The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I wanted to raise a few issues, ask one or two questions, waggle a couple of eyebrows on that old chesnut - Kundalini and sex. I'll try and be frank without getting too salacious. Maybe I'd better say first that I am single and celibate and haven't had sexual relations since the K awakening. Obviously, I have been attracted to women and get the feeling that one or two have been attracted to me (why? I don't know). I am also familiar with and obedient to traditional Christian moral teaching on fornication, adultery and masturbation, although I do lapse occasionally with the latter (something I am not overly burdened with or guilty about). Anyway, I am concerned with two things. Firstly, having experienced a degree of sexual chemistry between myself and some female friends, I note, quietly and dispassionately, that Kundalini energy is aroused in the process. When the chemistry is strong, the K is strong, often triggering a heightened psychic awareness about the person I am attracted to. This usely happens when I go to my rest at night. So, how then would K react if the relationship is taken to a more physical level? I can't see K working on any moral ground, corresponding to any moral objection to fornication. Also, how does K react in a more committed, stable relationship? My second concern, and this is perhaps more of a worry to myself in the light of any relationship I may have in the future, relates to the psychic attacks that some of us experience with K. It seems to me that when sexual energy is heightened and dissipated in the weakness of the moment(you know what I mean, right?), there is, at times, a related psychic/ astral oppression. Again I don't think this is any kind of moral judgement on one's behaviour, just a matter of energy getting mixed up at astral levels. But how? And do you think a loving, healthy sexual relationship acts as a block against such interference? Is psychic attack just part of the K process at various levels, including sexual? One more thing. I have noted that, in the past, when I was a little more dissolute and also frequently engaged in certain yogic and taoist techniques, including the jen-mo technique and the cat/cow posture where the muscles of the perineum are expanded and contracted in the course of the movement, that such exercise seemed to attract outside astral energy into my body. Does anyone know anything about this? I realise I have asked a lot of questions but I do want to stress that, to the best of my ability, I follow Christ and the church's teachings about sexuality. My concerns are more along the lines of what will happen if I ever marry. Feel free to open the discussion out beyond my own concerns. Stephen. | |||
Stephen, here's a paragraph from my book on kundalini that seems relevant to this topic. There are many practical consequences that follow from one's interpretations of the relationship between kundalini and sexuality. At one extreme, as we have mentioned, are those yogis who believe in conserving the reproductive fluids, and so advocate celibacy. This position would be especially logical if one believed that the fluids themselves were being recycled to nourish body tissues. Gopi Krishna takes a less extreme view, maintaining that celibacy is required for one or two years early in the process, after which time moderate sexual activity is permissible. Then there are those who use Tantric, sexual rituals to transform sexual energy to higher states of consciousness. Finally, Lee Sannella and Mike Milner, who have studied kundalini from Taoist and Hindu approaches, have told me that moderate sexual activity undertaken in a spirit of love will not set back the kundalini process. This latter position has been my own experience; it is also most compatible with a Christian view of sexuality in marriage. This is indeed a complex issue, as you've noted and as the paragraph above suggests. Now 13 years after I've written the above, I can say that it still holds true in my experience, but there's no doubting the strong correlation between the k and sexual expression. As in so many other areas, one must pay close attention to the process while discerning what's appropriate at any given time. Living within the moral norms of Christianity might not be sufficient; sometimes a period of abstinence might in order, for example. Let's keep going here and see how it goes. Perhaps there are links which could also be helpful. | ||||
In traditional Carmelite teaching, and secondhand from Father Keating, I have been tought that the security center is attacked first, bringing on the spirit of dizziness. This manifested for me in inabilty to make decisions around finances and time management or even simpler things such as what to order at the restaurant. Next came the spirit of fornication. In spades. Spiritual people are sexy. There is a powerful draw. I get approached almost daily. I spent alot of time repressing, which does not work. Spent some time indulging, which led to a destructive relationship and involvement in a twelve step program, and lately I try to dance with the serpent and just feel the thing and let it pass while acknowledging that it is going to be there sometimes. It's a real problem without a simple answer. As for the spirit of blasphemy, (phase three of the Night of Sense) I have studied Wicca, Native American, Buddhist, Hindu, Shamanism, atheism, agnosticism and liberal Christianity in the last few years. Even read some Crowley. I guess it all works through when it all works through. Thank you for the postings ![]() michael <*))))>< | ||||
Stephen, if you're still around, how about sharing a response to this feedback. You started off the thread and people have taken the time to reply, so it would be good to hear what you're thinking about all this. | ||||
Yeah, thanks for the replies and sorry about the delay. Since making the original post I've kind of been backed into a corner regards the subject of sex and K. I realise this is all very personal but, given that I am single, with the whole K/psychic attack thing going on, I find that any fostering of sexual thoughts brings on those same psychic attacks. My original concern was that sex within marriage would bring similar problems but, like everything else in life, all those worries have to be handed to God. I really do feel that the loving energy shared and built up between couples in the eyes of the Lord is sanctified and powerful and therefore I should not be unduly concerned. How it will work out with me will become clear in due time. As I said, when I am attracted to a woman and there is some sort of energetic connection between us I find that Kun is aroused, not in any great way, but aroused nontheless and I note that Kundalini is an essential part of tantric sexuality. On the other hand, when I allow myself to harbour darker sexual thoughts, when no energy is shared but, dare I say it, I become more predatory, then, as mentioned, all sorts of dark spirits and occult assaults take place. Only one answer for this - Holiness!! I'll have to think a little more about what w.c. said. I don't quite think it works for me but what I need to do is be aware that every part of me, including sexuality, belongs to God and is in the presence of God, and is occupied in pleasing God, and is occupied by God etc, etc . . . | ||||
Reading over this I wonder if I am being terribly naive. Holiness is no guarantee that everything is going to come up a bed of roses. This energy and these attacks are so unpredictable and complex. I note that any energy input, regardless of its purity, stirs up an opposite and decidedly unequal reaction. So will love conquer all? I have this intuition just now that things are beginning to heat up for me. Its based on some incredible experiences I had during the first K awakening which, like every other strange occurance at the time, was probably precognitive. Anyway, that's a digression. Let me know what you think about what's been said. Some sort of sharing of experiences relating to these matters might be good. | ||||
Stephen, I am new here, and having read through this very interesting discussion, I am curious, very curious, by what you mean by the psychic attacks which you mentioned. I have had my own experiences of this nature, and would like to hear yours. Thanks. Joan | ||||
Hi Joan, Nice to hear from you. Could I refer you to a past topic on the Kundalini Forum (Kundalini and Psychic attack). It goes into things in more detail and you will probably have to sift through some of the stuff to get a grip on things. Basically a psychic attack is a demonic or black magic attack on the body/mind/psyche usually carried out at an astral level. It involves energy field pollution and energy manipulation. Some of the symptoms of an extreme attack are mental disturbance, invasion of dreams, sleep paralysis, unusual bodily tensions, feelings of an evil presence, feelings of dread and a lot more besides. Some attacks can be mild and are carried out unconsciously; others are deliberate and severe. | ||||
Welcome, Joan! I'm glad you visited and I hope we hear more from you. Stephen, I'm not sure what to say. You're right when you allude to the unpredictability of this issue. In general, I do think moral living/holiness helps to balance the energy, but I don't know if that will safeguard completely from some of the kinds of attacks that you and others have described. It seems to me that faith in Christ, Baptism, reception of the Sacraments and other practices that root us solidly in Christ ought to deflect some of the demonic kinds of attacks you allude to, but perhaps there are things going on that are of a more natural level than occult/demonic. Thanks for dropping in again and updating us on your situation. Keep us posted on how it goes. | ||||
Hey Phil, Just wondered what you meant when you said things may be going on at a more natural level. Are you talking mentally, sexually, or what? Maybe I am being a bit obtuse. And, when all's said and done, I do believe that holiness and clean living act as safeguards against these things at some level, atleast when it comes to the demonic. Black magic is a little more random. | ||||
Stephen, by natural I meant that some of the phenomena you describe might be attributed to biochemistry, problems in the nervous system, unresolved emotions in the unconscious and similar issues. I think psychic harassment could also belong to a natural/metaphysical level, although grace ought to provide a degree of protection. I don't think faith or holiness provides complete relief from pains coming from those kinds of sources; that's what I was referring to. | ||||
Yeah Phil, I see what you mean and agree with you, especially regards the nervous system. I think demonic and occult energies actually exploit these natural weaknesses, hooking into emotional blockages etc, adding another layer to the natural problems and pains we all own. I also think that worshipping God in spirit and truth fills up these holes and contributes to inner healing, blocking demonic access somewhat - the Holy Spirit doing his job! | ||||
Aye. ![]() Stephen, I'm curious to know how you discern the difference between an attack originating from an external entity and a flare-up of repressed energies in the unconscious? Both appear to come at the Ego "from the outside," and both can even take on a kind of "personality" (as in unconscious complexes or alter-personas). These repressed, alienated aspects of self would be expected to manifest any time there is an intensification of psychic energy--as in stirring up the K through meditation or even sexual arousal--especially if one's unconscious defenses have worn thin through spiritual practices like meditation. I'm not trying to foist this interpretation on you here; just trying to understand how you would distinguish an occult/black magic assault from one originating in unintegrated aspects of the unconscious. Or do you see black magic stirring the dark side of your own nature? Perhaps others who read this might comment as well. | ||||
This is a question I've been asked by doctors,psychiatrists, ministers, priests, friends etc and I guess its quite hard to answer. I would probably have to go into a lot of my history to give a satisfactory response. All I can say for now is that the personality behind most of the black magic attacks I get is so distinctive that its hard to miss, especially if you've known the person delivering it. They come with a written postcard saying, "From Me"!! I mean I've experienced weird unconscious energies working in me and there is a difference. I suppose its about experience, discernment, certainly there's something more than intuition involved. Occasionally there's an internal voice giving you a running commentary on what's going on. Over time you just learn to differentiate. Some attacks are veiled and masked so that you question what's actually going on; others are just so darned obvious and their symptoms so unique that they are clearly distinguishable from de-stabilising unconscious energies. Timing is important too. I've talked with occultists over the net or person to person and then received what was so evidently an attack on the psyche that same night. And then ofcourse there are dreams. So often demons and occultists appear in dreams and obviously manipulate their content. I dreamt recently of two dark, energetic, malevolent spirit figures who approached me and tried to get inside me. In the dream I put up a barrier of lead and started to say the name of Jesus and they were unable to penetrate. One of them then touched my hand and I went into a sleep paralysis which I shook myself out of, only to wake up feeling absolutely filthy. I mean you should have seen these guys. Buzzing with energy, black, so quick in their movements, just so obviously some form of malevolent spirit. I know its hard to convince people of these things when they haven't experienced them themselves. All I know is that the difference is pretty clear. If I think of anything else I'll get back to you. I kind of had to write this in a hurry as I'm in the process of moving house, but I hope you get something from it, Stephen. | ||||
I am in no immediate danger of becoming healed in this area, so anything I type in here is bound to be skewed by my own flawed perceptions. Spirutual traditions, for the most part, seem to advocate confining sexuality to committed relationships and/or committment to the Way or the Path. This assumes we have a choice and the power to choose and act wisely and prudently. (not prudishly) REALationships with God and others is my most difficult struggle. Traditional Christian thinking about the body, sexuality, the feminine and whatever dark powers may exist seem to me to be an obstacle to sane and spiritual practice. Do you think the way Christians have chosen to view these things has become self-defeating and created more of the problems we would like to be free from?? michael <*))))>< ![]() | ||||
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