The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I'm not having a "Kundalini emergency," but definitely an "arousal," lightly problematic. I began practicing a contemplative prayer technique, prefaced by about 15 minutes of work moving energy around in the microcosmic orbit, alternating for brief periods a few seconds with contemplation at the top of the breath and at the bottom. Only 15 minutes like that, then simple contemplation. The results were DRAMATIC, to say the least. I found this method at . On the plus side, very postive experiences usually of touching God in some way, "light" and so forth, and suddenly, my Reiki strength has increased by at least 10-fold. But on the other side, I feel my 3rd eye almost ALL the time. (It's not unpleasant, not pleasant, but sometimes distracting. A gentle, but firm PUSH within my whole head toward--what??) and it's like I'm getting really ADD. I've never had the best concentration, but it's ridiculous now. Basically anything other than conversation or humor or Spirit is so boring to me I CAN'T concentrate. I'm supposed to be polishing up my knowledge of some arcane computer systems at work, and I can't focus for a moment! Also, I get the feeling, that I'm being INVITED to something. Full awakening, I imagine. I'm partly scared to proceed. I guess I feel that I'm weird enough already. What will I be like if I just really go all the way with God. If this is God. I think it is, but they didn't tell me this in Sunday School! | |||
Jon, that's actually some pretty powerful energy work you're describing, even if, yes, deceptively simple. You're doing something akin to what the yoga people would call pranayama along with the microcosmic orbit, not to mention using a contemplative method as well. Your difficulty concentrating sounds like what I call "spacey head syndrome." It happens when there's just too much prana/subtle energy in the brain. Doing the microcosmic orbit for just a few minutes with normal breathing and a simple attitude of loving surrender to God might help to balance things out somewhat. Otherwise, just cutting back on some of these exercises might as well. The more thinking we do when there's a lot of energy in the head, the worse it can be. Try just looking and attending without doing a lot of reflecting. It's amazing that we can do almost everything without thinking, which raises questions on what thinking is about, really. Let us know if any of these suggestions help. Phil | ||||
Thanks, Phil. I'll give it a shot! | ||||
Jon The Holy Spirit brings simplicity and clarity - just observe with what simplicity and clarity the Bible is written. Try giving up fancy jargon to describe experiences and try to be SIMPLE AND ORDINARY. Try to live an ordinary life of personal integrity - being kind, compassionate, doing some selfless service - all stemming from a deep devotion to Jesus. That is what holiness and union with God is all about. Many of us I think make the whole thing very complicated by imagining mental acrobatics will get us closer to God. The ordinary mind, the ordinary life must be made divine by infusing it with the love that comes from God. After many years of grandiose spiritual yearnings, it is this insight that has brought me peace of mind. The path seems so simple and clear now. Of course the journey will last the rest of my life and who knows how my insights may be modified as I go along? But for now I'm sharing with you what I find helpful. | ||||
priya, I think your advice is a very good approach, in general. I heard Jon asking for feedback for a very specific issue concerning energy, and it's been my experience that these aren't always related to one's personal integrity, kindness, holiness, etc. The "jargon" we use to discuss some of these issues isn't your "everyday fare," either, I'll grant you. ![]() | ||||
Thanks, again. There is something which I forgot to mention, besides the 3rd eye sensation. If that's "spacey-head syndrome," then this is "Kundanarcolepsy." I have very sudden energy drops, and find I need naps almost every day. It began about the same time I started having the third eye sensation, and it persists even when I don't meditate at all. Any ideas? By the way, Priya, the Bible, "simple and clear?" Hmmm, some would question... I think I know what you mean though. | ||||
Jon, If I were you, I'd just get my body grounded as quickly as possible and knock off anything but light prayer and meditation. (I mean like 5 minutes.) It does indeed sound like you're dealing with kundalini energy and I caution you not to force any of it. Its just too dangerous. The energy will move on its own without your help. (Saying goes the energy has its own wisdom.) In my experience, part of the "rest" cycle, need for sleep, etc, drops in energy , is partly due to the body preparing for more energy to move through it. The subtle energy bodies need to be strong and strudy to have more energy moving down through the pranic highways and rest allows your conscious mind to get out of the way and the body to come into its own balance. (And your dreamlife to help resolve some unconscious blocks, I may add.) To ground, do things like walk around barefoot in the grass if you can somewhere outdoors, and even lie on the ground or sit with your back up against a big old tree. Soak your feet in salt water, or take a bath or swim (if possible) in salt water. Do some tai chi, karate, whatever, anythign where you use your legs in swift movement to ground without the kind of chugging breathework required in jogging, for ecxample. The deeply controlled breathe is better under such circumstances. Also watch your diets, sugar, carbs, whatever, can alter your body chemistry into the spacey mentality. Focus your mind for limited times and then take a break. Even as your work, you don't want the energy to settle to much in your head and through off your balance for too long. One good way to keep some balance as you do mental work is make sure you have something healthy in your stomach. THe best thing is to just go with the flow and get your personality and ego out of the way. What you want to avoid is any full scale kundalini awakening, because it can be so violent and difficult to get back into balance, and shoot energy holes into your auric field that will be difficult to repair. Hope some of this helps. Also, re the bible. I've found that the Holy Spirit does indeed add clarity to reading what once seemed pretty dense stuff. As I've moved more deeply into my Christian path, bible study can take on a mystical experience. | ||||
Thanks, Linda. I think the advice to do physically grounded exercise is good. Been riding my bike a lot this weekend, and that's been helpful. So this weekend, just feeling a pleasant tingling sensation sometimes, sometimes the third eye touch, but much milder. Also, re diet, this third eye stuff began making itself felt *immediately* after I became a vegan. | ||||
Wow, what is it about salt water? I definitely noticed a difference after doing some body surfing! Thanks for the advice, Linda. Is your Kundalini story up here anywhere? I'd like to hear more about it? | ||||
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