The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello everyone, I am new here, my name is Tanja! I came here because of some strange experiences that started to occur on December the 3rd! Something happened to me. I am not quite sure where I should begin. Because since that day it never stops and gets stronger each day that passes! Let me start from the beginning. On December 3 I was just doing what I always do. I helped my husband with promotion, I ate good and did nothing out of the ordinary. But coming to the point, in the evening of December 3 I was standing in the bathroom, as I suddenly felt a strange buzzing and vibrating sensation in my lower back area. Like it was coming from the base of the spine! It was feeling weird but I didn't think anything about it. So I went to bed. But then it got even stranger. The buzzing and vibration moved up my spine and I felt weird electric kind of liquid energy feelings inside my body moving around and resting in different areas. Like the heart, the forehead etc. This was a rather mild experience of it. But the days since then got stronger and stronger. The 3rd day after this experience I started seeing vision changes. I sometimes see colorful sparkles hanging in the air like little light beings, sometimes even moving around. But that's not all. Again in the night I started feeling the buzzing coming from the spine again and this time it felt like prickles and tingles and electric kind of waves hit me continuously throughout the days especially when I read something that contained truth. Spiritual things especially! Then one night I was relaxing as I suddenly saw with closed eyes purple whirls in front of me. Whirls that seemed to move into vision and out again and then it happened, that I suddenly got startled by a very bright flash of white light, all with closed eyes! It does definitely do something with my body. It seems to open blockages, as certain body parts sometimes release tension in the form of a blowing up sensation. I also started hearing inside my head a whistle kind of noise and a feeling of something pulsating and vibrating in my left ear that sometimes brings another noise that sounds like a deep tuned flute!Sometimes it even feels like a caressing cool wind is surrounding me. Especially while lying in bed. It seems with 3 thick blankets on top of me I shouldn't feel wind right? But there is definitely wind leaving my scalp and surrounding my body even though it's covered! You know it feels like my body is being transformed, by something that is intelligent. I mean people do sometimes imagine things, but this is not an imagination. I feel the movements of energy inside my body, I feel most of the times wind around my head and my body, even though there is no wind in the house. I have a sparkling dot in front of me all the times. It's there with open eyes and closed eyes. It's like it's burned into my vision or something. This dot does move. It looks like it's rotating with glowing and sparkling particles inside. When I close my eyes I see the dot in a haze of purple that looks some kind of like the eye of Nebula... Not exactly, but that what it resembles! But even more though, whenever I hear or read something that contains truth I get this sensation of an electric current like goosebumps from toes to crown of the head and when it reaches the head, my scalp starts sparkling like champagne and I feel like air is leaving my head. And of course the constant vibration and buzzing inside my body on different areas or in a total. What happened yesterday night was also spectacular. I was lying in bed trying to listen inside of me, as I suddenly felt like a tube of energy was pushed inside my left ear (It felt like something was literally entering my ear). It was buzzing and I could hear a river inside of me. I did not hear this river with my ears, it was more like I heard it from inside of my head. Then something happened. It felt like an electric jolt was passing from left ear through the brain towards the right ear, in that moment I felt a huge shock inside my brain, with a bright white flash behind closed eyes. The same moment that happened, I heard a very loud ping sound right beside my bed. It sounded like the lamp's bulb (which was off) short circuited! Very strange phenomenon. Thank you so much for the time reading my story and I wish you a great day! image Best wishes, Tanja | ||
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Hi Tanja. Welcome to the forum. What you describe certainly sounds like a spontaneous kundalini awakening. Glad to hear it's such a positive experience for you. Could you tell us a little more about yourself -- like age, spiritual practices, and anything that might shed light on the context for this awakening. I know this might sound irrelevant, but it would be helpful to understanding this process, which seldom just shows up out of the blue. Please keep us posted on how it's going. Thanks, Phil | |||
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Thank you for your reply Phil, I appreciate that! Before all this happened I certainly did not know anything about Kundalini nor that we have the potential to awaken this energy inside of us. A little bit about me: I am 28 years old, born in Germany (I am German) and my religion was always Evangelical. Even though I did not go to church very often. But I had experiences as child that let me to believe that there must be a god out there! He saved my life more than once. In a literal way... Maybe his angels and not himself, but still. I escaped serious injuries around the eyes more than once in my life. I also escaped a head trauma after falling from a small wall as kid, where I hit my forehead on the stone pavement... I always escaped just with some scratches! October 2012 I met my now husband online (He is music composer) and we somehow got connected over the distance from Los Angeles to Germany. I ended up moving to Los Angeles and married him. Before these happenings around December 3rd I slowly, slowly was introduced to my husbands religion. he is Jewish and we visited the temple and met with a Rabbi a few times. I was so moved by the ceremony in the temple that I nearly needed to cry. Something else happened in the temple, which my husband said never happened before. The moment we all were seated and stood up for the opening I looked at the table that was full with table candles, all flamed. And for some odd reason the flames grew bigger and a huge flame broke loose... They needed to calm the flames down with a bucket of water. This happened 2 times... Until the ceremony started and everybody was just focussing on the Rabbi. I also started reading the Torah after that and was interested in spirituality in general. Reading about energy work, Reiki etc. And then everything probably lead to December the 3rd. That is my little story of how I came to this experience! best wishes, Tanja | |||
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BTW. I just wanted to add something: I figured out that there is a sudden repeating pattern every single night now since a few days already and I still have no idea what it is, because I don't dare to open the eyes to actually check it out. What am I talking about? Well take this pattern and repeat it every night: 1. I start relaxing my body and my mind and just listen inside of me. 2. I start becoming aware of the river flowing sound inside my head with a combination of a high pitched whistle undertone. 3. Pressure on my left ear builds up in combination with a cool air current surrounding my head, especially focused on the left ear. 4. Pressure buildup enters my left ear including the air current. It literally feels like the air current is entering my head from the ear! 5. Crunching and cracking noises start appearing 6. I see a white blinking light appearing behind closed eyes 7. the moment I fall deeper into this and start getting aware of little dreamscenes building in front of me I suddenly feel 8. An electric bolt flashing through left ear, passing brain and going to the right ear. 9. Then I suddenly hear a very loud PING sound right beside my bed. It sounds like the bulb of my lamp short circuited, but the lamp is OFF. It also sounds like when a moth is inside the bulb somehow and crashes against the bulb glass. But much louder. I have no idea what it is, but everytime it happens now and it always makes me jump a little bit, because it comes so out of the sudden, without any explanation or warning. I am still trying to figure out what that is! So far it does not stop anymore. The electric currents and the vibration is on and off during the day and sometimes changes areas. Once I feel it active in my toes, then I feel it in my ear, then again I feel it around the left side of my head and sometimes I even feel it becoming active in my core! These are the nicer feelings of Kundalini energy. But I suspect that this is just a phase which is called "Freefall" a phase that does not cause pain, but is a phase in that new nerve connections are formed, which does not cause pains but feels rather strange and interesting at the same time! The growing phase is the phase in which pushing, pulling and muscle movements can be felt. That is the phase that organs get cleaned and blockages are getting removed and it can cause pain for short amounts of time! | |||
How do you connect your Kundalini experience with your other religious and spiritual experiences? What place are you know concerning your relationship with God? I'm asking because what seems interesting in your energy experience is that it seems to have a certain "purely natural" quality, I mean, non-religious. Apart from your remark that reading spiritual books causes energy shots. | ||||
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Hi MT, thank you for your response! As long as I can think, I always used to ask god to give me a sign, to talk to me or even show himself in any kind of form. I believe in god and that he is the reason why I kept save over all the years, of mobbing, physical pain etc. I don't know, maybe he heard my prayer? What do you mean when you say my energy experience has a certain "purely natural" quality? I mean I never ever experienced anything like it. How can it be natural if I never felt anything like it before? | |||
You might check out the discussion Kundalini and the Holy Spirit. By natural I mean not developping in the context of a supernatural love relationship with God, but emerging out of the depth of the soul. It doesnt mean this cannot or doesnt lead one towards God. Unfortunately, not everything natural feels natural to us, since because of sin we live ina deeply unnatural way.Often the unnatural feels natural. But you seem to experience kundalini as a power external to your self, which is quite common, since it transcends our everyday self experience. | ||||
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Thank you MT, But I have to correct you. I have to say before all this I did not even know what Kundalini was and that it really existed in all of us! But now I read a lot and I crave for more information just about this process and I came to the conclusion, that it really is a time that it doesn't matter anymore. People of all ages, stages of life suddenly are experiencing awakening of the Kundalini energy! I read El Collies Book and I have to agree that there are far more people with a rising Kundalini than we can count. Sadly enough most of them run to doctors and don't know what's hitting them! I am fortunate that I did not feel sick enough to make the same mistake. I felt that something was different and that it did not feel like a disease therefore I did only a blood-test and it came out clean! The reason for spontaneous Kundalini rising in today's time is the powerful incoming cosmic energies that transform the planet, and with these powerful energies we need to evolve, otherwise we would fry in the face of the new higher vibration energies! This is my point of view. It's not only people who meditate and are close to god who can now experience the rise of the Kundalini. But what I really don't like are people who claim they rose their Kundalini more than once in a completed circle! i don't believe we "need" to rise the Kundalini over and over again. I feel once it's active it doesn't stop anymore. Of course these people want a lot of money to participate in their courses... And people are falling for it... I just hope they know what they are doing. Because I know that every now and then Kundalini can become fierce and pain or discomfort can occur! I see it as a cleaning and transforming process. A process that brings us closer to spirit, that is for sure! - Tanja | |||
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Thanks for your posts, Tanja, and your contributions as well, Mt. Very interesting to read those 9 "steps" the process takes with regularity. There is so much mystery about this process, but its purpose does indeed seem to be about "cleaning and transforming," as you noted. You also seem to be aware of the diversity of literature on kundalini, and one reason for that is because its unfolding is somewhat different for everyone. Certain spiritual disciplines also seem to influence the movement of the energy -- chants, meditation, yoga, chi gong, etc. Earlier, you mentioned that you had developed an interest in "energy work, Reiki, etc.," which can open one to this kind of awakening. I hesitate to say more, as there's a certain innocence and purity to how you became open to this process, and how it's unfolding. It will be interesting to hear how it continues to go for you, and so I hope you post an update from time to time. What you describe isn't really very common, despite the impression given by the many books on the topic. Some people meditate and do other spiritual practices for years hoping to experience what you have, but they do not. I have some ideas about this, but, as I say, there is so much about it that is mystery. The one precaution I would share is to not get too involved with it; let it come when it will, and be attentive for the guidance communicated intuitively. To push too hard to try to make something happen is almost always a mistake, but learning how we do this sometimes is actually part of the inner guidance. | |||
Hi Tanja, I think your story is fascinating, and pure, as Phil says. I don't want to say too much other than I very much hear what you're saying about an inpouring of cosmic energy which is causing spontaneous kundalini awakenings as well as a host of energetic shifts and transformations on the planet. Over this year especially I've become aware of certain portals, certain times and occasions (including things like the equinoxes) when energy and light stream in affecting kundalini, bringing stuff to the surface, providing great insight into purpose, connection and the way things are unfolding on earth. I've connected with many wonderful people experiencing this, and there seems to be a lot of awakening happening. My own understanding of who am I, why I've experienced certain things, and what I'm here to do has been revelatory. We've hashed this all out before at shalomplace, so I'm not particularly keen to get too involved in a debate about it. It's something only the individual can intuit. I only mention it to put your awakening in some sort of contemporary context, hoping that it might help. Certainly the most important thing is to take care of yourself, love yourself, allow it to unfold naturally. Everything will become perfectly clear to you. I still love Jesus very much, but my path has taken me beyond Christian orthodoxy. He's certainly involved in this, and he may draw you to himself like a mirror, to show you how wonderful and expressive of God's love you truly are. You may connect with angels and guides. You may be drawn towards religions faith or not. Who knows? It will certainly be a remarkable journey and I really do wish you well. It's exciting! Many blessings, Stephen | ||||
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Stephen, I don't really have a problem with any of that, but you must admit that it's all quite esoteric. I have similar insights and intuitions as well, and find them intriguing. But I don't get much involved in speculating where this all leads. It's surely a good example that there's "much more going on than meets the eye," but I believe God's providence as worked out through Christ is at the heart of it all, so that's where I keep my focus.
"Beyond" as in "disagreement with"? Orthodox Christian teaching pretty much affirms anything worthy of affirmation, so I'm not sure what you mean, here. | |||
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Phil, you are so right with this: To push too hard to try to make something happen is almost always a mistake, but learning how we do this sometimes is actually part of the inner guidance. That's why I don't try anymore to work with the energy and trying to influence it's movements. Yes I agree in the beginning I was interested in energy work and I liked the idea of moving energy through the body. But as soon this experience started to manifest itself in the form of shaking and buzzing in my tailbone, I was immediately put off of all practises! That means I learned to let go in the moments when the energy was surging through my body. I have to admit, that a few days ago the symptoms were not that rosy as it may seem. in one night I was lying in bed and was observing all kind of symptoms and sensations. It went kind of like this: The energy build up in the lower abdomen, it felt like energy waves 1 by 1 came up from the root area and infused my abdomen. It nearly felt like light rays were scanning my abdomen. After that I felt my stomach bloating and bubbles of energy moved from left to the right. It felt like literally balls of dense energy were crawling through my body. This was a repeated pattern from December the 3rd on. After that like 4 days ago it changed and since then I can feel different parts of my body activate and buzzing and vibrating. During the day I feel 5 seconds on buzzing on the left big toe, then it's off... then it's on again and so on and so forth. This kind of vibration and electric currents are now the new normal for me, I feel them most likely the whole day. In the beginning phase however the energy collected in the body and went simultaneously into both arms. It got denser in the ankles of my elbows and then the electric current went over both sides the same time, repeatedly. It was so strong this force that my elbow ankles started hurting... With each current it got more painful. in this case surrender is the only way to get through this! But I could not do it for a longer time so I moved my arms and the moment I did this the pain was mysteriously gone! this happened 2 nights in a row and then one day during waking hours I felt it started again and I just let it do what it needed to do. The moment the pain on the right arm started I suddenly felt a huge blow up sensation in my right thigh and the pain in the arm was gone! That shows me that there was a blockage and the blowing up sensation was a release of a blockage! I felt this blowing up sensation already a few times in different areas. Once in mt thyroid (Throat) and once in my heart. Where it was not pleasant it felt like the heart was exploding from internal... But after these painful and not so comfortable experiences I now can feel the buzzing, vibration and I always hear a river kind of noise in my head in combination of whistle sounds. Sometimes the whole noise drops and there is an eternal silence, which is surprising because it shows you how much noise there actually is when you can hear the whistle and the river. A sudden drop of these noises and an extinct deep low flue tone appears then and after that the noise starts all over again! What I also realize is that during the day my temperature is really unpredictable. Sometimes I am so hot that my bones feel like on fire. And then a few minutes later I feel a chilling wind current around my head and it settles on my body and it becomes so cold that nothing... Really not even a hot shower warms me up! The feeling of air literally caressing my body, face etc. is very interesting. I mean here is not wind in this house, all windows are closed and yet I can always feel a subtle wind around me! Plus whenever I read or hear something that resonates with the energy and truth I get a huge surge of liquid and electrifying energy up my body and through the crown, I can literally feel the sprinkles on top of my head that feels like a fresh glass of champagne! These are my experiences so far with Kundalini and yet I believe it is just the beginning. I read a lot as you can see and I know from a Kundalini teacher that the real infusion begins with the spinal sweep. The first flow of Kundalini without any blockages in the way through the spine and to to the head. So strong that it can't be mistaken with anything else. He told me that I will know for sure when this happens! thank you all for your posts so far! I appreciate that! - Tanja | |||
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Hi Tanja, Lots' going on with you, for sure. I think it's very good that you are able to surrender to the process to allow it to do what it needs to do. I don't know if surrender to God is part of your practice, but that's how I deal with this as well. "Grounding" practices are also helpful at times when things begin to be getting unbalanced. This can be as simple as taking a walk barefooted, or just being outside, and any contact with nature. We have a discussion on helpful practices for integrating the energy process. - see if you haven't already visited the page. Thanks for your sharing. | |||
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Phil, I came to the understanding that Kundalini and the Holy Ghost is one and the same thing. Therefore surrendering to Kundalini means to surrender to the Holy Ghost and god himself! I feel that this process is very divine! I will definitely check out the link that you posted! Thank you! - Tanja | |||
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Tanjeria, we have a discussion on kundalini and the Holy Spirit as well. It may well be that in many cases they are intermingled, but I don't think they're synonymous. Kundalini seems more about cleansing the body/mind to integrate higher consciousness while the Spirit is our loving, energetic experience of God's love. Much, much more discussion about all this on that thread I mentioned. | |||
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