The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Over the last year after my initial awakening that was very sudden, although I believe it from God from prayer certain things came with it and to this day I til struggle for reassurance the lord gave them as gifts. Seeing auras is pretty useless and I am not sure if it is part of discernment. being able to feel peoples auras from a few feet away is equally useless so far but i can just write that off as physical stuff of no concern. what bothers me is this; A few months ago I started seeing the colours of auras inside people not external but inside in the chest area. A few weeks ago in a thread about guessing what the person above you is like I started concentrating on the person above me and was able to see some things about them in my mind particularly their facial features. Things like earrings came to mind too, just random things like a chip in the tooth etc. This was kinda freaky, though I thought to myself if this is true then the lord knows what he started in me. I was not concerned until I read about divination in the bible now I am of 2 minds about all this. It all started after i asked for prophecy as a spiritual gift. Any ideas guys? can you pray about it and ask god for an answer for me? | |||
Hi again, Chris. I think you have to be careful not to get into 'sampling' and testing out supernatural powers. It is cool and interesting at first to discover the world of perception is so much wider than you ever knew. Feeling/ seeing energies is not the point of the journey, as you know. Although it is reassuring to know you're not the only one who has experienced paranormal/ supernatural phenomena. Also, the gift of prophesy is different, I think, than what you're describing. I'd like to reflect back to you the same scripture you posted from Philippians on the other thread about keeping our mind on the pure and holy things of God, to be led by the highest principles. You don't have to go searching for what that is typically, as the people and responsibilities right in front of you are requiring your love and dedication. | ||||
If you recieve a spiritual gift from God it has one purpose to build up the body of Christ. Its not for self glorification but is others focused. The test is does it draw you closer to god and increase your walk with Jesus. Most of all. any spiritual gifts from the holy spirit want you to help others turn from sin and life without Christ. I am trying to work out how mine fit into that. There is a job somewhere for it. Now how do I serve the lord on this way? | ||||
Hi Chris, Yes to your last post on the purpose of the spiritual gifts. Prophesy is the gift of speaking God's Own words to others. What you are describing, however, in your opening post is a kind of ordinary, run-of-the-mill clairvoyance. This is a supernatural phenomena, not necessarily, probably not at all, related to the development of any actual "spiritual gift". A spiritual gift is literally given by God, as you note. Seeing auras, seeing other people's chakras, seeing into other realms, clairvoyance, astral projection, all that is within the realm of the supernatural--what human beings can do apart from God! Phil has a good presentation somewhere on the Spiritual Gifts as well as a good book on the topic, I think. About using that supernatural information to relate to others, it MAY be of some benefit to them or not at all. It may even harm others. There is risk because the supernatural 'world' is as broken as the natural world as are our faculties with which we process these worlds. A true gift of prophesy, speaking God's Own words to somebody, would NEVER harm them. Now, God is obviously permitting this to unfold in you, and I can very much relate to your good heart, puzzlement, wanting to make sense of it in terms of God's call, etc. When this sort of thing happened to me, I made the classic mistakes of being pulled hither and yon and jumping to 400 different conclusions about how special I was and how I would immediately 'use' this for God. What happened to me, and what I hear most Christians share, is that all of that energy stuff either disappears entirely, recedes so far into the background of your awareness that it is negligible, or is more and more integrated into one's bona fide calling to love others. What helps most people undergoing energy transformations seems to be: getting spiritual direction, being surrounded by mature Christians, reading the Bible, getting good information, prayer--God will feed and teach you where he wants you to go...for me, I had to grow in patience during a process that takes a l-o-n-g, long, t-i-m-e... and it's still going on... ![]() Anyway, you may already know all of this and I may be misunderstanding your opening post, so forgive me if I come across as too 'preachy.' God's love be with you, ShashaThis message has been edited. Last edited by: Shasha, | ||||
Over the last year since it started the closer to God I am and sin free in my life the more prevalent it all is. If i drink alcohol it all goes. No more Auras. It's been like a reward thing for being close. At first it was strange then I began to enjoy it all. Thne one and only use it has all had is in my search for you guys (fellow Christians that experience this), I ended up in new age and spiritual message boards talking to people who strive for these awakening experiences. I have told so many that seek an experience that the glamor things from the third eye pale into insignificance compared to a baptism in the holy spirit. That by far is the most awesome experience i have ever had. I got slain in the spirit a few months ago. I had no idea what it was when it happened. It happened at a faith healing thing. words cannot express the euphoria and pure joy a filling of the holy spirit is, its like love being crammed into your every part til you are full. All those third eye things are cool but pale into insignificance by comparison. In saying that they are also very complimentary and its its own reward to have both but The Holy Spirit foremost. | ||||
Well, hi Chris. So glad to hear you feel good about finding us! Last night I read your sharing about being Baptized in the Holy Spirit. So this morning, during my Liturgy of the Hours, I thought of you when I prayed this: God and Father, to those who go astray you reveal the light of your truth and enable them to return to the right path. Grant that all who have received the grace of baptism may strive to be worthy of their Christian calling and reject everything opposed to it. [We make our prayer] through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. BTW, there is a thread on being slain in the Spirit. If you are interested and don't find it, let me know, and I'll dig it up for you. Peace! Shasha | ||||
Mary said, 'My being proclaims the greatness of God, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.' Surely, we can say: "My kundalini-awakened being proclaims the greatness of God, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior." I was thinking this this morming at mass while I buzzed, lit up by the unctions I was realizing at the moment; at the unctions that were blessing me by their presence within me -- a presence that brings me a deeper sense of intimacy when I experience them. That deeper sense of intimacy, in turn generates a deeper thirst for all things God. We are endowed with free will, and we can use that will to focus on the Lord -- to focus on the Lord with our whole being. So when and if that focusing overflows via body sensations, then the first great commandment is being in some wonderful way -- realized! It's a wonderful gifting. It really is. As for me, I need all the gifting and help I can get. I appreciate and thank God that He blesses me so. | ||||
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