The Kundalini Process: A Christian Understanding |
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I wonder how people deal with knots in the chakras. I've come to the conclusion that much of my k troubles stem from a knot at the throat, and the realisation that this is quite a complex thing to unravel. My solution, the one I feel most comfortable with, is to simply abandon it to God, allow him to work through how and when he likes; to surrender and, most importantly, guard the heart. Some energy seems to by pass into the third eye and crown, and this often allows a truly lovely, silent non reflection. But really, I'm finding that the best course of action is to follow a traditional Christian spirituality based on my total childlike dependence on the Father, and a union with Christ in his suffering, where every sinful impulse is brought to the cross and crucified. Every other spiritual experience grows and develops from these two foundational attitudes of the heart, including kundalini issues. I had come to a place of despair, striving for release, but have seen my joy and peace restored through total surrender to the Father's embrace and Christ taking on the suffering of the world, although the tight knot at my throat remains and my neck often swivels to release it (not completely of course. No "The Exorcist" spinning heads here). Still, I'm interested in people's experience of these psychic knots and how they managed to deal with them. | |||
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It can be difficult! I've had something in one of my right ribs going up into my right ear for years. It usually happens after a period of excessive mental strain, but not always. Sometimes there's just no knowing why it happens. As you note . . . just to surrender it, and try not to force anything, is most helpful. Sometimes I just hold it all in awareness before God's loving light and let it be. That helps. So does physical exercise. A good long walk, or a period of work outdoors can do wonders to balance and smooth things out. | |||
Hi Samson
This is a small glimpse of the movement into non-duality that is the hallmark of the Kundalini experience. Going up the spine, then neck, then back of the head before curving inwards to the inside of top of the head? Not always being fully aware of the progress of the feeling? | ||||
Kundalini highlights all the knots in our chakras. Everybody has these knots but before kundalini we just live with it because we are quite numb, so to speak. But the hightened energy of kundaline makes these knots more painful or uncomfortable. The general guide-line is to think about the topic of the chakra (love for the heart, communication for the throat etc.) and work through any issues around that topic. For example, I used to have severe heart pain. I dealt with the loneliness and relationship issues associated with the heart chakra and once they were resolved the heart pain went away, I started to feel much bliss in the heart chakra and I also fell happily in love (and still am). To support this chakra opening process there are many visualisation techniques that can be done like seeing a flower opening etc. Also yoga or tai chi etc are very useful to get the energy flowing. All these issues can worked through more quickly and thoroughly by deepening your relationship with God. However, speaking as a therapist I do not think that devotion to the divine is all it takes to losen these knots. My experience is that one also has to look at one's personal issues. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
Thanks for the replies! Yes, kundalini certainly highlights these knots, and in general I agree with Tara about addressing issues underlying blockages. But doesn't interpersonal connectivity mean that certain issues lie out with our control? I feel much happier in a place of surrender, giving this particular issue to God daily, and allowing it to unravel in small, slow stages, in accordance with the light I'm given. Tarantella (from Italian meaning female Tara? ![]() These glimpses are often a distraction, the Ego's way of saying "look what I can do for you". Childlike surrender to God is the safest haven. Any non dual experiences can be enjoyed and welcomed but from the peace of the Father's embrace. | ||||
Hi Samson I respect your opinion and my reply is not directly to you. Just for anybody else who is reading this I would like to point out how important it is 'to stay the boss' during all our weird and wonderful kundalini experience. We ourselve need to give meaning to our experiences and if we assign power to anybody or anything outside ourselves (other than God), we are asking for trouble. The more 'reality' we assign to 'others' the more real this will become and the more we will be at the mercy of outside forces. This is NOT a good idea. The Buddhist advice on this is very clear: every inner experience originates from our own mind. We can recognise the influence of God by its health-giving effect. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
no, no, not about actual health - more in a broader term of 'bringing goodness into our life' - mmore love, more insight more happiness. In terms of physical health: some saints take on diseases from others out of compassion. They can actually do that. Others simply align their physical suffering with the suffering of Christ to liberate beings who suffer. Both practices you can find in Christianity and Tibetan Buddhism a lot. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
If you have a physical problem you should always get checked out by a doctor and do as they tell you. If you support that treatment with prayer, loving kindness meditation and work on the associated chakra than your healing will go much faster. Generally speaking, from a Buddhist point of view, all our illnesses and problems come from ultimately from our mind and our faulty attitudes and beliefs. These beliefs produce emotions and the emotions produce knots in the chakras if they are repressed and distortions if they are expressed. So, all our problems are accompanied (not caused) by knots and distortions in our chakras. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
Tara, does this open the door then to blame oneself and others for their own illness. There are new age belief systems that suggest this type of thing and there is lots of that blaming going around. As i look at the lives of the Catholic Saints, some of these dear loving people die at very young ages. Some with great great suffering. Little Flower at one point thought of suicide the pain she was experiencing from TB was so great. It doesn't stand to reason that they were creating their own illnesses through their thoughts, beliefs, & mind. The bodies of some saints do not decay which suggests to me the purity of their bodies. In fact i heard that one, at least, smells of roses/flowers. Yet they suffered so greatly. Thought i had things figured out till i heard that some pretty evil people have also had their bodies not decay. So i scratch my head at all this mystery. Any thoughts on this? Thanks Mary Sue | ||||
Mary Sue if someone uses the teaching of body/mind connection to blame people and inflict pain on them, it is not done with love. It's the love that is most important in how we talk to each other. If we speak from love we can communicate about the body/mind connection as a way to empower each other, for example, by saying: you yourself have the power to make a positive difference on your health without pills and needles and more pain. About New Age thinking: the New Age originated from the theosophical movement from about 130 year ago and so. In essence it originated from Madame Blavatsky who claimed to be in telepathic connection with Tibetan Masters. Much has been distorted throughout the last 100 years but this explains that some New Age ideas and Tibetan Buddhism look alike. However, the main question is always: how much love is in these teachings because without love they are useless. About Little Flower: I read in her biography that she wished fervently to die even at a young age and to leave the 'exile on earth' behind. When she discovered that she had TB she was overjoyed. Whether her wish to die and her actual illness are connected is not for me to say. I also know from reading many books about Catholic saints that many of them wished to suffer for others and rejoiced in their illnesses. But you can see from these examples that things may be far more complex than simply 'blaming' people for their illnesses. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
Tara, I really appreciate your sharing on these issues. I had a real issue with the teachings of a Science of Mind minister. I finally got a hold of the head of the religion to address my concerns. He affirmed what i had suspected. She had some distorted beliefs that she was passing on. The set of DVD's I saw about Little Flower did not mention her wanting to contract TB & die young. I find this disturbing. Would you say that these other Saints who want to suffer for others & even rejoice in it are somewhat similar to Tibetan Boddishivas (sp) Peace Mary Sue
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Hi Mary Sue a bodhisattva is defined as a person with great love and wisdom who works for the best of all beings. The decisive thing is the combination of love and wisdom as only love or only wisdom is not good enough. Everybody who has this love and wisdom in a bodhisattva in Buddhist terms regardless of their religion or background. Whether these saints were at that level or not I can obviously not tell. But I have read wonderful biographies of Catholic saints who were hugely advanced. The Cure d'Ars come to mind, Padre Pio or Brother Andre from Canada and many more whose names I cannot all recall. Tara - find more help for kundalini problems on my website | ||||
If I were God and loved you very much I'd rather you practised non-duality first before being plunged into non-duality for 6 hours a night which can be terror itself to the uninitiated and put you off for years making any progress there. | ||||
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