The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello everyone ![]() I have felt kundalini moving in the body for 10 months or so now. First I was feeling so high and even full of electricity, so that I was even not able to sleep for 2 weeks or so. But the last 2.5 months I have been sick or nearly-sick continuously. I was trying to google whether there is a connection between K and sickness, and could only find that one K symptom is being sick-like. However, I have had actual virus and bacteria attacks, having repeated common colds with soar throat fever etc. plus accompanied repeated bacterial infections in my eyes and ears. It has been insane. Even when not having an actual common cold, I'm still very tired and get thick yellow slime from my throat to give a sign that still my body is having some viruses or so. In other words, my immune system is very very very very low. Is it related to K? Is there anything I could do about it? Before I was healthy most of the time, and I have quite healthy life habits (except now I haven't been able to do much sport recently due to being sick and sick-like). Doctors just say I should not stress, which I don't do, to avoid these viral infections. I'm 28yrs so not old either. I eat raw veggies and fruits, no meat or alcohol or tobacco. Also I eat "normal" healthy vegan food, cheese and dried fruits (that's my weak spot). I bought recently propolis, grapeseed extract, oregano oil that help me to fight with viruses. Daily I eat raw garlic, ginger, turmeric, and honey. And zinc, fish oil with vitamin D (I live in North where we have no sun lol). I used to live quite unhealthily many years back and before that pretty much whole my life. Lots of sugar, white wheat flour, alcohol etc. "Standard American Diet" though I'm not American. I ate healthy stuff also but but not enough... Any comments, suggestions, similar experiences, ... ? Thanks for your attention. | ||
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Hi bear. Sorry for the delay in responding. Your symptoms might be related to kundalini, but it's always best to treat bodily illness at that level. It sounds like you're doing some good things to strengthen your body, so there's not much more you can do about that. If these health struggles continue, then see a doctor about it. One thing to check out is allergies. I hope others will chime in. I did have a period of time in the beginning when it seemed my body was hypersensitive to food, TV, etc., and I couldn't sleep well, either. Obviously, sleep is one of the best ways to strengthen the immune system, so if you can make progress with that it would be helpful. What is your manner of spiritual practice, bear? You are rather young to have this process activated. | |||
Hi, bear, I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having. Tucker, on the other thread, referred to his long history with Kundalini message boards and wrote:
That is my observation, too, as a sometime observer of these conversations, though with no special expertise of my own. The kundalini symptoms do sound like some malfunction of the nervous system. However, as yet, it seems that medical science has no way to detect the nature of the problem, let alone to treat it. It therefore becomes a matter of symptom management rather than cure. | ||||
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thank you for answers. "What is your manner of spiritual practice, bear?" it has been rather a curious life this one. 6 years ago i started to experience ghosts and after some time also an angel visited me regularly. i had no spiritual practise other than occasional praying without consciously believing in anything lol. one night i was praying that i could't stand life any longer and i cannot take this darkness anymore. after 10 minutes this loving energy came on top of my head, went inside my brain, modified it and made profound lasting changes in the way of thinking and being. for 2 days i was not able to think really anything and got physical pain/pressure to the head when thinking anything negative. i still don't know whether it was an angel (at that time i had not yet experienced angels and it was a bit different experience) or e.g. kundalini or some other form of energy. so these experiences directed me to spiritual practice such as meditation, healthy eating, yoga. i have no regular spiritual practice, and stopped (Vipassana) meditation also after some kundalini issues. i take care of body, attend to my thoughts - mindfulness, and practice calmness, thankfulness... but no official spiritual practice. btw, i went to India and met some yogis, and one told me spontaneously and without knowing me about my ghost experiences -when exactly and what happened.... i was wondering also there probably isn't any miracle cure to tiredness and sicknesses but since i could not find any similar experience identified as a K symptom, i wanted to ask, to find out whether anyone else has had similar and also i felt somewhat desperate. ![]() | |||
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bear: Hello everyone ![]() I have felt kundalini moving in the body for 10 months or so now. First I was feeling so high and even full of electricity, so that I was even not able to sleep for 2 weeks or so. But the last 2.5 months I have been sick or nearly-sick continuously. I was trying to google whether there is a connection between K and sickness, and could only find that one K symptom is being sick-like. However, I have had actual virus and bacteria attacks, having repeated common colds with soar throat fever etc. plus accompanied repeated bacterial infections in my eyes and ears. It has been insane. Even when not having an actual common cold, I'm still very tired and get thick yellow slime from my throat to give a sign that still my body is having some viruses or so. In other words, my immune system is very very very very low. Is it related to K? Is there anything I could do about it? Before I was healthy most of the time, and I have quite healthy life habits (except now I haven't been able to do much sport recently due to being sick and sick-like). Doctors just say I should not stress, which I don't do, to avoid these viral infections. I'm 28yrs so not old either. I eat raw veggies and fruits, no meat or alcohol or tobacco. Also I eat "normal" healthy vegan food, cheese and dried fruits (that's my weak spot). I bought recently propolis, grapeseed extract, oregano oil that help me to fight with viruses. Daily I eat raw garlic, ginger, turmeric, and honey. And zinc, fish oil with vitamin D (I live in North where we have no sun lol). I used to live quite unhealthily many years back and before that pretty much whole my life. Lots of sugar, white wheat flour, alcohol etc. "Standard American Diet" though I'm not American. I ate healthy stuff also but but not enough... Any comments, suggestions, similar experiences, ... ? Thanks for your attention.[/Q Hello Bear I've had similar experiences when starting out. I didn't find any quick solution to the issue. What came to me was that my blood was dirty. So i used blood cleansing herbs. I have learned some new things since then. What Functional Medicine is learning is that the majority of our immune system is in our gut. Personally i would look into this. There may have been damage to your gut with your previous diet that still needs healing. And nutritional needs can change as one proceeds in this process. Probiotics, prebiotics, one needs adequate protein. Personally it was difficult for me to get enough protein on a vegan diet. If you want to stay on it then you may consider sprouting your beans. High sugar content, that you may still be getting with the dried fruits can damage the gut. Also one might consider looking at the amt. of toxins one is being exposed to. In the food through pesticides, antibiotics, mercury (fillings, in the food, & in the air). Check chemicals in drinking water if it is city water. Also there may be digestive issues to look at. All the best. | ||||
Hi Mary... How long ago did you change your diet to mostly raw? The best book I read on the subject was "We Want to Live"... ...and he discusses the subject in depth about going raw too fast and the harsh outcomes that can cause. Kundalini itself has its own detox process which is rather complex and does cause a large energy increase in the vasovagal nerve. This nerve affects digestion, heart, and is related to a number of upper body organ issues. So it could be related. I'm most interested in how long ago you went to a raw diet though. | ||||
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thank you Mary Sue for your comments. i live in a city for now so i am exposed to toxins for sure. some pro(or pre)biotics i get at least from kombucha and now also from milk acid bacteria capsules since i did antibiotics few weeks back. i will keep refining my diet and lifestyle but it cannot be the issue per se -i don't know anyone who lives as healthily as me currently, and people drink and smoke and eat at McDonald's, or at least wouldn't touch a green smoothie, and they are doing just fine. maybe i eat one too many dried fruits or breathe city air but in that case i am being pushed to a way most people don't need to go for. and it is ok if it is so, just the lifestyle cannot be the issue per se. | |||
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Thanks for your sharing, bear and others. bear, the experience of loving energy that you describe sounds like the Holy Spirit, and a kundalini activation that was ignited in the process. This does entail, as you note, a "re-wiring" of the brain, with ensuing adjustments in all aspects of one's lifestyle. It may be, as some have suggested, that your recent health struggles are part of a cleansing process, and if that's the case, they will pass, in time. But I'm wondering, too, if you have done sufficient spiritual work. To my understanding, there's no integrating kundalini without sound, ongoing spiritual practice, preferably in a religious tradition, with spiritual direction or guidance of some kind. This energy process is essentially spiritual -- not psychological or physical -- in its origin, and cannot really be properly integrated if we're just working with the physical and psychological symptoms only. That loving energy experience was a great gift to you, bear. I encourage you to continue relating to the Source and Giver of that gift, and to ask for guidance to see how you are being called to grow. | |||
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it is interesting that you name it as Holy Spirit. i wonder how they would interpret it e.g. in Eastern religions, just to get a universal view of it. or maybe e.g. yoga philosophy and Christianity are complementary views.... what does spiritual practise mean practically? is it different from religious practise? i have my belief of god but no definition of that belief. i have not defined god because i have not been able to do so through my immediate experience. (so god could be external or internal or both, i wouldn't know.) i do some cleansing/kriyas, and little yoga in the mornings might do good -i could start it again. do i need to join a religious community of some kind? i like the idea, usually the main problem is when i do it that i cannot digest the beliefs. it is a jump to the unknown and i probably won't jump. i do love the energy of the atmospehere and people though so in that way it's awesome. but in my experience it is a problem if the beliefs are not shared. | |||
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bear, you're asking some important questions that you will need to find answers for yourself. I myself am a Christian as I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He has died and risen, abides with us, especially in the Church, and blesses us with His own Spirit. These are obviously religious beliefs, but they are not arbitrary and are grounded in historical experience. Spirituality is usually about issues of meaning in life and how we "wake up" the spiritual part of our human nature. Religion pertains to how we connect with a Higher Power. Obviously, the two can go together, so we can speak of "Christian spirituality," for example. God does indeed work in all religions, but I believe there's something exceptional about God's gift of the Christ to us, and so I recommend that to you as a direction to pursue. | |||
Thanks for writing back Bear Your diet sure sounds alot better than mine was. I wish you the the very best with all this. Your situation brought back memories for me. Personally i had alot of fear with what was happening to me. I survived this part of my journey and i hope you find answers very soon. | ||||
Hi Les Thank you for your reply. I was never a raw foods vegan. However i was vegan for several years. I did not eat eggs,or dairy & used beans for our main source of protein. I ended up having low protein. We changed quickly. A doctor suggested we at least eat egg whites. It is coming to me at this point to go ahead with sprouting beans & soaking nuts for our salads. Kundalini was very abrupt for me & i was ill prepared for sure. It would be interesting to learn more about how Kundalini affects our digestion. I have not looked into this specifically. I know of one person who could only tolerate rice for a long time. Don't know what ever happened to him.
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thank you for replies. i have a problem with beliefs. yet i feel i have a connection to a higher source, namely god. i guess i keep listening to that, and ask to be guided. also i have got recently huge energy bursts that it's difficult to be handled. now i'm like a pressure cooker with the water about to explode. so physical exercise, exercise.... the tiredness/sickness period is over for now. so funny. sincerely, Bear | |||
Hi Bear and welcome ![]() Exercise, exercise! That is the first key to solving things. The second thing is to watch your blood sugar level. If it gets low it can make you depressed or angry especially if you are not getting enough light. I have changed my diet to a lot of plant ruffage mostly raw with probiotics, no sugar, just protein and vegetable fats. No fruits or anything else that contains sugar. It is called a "low inflammation diet". And guess what ![]() ![]() Anyway Bear, low blood sugar can also cause a sever negative Kundalini attack ![]() | ||||
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Welcome back, Tucker! ![]() Yes indeed -- got to get the biochemistry right for things to work properly. I've tried a number of diets through the years and the only thing I can say with assurance is that too much junk food and alcohol is very bad for k. Allergenic foods, too. Beyond this, I think diet should be simply well-balanced, with a focus on whole foods and including a good mix of protein sources, complex carbs and even some fats. We need to give the body what it needs to function optimally, and I'm not convinced that a vegan/vegetarian diet is the way to go. Of course, if one is diabetic or trying to lose some weight, a low-carb, ketotonic diet might be good for awhile, but the body really does need glucose for energy, and turning proteins and fats into glucose takes extra steps for metabolism, with lots of stress on the kidneys. I lost weight with the Atkins diet, but my blood pressure went up, too, and I wasn't sleeping well. So, yes: exercise! That's the one variable we'd rather minimize as it's . . . work! But even here, we need to find the right kind of exercise -- something that works out the heart and keeps the body in tone without being too willful and depleting of energy. The general rule seems to be "moderation in all things." :-) | |||
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