Has anyone ever heard of a kundalini awakening following an epidural shot to the lower back/spine?
I know a woman who has suffered a host of strange pains/symptoms since an epidural shot for back pain. She has been having non-stop stabbing head pains, jaw pain, some chest pains, muscle twiches, naseau, left leg swelling and numbness. She's reported energy rushes prior to awakenings, and a few dream-like out of body experiences. She is extremely labile with rapid mood shifts and crying spells. She's had panic and anxiety symptoms and suicidal ideation owing to the unrelenting pain. There is no significant psychiatric history or other identifiable precipitants. While there are other medical complications, most notably a recent thyroidectomy, they don't account for all symptoms. All medication attempts to eliminate pain have failed to produce relief and she's an enigma to her doctors as these symtoms seem to be completely erratic and unpredictable.
When I suggested a kundalini awakening and discussed some of the symptoms/signs, she could relate to the physical one, but not the others.
Any thoughts/reactions as to whether this sounds like a k. process?
That's really hard to say, Shasha. If she already had some kind of k stuff going on and had an epidural, then I'm sure it would have an effect. We know that different kinds of food, drink and medication influences the process, so I'm sure something as direct as an injection in the spine would as well.
Eating less carbs and more protein -- especially meat -- seems to tone down the process, so she might try that.
She might want to try to find a medical doctor who is trained in acupuncture and is aware of how the k process works. I have found that acupuncture helps to balance the energy when it has the tendency to 'go wild' and thereby reduces pain of all kinds; especially good for headaches. I was fortunate enough not only to find a medical doctor (former surgeon) trained in the traditional Chinese method of acupuncture, but who had also gone through a k process about 30 years ago. A pure act of grace!