It must be Thanksgiving where you are...
Thanks for taking a look, Phil. Ryan had also emailed and said that he had recently been experiencing similar sensations in the forehead region and that he would also be interested in commenting.
My questions to every one:
Do you experience and pressure in the forehead region, about a little above the eyes? If so, how long did this persist for in your case?
Was it accompanied by what could be called "telepathic" communication? Was it possible to confirm these communucations? If these telepathic communications proved to not be confirmed, than does this mean the imagination/fantasy is playing games with the mind? How does one reconcile this (at times?)fantasy(presuming "telepathy" is a form of fantasy) with that actual feeling that one is feeling something from a distance? For example, as soon as I "add reply" here I usually go outside and feel some very specific things: clarity, at times peace etc. I wouldn't necessarily call this "imaginary/fantasy." It is one of the positive effects of this "pressure in the forehead." Moreover, this feeling (or flow?)is felt in the entire front of the body. Many times, my suspicions about people prove to be accurate, but they themselves are not aware of their own unconscious flows! That sounds ridiculous and dangerous, as well. So I would like to know if any one feels these "vibrations" at the forehead and how they integrated them with a "true" self?
A couple of days ago, I wrote about the way I have dealt with them (in the "Spiritual experience" thread). I try as much to do my work as best as I can and not to take interest in the forehead experiences although they effect me all the time. I do connect the feelings with the moon. When I pray, something seems to balance and there are no problems with this center. I connect this to an experience of the deeper "self."
To circle back to a main question: how do you experience this center and how do you integrate it into the deeper self, or what Phil and others call the "true" self. Is the forehead center connected solely to the unconscious and psychic aspects, or does it have another importance in the healing process? Many people connect it to clarity; but in my case, this is not there--only there periodically when energy flows from down from above the crown. These psychic faculties must have dark/light sides--both of which have to be integrated with the deepest self--in the heart (it seems to me). That if the heart is dysfunctional and the third eye active one could seriously go mad...without the opening in the heart, there can be no clarity in this center, it seems to me, and hence no illumination of the "Holy Spirit" or peace from above the head. Of course much of this sounds new agey, as it is written. I do believe in God, of course. In some higher power, as I stated. I do think that there is a lens of sorts over the third eye which defracts the higher light on the unconscious--and perhaps brings up a lot of personal issues? I think what I mean by a lens, is the "unconscious" until it is purified is lens on the third eye. This lens takes the light and defracts it and often the image is not clear because of this lens. The lens becomes clear as the heart is opened and as the light from above decends into that center and into the body. Do you know what I mean by a lens? Do you have advice re: physical activities, etc. which may help to diminish this pressure on the forehead? What do you think the forehead pressure is saying to a person when it is there?