The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello everyone my name is Naomi Carmichael and my family needs help! I have recently experienced and am in the middle of what you would call a "spiritual awakening". It came on spontaneously and I had to dig long and hard just to figure out what was going on with me. It has been about 3-4 months now since all that started with myself, I have just finished Phillip St. Romain's book, "Kundalini and Christian Spirituality" and would like to thank him so much - that book was a psychsaver for me! I would like to also say that I feel like everything is going as God has planned for me, I have experienced some Dark Nights as well, but they are less and less frequent now. The word PATIENCE comes to me every morning and helps me through the day. My concern as you can see in my title is my family. My father and oldest sister have been sick for many, many years, probably about 10-15 years now. They are both wonderful people and love God, but are very much stuck in the spirit-centered ego, and it has only gotten worse over the years for my sister. My sister is the one progressing spiritually and her illnesses only worsen. I am a nurse, so over the years I myself have tried to help her figure out the nature of these ailments, but I have always hit a brick wall- because nothing ever fixes things for her (western medicine that is). My dad who I will mention less - has very similar symptoms (slightly different) but has stayed stagnant in health and spirituality for many years now. Because of this relation, they both think it could be a genetic thing, but I now see it as spiritual. They were both the "pillars" of spirituality growing up, both of them always had a fire for God burning in them. As I mentioned above, we were raised in a pentacostal church where glossolalia and the laying on of hands was very common. Both my father and sister have had the gift of speaking in tongues, we have all had hands layed on us over the years. (I myself had a life-changing moment at age 10 when I was slain in the Spirit, I felt a wind when someone was praying for my sick mom and I ended up on the floor only to awaken minutes later startled out of my mind that I was on the floor) I have been trying to give you a little spiritual backround, and now for my questions.... maybe. When I think of where they are both in the ego-state, my sister will be farther to reach than my father. And it is her I am most worried about. She is even unable to get pregnant due to all of this, again, with no medical explanation (yes, her and her husband have both been tested). She has in the last year moved out of state, switched churches, and I am afraid is falling deeper and deeper into spirit-centered ego, she is so judgemental I can almost smell it on her when she walks in a room. I can look at her and tell she is uncomfortable in her own skin. But how do you tell someone that is so high on a spiritual ladder that the illnesses they have made a way of life around are caused by spiritual issues. She knows I have had a rocky road with God, I have searched for answers that would make sense to me ever since I was 14 years old. And nothing ever did, in and out of churches I would go... sometimes finding one I loved for a time and others were just a joke to me. No church really ever had the substance I was looking for, I can now see I was just looking for the God I knew existed somewhere. Some part of me "knew like I knew like I knew" that the God I felt was somewhere out there. Maybe my questioning and rebel attiutude is what finally got me my answers. But my sister has none of that, she believes what she is told... bottom line, sort of. And most of us are unfortunatly programmed that way from birth. When I present this information to her, she might try to pray with me to help flush evil out of me or something. Call me a new ager and laugh at the idea of chakra's and tell me kundalini is the serpent in representation of satan. It will probably be a while before my kundalini process is over. Is there any way I can help open her up to all this, or even help her physical symptoms with the new energy I can feel now? I am so sick of seeing these good people suffer! Please help! P.S. My dad's symptoms are in the "nerve centers of the stomach" as he calls it. I call it his 'solar plexus' now. My dad has even identified these problems with his nervendings over the years, but is clueless how to alleviate it all. Major digestion and stomach issues ensue, MAJOR throat and shoulder issues apparent also, and clinically depressed for over 20 years now. My sister, oh wow, where do I start with her. Well basically she has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is a term the Dr.'s out here like to use when they can't expalin pain or other things happening in the body. She has even worse digestion issues and 'solar plexus' issues than my father, she has reproductive issues as I stated above, and TMJ and other throat issues also. On top of everything she has to suffer through a migraine or 2 or 3 a week, and this has been going on for a very, very, long time. My sister does not associate meditation with prayer, she also sees it as a form of new age evil, I don't think she understands that Jesus himself meditated. But again, she has not done the research I have on old, mystic christianity and other religions. When I told her I wanted to know everything about our past religious history as a human race, she told me I better be careful, I shouldn't look too deep.... this is her mentality. So please help if you can! | |||
Welcome to the forum Naomi ![]() It's a big first post you've made there but do you want some help to stop you worrying about other people? | ||||
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Yes, welcome, Naomi. I'm glad to hear that my book was a help to you, but the way you write about "Spirit-centered Ego" has me wondering if you understood what I was saying about that. I consider that to be a healthy situation -- an Ego centered in the Spirit. Maybe the term "Ego" has you thinking I meant something else, but it's actually a great improvement over the narcissistic Ego. As Tarantella noted, you've posted quite a few concerns you have. You can always hold these before God in prayer, of course. Can you step back from it all and clarify to yourself where, specifically, you are called to be engaged in these problems and situations? | |||
Naomi welcome to the forum! I don't think anybody can you give you a simple answer to all these problems but maybe some of our thoughts will be of some use for you. In my work with my clients (I am a transpersonal therapist working with clients from all religions) I have found a clear connection between repressed anger and chronic pain and fatigue. Once the anger is recognised and replaced with a more confident and loving attitude the pain and fatigue disappear. I have seen it many times! But repressing your anger does not happen by accident. Usually, people are terrified about their own mind and the way you describe your sister she seems to be extraordinarily fearful. You can't force her to face her demons, she needs to come to this motivation herself. Therefore, all you can do is keep talking to her (gently!) and then keep praying for her. With your own kundalini awakened your prayers will be more powerful than before, so you need to be specially careful to have a pure motivation. Send pure love and healing to her and see her between the hands of Christ gently healing her. Let us know how you get on. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
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