The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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Hello All, 3 months ago a started meditating and i think it was the first or second meditation that i got spasms, makeing wier noises& faces & pains in the body that on various places. It was later that i found out about kandulini and that a lot of the symtoms and experiances i read on the internet where exactly as i experianced them. The positive benefits i got from meditation is that i seem to see the moment and the world more like it is, I seem to vibe with people a lot better and i just feel good. I too stopped smoking and drinking without efford. Some "bad" experiances that stood out where: a real bad pain in the chest till the point i had problems breething and walking (like a heard attack(also sypmtom of kandulini))3 days ago and the feeling of wanting to do wierd dances and other extreme movements. Till so far everything alright. The question i want to ask is, considdering the symtoms this really looks like kandulini to me but i always read that the basis of kandulini experiance has a lot to do the spine, energie trough the spine and so on. Out of all the symtomps that i have i feel really nothing in my spine. Is there someone who can elaborate on that and tell why this is and wether this is normal and if i should do something about this? An other question i have is, if this is kandulini, considering that kandilini is a jearny you go trough with a end, is there any way to estimate where i am right now? Thanks for answering. | |||
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Welcome Onnos, You got some good advice above from Bliss, and I hope you take it. If the symptoms become too bothersome, you could just cut back on your meditation time. What kind of meditation practice are you doing? | |||
Hi guys, Thanks for the advise, the meditation i do is the Roy Masters meditation on tape. Next to that just sitting still in a room and try to see whats real, experiance what i realy experiance, trying to see/feel as if i am in myself instead of seeing myself if that makes any sense. Sometimes when i feel thoughts or emotions i try to observe them but at the same time try to place them in the real perspective and in the now. During meditation but i also try to do this during real life. Is this what you mean by purity BlissInTheHeart? I meditate rather exesively the last view months because the experiances i had really seem like they do something for me in the sense of being more real, stable and clear. (not that i used to be unstable) I think this isn't a disolusion because i realy experianced all these symptoms before i read about them on the internet. Next to that they only appear when i'am alone and "ready" not in public or anything. If anybody got any thougts about this i'm verry interested. | ||||
Hi, Onnos, Welcome to Shalom Place. I'm glad Phil asked you what kind of meditation you were doing, and I'm glad you told us it was Roy Masters. I had never heard of him before, so I Googled him, and one of the first things I came across was this video: How To Survive Roy Masters Part 1 Seems like a lot of people have had bad effects from this form of meditation. Part 2 is specifically about problems with his method of meditation: How To Survive Roy Masters Part 2 | ||||
Hi Derek, I really dont recognise myself in this youtube video. I think she is an extreme case that went "wrong" somewhere. I did roy masters for one month every day 1 time sometimes 2 times a day. The last 2 months i almost never do the roy masters meditation and meditate like described above. He have has a lot of influence though and he is the reason why i began meditating and became interested in religon and saw the connection between religon and reality. Before i begun meditating i read a lot of Jung, Ayn Rand, Socretes, Nitsche, Social dynamics RSD and a lot of things in this area. Roy masters really has a lot of these guys in them, and i havent find a fold in him jet. If someone is interested: This guys has a lot of other videos about different toppics if anyone likes it i can give some of these videos as well. By accident i came on a book about "gnosis" 2 weeks ago. I read it and it had a lot of simularities with Masters too. | ||||
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I watched where Roy Masters explains his method in just a couple of minutes. It seems to be a form of awareness meditation -- just observe, don't analyze, let the thoughts pass through, etc. -- similar to vipassana and even some of the dynamics of centering prayer. Nothing wrong with any of that, imo, as it can help one to live more fully in the present moment and "be attentive," which is the first movement of consciousness. Of course, Christian spirituality would also take things to another level -- to be present in faith, open to God's love. And we have no problem with inquiry, reasoning, deciding, etc., though that's more appropriate for active forms of prayer like lectio divina. It doesn't surprise me, Onnos, that you say you feel more real and in touch with reality from this form of meditation. Daniel Helminiak recommends something similar in Meditation Without Myth. I think these kinds of practices can help one become more aware and less caught up in attachments and projections. They can also help one experience our natural connectedness with others, and even a sense of wonder and appreciation for beauty. When one begins to do a non-discursive form of meditation like this, it's not uncommon to find energy flows within shifting about, as the usual patterns of consciousness are disrupted. Perhaps repressed material is shaken loose and allowed to "pass through." One can even feel this happening in the body. This is not yet kundalini awakening, however. So, as I noted above, you could just cut back on your meditation time if it seems too much energy gets stirred up. | |||
Hello and welcome Omnos, Since you said you quit drinking and smoking,and have started meditating, I am wondering if your body might be going thru some withdrawal and/or unwinding. Katy | ||||
Woow this really makes me wonder what a real kandulini awakening must be like, i'm gonna do more research ![]() I dont think that these things have to do with any kind of redraws from smoking or drinking, I wasn't a reeal excessive drinker or anything but it really works, i really even become to dislike drinking and even MDMA which i used to take every 3 months or so doesn't didn't really appeal to me the last time. I can really recommend roy masters for everyone Also the experiances i never experianced as anything negative or frightning or anything. Just intrested in your guys perspective. Thank you guys for taking the efford to to reply. If i would want to experiance real kandulini is there some guided or unguided meditation your guys would recommend and wrong meditations you have to watch out for? | ||||
Gudge not for thei gudge theiyself :P you cant deny that woman can be a little evil somtimes ![]() Its really not the statement that someone makes, its the reasoning behind the statement that you can decline or accept as treu (brain). This together with you impressions about the way it is told (feeling). brain&feelings, Redsnake&bleusnake, Adem&eve. The soul is the counsiousness behind the 2 snakes. We got both snakes in us and we need both feelings and brain. They can work for you or against you depanding how much they allighn with god (reality(real reality)). When you think about sex you feel horny but when you feel horny you think about sex. Whether you think about drugs, feel sad, angry watever, you feel, you think, you act. when the feeling didn't align with truth (god) in the first place, the outcome of the act will be negative (even though it may seem positive when someone is disilussioned), you get a negative personality (which may seems "positive" in a desillusioned western society). Jesus is in the hart of every human (countious) as is the devil(ego/desolution). When your personality is negative (not like it is suppose to be according to human nature(be like children:jesus sayd)). Contious will chase you, you feel bad and outside distractions become verry appealing (because this enestitises your countious and you can denie whats going on(Devil)). God will chase you the devil pulls you. Abraxis. This is where meditation comes in play. Feel one with god and look the devil in the eye (emotions & thoughts that are unpure) without going allong whit its pulls. :P This is my perception of what masters is teaching, and it seems to work. Some people may feel strong resentment about reading this but in my eyes its not desolusionative but indeed verry real. It may be a whole new topic altogether but enyway, if it seems interesting i reccomend the link in the first post. Is there any guided or unguided meditation to awaken kandulini, or a meditation that i really have to watch out for? | ||||
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Onnos, you can find a lot of sites about this on the Internet. My general counsel to anyone is to make union with God your spiritual goal and let these energies and processes adjust accordingly. | |||
Onnos, in what you write about k arousal I sense something that might be called experience-hunger. I have (been) struggled(-ing) with this vice for over 10 years now. I don't speak only from Christian point of view which is, obviously, quite critical towards a search for experiences. Also in the classical Hindu tradition there are warnings against desire for the siddhi, spiritual powers. If you look for something more than bliss, feeling good or interesting things, you should know that experiences come and go and have nothing to do with the deep awareness of those states, the root of our subjectivity. If you look only for excitement and "supernatural" stuff, I must warn you that it might turn out very painful and destructive in the end. You might read some posts here from people who had horrible kundalini experiences and couldn't recover from that. Kundalini is fire - it's better not to play with fire or not to try to make a bonfire in the middle of your living room to see if interesting things gonna happen... | ||||
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