is to evangelize us in your way, your path, your religion, with your site as the vehicle for our correction and education. I'm sure you also think you are doing us all a big favor in doing so -- that we are lacking something, and you can show us the way. That's what comes across, and I hold up that mirror to you, for what it's worth. - see about Blind side Others may wish to continue to dialogue with you, but I will not be doing so as I am not seeking spiritual guidance from you or your website. I am also not willing to dialogue with anyone who assumes a priori that they have the truth and I do not. | |||
Hello Shasha, Nice to meet woriies, nothing grandiose as you say. I am just being Myself, if I were being something different I would be acting. I think alot of people are not sure how to receive one whom is clear in their understanding with God maybe. That's the only thing I can comprehend with how I am being recieved here. I am on many websites, this is not the only one. I have a Heart for all. What is it about what I share that concerns you if I may ask? When I say I can command Angels I meant it. Its not to sound better of more or anything like that, I am merely introducing myself in this community. Those are the things that I have speciality in, should I not share? I can only be who I am. I would figure in such Religious communities such as this one this would not come as any surprise. Otherwise I really don't know where you would like to place me as a person. It is also clearly stated we have all been on our Journey in Christ to Immortality and Transfiguration. Aren't those topics of interest to you? That is the whole purpose of following Christ's Path otherwise why are you affiliated with your Religion? I could always talk about the weather I suppose if that would be easier on you... | ||||
I apologize but I am just sharing who I am and what I know. I am also interested in what others know and share. So far it just seems everyone would like to pull me apart by their Judgement... Thanks This particular forum area was written up as Kundalini and Theology, my area of expertise... So I thought I would share, isn't that what people wanted ? To define it simply you need to overcome your Kundalini then the Holy Spirit will reside with you. Thats the simplicity of it. You may notice I call the process the Kundalini Path as first that must be mastered which also represents out senses that trap us with the outer worldy activity. Purification of Heart is how it is done. Once one has achieved the Purification the the Holy Spirit will come known to you. Anyway that's how it works. My website just happens to explain the whole process and the relation to the Path written in the Bible. That is the simple reason I shared what I do. Being my message is for a worldy audience it was neccessary to include other Religions and their significance. I have also told you quite clearly I am a Christian not a Gnostic. Maybe you see my knowledge as Gnostic but it is all Christian. True Christians are those whom have walked Christ's Path and been Baptised with him and Risen with him. Christianity as a Religion is a practice to become alike Christ. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 Maybe those here aren't ready for the next step, I can respect that and will remain quiet. You will find me in your Heart when your ready. Otherwise : Thank You | ||||
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You're welcome . . . and good bye! That's enough of that. Posting privileges revoked. | |||
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