The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello Phil and all: Phil, I am thoroughly enjoying your book "Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality", again for the third or fourth time as I am smack dab in the middle of my own awakening and your material is helping me prepare. You mention during the Crown phase that among other things, anything "competitive" caused pain, referring specifically to watching the St. Louis Cardinals which you loved. Is this still the case or can you take in a game or two? I am concerned because this is something my son and I take great pleasure in, but with hockey. It is sad for me to think that this special connection we have had for many years would dissolve because of something I'm going through. Thank you! Bill | |||
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Hi Bill. Anything that generates emotional stress can be problematic to some degree, and that surely includes competitive sports. I can watch sports and enjoy doing so, but usually I don't care who wins or loses. If I'm a little bit more disposed for one team (as I am for the Lakers in the NBA finals this year), then that makes it more fun. But if I become emotionally attached to my team winning, there can be headaches and other problems. An amazing dispensation from this seems to be with LSU football. It's just impossible for me to watch without really rooting for the Tigers, but it seems I pay little consequence for doing so. Why that is, I have no idea. Maybe God roots for LSU, too? ![]() | |||
Hi Bill, when I read your post, I resonated deeply with your anxiety whether you'll be able to watch the games with your son. My great personal lost is music - due to the opening of the crown in April I'm not able to listen to the music much. It disturbs the energy somehow. It's true for any kind of music - baroque as well as Madonna - unfortunately. I used to love going to clubs and dancing with my friends (I still do I guess), but I'm oversensitive to noise and music itself interferes with k. But from time to time I can listen to some music - I was at Mozart's opera a week ago and I managed to enjoy the three hours almost without pain. I learnt to be a singer few years ago, so it's a bit ironic. And when I experience strong emotions, stress (like Phil) my brain aches. I also miss drinking alcohol, because it repulses me now. I hope it'll change some day, but now I just accept it as it is. I believe God doesn't take anything from us unless he wants to give us sth better or the same thing in a better way. Phil, I noticed that when I'm hungry I have a strong nausea and other unpleasant sensations. I used to be able not to eat for hours, without side effects, and now I have to eat every three hours or so, because otherwise it feels really bad. Do you think it might be caused by k too? | ||||
Thank you both for the insight! I understand what you're saying and this has eased my anxiety about losing this special connection my son and I share. Mt: Funny you say that about missing alcohol, I was heavily into it myself a few years ago, for a few years, what started out as casual weekend partying just kept spiralling downward, and almost ruined my marriage. Thank God I had a spontaneous intervention. One day I just woke up and had totally lost the urge, the taste, everything about the drinking just vanished overnight. What a welcome change!! That was two years ago when I was just starting in my awakening. So, I know exactly what you're talking about! I do not miss one minute of it. We still do things with those friends and relatives, and they still drink, but I take along my baggie of iced tea mix and am not ashamed at all to sip my tea while they bomb away. It's actually quite funny to watch them... Anyway, thanks for the words of advice guys, that was a real concern of mine. God Bless, Bill ![]() | ||||
yeah, I know that alcohol can be a disaster. I haven't had inclination to get drunk often, only occasionally a bit. I don't think I could exaggerate with it now, so I wonder what's the purpose for this 100% non-drinking in my case. Maybe this is a phase. And about relationships, frienships etc. I think it can be a test for a frienship or bond with someone, if we change - because then we have to look for what really binds us together. usually, when the bond is strong, there's no risk of losing it, but I know the anxiety. It might be, however, an impulse for frienship to grow, I suppose. | ||||
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Mt, I wouldn't know, as I eat all the time. ![]() Re. alcohol -- I can drink moderately, and pretty much always have, as I begin to feel ill if I drink too much too fast. I brew my own wine (it's good! ask w.c.) and have a glass or two daily, usually with meals. When I begin to feel high, I back off, or slow down, as what comes next is too unpleasant. Music is still a loss. In my younger days, I listened to the radio and accumulated quite a collection of records, tapes and CDs. Now I have a lot of them on iTunes, and I do listen to one or two from time to time. Things get royally messed up all over if I listen for too long, however. Why? I'm not sure. Music obviously touches us at a very deep level, and it's always someone else's trip, too, isn't it? So maybe there's some kind of compatibility issues at stake, or maybe the limbic region of the brain just can't take much stimulation any more. It's a loss, as I say. Humming, singing, whistling, playing guitar, etc. are no problem, and I almost always have some kind of music going on. In fact, that's one of the ways I know I'm in a good place; there's spontaneous singing or whistling going on. Sometimes, too, I think there's a kind of guidance in this music, as it changes through the day, and can even include oldie-goldies. This morning, for example, there was Sam Cooke's "bring your sweet lovin, bring it on home to me." I'm not sure in many of these songs whether it's God singing to the soul or vice versa. But, OK, "bring it on home . . ." ![]() ![]() - | |||
Along these lines, I'm most curious as to how we can "blend in" with the masses. Phil, are there times when something happens spontaneously and you zone out or start weeping in public? Does this cause a lot of weird looks your way? Does this make you feel uneasy, do you have a cover story? I'm trying to understand what the condition will look like whenever I get there and I'm talking mainly about being in surroundings not privately; work, shopping, son's soccer or hockey games, pumping gas, county fairs.... anywhere there are a fair amount of people. I am nowhere near you two as far as awakening, I believe I've finally cleared Heart Chakra just weeks ago, but I have problems when I don't eat fairly regulary. I used to be able to go many hours wothout eating with no problems, but now the hunger seems to come on quickly and hits harder almost forcing me to eat. My diet does have plenty of room for purification, but I'm headed that way slowly, maybe after I get there the pains won't hit so hard. Also, how many people close to you have you told about the awakening? And how do you tell them? "Hey, I've opened the crown chakra and have become one with the universe?" Phil, VERY INTERESTING, I'm a home brewer too! My wine making has tapered off considerably since the activation, I never really cared much for the stuff I made anyway preferring beer (besides the fact that I can make concord grape wine for about .07 per bottle ![]() ![]() Blessings, Bill | ||||
Boy, I sure can relate to the hunger/ nausea strikes. I had forgotton all about this! I went through a period ( maybe several years?) of experiencing sudden, intense hunger pangs that would literally wake me up in the middle of the night. These hunger pangs were different in that they were mixed in with a shot of nausea, very unpleasant, as Mt. describes. I remember my brother, with whom I lived for a year during that time, told people the funny story of his strange sister who needed to break out the cookware at 3 am. ![]() Seriously, it was disturbing how this hunger hit me. I did become more practical when I began to leave food on my bedside table so I could just roll over to eat when the agony struck. Just a few bites of something would make the pain go away instantly. The worst of it seems to be over, but once in a while, I'll still be awakened by this hunger/nausea attack early in the morning. It never occurred to me that it was k. related, but now it makes sense in light of the other k activity going on back then. Hang in there, friends. Bless you, in Jesus' Name! | ||||
I think it might be k related. I've never had it before. About music. Few days ago during a mass, just before Sanctus, suddenly I heard sounds internally. I was like a choir or organo, very sweet and penetrating, it was just a repeating chord I guess, nothing very complex. It's been happening since then, and yesterday there was also a gentle cascade of sounds, like sparkling stars falling down kind of sounds. Is it k? I didn't hear it before. It's not continuous, just from time to time. | ||||
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Astronutski, I think my life must look pretty ordinary to others. There's no weeping or falling apart, and I don't slip away into trances or anything like that in going about my daily business. I don't watch much TV nor am I conversant about all the programs offered these days, and that shows up when I visit people. Also, I do take my leave for morning and evening prayer times, but my family's known of this for years and think nothing of it. That's some really cheap wine you're making. I get my bottles free from the sisters in Great Bend, and that keeps cost down. Yes, it's a good hobby in that it allows one to work at it without much pressure. The results are good, too. ![]() | |||
Thanks Phil, > I think my life must look pretty ordinary to others. Awesome! I was having slight anxiety over anticipating the day to day life and if the "open connection" made you stand out in any way. It would be nice to have a low profile. I too don't watch TV, save a few hockey games and Discovery nature type shows. Funny about LSU, I hope I have the same luck with the Penguins ![]() Sorry for this OT here, but... I had the fortune of working with a guy who also had 30 acres of concord grapes, a "side" business. He allowed me to go through after the pickers had done their thing in the fall (there is always a lot of missed grapes at the ends of the rows). So, free grapes! And depending on the crop if the sugar content was high enough I would only need to add minimal sugar, that and the yeast was the only real cost involved ![]() ![]() ![]() Free bottles from another coworker and I'm set. Recently I've switched to using champagne bottles though because you can just cap them, saves a ton of money over using the corks. ![]() Sorry for going way off topic. Thanks for all of the wonderful replies! Many Blessings, Bill | ||||
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